
国外网站建设官网,深圳百度推广优化,WordPress 扫码支付跳转,东易日盛装饰公司东莞分公司屏幕广播系统重点 (Top highlight)Over the past several decades, rapid advances in technology have dramatically enhanced the digital customer experience and their expectations. In the face of these heightened customer expectations, the role of the Interactio…


重点 (Top highlight)

Over the past several decades, rapid advances in technology have dramatically enhanced the digital customer experience and their expectations. In the face of these heightened customer expectations, the role of the Interaction Designer has evolved and the way we work has been dramatically altered.

在过去的几十年中,技术的飞速发展极大地增强了数字客户的体验和他们的期望。 面对这些更高的客户期望,Interaction Designer的角色已经演变,我们的工作方式也发生了巨大变化。

Interaction Designers need to think at a systems level and design spatial interactions that not only account for time and space, but also the unpredictable behavior of humans within this ecosystem.


A linear User Flow diagram depicting how interaction design involves a person, a system, and time.
Interaction Design is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, system, or service. | Jon Kolko
交互设计是产品,系统或服务之间的对话创建 | 乔恩·科尔科

为什么这很重要? (Why is this important?)

Whenever someone asks me “What do you do?”, I often paraphrase a version of Jon Kolko’s description of what Interaction Design is.

每当有人问我“你做什么?”时,我通常会用乔恩·科尔科(Jon Kolko)对“交互设计”的描述进行解释。

Interaction Design is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, system, or service. This dialogue is both physical and emotional in nature and is manifested in the interplay between form, function, and technology as experienced over time.

互动设计是 建立对话 之间 一个人 产品,系统或服务。 这次对话既是 自然的身体和情感 并体现在形式,功能和技术之间的相互作用 随着时间的流逝

— Jon Kolko, Author of Thoughts on Interaction Design (2011)

— Jon Kolko, 交互设计思想作者(2011)

Designing user interactions and systems (not just static screens) is a challenge for any designer. Interactions are fluid and dynamic and, as Interaction Designers, we need to design for all potential permutations within a system to design effective interactions.

设计用户交互和系统(不仅是静态屏幕)对任何设计师都是一个挑战。 交互是动态的和动态的,作为交互设计师,我们需要设计系统中所有可能的排列,以设计有效的交互。

Luckily, there are techniques that can help. Through an understanding of Elements, Functionality, and States we can consistently break down complex interactions and design complex interconnected systems that account for all aspects of a user’s experience.

幸运的是,有些技术可以提供帮助。 通过元素功能各国的理解,我们可以始终如一地分解复杂的相互作用和设计占用户体验的方方面面复杂的互连系统。

Screen Flow diagram illustrating the flows within a complex, interconnected system

有什么不同? 屏幕与元素,功能和状态。 (What’s the difference? Screens vs. Elements, Functionality, & States.)

Screens (or templates, pages, etc…) are nothing more than containers. They are a collection of Elements and Functionality that can appear in varying States.

屏风 (或模板,页面等)仅是容器。 它们是元素功能的集合,可以在出现改变了S 大老

To think beyond static Screens and design for user interaction, we first need to understand the components that a screen is comprised of — Elements, Functionality, and States.

要考虑静态屏幕和用户交互的设计之外,我们首先需要了解屏幕所包含的组件— Elements功能States

  • Elements — The content and user interface (UI) elements contained within a screen.

    元素 -屏幕中包含的内容和用户界面(UI)元素。

  • Functionality — The actions a user can take within a screen to navigate or alter the state of elements.

    功能性 -用户可以在屏幕中执行的操作,以导航或更改元素的状态。

  • States — Alternative screen views where elements are changed based on user or system-defined variables.

    状态 -根据用户或系统定义的变量更改元素的备用屏幕视图。

Diagram showing the hierarchal relationship between Screens (top) and States, Functionality, and Elements (below)

元素功能 ,和国家有密不可分的系统内连接-每个有潜力影响另一个。 (Elements, Functionality, and States are inexorably linked within a system — each having the potential to impact another.)

As Interaction Designers, it is up to us to design how Elements, Functionality, and States relate to one another.

