lynda ux
I often get asked “What is the right path I should take to get into UX?” and more often than not, I do not have a direct answer. I usually ask a lot of questions about their background, before assessing their current skills with the things they like and what interested them in UX with my own knowledge in the industry. Then I give them an answer that is personalized to that person. However, the more I get these questions from strangers, the weirder it feels. It feels more like I am interviewing them for the job on the spot. They also seem confused, as if they wanted a simple response, and I, unfortunately, do not have one to give them. But I continue to ask the questions and occupy their time for the next ten minutes because giving them an evaluation on how to get into the industry is much better than my honest response.
我经常被问到“ 进入UX应该走什么正确的道路? ”而且我常常没有直接答案。 我通常会问很多关于他们的背景的问题,然后再根据自己的专业知识评估他们当前的技能,以及他们对UX感兴趣的东西。 然后,我给他们一个针对该人的个性化答案。 但是,我越是从陌生人那里得到这些问题,那感觉就越怪异。 感觉就像我正在现场采访他们以找工作。 他们似乎也很困惑,好像他们想要一个简单的答复一样,不幸的是,我没有人给他们答复。 但是我继续问这些问题,并在接下来的十分钟里花时间,因为给他们一个关于如何进入该行业的评估比我诚实的回答要好得多。
But, If I had to answer in complete honesty, I would say:
There is no defined track on how to get into UX.
I have met people from all sorts of backgrounds and career paths and degrees happily working in user experience. UX is a pretty new career path. Colleges are still trying to create robust, accurate curriculums to match the growing demand of UX designers.
我遇到了来自各种背景,职业道路和学位的人们,他们在用户体验方面很高兴。 UX是一条相当新的职业道路。 高校仍在努力创建健壮,准确的课程,以适应用户体验设计师不断增长的需求。
When I went to school, UX was just becoming a thing. I remember going to my guidance counselor and saying “What does UX and UI mean? What’s the difference?” he asked me “What do you mean?” And, since I didn't know how to explain it well, I told him that I saw an article about it online being the best new design track. He was curious so he asked me to pull the article up on my phone. We both looked at the article in confusion before we both gave up. And to make the story more fun, this was 2015 at a top design school.
当我上学时,UX只是一种东西。 我记得去咨询指导老师时说过:“ UX和UI意味着什么? 有什么不同?” 他问我“你是什么意思?” 而且,由于我不知道如何很好地解释它,所以我告诉他,我在网上看到有关它的文章是最好的新设计轨道。 他很好奇,所以他要我把这篇文章放在我的手机上。 在我们都放弃之前,我们都困惑地看了这篇文章。 为了使故事更有趣,这是一所顶级设计学校的2015年。
But here we are.
I came from a graphic design background. But, I have worked with people who have backgrounds in; development, teaching, psychology, biological research, journalism, music producing, farming, construction, pest control, sports, and industrial design.
我来自图形设计背景。 但是,我与有背景的人一起工作过。 开发,教学,心理学,生物学研究,新闻学,音乐制作,农业,建筑,害虫防治,运动和工业设计。
And I don’t blame them. UX is a lot of fun and its super unique. Combining design and art with research and data and human psychology is such an exciting unique combination that I am surprised there are not more UX designers at every company.
而且我不怪他们。 UX非常有趣,而且超级独特。 将设计和艺术与研究,数据和人类心理相结合是一种令人兴奋的独特组合,令我感到惊讶的是,每家公司都没有更多的UX设计师。

Whatever background you are in, there is a place for you in the UX world. There are lots of UX roles that I will do another article about later. But here are a few skills you might want to brush up on before applying to a UX position
无论您所处的背景如何,在UX世界中都可以找到适合您的地方。 我将在以后的另一篇文章中介绍很多UX角色。 但是,在申请UX职位之前,您可能需要掌握一些技巧。

