Written by John Stevens
约翰·史蒂文斯 ( John Stevens)撰写
When we talk about user experience and your website, it is easy to get caught up in the site’s design and navigation options. While that is important, the words you place on the page are equally essential to create a great user experience.
当我们谈论用户体验和您的网站时,很容易陷入网站的设计和导航选项中。 尽管这很重要,但是您在页面上放置的文字对于创造出色的用户体验同样至关重要。
Although design and copywriting seem like two different fields, they have many things in common. Not only do they have to work together, but they both aim to make a customer respond in a particular way, usually to take some sort of action.
尽管设计和文案写作似乎是两个不同的领域,但它们有许多共同之处 。 他们不仅必须一起工作,而且都旨在使客户以特定的方式做出响应,通常采取某种行动。
Copywriting is the type of writing that is primarily used for advertising and marketing. You can use copywriting techniques on your site’s home page and landing pages, and you might even use these methods when writing blog posts (although keep in mind that blogging in general falls in a whole different category than copywriting).
文案写作是主要用于广告和市场营销的写作类型。 您可以在网站的主页和登录页面上使用文案写作技术,甚至在撰写博客文章时甚至可以使用这些方法(尽管请记住,博客通常与文案写作属于不同的类别)。
Once your site’s layout and design is where you want it to be, it is time to tweak your copy for the best user experience. Start by following the tips below.
一旦网站的布局和设计如您所愿,就该调整副本以获得最佳的用户体验。 首先按照以下提示进行操作。
1.确定您的理想用户 (1. Identify Your Ideal User)
This first tip does not start with putting words on the page. It starts before you have written a single word and it is important because it will guide you to know what to write.
这第一个技巧不是从在页面上放置单词开始的。 它在您写一个单词之前就开始了,它很重要,因为它将引导您知道要写什么 。
Martin Stellar discusses this step in his article on UXMatters.com. He says:
Martin Stellar 在UXMatters.com上的文章中讨论了这一步骤。 他说:
The most successful copywriters spend days on research, trying to figure out who the ideal customer is. Then they create a profile of that ideal customer that is as detailed as possible — age, income, type of breakfast, number of unmatched socks, average time behind a PC, number of kids, flavor of toothpaste. They want to know everything
最成功的撰稿人花了几天时间进行研究,试图找出谁是理想的客户。 然后,他们会详细描述该理想客户的个人资料-年龄,收入,早餐类型,无与伦比的袜子数量,平均使用PC的时间,孩子的数量,牙膏的味道。 他们想知道一切
And guess what? It results in copy that is completely relevant to your website visitors.
你猜怎么着? 结果是与您的网站访问者完全相关的副本。
This is a tough step to understand at first because it is likely that there are many different types of users visiting your website. You might wonder how your copy can resonate with all of them when you are only focusing on one user.
首先,这是一个很难理解的步骤,因为可能有许多不同类型的用户访问您的网站。 您可能想知道当您只关注一个用户时,副本如何与所有对象产生共鸣。
While this is a good point, Stellar points out that there is only one ideal user, “the one who completes the task that you want him (her) to complete.” If you speak to just one person, you end up telling a concise story that will speak to others as well.
尽管这是一个好点,但Stellar指出只有一个理想的用户,即“完成您要他(她)完成的任务的用户”。 如果您只与一个人说话,那么您最终会讲一个简洁的故事,并且也会与其他人说话。
So decide who you really want to talk to. Give this person a fictional name, job, family and picture him/her when writing your copy. In other words, create a persona that represents your user. Don’t try to please everyone, because when you do, you end up pleasing no one.
因此,确定您真正想与谁交谈。 给该人一个虚构的名字,工作,家庭,并在写副本时给他/她照片。 换句话说, 创建代表您的用户的角色 。 不要试图取悦所有人,因为当您这样做时,您最终不会取悦任何人。
2.知道他们处于过程的哪个阶段 (2. Know at which Stage they are in the Process)
One big part of knowing your ideal user is understanding where they are in the process when it comes to purchasing your product or service. For example, if you are selling a premium WordPress plugin, your users are very likely to have a WordPress site. You don’t need to waste their time by convincing them they need to sign up for WordPress in order to use your product.
了解理想用户的很大一部分是了解他们在购买产品或服务时所处的位置。 例如,如果您出售的是高级WordPress插件,则您的用户很可能拥有WordPress网站。 您不需要说服他们浪费时间来说服他们需要注册WordPress才能使用您的产品。
You should never assume they are so far along in the buying process that they do not need an explanation of your products’ features.
Understanding your customer like this will allow you to focus on what they need to know while making it easier for you to answer questions before they have even asked them, boosting the user experience.