作为交互设计师,这是由我们来设计元素 ,功能,以及各国如何彼此关联的。

  • Elements can be changed or altered by States.Example: The appearance of a “log-in” button (UI Element) could vary based on whether or not a user is logged-in (State).

    元素可以由国家更改或更改。 示例:根据用户是否已登录(状态),“登录”按钮(UI元素)的外观可能有所不同。

  • States can be impacted by Functionally.Example: Rows of data within a table (Elements) could be altered by a Sort & Filter Button (Functionality).

    状态会受到功能上的影响。 示例:表中的数据行(元素)可以通过“排序和过滤”按钮(功能)进行更改。

  • Functionality can vary based on States.Example: A button to View How Crowded a restaurant is in real-time (Functionality) could be disabled when the restaurant is closed (State).

    功能可能会因国家/地区而异。 例如:当餐厅关闭(状态)时,可以禁用用于实时查看餐厅拥挤状况的按钮(功能)。

Illustration showing States, Functionality, and Elements (bottom) overlapping within their container — Screens (top)

记住-我们正在设计交互,而不是静态屏幕! (Remember — we are designing interactions, not static screens!)

To design for all potential permutations within a system and define how the components within a system impact each other, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the Complexity (Elements & Functionality) and Variants (States) that exist within the system we are designing.


  • Interactions are fluid and dynamic and, as Interaction Designers, we need to design for all potential permutations within a system.

  • An understanding of elements, functionality and states empowers us to break down complex interaction design challenges and design systems that align with how a users interact within them.


Horizontal graphics that reinforcing that interactions are fluid and dynamic

我们何时,如何以及为什么使用元素,功能和状态? (When, how and why do we use Elements, Functionality and States?)

  • When?As early as possible in the design process — When we are trying to understand a user experience design challenge.

    什么时候? 尽早在设计过程中-当我们试图了解用户体验设计挑战时。

  • How?On a whiteboard or a piece of paper — Loosely, informally and iteratively with pen and paper.

    怎么样? 在白板或一张纸上–用笔和纸轻松,非正式和迭代地进行操作。

  • Why?To understand the complexities of a system — What is required to enable a system to function in a way that is both usable and desirable.

    为什么? 了解系统的复杂性-使系统以可用和期望的方式运行所需的条件。

  • How?As a design definition and communication tool — To explore, then define the requirements of a system and a user’s experience.

    怎么样? 作为设计定义和交流工具-探索,然后定义系统需求和用户体验。

Graphic reinforcing when, how and why we use Elements, Functionality and States

我们如何识别系统中的元素,功能和状态? (How can we identify the Elements, Functionality and States within a system?)

Mind Mapping is an effective tool for seeing the big picture —it helps us define the scope of a system and understand the complexities and variants that exist within it.


Example of a complete Mind Map diagram

我们可以使用思维导图在系统和功能级别上建立理解。 (We can use Mind Maps to establish an understanding at both a System and a Feature level.)

在系统级别,思维导图帮助我们理解和定义: (At a System level, Mind Maps help us understand and define:)

  • (1.) The Touch-points, Templates, and Features required for a system to function.


  • (2.) The Elements, Functionality, and States required to make a user’s experience usable, desirable and effective.


An example of a Mind Map diagram showing ideation at a system level

在功能级别上,思维导图可帮助我们理解和定义: (At a Feature level, Mind Maps help us understand and define:)

  • (1.) The Functional Requirements of a specific feature within a larger product or service ecosystem.


  • (2.) The Elements, Functionality, and States required to make a user’s experience usable, desirable and effective.


An example of a Mind Map diagram showing ideation at a feature level

分步指南:如何使用思维导图 在功能级别 识别元素,功能和状态。 (Step-by-step: How to use Mind Maps to identify Elements, Functionality and States at a feature level.)

The real-world example below shows us how we can use Mind Maps to define the Elements, Functionality and States within a system in order to gain an understand of the complexities and variants that exist within it.

真实世界的例子如下图我们如何用思维导图到系统中定义的元素功能国家 ,以获得一个了解的复杂性和变异体在它存在。

步骤01:选择一个类别。 (Step 01: Choose a category.)

