

Some of the top excuses I have gotten from clients when inviting them into a prototyping session are: “I am not a designer!” “I can’t draw!” “I have no creative background!”

在邀请客户参加原型制作会议时,我从客户那里得到的一些主要借口是:“我不是设计师!” “我不会画!” “我没有创作背景!”

No matter the background, when discussing new ideas bringing different voices into the creative process enriches it and leads to better results. This is why it is important to invite your team (even your boss!) into brainstorming and prototyping sessions.

无论背景如何,在讨论新想法时,将不同的声音引入创作过程都会使它充实并带来更好的结果 。 这就是为什么邀请您的团队(甚至您的老板!)进行头脑风暴和原型制作会议的重要原因。

Representing ideas at an early stage of any given project, even if it is in a very simple way, helps to see more clearly areas for improvement, to explore many possibilities, but mainly to validate hypotheses.


There is a lot of information on how to do Rapid Prototyping, and why it is wonderful. However, knowing when to use it and what to expect from such a methodology put in practice is not always clear to non-designers.

关于如何进行快速原型制作以及为何如此出色的信息很多。 但是,对于非设计人员而言,并不总是清楚知道何时使用它以及对这种方法付诸实践的期望。

If you are thinking about having a prototyping session and need 3 great reasons to prototype an idea before implementing it, read on.


Black and white blocks are stacked on top of one another, forming stair steps.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Pexels的Magda Ehlers 摄

1.通过建设思考 (1. Think by building)

Sometimes just discussing ideas can be confusing and result in vague communication. When you materialize ideas, you turn broad concepts into visible and clear objectives, making it easier to visualize and build on them. This is especially true when working in teams. The faster you create tangible expressions, the faster you can detect the weaknesses and strengths of your ideas.

有时仅仅讨论想法可能会造成混乱,并导致模糊的沟通。 当您实现想法时,您会将广泛的概念转变为可见且清晰的目标 ,从而使其更易于可视化并以它们为基础。 在团队合作中尤其如此。 创建有形表达的速度越快,您就能更快地发现想法的弱点和优点。

A man on the street with brown boots steps on chewing gum.
From Pexels

2.尽早犯错 (2. Make mistakes sooner)

Ideas are never perfect at an earlier stage, there will be mistakes. You can, however, reduce the impact and risk that these mistakes have on the overall strategy. Rapid prototypes are easy and quick ways to make mistakes, without investing a lot beforehand. The idea here is to learn as much as you can with the least resources.

在早期阶段,想法永远不会完美,会有错误。 但是,您可以减少这些错误对整体策略的影响和风险。 快速原型是容易出错的简便方法 ,而无需事先进行大量投资。 这里的想法是用最少的资源尽可能多地学习。

A woman holds binocular lenses between two piles of books.
From Pexels

3.探索可能性 (3. Explore possibilities)

When an idea goes from a concept to a tangible, real object –whatever that is– just because it has materialized encourages already new behaviors and ways of thinking. As Don Norman has said very well, objects have affordances that guide our interactions with them. An existing object will guide our response to it in an intuitive way, making it easier to think of more and better ideas.

当一个想法从一个概念变成一个有形的,真实的对象(无论是什么)时,仅仅因为它已经实现,就已经在鼓励新的行为和思维方式。 正如唐·诺曼(Don Norman)所说的那样,物品具有指导我们与之互动的能力 。 现有的对象将以直观的方式指导我们对它的响应,从而更容易想到更多更好的想法。

The next time you are gathering a team up to prototype some ideas, ask yourself which of these 3 purposes you will be pitching, it will also help guide the objectives for the session.


I am sure you will find it useful, I sure have!


Mónica Arriaga, the author of this article, is a designer based in Mexico City. She is passionate about creativity in all its forms. You can find her portfolio here.

本文作者MónicaArriaga是一位来自墨西哥城的设计师。 她对各种形式的创造力充满热情。 你可以 在这里 找到她的作品集

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。







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