3.关注利益,而不是行动 (3. Focus on the Benefit, Not the Action)
Too often when we are on the side of writing copy, we are thinking about what action we want readers to take. While we should certainly be thinking about it, that is not what your site visitors will be focusing on. It is certainly not in their primary interest to subscribe to your newsletter. They care about what benefit they will get from doing so.
很多时候,当我们站在写作的一边时,我们正在思考我们希望读者采取什么行动。 尽管我们当然应该考虑这一点,但这不是您的网站访问者将会关注的重点。 订阅您的新闻简报绝对不是他们的主要利益。 他们在乎这样做会带来什么好处 。
For example, you might offer an eBook as an incentive to join your mailing list. You are thinking about how you want people enter their email address because that is beneficial to you. But your site visitors are thinking about the eBook they are going to get for free because it will benefit them.
例如,您可能会提供电子书,以鼓励您加入邮件列表。 您正在考虑如何让人们输入他们的电子邮件地址,因为这对您有利。 但是您的站点访问者正在考虑他们将免费获得的电子书,因为它将使他们受益。
The real key here is to focus on their wants and needs. So, instead of saying, “Sign Up Now,” you might say, “Get Your Free eBook Now.” See the difference?
真正的关键是要专注于他们的需求。 因此,您可以说“立即获取免费电子书”而不是说“立即注册”。 看到不同?
Here is an example from The Daily Egg (Crazy Egg’s blog).
这是The Daily Egg 的示例 (Crazy Egg的博客)。
Notice how they do not use the phrase “Sign Up.” Instead, they focus on what the user will get out of their newsletter: they will keep them informed on industry news. Furthermore, they highlight that subscribers receive instant access to their eBook.
请注意,他们如何不使用短语“注册”。 相反,他们专注于用户将从新闻通讯中获得什么:他们将使他们随时了解行业新闻。 此外,它们强调了订阅者可以立即访问其电子书。
This advice does not only apply to your newsletter! If you are selling a product, don’t try to sell the features. Sell the benefits of those features. Don’t sell an air purifier. Sell an allergen-free home. Don’t sell a cordless vacuum. Sell convenience.
此建议不仅适用于您的新闻通讯! 如果您要销售产品,请勿尝试出售功能。 卖那些功能的好处 。 不要出售空气净化器。 出售无过敏原的房屋。 不要出售无线吸尘器。 出售方便。
Make the experience easy for the user by highlighting what they will get out of your site and your services and there is a good chance they will be more willing to buy from you.
4.使用简单而熟悉的语言 (4. Use Simple and Familiar Language)
Remember how we talked about researching your audience and defining your ideal user? Now it is time to speak to that user. Trying to sound smart or making it seem like your services are top-of-the-line because you are using complicated words can actually hinder your efforts.
还记得我们谈论过如何研究您的受众并定义您的理想用户吗? 现在该与该用户讲话了。 尝试听起来很聪明或使您的服务看起来像是一流的,因为您使用复杂的单词实际上可能会阻碍您的工作。
You want the user to understand what you are saying … and quickly! Users only spend 10–20 seconds on a web page, but communicating a clear message that they do not have to fight to understand will keep them there longer.
您希望用户Swift理解您在说什么! 用户在网页上的停留时间仅为10到20秒 ,但是传达一条清晰的消息,使他们不必再为理解而苦恼,可以使他们停留更长的时间。
To make sure you are using the appropriate language, visualize your ideal customer again. Consider what words and phrases will resonate with them. What is important is to think about how they specifically respond to a word because of their past experiences and personality (everyone will respond differently to the same words). The trick is knowing which words will get your ideal customer to react in the way you want them to.
为确保您使用适当的语言,请再次可视化您的理想客户。 考虑一下哪些单词和短语会引起他们的共鸣。 重要的是要考虑他们由于过去的经历和个性而对单词的具体React(每个人对同一单词的React会有所不同)。 诀窍是要知道哪些词可以使您的理想客户以您希望的方式做出React。
The language you use is different than keywords. Keywords are what tell people and search engines what your page is about. After that, you have to make them care.
您使用的语言与关键字不同。 关键字可以告诉人们和搜索引擎您的网页内容。 在那之后,您必须让他们注意 。
For example, a university that uses phrases like “advance your career” can entice students to attend their campus, yet people are not searching for that phrase when the are seeking colleges.
Apple is a great example of a company that uses simple language with its customers.
苹果公司是与客户使用简单语言的公司的一个很好的例子 。
5.只说你需要说的 (5. Say Only What You Need to Say)
When writing website copy, it becomes all too easy to try to over explain your product or service because you are not sure if customers understand your vision. The truth is, you do not need a lot of words to communicate your message. In many cases, less is more.