To get started, choose a single category to focus on — Screens + [Elements or Functionality or States]

要开始,选择一个类别集中于- 屏幕 + 元素功能美国 ]

In the example below, we have chosen to begin with States: Screens + States

在下面的示例中,我们选择以States开始: Screens + States

Graphic reinforcing the first step in the process — choosing a category

步骤02:确定您的起点。 (Step 02: Identify your origin point.)

Start by drawing a circle on a piece of page and adding your Screen name within in. This is the origin point of your Mind Map.


In the example below, we are using a Mind Map to ideate around a feature for the Reserve App — a Dashboard that provides users with the ability to split a restaurant check with friends and pay for their meal digitally, using the app.


Graphic reinforcing the second step in the process — identifying an origin point for your mind map diagram

步骤03:想法的变体。 (Step 03: Ideate variants.)

Using the category you chose, start defining variants. Add them as offshoots originating from your origin point.

使用您选择的类别,开始定义变体。 将它们添加为源自您的起点的分支。

In the example below, we are first identifying States of the Check Splitting Dashboard that will have a direct impact on how Content and Functionality is presented to the user.

在下面的例子中,我们首先要识别检查拆分仪表板,将会对功能是如何的内容 ,并呈现给用户产生直接影响的国家

Graphic reinforcing the third step in the process — identifying variants that stem from the origin point in your mind map

步骤04:选择第二个类别。 (Step 04: Choose a second category.)

Next, choose an additional category to focus on — Screens + [Elements or Functionality or States]

下一步,选择一个类别集中于- 屏幕 + 元素功能美国 ]

In the example below, we are adding Functionality to our Mind Map: Screens + States + Functionality.

在下面的示例中,我们将功能添加到思维导图中: 屏幕 +状态+功能。

Graphic reinforcing the fourth step in the process — choosing a second category

步骤05:添加另一层。 (Step 05: Add another layer.)

Using the second category you chose, define variants and add them as offshoots to add another level of hierarchy to your Mind Map.


In the example below we are adding Functionality within States — specifically what Functionality needs to be presented to users in different States of the Check Splitting Dashboard

在下面的示例中,我们在内添加了功能 -特别是需要向支票拆分仪表板的不同中的用户提供哪些功能

Graphic reinforcing the fifth step in the process — adding more complexity to your mind map diagram

步骤06:继续提高层次复杂性。 (Step 06: Continue to layer-on complexity.)

Continue to add additional levels of hierarchy to your Mind Map — Screens + [Elements or Functionality or States]

继续层次的附加级别添加到您的思维导图- 屏风 + 元素功能美国 ]

In the example below, we are adding multiple levels of Elements within States — defining what content needs to be presented to users in different States of the Check Splitting Dashboard.


Graphic reinforcing the sixth step in the process —a completed mind map that includes multiple levels of complexity

您准备好开始素描了吗? (Are you ready to start sketching?)

Well, almost...While Mind Mapping is an excellent ideation technique, we cannot forget about the most important aspect of human-centered interaction design — the humans who will be interacting with our design.


Now, let’s talk about how we can integrate user context into our ideation. 👇

现在,让我们谈谈如何将用户上下文集成到我们的构想中。 👇

集成用户上下文-概念的基础。 (Integrating User Context — The basis for ideation.)

作为交互设计师,如果不了解用户上下文和行为,我们就无法有效地进行设计。 (As Interaction Designers, we cannot design effectively without an understanding of user context and behavior.)

To effectively define the Functionality, Elements and States within a system, we need to understand how end-users relate to the system.

要在系统中有效地定义的功能要素国家 ,我们需要了解最终用户如何与系统。

This includes their context, goals, motivations and behaviors.


User context, goals, motivations and behaviors

用户场景和“英雄”任务流是简单的技术,我们可以使用它们将用户上下文集成到我们的构想中。 (User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows are simple techniques that we can use to integrate user context into our ideation.)

  • User Scenarios — Scenarios describe the stories and context behind why a specific user or user group interacts with a product or service.