码 (Code)
Just a basic knowledge of code will do! Can you change the color? Great. You do not need to know how to develop an entire website by yourself. I get asked this a lot. I have worked with a total of two people in my 7 years in UX that knew how to code well enough to make a website from scratch.
只需具备基本的代码知识即可! 你能改变颜色吗? 大。 您不需要知道如何自己开发整个网站。 我被问了很多。 在UX的7年中,我与两个人共事,他们知道如何编写足够好代码以从头开始创建网站。
I myself took one code class in college and called it quits after that. The knowledge I took from that class is pretty simple; what a line of code looks like, what do each part of the line of code mean, what part of the code do you need to use to find an issue, how do you change a color, add text, add an image or create a navigation menu. That is the extent of my code knowledge, but it is enough to help me understand what I can and cannot push the development team to do.
我本人在大学里上了一门代码课,然后就说退出了。 我从那堂课中学到的知识很简单; 代码行是什么样的,代码行的每个部分是什么意思,发现问题需要使用代码的哪一部分,如何更改颜色,添加文本,添加图像或创建代码导航菜单。 那就是我的代码知识的程度,但这足以帮助我理解我能够做什么和不能推动开发团队去做。
It's enough to call BS when they say they can’t change color. Its enough to know that if I add a crazy interaction that it’s might take longer than one sprint because if I can’t look up the code online somewhere, and copy and paste it into the software, then they can’t either and it's going to take a lot of time to make. That is the important element of knowing code, being able to understand the limitations of your team.
当他们说他们不能改变颜色时,只要呼叫BS就足够了。 足以知道,如果我添加了一个疯狂的交互操作,则可能需要花费比一个冲刺更长的时间,因为如果我无法在某个地方在线查找代码并将其复制并粘贴到软件中,那么他们也将无法完成,需要很多时间来制作。 这是了解代码的重要元素,能够理解团队的局限性。
If you know more than basic code, that's awesome! That can open some more doors for you to have that skill under your belt. You might be able to help the development team more closely with issues or be able to translate issues to your not so tech-savvy teammates. The knowledge also comes in handy when making prototypes. A lot of the prototyping software uses code to create interactions. Having that knowledge will help you add cool interactions to your prototypes!
如果您不仅仅了解基本代码,那就太棒了! 这可以为您打开更多的门,让您掌握自己的技能。 您也许可以帮助开发团队更紧密地解决问题,或者可以将问题转嫁给不那么精通技术的团队成员。 制作原型时,这些知识也很方便。 许多原型软件使用代码来创建交互。 掌握这些知识将帮助您为原型添加有趣的交互!
But again, being able to have advanced code knowledge is not a must-have.

设计 (Design)
you will most likely need a portfolio if you are going to go into UX design. If you become a UX researcher, UX copywriter, Journey-mapper, or project manager, you will not need a portfolio. But if you go down the design path, you will need to be able to show an understanding of the design and show recent examples of work for products, apps, websites, or other interactive experiences. These do not have to be real products. You can make them up. They just need to be designed well and with the user in mind. Knowledge of design includes color, typography, layout, balance, and basic principles.
如果您要进行UX设计,则很可能需要投资组合。 如果您成为UX研究人员,UX文案撰稿人,Journey-mapper或项目经理,则不需要投资组合。 但是,如果您沿着设计道路走下去,您将需要能够显示出对设计的理解,并显示产品,应用程序,网站或其他交互式体验的最新工作示例。 这些不一定是真实的产品。 你可以弥补他们。 他们只需要设计好并且考虑到用户。 设计知识包括颜色,版式,布局,平衡和基本原理。

