调查谋杀案以换取Obra Dinn


I am not sure if this is intentional, but Lucas Pope has a knack for turning the mundane into something special. This was evident in his release of Papers Please. In that game, you’re a border patrolman trying to provide for your family. With its memorable characters, multiple endings, and engaging gameplay, it quickly became a hit.

不确定这是否是故意的,但是卢卡斯·波普(Lucas Pope)有把平凡变成特殊事物的诀窍。 这在他发布的《 请问》中很明显 在该游戏中,您是试图为家人提供生活的边境巡逻人员。 凭借其令人难忘的角色,多个结局和引人入胜的游戏玩法,它Swift风靡一时。

Return of the Obra Dinn takes a similar approach in that regard. In Return of the Obra Dinn, on the surface at least, you’re a bureaucrat filling out insurance paperwork. However, you’re really a detective investigating the mysterious circumstances surrounding a ship that has been missing for over five years.

在这方面,奥布拉·狄恩(Obra Dinn)的 回归 采取类似的方法。 为了回报Obra Dinn, 至少从表面上看,您是填写保险文书工作的官僚。 但是,您实际上是一名侦探,正在调查一艘已经失踪五年以上的船舶周围的神秘情况。

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艺术设计 (Art Design)

After taking a look at the picture above, you might be totally thrown off about even googling this game. That’s fair. In my own experience, I’ve never let ‘sub-par’ graphics dissuade me from trying out a game. Not-so-great-graphics are usually the outcome of solo-development within games. This is one reason why this game does not have settings for bloom and different sorts of anisotropic filtering. The second reason is that this art-style was intentional from the start.

看完上面的图片后,即使使用Google搜索该游戏也可能会完全被甩开。 这还算公平。 以我自己的经验,我从来没有让“低于标准”的图形阻止我尝试游戏。 不太出色的图形通常是游戏中单独开发的结果。 这就是为什么该游戏没有设置光晕设置和不同种类的各向异性过滤的原因之一。 第二个原因是这种艺术风格从一开始就是故意的。

Pope decided he wanted the game to represent some of the older ones that he had played during his childhood. In the same linked interview, he mentions not wanting to ‘fill in all the blanks’ for the player. This seems to resonate heavily with his art choice and the gamplay for the game.

教皇决定,他希望游戏能代表他小时候玩过的一些老游戏。 在同一个链接采访中,他提到不想为球员“填补所有空白”。 这似乎在他的艺术选择和游戏中引起了共鸣。

Most older games for Macintosh and other systems were played with this sort of setup that didn’t provide everything for the player. Some of these older games forced you to learn the controls yourself, uncover things as you went along, etc.

适用于Macintosh和其他系统的大多数较旧的游戏都是使用这种设置播放的,无法为播放器提供所有功能。 其中一些较旧的游戏迫使您自己学习控件,在进行过程中发现事物,等等。

I believe Pope was successful in emulating that feel. I think the color choice adds a bit of character and an impending sense of doom to the overall atmosphere. It sort of made me feel like I had unearthed some sort of old gaming gem that everyone had forgotten about.

我相信教皇成功地模仿了这种感觉。 我认为颜色的选择会给整体气氛增添些许特色和即将到来的厄运感。 这让我感到像是发掘了一些大家都忘记了的旧游戏瑰宝。

力学:把东西放在一起 (Mechanics: Putting Things Together)

One thing I loved about this game is that it didn’t hold your hand. It felt challenging. Each time I correctly assessed the death of someone on the ship, there was a great feeling of satisfaction. There are enough background details and tutorials in the game to get the ball rolling, but you are on your own for the most part. Much like a puzzle, you are responsible for figuring out where all the pieces belong.