    用户方案 -方案描述了特定用户或用户组与产品或服务进行交互的原因背后的故事和背景。

  • ‘Hero’ Task Flows — ‘Hero’ Flows Illustrates the motivations and steps that a user takes to complete a task or accomplish a goal.

    “英雄”任务流 -“英雄”流说明了用户完成任务或实现目标的动机和步骤。

User Scenarios + ‘Hero’ Task Flow

技术01:用户方案 (Technique 01: User Scenarios)

User Scenarios describe the stories and context behind why a specific user or user group interacts with a product or service.

用户方案描述 特定用户或用户组与产品或服务进行交互的原因 背后故事背景

Two examples of User Scenarios, shown side-by-side

用户场景很简洁,但是清楚地回答了三个问题: (User Scenarios are concise but clearly answer three questions:)

  1. Who is the user What defines this users behaviors? What attributes of their persona are most relevant to this interaction?

    谁是用户 - 是什么定义了此用户的行为? 他们角色的哪些属性与此互动最相关?

  2. Why are they using a product or service What motivates the user to use a product or service? What are their expectations of it?

    他们为什么使用产品或服务 - 是什么促使用户使用产品或服务? 他们对此有什么期望?

  3. What goals do they have — What is the user hoping to accomplish? What does success look like for them?

    他们有什么目标 -用户希望实现什么目标? 对他们来说成功是什么样的?

技术02:“英雄”任务流 (Technique 02: ‘Hero’ Task Flows)

‘Hero’ Task Flows illustrate the motivations and primary steps that a user takes to complete a task or accomplish a goal.


An example of a Hero Task Flow diagram

“英雄”任务流着重于说明用户完成任务或目标的“快乐之路”。 他们应该: (‘Hero’ Task Flows focus on illustrating a user’s ‘happy path’ towards completing a task or goal. They should:)

  1. Only depict motivations & primary steps — The minimum number of touch points needed to illustrate how a user accomplishes their goal.

    仅描述动机和主要步骤 -说明用户如何实现目标所需的最少接触点数。

  2. Illustrate internal & external touch points As necessary, incorporate touch points outside of your product or service ecosystem.

    说明内部和外部接触点 - 必要时,将接触点合并到产品或服务生态系统之外。

  3. Not account for edge cases — Focus on the primary path a user takes to achieving their goal. Define the edge cases later.

    不考虑极端情况-关注用户实现目标的主要途径。 稍后定义边缘情况。

利用用户方案和“英雄”任务流作为构图工具进行构思。 (Utilizing User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows as framing tools for ideation.)

We can utilize User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows to gain an understanding of the context of an end-user (or users) relationship with a system.


This Context enables us understand the complexity and nuance of the relationship — What are the different States that a user can take on within the system? How and when does a users State change or evolve over time? How does the system need to flex or adapt to accommodate State changes?

这种语境使我们了解的关系的复杂性和细微差别-有哪些不同的国家 ,用户可以在系统中承担? 用户状态如何以及何时随时间变化或演变? 系统如何需要适应或适应国家变化?

An example of two user states and their associated User Scenarios within a system

Using this context, we can define the Functionality, Elements and States within a system with heightened awareness and intention. We can ideate at a deeper level to define how the system behaves or appears differently based on the State a user is in when they are interacting with it.

使用这种背景下,我们可以通过提高意识和意图的系统中定义的功能要素国家 。 我们可以在更深层次上进行构思,根据用户与之交互时所处的状态来定义系统的行为方式或外观。

An example of two contextual mind maps that are based on two different user states within a system

现在,我们准备好了-让我们开始素描吧! (Now, we’re ready — let’s start sketching!)

With a thorough understanding of user context and behavior, as well as the Elements, Functionality and States that comprise the system we are designing, we are well positioned to begin exploring ideas.

随着用户背景和行为的透彻了解,以及元素功能规定 ,包括我们设计的系统,我们能够很好地开始探索的想法。

Examples of iterative design definition — from sketches through to mid-fidelity wireframes

回顾-外卖和建议。 (Recap — Takeaways & Recommendations.)

