It was 8:40 AM in the morning. I woke up from the bed as my subconscious memory reminded me of the team meeting at 9 AM to discuss what I am working on.
早上8:40。 我从床上醒来,因为我的潜意识使我想起了上午9点的团队会议,讨论我的工作。
8: 45AM: Turned on my lappy. It takes a heck of a time to get started and have all applications open (along with Figma).
8:45AM:打开我的马裤。 开始并打开所有应用程序(与Figma一起)需要花费大量时间。
Now it is 8:59 AM.
现在是8:59 AM。
If you are a Figma person and a large team of designers, you know how there are many files for browsing. The reason for this can be — everyone publishes their work for review and files from your draft. Also, files from the community for inspiration. And other design inspirations from the internet, more and more files. So, when it comes to finding that one file from the grid of drafts or projects, it takes a moment or more. Search is available but sure you might not have an interest in going for it always.
如果您是Figma的人员并且拥有庞大的设计师团队,那么您就会知道有多少文件可供浏览。 原因可能是-每个人都发布其工作以供审核并从您的草稿中归档。 另外,从社区中获取灵感的文件。 以及来自互联网的其他设计灵感,越来越多的文件。 因此,当要从草稿或项目网格中找到一个文件时,需要花费一会或更长时间。 可以进行搜索,但请确保您可能始终没有兴趣。
I hope, you find a file using the file’s thumbnail snapshot reference that you saved in your brains. The amount of working memory might not be in your favor always. So what’s the solution to find my file that I am looking for at 8:59 AM to start presenting at 9:00 AM meeting.
希望您使用保存在大脑中的文件缩略图快照参考来找到文件。 工作内存的数量可能并不总是对您有利。 那么,找到我要在上午8:59查找的文件并在会议开始于9:00 AM的解决方案是什么?
So, there’s a problem to solve, right?
Figma’s preferred way to show you files is by displaying a snapshot from the file content. You remember it most of the times and that fades by increasing the number of files. You might wonder, why some content-rich websites use a grid pattern to present content?
Figma显示文件的首选方法是显示文件内容的快照。 您大多数时候都记得它,并且随着文件数量的增加而消失。 您可能想知道,为什么某些内容丰富的网站使用网格模式来呈现内容?
您应该在这里了解一些深层次的知识。 请参阅此研究文档,了解恢复中断工作的上下文 。 (There is something deep you should be knowing here. See this research document about Restoring the context of interrupted work.)
Coming back to my problem. How to find my file with ease? May be by having a good thumbnail for every file that I can remember among the bunch of files. So, how can I achieve it?
回到我的问题。 如何轻松找到我的文件? 可以通过为我可以记住的文件堆中的每个文件保留一个好的缩略图。 那么,我该如何实现呢?
From the research I made among my pals who use Figma, most of them said they remember their files by names. They try to recall it in case they need to use a search. So my thought here is to create an awesome file cover that shows up name along with a color of choice.
从我对使用Figma的朋友进行的研究中发现,大多数人说他们记得名字的档案。 如果需要使用搜索,他们会尝试重新调用它。 因此,我的想法是创建一个很棒的文件封面,以显示名称和选择的颜色。
I thought of creating a plugin that generates a cover page for each file that you work on. Here is where you need to go for getting more info about how to create plugins for Figma. I do have a little programming knowledge, I created it using plugins API made available by Figma. At the end of this article, you can find some links that can help you get started on how to create a Figma plugin.
我想到了创建一个插件,为您处理的每个文件生成封面。 您需要在这里获取有关如何为Figma创建插件的更多信息。 。 我确实有一点编程知识,我是使用Figma提供的插件API创建的。 在本文的结尾,您可以找到一些链接,可以帮助您开始如何创建Figma插件。
- Open any file that you are working on. 打开您正在处理的任何文件。
- Launch the CoverPage plugin. 启动CoverPage插件。
- Enter the cover page text, select a color, and hit the ‘Create’ button. 输入封面文字,选择一种颜色,然后点击“创建”按钮。
- The plugin creates a new page at the start of the pages list for your file that shows up as a cover. 该插件会在页面列表的开头为您的文件创建一个新页面,该页面显示为封面。
Its simple to use and for now with basic preferences to create a cover. I started using it for myself and did some testing too and now It is ready for the launch. I published my plugin with a good banner along with a write-up. It will take 3–7 business days for the Figma team to review and approve it. You need to wait for an email that says your plugin is either approved or rejected.
它易于使用,目前具有基本的偏好来创建封面。 我开始自己使用它,并且也进行了一些测试,现在它可以开始了。 我发布了我的插件,上面写着一个很好的横幅和一篇文章。 Figma团队需要3至7个工作日才能对其进行审核和批准。 您需要等待一封电子邮件,说明您的插件已获批准或被拒绝。
Wait…..wait…..wait…..🙇🏻 🙇🏻 🙇🏻♂️️️
and here comes the approval mail and the plugin is live. You can find it here
批准邮件和插件就在这里。 你可以在这里找到它
You might be wondering how this small plugin made the change for me. Here is the before and after the scenario:
您可能想知道这个小插件如何为我带来了改变。 这是该场景之前和之后的情况:
I will come up with more ways of customizing the cover in the next version of this plugin. You can find the current version here
在此插件的下一版本中,我将提出更多自定义封面的方法。 您可以在这里找到当前版本
Check out this plugin in Figma and let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas around it. Here are some resources to get started if you have an interest in plugin development:
在Figma中查看此插件,如果您有任何建议或想法,请告诉我。 如果您对插件开发感兴趣,这里有一些入门资源:
Thanks a ton.🙏🏼