文案写作 (Copywriting)
Having good writing skills is important for things like writing error messages, button text, information hover states, and other general text around the experience. If you are looking to become a UX copywriter, they may ask for more than basic writing skills. They will probably ask for examples of work and published work.
拥有良好的写作能力对于编写错误消息,按钮文本,信息悬停状态以及其他与体验有关的常规文本非常重要。 如果您想成为UX文案,他们可能要求的不仅仅是基本的写作技能。 他们可能会要求提供作品和已发表作品的示例。
If you have a background in writing articles on tech such as reviews, that can be very helpful. Knowing you have knowledge in technology will help immensely in case you have to write user guides.
如果您有撰写有关评论等技术文章的背景,那将非常有帮助。 如果您必须编写用户指南,那么了解自己的技术知识将对您有极大的帮助。
On that note, teachers also make great UX copywriters because often, UX copywriters write user guides that are usually very descriptive with small steps. In the same way, you would teach a 4th grader how to do a new form of math.
值得一提的是,教师们也是出色的UX文案撰写人,因为UX文案撰写者通常会编写用户指南,而这些指南通常只需很小的步伐即可描述。 同样,您将教四年级学生如何进行新的数学形式。

心理学 (Psychology)
Basic knowledge of psychology — this is super helpful to be able to understand your users better. We will never fully understand how humans think, but having some knowledge will remove some of the surprises and help you make a better product faster.
心理学的基础知识-这对更好地了解您的用户很有帮助。 我们将永远不会完全理解人类的想法,但是拥有一些知识将消除一些惊喜,并帮助您更快地制造出更好的产品。
This is also very helpful when it comes to convincing business leads why the design is the way it is. Being able to back up design choices with psychology or research goes a long way.
当说服业务线索设计为何如此时,这也非常有帮助。 能够通过心理学或研究支持设计选择还有很长的路要走。
Psychology is also very helpful for user testing. Knowing when to ask questions, and what the right questions are to ask based on how the user is responding is very important. Another thing we study a lot in user testing is body language. Often times a user will struggle for a while, you can see the confusion on their faces, you can watch their eyes scanning the page, and then they will find what they are looking for. When asked to talk about that experience, the user might say “it was easy to find.” But based on their body language, that can’t be further from the truth. Noticing these things and being able to decode them is super important!
心理学对于用户测试也非常有帮助。 知道何时提出问题以及根据用户的响应方式提出正确的问题非常重要。 我们在用户测试中大量研究的另一件事是肢体语言。 用户经常会挣扎一段时间,您可以看到他们脸上的困惑,可以看到他们的眼睛扫描页面,然后他们会找到所需的内容。 当被要求谈论这种体验时,用户可能会说“很容易找到”。 但是根据他们的肢体语言,这离事实还远。 注意这些东西并能够对其进行解码非常重要!

研究和数据测试。 (An Intertest in Research and Data.)
being able to read, interpret, and understand data is super important. Some days designers will read through thousands of pages of data. It is important to look at all the data in an unbiased way to find consistencies and things that need to be improved. Also, being able to find patterns that are not clear. A huge part of UX is research and data. Having experience conducting and running research tests is very important. Being able to bring some sort of knowledge of either watching, running, or participating in a study and being able to bring back any form of data from the result, is a major plus. User Experience researchers are in high demand. If you are interested in technology, research, humans, and design then UX researcher might be the next career path move for you!
能够读取,解释和理解数据非常重要。 有时设计人员将阅读数千页的数据。 重要的是要以公正的方式查看所有数据,以找到一致性和需要改进的地方。 另外,能够找到不清楚的模式。 UX的很大一部分是研究和数据。 具有进行和运行研究测试的经验非常重要。 一个重要的优点是能够带去某种有关观看,跑步或参加研究的知识,并且能够从结果中带回任何形式的数据。 用户体验研究人员的需求量很大。 如果您对技术,研究,人员和设计感兴趣,那么UX研究人员可能是您的下一个职业道路!

