hashmap 从头到尾_如何从头到尾设计一个简单的复古徽标

hashmap 从头到尾

在纸上素描粗糙的概念 (Sketch rough concepts on paper)

Start by sketching out a few ideas for your logo on paper. These don’t have to be detailed drawings. Instead, it’s about getting your ideas out quickly. In this early stage, you can explore different layout options. If you have more than one word, try all words in one line as well as stacked on top of each other.

首先在纸上勾勒出一些有关徽标的想法。 这些不一定是详细的图纸。 相反,它是关于Swift提出您的想法的。 在此早期阶段,您可以探索不同的布局选项。 如果您有一个以上的单词,请尝试将所有单词排成一排,并堆叠在一起。

For this logo, I knew I wanted to include elements of a landscape. I played with the idea of sandwiching the words Ocean Beach between a visual representation of the ocean and sky.

对于这个徽标,我知道我想包含景观元素。 我的想法是将海洋沙滩一词夹在海洋和天空的视觉表示之间。

Sketching a logo concept for Ocean Beach
Sketching a logo concept for Ocean Beach

与排版配对 (Pair with typography)

Next, head into Illustrator or your favorite vector program to explore typeface pairings. You may already have an idea in mind but still take the time to try out different styles, including serif and san serifs. Try all caps, all lowercase, upper and lowercase.

接下来,进入Illustrator或您最喜欢的矢量程序以探索字体配对。 您可能已经有了一个主意,但是仍然花时间尝试不同的样式,包括衬线和衬线。 尝试所有大写字母,全部小写,大写和小写。

In this example, I chose Big Caslon Medium, an elegant serif typeface with beautiful details.

在此示例中,我选择了Big Caslon Medium ,这是一种优雅的衬线字体,具有精美的细节。

Trying out different typefaces in Adobe Illustrator
Trying out different typefaces in Adobe Illustrator
在Adobe Illustrator中尝试不同的字体

添加手绘效果 (Adding a hand-drawn touch)

I didn’t want this logo to have a super modern feel to it with sharp edges. I wanted to add a hand-lettered spirit. To do this, I exported a jpg of the logo text and opened it in Procreate on my iPad Pro.

我不希望这个徽标具有尖锐的边缘给它超现代的感觉。 我想添加一个手写的精神。 为此,我导出了徽标文本的jpg,并在iPad Pro上的Procreate中将其打开。

Reduce the opacity of this layer, then add another on top. I traced each letter and filled in with the Technical Pencil brush. I also added simple shapes for the landscape, a half circle for the sky, and wavy organic lines for the ocean.

降低该层的不透明度,然后在顶部添加另一个。 我追踪了每个字母,并用技术铅笔刷填充。 我还为景观添加了简单的形状,为天空添加了半个圆圈,为海洋添加了波浪形的有机线。

Image for post
Image for post
Tracing the design in Procreate

创建矢量版本 (Create a vector version)

Procreate is a raster-based software and since I’ll need the logo as a vector file, I used Image Trace to quickly vectorized. You can play around with the setting here to get the effect you’re going with but I wanted to preserve the imperfect edges created in the sketch in Procreate.

Procreate是一个基于光栅的软件,由于我需要徽标作为矢量文件,因此我使用了Image Trace来快速矢量化。 您可以在此处进行设置以获得所需的效果,但是我想保留Procreate中在草图中创建的不完美边缘。

Using Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator
Using Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator
在Adobe Illustrator中使用图像跟踪

Expand, select, and delete the white background so you have a clean vector shape with no background.


Image Trace result from Adobe Illustrator
Image Trace result from Adobe Illustrator
来自Adobe Illustrator的图像跟踪结果

清理形状和锚点 (Clean up shapes and anchor points)

Live Trace is known for creating hundreds of anchor points and messy vector shapes. Use the Shape Builder and Pathfinder tools to combine shapes. Clean up by removing anchor points, the smoother the lines the better.

Live Trace以创建数百个锚点和混乱的矢量形状而闻名。 使用“形状生成器”和“路径查找器”工具组合形状。 通过移除锚点进行清理,线条越平滑越好。

Image for post
Image for post

选择一个调色板 (Choose a color palette)

Search for color palettes on Pinterest relating to your theme. I searched for vintage color palettes and similar results until I found a few to try out.

在Pinterest上搜索与您的主题相关的调色板。 我搜索了老式的调色板和类似的结果,直到找到一些可以尝试的地方。

Image for post
Color palette combinations

Try to stick to 1–2 colors for the logo. A good rule of thumb is your logo should always work in black and white. After exploring a few options, I realized this logo looked best with the words Ocean Beach in a blue while the landscape is in vintage orange-red.

尝试将徽标坚持1-2种颜色。 一个好的经验法则是您的徽标应始终以黑白显示。 在探索了几种选择之后,我意识到,当风景为复古的橙红色时,该徽标看起来最好用蓝色的海洋沙滩一词。

Image for post
Image for post
Image for post
Different color combinations

在上下文中显示您的徽标 (Show your logo in context)

When you’re done with creating the logo, go the extra mile by mocking it up to see how it will look on other applications.


For this example, I wanted to test the logo on a photo of a beach. Once I was satisfied with the composition, I added a layer of grain to the entire image in Photoshop to accentuate the vintage feel I aimed for.

对于此示例,我想在海滩的照片上测试徽标。 对构图感到满意后,我在Photoshop中为整个图像添加了一层纹理,以增强我想要的复古感。

Image for post
Monica GalvanMonica Galvan设计

逐步观察设计过程 (Watch the design process step-by-step)

Sometimes it’s easier to observe the design process first-hand. Here is a quick tutorial where I show you how I design this simple vintage logo design using the steps outlined above.

有时,亲眼观察设计过程会更容易。 这是一个快速教程,其中向您展示如何使用上述步骤设计这种简单的复古徽标设计。

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-design-a-simple-vintage-logo-from-start-to-finish-838dbc62c8e8

hashmap 从头到尾




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