Interactions are fluid and dynamic and, as Interaction Designers, we need to design for all potential permutations within a system to design effective interactions.


Through an understanding of Elements, Functionality and States we can consistently break down complex interactions and design complex interconnected systems that account for all aspects of a user’s experience.


设计屏幕时,首先要考虑定义要设计的系统复杂性的元素,功能和状态。 (When designing Screens, start by ideating the Elements, Functionality, and States that define the complexity of the system you are designing.)

  • Systems, not screens — To design for all potential permutations within a system, we need to understand the Complexity (Elements & Functionality) and Variants (States) that exist within the system we are designing.

    系统而不是屏幕 -要设计系统中所有可能的排列,我们需要了解我们正在设计的系统中存在的复杂性(元素和功能)和变体(状态)

  • Ideate first! — Ideate and define Elements, Functionality and States before you sketch or define any aspect of a user interface.

    首先想法! -酝和定义元素功能和你的国家草图或定义用户界面的任何方面之前。

  • Start by sketching — Start low-fidelity, outside of your computer and design tools.


  • Mind Maps — Use Mind Maps to help facilitate your ideation process.

    思维导图 —使用思维导图可以帮助您简化构思过程。

Graphic reinforcing three key takeaways — Screen vs. functionality, elements, and states

利用用户场景和“英雄”任务流来有效定义设计中的功能,元素和状态。 (Utilize User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows to effectively define the Functionality, Elements and states within your design.)

  • Considering user context —When designing a solution, always consider the context, goals, motivations, and behaviors of your end-user.

    考虑用户上下文 -设计解决方案时,请始终考虑最终用户的上下文,目标,动机和行为。

  • Communicating user context — When discussing your designs, speak to them through the context of the end-user, highlighting their context, goals, motivations, and behavior.

    交流用户上下文 -讨论设计时,请通过最终用户的上下文与他们交谈,突出显示其上下文,目标,动机和行为。

  • Tools for understanding— We can utilize User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows to gain an understanding of the context of an end-users (or users) relationship with a system.

    用于理解的工具 -我们可以利用用户场景和“英雄”任务流来了解最终用户(或用户)与系统关系的上下文。

  • Tools for framing — We can utilize the context of the user that is established via User Scenarios and ‘Hero’ Task Flows as framing tools for ideation.


Graphic reinforcing three key takeaways — Connecting users to functionality, elements, and states

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/functionality-elements-states-how-to-design-systems-not-screens-c8089722506f





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Vue 2.7 正式发布,代号为 Naruto

大家好,我是若川。持续组织了近一年的源码共读活动,感兴趣的可以 点此加我微信ruochuan12 参与,每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码,共同进步。同时极力推荐订阅我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含20余篇源码文章。历史面试系列。…


js设置css色相旋转Hue rotation is often an easy way to change the appearance of a plot or figure without the need to create a new colour bar. However, when dealing with colourblindness, it is important to ensure that the spacing between colours is sufficien…


ux设计中的各种地图Last year I got to work on an app that was ultimately going to be deployed globally in every market and every language including RTL (Right-to-Left) languages — with a specific focus on Arabic.去年,我开始致力于开发一个应用程序…


本文来自读者那个曾经的少年回来了 写的源码共读35期笔记文章,授权投稿,写的真好。本文参加了由公众号若川视野 发起的每周源码共读活动,点此加我微信 ruochuan12 了解详情一起参与。本文属于源码共读第35期 | 为 vite 项目自动添加 eslint 和…


极端原理*You can also read this article in German here.*您也可以 在此处 阅读 德语文章 。 In this article I’m going to draw on the Design thinking concept of designing for extreme users and I will argue that designing for extreme users can be considered a…


大家好,我是若川。持续组织了近一年的源码共读活动,感兴趣的可以 点此加我微信ruochuan12 参与,每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码,共同进步。同时极力推荐订阅我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含20余篇源码文章。历史面试系列。…


ux和uiI still remember those days, when I was a soon-to-be graphic design graduate who started to question what my future will be. At that time, I realized that I loved graphic design, but I wasn’t sure if I enjoyed doing it. Creating logos, posters, broc…