编写网站副本时,尝试过度解释您的产品或服务变得非常容易,因为您不确定客户是否理解您的愿景。 事实是,您不需要太多的语言来传达您的信息。 在许多情况下, 少即是多 。
This is important for the user experience because it makes it quick and easy for users to grab the most important information. Going on for paragraph upon paragraph about every detail of your product, business or service makes it tough for users to pick out what you want them to focus on. Short copy is also easy on the eyes!
这对于用户体验很重要,因为它使用户可以轻松快捷地获取最重要的信息。 逐段地讨论产品,业务或服务的每个细节,使用户很难选择您希望他们关注的重点。 简短复制也很容易!
But don’t let me limit you, either. I am not going to say that you can only have 300 words on your home page. It is not about how long your copy is. It is about what it says. Cut the fluff, and focus only on what your audience needs to know.
但也不要让我限制你。 我不会说您首页上只能有300个字。 这与您的副本有多久无关。 这是关于它所说的。 减少绒毛,只关注观众需要知道的内容。
Here’s a great example from Netflix:
这是Netflix的一个很好的例子 :
Their introduction is a mere seven words with a five-word call-to-action. (Notice how they focus on the benefit as mentioned in tip #3?)
他们的介绍仅用了七个字,并有五个字的号召性用语。 (请注意,如技巧3所述,他们如何关注收益?)
If you scroll down the page, Netflix features more content, but you will notice that they do not say more than they need to in order to convince users to try their product.
If you need to include more in-depth articles on your site, create a separate blog page for them. This is another way to contribute to user experience because users expect to find your articles in blog format, leaving your site navigation uncluttered and easier to use.
如果您需要在您的网站上包含更深入的文章,请为它们创建一个单独的博客页面。 这是增加用户体验的另一种方法,因为用户希望以博客格式查找您的文章,从而使您的网站导航更加整洁且易于使用。
6.注意信息流 (6. Pay Attention to the Flow of Information)
Think about how the structure of information on your site appears to the user. Does it make sense as they are navigating through your site? If they have to jump around for information, then your copy is not contributing to a positive user experience.
考虑一下您网站上的信息结构如何向用户显示。 他们在您的网站中浏览时是否有意义? 如果他们必须四处走动以获取信息,那么您的副本就无法带来积极的用户体验。
For example, if users click a button that says “Learn More about our Product”, they will expect to see a page detailing your product’s features, prices, customer testimonials and information on how to buy. They should not end up on a page with an image of the product but no explanation on the features.
例如,如果用户单击显示“了解我们的产品的更多信息”的按钮,他们将期望看到一个页面,其中详细介绍了您的产品的功能,价格,客户推荐和购买信息。 它们不应最终出现在带有产品图片的页面上,而无需说明功能。
It is not just the navigation you have to pay attention to, either. Consider what information needs to come first and how you can transition into the rest of your copy. For example, it doesn not make a whole lot of sense to mention your product pricing before customers know what the product is.
这也不只是您必须注意的导航。 考虑首先需要提供哪些信息,以及如何过渡到副本的其余部分。 例如,在客户知道产品是什么之前,提及您的产品定价没有任何意义。
WordPress.com is a good example that shows a logical flow of information.
WordPress.com是一个很好的示例,它显示了信息的逻辑流 。
They start by mentioning what their product does (allows you to create a website for free), and then they go on to talk about the benefits of their product and why they are the right choice (“WordPress powers over 25% of the internet”).
他们首先提到其产品的功能(允许您免费创建一个网站),然后继续谈论其产品的好处以及为什么它们是正确的选择(“ WordPress为超过25%的互联网提供了强大的动力”) )。
Once you click on the “Create Website” button, you are guided through a logical flow by choosing what type of business you run, what theme you want for your website and what domain name you want.
Think about how users will read your content and navigate your site. At times, this may mean repeating yourself or leaving out certain information. For example, not everyone will visit your “About” page, so you might mention some of your company’s background elsewhere when it is relevant.
考虑用户如何阅读您的内容并浏览您的网站。 有时,这可能意味着重复自己或遗漏某些信息。 例如,并非所有人都会访问您的“关于”页面,因此您可能会在其他相关位置提及公司的某些背景。
Not everyone will land on your home page when they first visit your site, either. They might come through a blog post or other link, so it helps to think of each page as its own free-standing page.