我喜欢这个游戏的一件事是它没有握住你的手。 感觉很有挑战性。 每当我正确评估船上某人的死亡时,都会感到非常满意。 游戏中有足够的背景细节和教程来帮助您解决问题,但大部分情况下您还是自己一个人做。 就像一个难题一样,您有责任弄清楚所有部分的位置。

The game will let you know once you’ve correctly figured out three murders/fates. It will ‘lock’ these fates, so you can use the objectively correct information to help you with other murders/fates. In each scene, you must correctly identify the person who was murdered, what they were murdered by, and who the murderer was. You do all of this in your fancy notebook.

一旦正确找出了三起谋杀案/命运,游戏就会让您知道。 它将“锁定”这些命运,因此您可以使用客观正确的信息来帮助您应对其他谋杀/命运。 在每个场景中,您必须正确识别被谋杀的人,被谋杀的人以及凶手是谁。 您可以在自己的笔记本中完成所有这些操作。

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Source.来源 。

Speaking of notebooks, you may have to pull out your own in order to correctly assess some of the deaths. You will have to make assumptions based on limited evidence sometimes, but that is part of the fun. Personally, I just used a bunch of sticky notes to slowly eliminate possibilities until I isolated the few possible options for that given scenario. I don’t remember the last time a game made me do something like this, but I absolutely loved it.

说到笔记本,您可能必须掏出自己的笔记本才能正确评估一些死亡情况。 有时您将不得不基于有限的证据做出假设,但这很有趣。 就我个人而言,我只是使用一堆便签纸来慢慢消除可能性,直到针对该给定场景隔离了少数可能的选择。 我不记得上一次游戏让我做这样的事情了,但是我绝对喜欢它。

解决谋杀案 (Solving Murders)

I don’t want to spoil too much of the game since it’s a pretty short play-through (under ten hours). That being said, I can give you a few quick-tips if you’re interested in solving some murders.

我不想破坏太多游戏,因为这是一个很短的过程(不到十个小时)。 话虽如此,如果您有兴趣解决一些谋杀案,我可以给您一些提示。

As you begin each new chapter, you’re thrown into a different point on the ship’s timeline. This is a bit disorienting at first, but you’ll get used to it. Driven by the desire to identify everyone on the ship, you’ll soon find yourself needing to jump between different chapters to identify just a single individual. Try to uncover all that you can in a given chapter before moving on to the next one. You can always go back, but this will help prevent you from being overwhelmed by all the people you need to identify.

在开始每一个新章节时,您会陷入飞船时间表上的不同点。 起初这有点令人迷惑,但是您会习惯的。 由于渴望识别船上的每个人,您很快就会发现自己需要在不同的章节之间跳转以仅识别一个人。 在继续下一章之前,请尝试揭示给定章节中的所有内容。 您可以随时返回,但这将有助于防止您被所有需要识别的人所淹没。

Identifying accents, paying attention to clothing, and the background of certain characters will help you a lot. These three things should be kept in mind throughout the entire game.

识别重音,注意衣服和某些字符的背景将对您有很大帮助。 在整个游戏中应牢记这三件事。

Soon enough, you’ll find yourself feeling like a bonafide detective. You might even feel compelled to rush through the game. In retrospect, I would recommend savoring each chapter. During my play through, I was driven by a heavy need to figure out three fates in order to get the next dopamine hit from the game. Once the chime played, I knew my deduction skills and hard work had paid off. I was ready and anticipated the next chapter.

很快,您会发现自己像一个真正的侦探。 您甚至可能会被迫匆忙完成游戏。 回想一下,我建议您细读每一章。 在整个游戏过程中,我迫切需要弄清楚三个命运,以便从游戏中获得下一个多巴胺。 铃声响起后,我就知道我的演绎技巧和辛勤工作已获得回报。 我已经准备好了,并期待着下一章。

Once you’re done with all the chapters, there’s not really any replay value. So, take your time and enjoy your stay on the Obra Dinn.

完成所有章节后,实际上没有任何重播价值。 因此,花点时间享受在Obra Dinn的住宿。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/investigating-murders-in-return-of-the-obra-dinn-b47d4444c42c







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