

Prototypes are model versions of digital products. They’re used to measure usability by testing with potential users of a product. When making prototypes with Figma, it is necessary that the actions that trigger reactions aren’t strangers and they are used on the appropriate platforms and in the right instances.

原型是数字产品的模型版本。 它们通过与产品的潜在用户进行测试来衡量可用性。 使用Figma制作原型时,触发React的动作一定不要陌生,并且必须在适当的平台和正确的实例中使用它们。

These are the interaction triggers on Figma and how they work.


延迟后。 (After Delay.)

People don’t instantly interact with a call to action without a very small window of time, which could be at least a second. I mean, they’re not high-speed robots. You can use this small window of time creatively to, for example, show snapshots of how your product works or animate an illustration.

在没有非常短的时间间隔(可能至少是一秒钟)的情况下,人们不会立即与号召性用语互动。 我的意思是,它们不是高速机器人。 您可以创造性地使用这一小时间窗口,例如显示产品工作原理的快照或为插图制作动画。

This interaction is only available when a frame is selected in prototype options.


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Look! it’s the iPhone 9!
看! 这是iPhone 9!

悬停时。 (While Hovering.)

Hovering is like touching a cup of coffee before picking it up, hovering in this case, is the touch. It’s not a confirmatory interaction, it just aids affordance that is, it just helps to show that the call to action works — or that the cup of coffee isn’t a cup of cold water.

悬停就像在拿起咖啡之前先触摸一杯咖啡,在这种情况下,悬停就是触摸。 这不是确定性的互动,它只是帮助提高负担能力,也只是有助于表明号召性用语有效,或者这杯咖啡不是一杯冷水。

Hovering isn’t a valid trigger in touchscreen interfaces.


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Thank goodness it’s not a dummy button.

点按。 (On Tap.)

The first thing a person is most likely to do after at least scanning through content on a page is to click on a significant call to action, yes? Clicking is one of the basic ways people interact with a product (or prototype).

在至少浏览页面内容之后,人们最有可能做的第一件事就是点击重要的号召性用语,对吗? 点击是人们与产品(或原型)互动的基本方式之一。

Pretty much works on any device that isn’t controlled by only voice.


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Clicking on a single-page, single-button website.

在拖动。 (On Drag.)

Dragging interaction— ‘swiping' as we know it is useful for example to simulate scrolling. Some popular products have integrated this in other small yet useful interactions like exiting the full-screen view of picture or video playback.

拖动交互-我们知道“滑动”对于例如模拟滚动很有用。 一些受欢迎的产品已将此集成到其他小的但有用的交互中,例如退出图片或视频播放的全屏视图。

It is mostly used in touch-controlled interfaces because it’s one of the major ways users navigate around them.


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Swiping stuff around.

同时按下。 (While pressing.)

Simulates “press and hold” in devices with a touchpad. This interaction is mostly used for options that are important but do not need to be discovered instantly. For instance, pressing and holding on app icons in mobile devices reveals the option to uninstall.

使用触摸板模拟设备中的“按住”。 这种交互作用主要用于重要但不需要立即发现的选项。 例如,按住移动设备中的应用程序图标可显示卸载选项。

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A bouncy button.

按键/游戏手柄。 (Key/Gamepad.)

Many times you tend to use keyboard shortcuts when you’ve become proficient in the use of a product or used a product for a long time? Key triggers help simulate simple app navigation shortcuts with keys on a keyboard or Game controllers in a prototype.

当您精通产品使用或长时间使用产品时,往往会倾向于使用键盘快捷键? 按键触发器可使用键盘上的按键或原型中的游戏控制器来模拟简单的应用程序导航快捷方式。

Check out what this page does when the up and down arrow keys are tapped.


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Look! No cursor!
看! 没有光标!

鼠标触发器。 (Mouse triggers.)

These are hover and click actions broken into two pairs:


Mouse enter [Hover start],


Mouse Down [Press start],


Mouse Up [Press end],


Mouse leave [Hover end].


These ’start and end’ pairs work together i.e. Mouse down is triggered when you press down a mouse button, Mouse up is its counterpart that is triggered when you release the click.


However, the mouse-enter and leave options, just like hover, cannot be used in touch-controlled interfaces.


Here’s a demo:


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Nothing much, just checking the checkbox out.

Using these trigger options appropriately and creatively (with the transition options) will help you create a seamless navigation experience in your design and in your final product eventually.


Keep practicing and keep being awesome!







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