并非所有人都在首次访问您的网站时就登陆您的主页。 他们可能通过博客文章或其他链接来访问,因此有助于将每个页面视为自己的独立页面。
7.使用副标题轻松扫描 (7. Use Subheadings for Easy Scanning)
People read web pages differently than they do print. They start by scanning the page for areas of interest and then go onto scanning subheads, skimming copy, reading to get detail and then clicking to take action.
人们阅读网页与打印网页的方式不同 。 他们首先扫描页面上感兴趣的区域,然后进入扫描小标题,略读副本,阅读以获取详细信息,然后单击以执行操作。
Because users scan web pages, you can make it much easier for them to get the information they need by highlighting important points with subheads.
Here is an example from Evernote:
这是Evernote的示例 :
They use the subheads “write”, “collect”, “discuss” and “present” to show users what they can do with the app. This helps streamline the scanning and reading process so readers can grab the gist of the information quickly.
他们使用副标题“写”,“收集”,“讨论”和“演示”来向用户显示他们可以使用该应用做什么。 这有助于简化扫描和阅读过程,以便读者可以快速掌握信息的要旨。
8.专注于告知和说服观众 (8. Focus on Informing and Persuading Your Audience)
We can use online content to educate and entertain people, such as through blog posts. Copywriting is different. Your home page, services page and similar landing pages are there to sell your product or service. While they can teach users something and make them laugh, their main goal should be to inform and persuade users.
我们可以使用在线内容来教育和娱乐人们,例如通过博客帖子。 文案写作是不同的。 您的主页,服务页面和类似的登录页面可在其中出售您的产品或服务。 尽管他们可以教用户一些东西并让他们发笑,但他们的主要目标应该是告知和说服用户。
By focusing on informing and persuading your readers to take action, you are not wasting their time. This in turn boosts the user experience.
通过专注于通知和说服读者采取行动,您不会浪费他们的时间。 这反过来又可以提高用户体验。
Let us take an example. A company selling a diet plan should not be wasting site visitors’ time by telling them that they need to lose weight and that the way to do that is through dieting. Users want to know about the results they can expect from the diet plan and what makes it different from other plans.
让我们举个例子。 一家制定饮食计划的公司,不应通过告诉他们他们需要减肥,而节食的方法就是通过节食来浪费现场访客的时间。 用户想知道他们从饮食计划中可以获得的结果以及与其他计划有何不同。
9.使用“你”一词 (9. Use the Word “You”)
You have probably noticed that bloggers talk directly to you by using “you” language. It pulls you into the story and makes you feel connected to the advice they are giving. You can use the same principle in copywriting to make the user feel more invested in your copy.
您可能已经注意到,博客作者使用“您”语言直接与您对话。 它可以将您带入故事,并让您感到与他们所提供的建议紧密相关。 您可以在文案写作中使用相同的原则,以使用户感觉对您的文案更加投入。
Need an example? Let us take the paragraph you just read and remove the “you” language:
需要一个例子吗? 让我们采用您刚刚阅读的段落,并删除“您”的语言:
“Bloggers tend to talk directly to the reader by using “you” language. It pulls readers into the story and makes them feel connected to the advice the blogger is giving. The same principle can be applied to copywriting to make the user more invested in the copy.”
“博客作者倾向于使用“您”语言直接与读者交谈。 它可以将读者吸引到故事中,并使他们感到与博客作者提供的建议相关。 可以将相同的原理应用于文案写作,以使用户更多地投资于文案。”
Not as engaging, right? That’s because I am no longer talking to you.
不那么吸引人吧? 那是因为我不再和你说话。
Here is a great example from Mint.com:
这是Mint.com的一个很好的例子 :
In their two-sentence intro, they use the word “you” or “your” three times!
Whenever you can, don’t talk about yourself. Talk about how you can help the user and you will improve their experience on your site.
只要有可能,就不要谈论自己。 谈论如何可以帮助用户,您将改善他们在网站上的体验。
10.为用户写 (10. Write for the User)
It goes without saying, but this tactic needs repeating: write for the user, not search engines.
Too often we get caught up in keyword usage and word count, thinking there is a specific formula we need to stick to in order to rank higher on search engines. When we think too hard about this, we only hurt our chances of converting site visitors.
很多时候,我们陷入关键字使用和字数统计的困境,认为必须遵循一个特定的公式才能在搜索引擎上排名更高。 当我们对此进行认真思考时,只会损害转化网站访问者的机会。
You don’t want your keywords to sound unnatural — which is often the case when you are focusing on search engine algorithms. Writing for search engines only takes away from the user experience.
