重点 (Top highlight)
Moving beyond the rollercoaster of excitement and controversy Apple has been in for the last week, there was one thing in the WWDC keynote that stood out for me. One thing I really appreciated seeing. There is something special about Apple’s commitment to privacy.
在过去的一周里,Apple 超越了激动和争议的过山车,在WWDC主题演讲中有一件事对我来说很突出。 我真的很高兴看到一件事。 苹果对隐私的承诺有一些特别之处。
Despite the amount of articles, podcasts and controversies around privacy in the last five to ten years, it feels like little of importance has been said or done. With a few exceptions nothing really moved, we are just deeper in the trenches, more resigned towards change. The only meaningful adaptation we’ve seen from the Big Tech has been akin to greenwashing. Big Tech learned to talk like privacy is important, but hasn’t actually changed their services.
尽管在过去的五到十年中,有关隐私的文章,播客和争议颇多,但似乎人们几乎没有说过任何重要的事情。 除了少数例外,什么都没有真正动弹,我们只是更深入地思考,更乐于寻求变革。 我们从大技术中看到的唯一有意义的调整就是绿色清洗。 大技术学会了像隐私一样重要的谈话,但实际上并没有改变他们的服务。
Facebook makes privacy the user’s problem — their main response to various controversies has been adding privacy toggles anywhere, allowing you to customise who sees your updates. Ironically, the Facebook’s privacy problem has never been so much the people on the platform, but the Facebook platform itself. This is akin to a fashion or soft drink giant making the ecological impact of their products the user problem. Is ‘privacywashing’ a term?
Facebook使隐私成为用户的问题-他们对各种争议的主要回应是在任何地方添加了隐私切换,从而允许您自定义谁可以看到您的更新。 具有讽刺意味的是,Facebook的隐私问题从来没有像平台上的人那样重要,而是Facebook平台本身。 这类似于时尚或软饮料巨头,使他们产品的生态影响成为用户的问题。 “隐私清洗”是一个术语吗?
In this whole mess, Apple stands out. They are contributing something meaningful to the privacy debate. Something that seems subtle and unexceptional, but after a few of these WWDC’s with ‘privacy updates’, becomes really clear. Apple is employing something, that I’ve come to call a user-centered approach to privacy. Here’s what I mean by this.
在整个混乱中,苹果公司脱颖而出。 他们为隐私辩论做出了有意义的贡献。 看起来有些微妙而平凡的事情,但是在其中一些带有“隐私更新”的WWDC之后,就变得很清楚了。 苹果正在采用某种方法,我将这种方法称为以用户为中心的隐私保护方法。 这就是我的意思。
欢迎来到以用户为中心的隐私 (Welcome to user-centred privacy)
After user-centered design, a definition might look something like: User centred privacy is an approach to privacy where designers focus on the needs of the user on every step of the process.
在以用户为中心的设计之后,定义可能类似于: 以用户为中心的隐私是一种隐私保护方法,设计人员在流程的每个步骤上都将重点放在用户的需求上。
Once you adopt the approach of being user-centered, things become simple. There is really just one law governing this approach to privacy. And in context of privacy today, it’s a controversial and radical one, with far reaching consequences. That one law is:
一旦采用以用户为中心的方法,事情就会变得简单。 确实只有一部法律管辖这种隐私保护方法。 在当今的隐私环境中,这是一个有争议的激进主义者,其后果是深远的。 一条法则是:
Privacy is what the user expects privacy is.
Not what a given app on the App Store or website thinks privacy is. Not even what Apple thinks privacy is. Just what the user expects. This has consequences, most notably:If I (user) don’t expect an app to be tracking a specific behaviour and it’s tracking that specific behaviour, the app is in the wrong — it should tell me about it or give me a choice before I commit any of my data.
不是App Store或网站上给定应用程序所认为的隐私。 甚至没有苹果认为的隐私。 正是用户所期望的。 这会产生后果,最明显的是: 如果我(用户)不希望某个应用程序正在跟踪特定的行为并且正在跟踪该特定行为,则该应用程序有误 -它应该告诉我有关信息或在选择之前给我一个选择我提交任何数据 。
As of iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur, Apple will let users know about the data collection practices of a given app. They call this a ‘nutrition label’ for data. This let’s the user make the choice before they give any data up. It seems they will also block web trackers.
从iOS 14和macOS Big Sur开始,Apple将让用户了解给定应用程序的数据收集做法。 他们称此为数据的“营养标签”。 这让用户在放弃任何数据之前做出选择。 看来他们还将阻止Web跟踪器。

We see Apple experimenting with different approaches here, and it’s likely they’re just staring out and seeing how their ecosystem might look with user-centered privacy in mind. See more information on their Developer pages.
我们看到苹果在这里尝试了不同的方法,很可能他们只是盯着眼睛,看看他们的生态系统在考虑以用户为中心的隐私方面的样子。 在其开发人员页面上查看更多信息。
For me, as a product maker and designer, the takeaway of this approach is this: it’s the customer, who ultimately holds the definition of privacy, not me, my company, or my third-party providers. We all feel this intuitively when we’re customers. That’s why most tech people use ad blocking plugins.
对我而言,作为产品制造商和设计师,这种方法的外在之处在于: 最终由客户来定义隐私的是客户,而不是我,公司或第三方提供商。 当我们是客户时,我们都会直观地感受到这一点。 这就是为什么大多数技术人员都使用广告拦截插件的原因。
But as makers, we seem to immediately forget. Adopting the user-centered approach, our job becomes to educate the user to our privacy practices and give them a choice, when they expect to be given a choice. Or change our practices where they’re dishonest.
但是作为制造商,我们似乎立即忘记了。 通过采用以用户为中心的方法,我们的工作就变成教育用户了解我们的隐私惯例,并在他们期望被选择时给他们选择。 或者在不诚实的地方改变我们的做法。
I’m taking this approach with me and using it intentionally on all the work I’ll do from now on. It takes privacy out of the realm of politics and opinion and into the realm of design, where it can be measured, iterated and improved upon.
我正在采用这种方法,并有意将其用于以后我将要完成的所有工作。 它将隐私从政治和舆论领域带入设计领域,在这里可以对其进行度量,迭代和改进。
Hi, I’m Milosz Falinski, the author of this post! I consult mission-led startups on finding product-market fit and maximising positive impact they have on the world.
嗨,我是Milosz Falinski,该帖子的作者! 我咨询特派团领导的初创公司,以找到适合市场的产品并最大程度地发挥其对世界的积极影响。
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翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/what-can-apples-user-centered-approach-to-privacy-teach-us-about-making-privacy-accessible-e5555a27c03f