静态原型设计 加载中_见解1:原型设计有助于填补静态设计留下的空白。

静态原型设计 加载中

In April 2015, I joined the Disney Parks creative team to design mobile experiences for the happiest place on Earth. I learned a lot from a diverse group of humble, creative, and smart people.

2015年4月,我加入了迪士尼公园创意团队,为地球上最快乐的地方设计了移动体验。 我从一群谦虚,有创造力和聪明的人那里学到了很多东西。

Here’s a brief list of learnings specifically about prototyping from my time contracting as an Interaction Designer from 2015 to August 2019. (I won’t discuss Disney’s process nor projects. I kept it high-level, so each insight is useful for everybody, regardless of the industry you work on).


见解1:原型设计有助于填补静态设计留下的空白。 (Insight 1: Prototyping helps fill in the blanks left by static designs.)

  • As an Interaction Designer, you need to find the ideal moment to bring prototyping to the design process.

  • When exploring an app flow, always keep an eye for the gaps between different screens or sections.

  • Ask yourself: How do you get from A to B? What is the transition between these two states? Which actions would hit a service call (loading states)?

    问自己:您如何从A到B? 这两个状态之间的转换是什么? 哪些动作会打服务电话(加载状态)?
  • Use motion to explore and adjust how the animations look.


    Use prototyping to test and adjust how the interactions feel.


见解2:原型有助于定义目标并推动团队朝着目标迈进。 (Insight 2: Prototyping helps define a goal and drive a team towards it.)

  • A prototype is worth a thousand meetings.

  • Use prototyping to set aspirational goals. Pass your prototype around, let people use it. Set the mindset of “This is what we want to achieve.”

    使用原型设定理想目标。 传递您的原型,让人们使用它。 设置“这是我们想要实现的目标”的心态

  • Socialize the prototype, inspire the different teams involved in the product to drive their motivation to accomplish challenging goals.


见解3:原型正在设计“做什么”和“如何做”之间的桥梁。 (Insight 3: Prototyping is designing a bridge between “what to do” and “how to do it.”)

  • As an Interaction Designer, you’re a Design Advocate to the Development team and a Developer Advocate to the Design team.

  • You don’t need to have all the answers, but you need to help uncover and focus on the right questions.

  • Understand that, although there are different teams, there are no “sides.” Help foster collaboration. Build the bridge between the conversations around what to do and how to do it.

    要知道,尽管有不同的团队,但没有“双方”。 帮助促进协作。 在围绕做什么如何做的对话之间架起桥梁。

见解4:原型设计是一项独特的设计挑战,您需要将想象力,创造力和解决问题的能力相结合。 (Insight 4: Prototyping is a unique design challenge in which you combine imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.)

  • A prototyper’s mindset is an explorer’s mindset, a hacker’s mindset.

  • Curiosity is a trait that drives growth in prototypers. Test many tools, test many apps, test many interactions. Applied curiosity strengthens your imagination.

    好奇心是推动原型开发人员成长的特质。 测试许多工具,测试许多应用程序,测试许多交互。 应用好奇心可以增强您的想象力。
  • Most of the time, a problem or challenge has more than one solution.

  • Don’t stop at one answer. Look at a problem from different angles, solve it again and again. You’ll end up training your creativity.

    不要停下来一个答案。 从不同角度看问题,一次又一次解决。 您将最终训练自己的创造力。
  • Don’t be afraid of tackling challenges you’ve never faced before.

  • Take ownership of a challenge, approach unknowns through “what ifs.” Develop your problem-solving skills.

    承担挑战的责任,通过“假设”解决未知问题 培养解决问题的能力。

见解5:原型制作感觉像是要付费学习新知识。 (Insight 5: Prototyping feels like being paid to learn something new.)

  • There’s something fun, and scary, in going to work every day to solve problems you know you don’t have the answers to yet.


  • All the unknowns that challenge your problem-solving skills, whether you solve them or not, end up becoming learning lessons.

  • Share what you learn.


见解6:原型设计可让您一窥未来。 投资其中可以节省项目资金。 (Insight 6: Prototyping gives you a sneak peek to the future. Investing in it saves the project money.)

  • For product design, prototyping is the most valuable when it helps to uncover and react to potential problems in the experience.

  • For development teams, prototyping is the most valuable when it helps to identify technical challenges in advance.

  • For research teams, prototyping is the most valuable when it helps to bring user-testing sessions as close as possible to the real-product experience.

  • For the business, prototyping is the most valuable when it helps the project save money.

  • Identify all of this potential — advocate for prototyping. Make sure to communicate the value of investing in it.

    确定所有这些潜力-倡导原型设计。 确保传达投资的价值。

见解7:深入观察可改善原型设计,反之亦然。 (Insight 7: Deep observation improves prototyping, and vice versa.)

  • Prototyping is an activity that makes you grow as a designer by continually challenging you.

  • Creating a habit out of applied curiosity and problem-solving skills improves the precision of your observations.

  • By being more precise on your observations and analysis, you get to grow as a prototyper.

  • Process what you learn from your wins and defeats. Write things down.

    处理您从胜利和失败中学到的东西。 写下来。

Prototyping made me learn about much more than just prototyping. I got to improve my communication, storytelling, and problem-solving skills.

原型让我了解更多的不仅仅是原型。 我必须提高沟通,讲故事和解决问题的能力。

In time, this brought me the opportunity to lead special projects (the ones about blue-sky ideation and speculative futures were the absolute best). I’m currently leading a team of designers at Globant, focused on helping Product and Technology teams pitch new products, and explore future features through design prototypes and PoCs.

随着时间的流逝,这给我带来了领导特殊项目的机会(关于蓝天思想和投机性期货的项目绝对是最好的) 。 我目前正在Globant领导一个设计师团队,致力于帮助产品和技术团队推销新产品,并通过设计原型和PoC探索未来的功能。

I intentionally left the discussion about design tools out of this list.


When I reflected on these four years at Disney, I was interested in distilling general advice related to Interaction Design and prototyping, and I realized that the most important observations I had were about mindsets and the value of exploration and curiosity. Tools, although important, just ended up being secondary.

当我在迪士尼思考这四年时,我有兴趣提炼出与交互设计和原型设计有关的一般建议,并且我意识到,我最重要的发现是关于心态以及探索和好奇心的价值。 工具虽然很重要,但最终只是次要的。

Image of me and my wife at Disney California Adventure
With my wife, enjoying the Disney magic

I use Twitter to talk about design and prototyping tools. If you liked reading this post, follow me there as I continue to document findings and observations related to Interaction Design.

我使用Twitter谈论设计和原型设计工具。 如果您喜欢阅读这篇文章,请跟随我,因为我会继续记录与交互设计有关的发现和观察。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-i-learned-about-prototyping-after-four-years-at-disney-5bfe1fa6a3ac

静态原型设计 加载中





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