您不希望您的关键字听起来不自然-当您专注于搜索引擎算法时,通常就是这种情况。 为搜索引擎编写代码只会脱离用户体验。
Put your users first. Search engine optimization can come secondary, but ideally, it should come naturally as you focus on the user. After all, search engines like Google are interested in delivering quality search results to real people and if your copy doesn not deliver good user experience that converts, it does not matter how many people end up on your site since they will not take action.
将您的用户放在首位。 搜索引擎优化可以是次要的,但是理想情况下,当您专注于用户时,它应该自然而然地出现。 毕竟,像Google这样的搜索引擎有兴趣向真实的人提供优质的搜索结果,如果您的副本没有提供可带来转化的良好用户体验,那么最终有多少人访问您的网站也没有关系,因为他们不会采取行动。
11.测试您的副本 (11. Test Your Copy)
In the drive to create a great user experience, user testing is a natural process that needs to be undertaken. The same applies to copywriting. A writer cannot assume how well his or her copy will aid in the user experience and whether or not it will convert. It takes real data to show us which version of our copy is actually better.
在创造出色的用户体验的过程中,用户测试是必须进行的自然过程。 同样适用于文案写作。 作者无法假设他或她的副本对用户体验的帮助程度以及它是否会转换。 它需要真实的数据来告诉我们实际上哪个版本的副本更好。
Simply switching out a word or two can make a huge difference, so do not be afraid to run an A/B test to see whether “Download Now” or “Get Your Free eBook” converts better.
只需切换一个或两个字就可以带来很大的不同,因此不要害怕进行A / B测试以查看“立即下载”或“获取免费电子书”的转换效果更好。
Don’t just limit yourself to watching your conversion rates, either. Ask people to read your copy and observe them react to it. For example, ask them to search for your product features, and watch them follow the instructions on your website. How do they interact with the page and your content to get the answers to their questions? What are their personal thoughts and feelings while they are reading and navigating your website?
也不要只局限于观看转化率。 要求人们阅读您的副本并观察他们对此的React。 例如,要求他们搜索您的产品功能,并观看他们按照您网站上的说明进行操作。 他们如何与页面和您的内容进行交互以获得问题的答案? 在阅读和浏览您的网站时,他们的个人想法和感受是什么?
Then, ask them to summarize what they have read. If they can do it without looking back at the page, then your copy is doing its job.
然后,请他们总结他们已阅读的内容。 如果他们可以做到而无需回头查看页面,则说明您的副本正在执行其工作。
By really getting into your site visitor’s heads like this, you can get a better idea of how your copy truly correlates with user experience.
结语 (Wrapping it Up)
With these 11 tips in mind, you can create compelling website copy that leads to a better experience for your website visitors. While this list can seem overwhelming at first, you can always tweak parts of your website copy and test out new ideas as your site evolves.
牢记这11个技巧,您可以创建引人注目的网站副本,从而为网站访问者带来更好的体验。 尽管此列表乍看之下似乎不胜枚举,但您可以随时调整网站副本的一部分,并随着网站的发展测试新的想法。
So, will you stick with your current web copy, or will you put these tips to use and write copy to boost the user experience on your site? The choice is yours.
因此,您会坚持使用当前的网络副本,还是使用这些技巧来编写副本来提高网站的用户体验? 这是你的选择。
想了解更多? (Want to learn more?)
Want to get an industry-recognized Course Certificate in UX Design, Design Thinking, UI Design, or another related design topic? Online UX courses from the Interaction Design Foundation can provide you with industry-relevant skills to advance your UX career. For example, Design Thinking, Become a UX Designer from Scratch, Conducting Usability Testing or User Research — Methods and Best Practices are some of the most popular courses. Good luck on your learning journey!
是否想获得UX设计,设计思维,UI设计或其他相关设计主题的行业认可课程证书? Interaction Design Foundation提供的在线UX课程可以为您提供与行业相关的技能,以促进您的UX职业发展。 例如, 设计思维 , 从零开始成为UX设计师 , 进行可用性测试或用户研究-方法和最佳实践是一些最受欢迎的课程。 祝您学习愉快!
(Lead image: Depositphotos)
(领导形象: Depositphotos )
Originally published at UsabilityGeek by John Stevens, who is hosting enthusiast who currently writes for HostingFacts. When he is not analyzing web hosting providers, he is probably hanging out with his family or doing occasional copywriting gigs.
最初由约翰史蒂文斯 ( John Stevens)在UsabilityGeek上发表,他是接待爱好者,目前为HostingFacts撰写 。 当他不分析网络托管服务提供商时,他可能会与家人出去玩或偶尔做文案演出。
翻译自: https://medium.com/usabilitygeek/11-copywriting-techniques-that-will-improve-the-user-experience-of-your-site-aca7b4f0f270