虚心与谦卑 (An Open Mind and Humility)
In UX, you are wrong all the time. Even when you get something right, its never going to be a home run. Something will be the squeaky wheel. If you are stubborn and do not look at the data when designing, or think you are the best thing since sliced bread, this is not the industry for you. I have worked with many designers who have vocally said that the users don’t matter or, that they know better than the users or, like to pick and choose through data points to only pick the positive things that relate to what they believe. That’s not UX. UX is being confident in your design, but having the open mind to watch a user test on the design you thought was amazing, be torn to shreds by users, and shrugging it off and starting again. Because in the end, this industry is not about you. It has never been about the designers or the researchers or the business or anyone else on the team. It has always been about the users and it always will be.
在UX中,您一直都是错误的。 即使您做对了,也永远不会成为本垒打。 吱吱作响的东西会出现。 如果您固执己见,在设计时不看数据,或者认为您是切成薄片以来的最佳人选,那么这不是您的行业。 我曾与许多设计师合作,他们曾大声说用户无所谓,或者说他们比用户更了解,或者喜欢通过数据点进行选择,只选择与他们所相信的东西有关的积极事物。 那不是UX。 UX对您的设计充满信心,但是有开放的态度来观看用户对您认为令人惊叹的设计进行的测试,被用户撕成碎片,然后耸了耸肩然后重新开始。 因为最终,这个行业与您无关。 从来没有关于设计师,研究人员,企业或团队中其他任何人的事情。 它一直是关于用户的,而且永远都是。
If you are so convinced you are the best thing that’s walked the earth to listen to the users and apply their suggestions or look at data without bias then you are not an actual user experience designer. You are missing the “user” in “user experience”. You have to come into this field knowing that no matter how confident you are in your design that you are never right. The user is always right. If you don’t see the feedback as interesting and a new challenge then you will not enjoy this industry.
如果您如此坚信自己是听取用户意见并应用他们的建议或毫无偏见地查看数据的最佳选择,那么您不是真正的用户体验设计师。 您在“用户体验”中缺少“用户”。 您必须了解这一领域,无论您对自己的设计有多自信,都永远做不到。 用户永远是对的。 如果您不认为反馈很有趣并且是新挑战,那么您将不会喜欢这个行业。

Remember, a lot of UX designers are specialized. Often this might be because they have former experience in those fields. For example, psychologists and teachers make great user researchers because they know the right questions to ask, they can read the users, they are willing to help the user in a way that won’t give them the answer and, they have a lot of patience.
请记住,许多UX设计人员都是专门的。 通常这可能是因为他们以前在这些领域有经验。 例如,心理学家和老师之所以成为出色的用户研究人员,是因为他们知道要问的正确问题,可以阅读用户,愿意以不会给他们答案的方式为用户提供帮助,并且他们有很多忍耐。
Developers make great designers because they know the code restrictions and things that will take more time and make life more difficult for the developers on their team. They can come up with good design solutions fast to make it easier on the users, designers, and developers.
开发人员之所以成为优秀的设计师,是因为他们知道代码限制以及一些事情,这些事情将花费更多的时间,并使团队中的开发人员的生活更加困难。 他们可以快速提出好的设计解决方案,以使用户,设计师和开发人员更容易使用。
Also, if you work for a company that works in an industry that you used to work in yourself, then you have valuable inside knowledge that can help you understand the users better and make better solutions for them. For example, hiring former DJs for apps like Spotify is a perfect mix. Or former construction workers working on apps for booking and assigning projects for contractors.
同样,如果您在自己所在行业工作的公司工作,那么您将拥有宝贵的内部知识,可以帮助您更好地了解用户并为他们提供更好的解决方案。 例如,为Spotify之类的应用雇用以前的DJ是完美的组合。 或者是前建筑工人,他们正在开发用于为承包商预订和分配项目的应用程序。
There is a place for everyone in UX. If you are passionate enough to want to be a part of it, don’t be shy!
UX中每个人都有一个地方。 如果您有足够的热情想要成为其中的一员,请不要害羞!
Where ever you are coming from, if you are interested in UX, go for it!
lynda ux