

*You can also read this article in German here.

*您也可以 在此处 阅读 德语文章

In this article I’m going to draw on the Design thinking concept of designing for extreme users and I will argue that designing for extreme users can be considered a case of designing for accessibility. I’m going to talk about pilots, (who doesn’t like pilots, right?) to shortly mention how to incorporate accessibility into personas and the inclusive personas context, and I’m going to dig into Designing for the extremes focusing first on a single aspect, right before telling you some persona stories.

在本文中,我将借鉴针对极端用户进行设计的设计思想概念,并且我将认为针对极端用户进行设计可以被视为针对可访问性进行设计的案例。 我将谈论飞行员(谁不喜欢飞行员,对吗?)简短地提到如何将可访问性纳入角色和包容性角色环境中,而我将深入探讨“极限设计”。一个方面,就在告诉您一些角色故事之前。

没有普通飞行员这样的东西 (There is no such thing as an average pilot)

(没有普通用户) ((There is no average user))

In the 40s the US Airforce was losing many pilots due to crashes. They investigated many possibilities and, like good pilots, landed on the cockpit design: it was designed to the “average” pilot of 1926.

在40年代,由于坠毁,美国空军失去了许多飞行员。 他们研究了许多可能性,并且像优秀的飞行员一样,着手进行座舱设计:它是为1926年“普通”飞行员设计的。

They started a new research to fine-tune those measures, but a member of the team compared the 10 physical dimensions believed to be most relevant for design, and found that out of how many of the 4,063 airmen matched all 10 dimensions… ready to make a guess how many they were? I mean, we are talking about the army, you need to have a certain height and weight in order to be allowed to enter at all, how difficult can this be?

他们开始了一项新的研究,以对这些措施进行微调,但是该团队的一名成员比较了被认为与设计最相关的10个物理尺寸,并发现在4,063名飞行员中有多少个与所有10个尺寸匹配……准备制造猜猜他们有多少? 我的意思是,我们在谈论军队时,您需要具有一定的身高和体重才能完全进入,这有多难?



If you guess ZERO, you are correct! None of the 4,063 airmen fit the average range in all 10 dimensions. Not. A. Single. One.

如果您猜测为零,那是对的! 4,063名飞行员中没有一个符合所有10个维度的平均射程。 不。 A.单身。 之一。

But hey Lt. Daniels gave it a second chance… what about picking only the 3 most important dimensions? want to try again?

但是嘿,丹尼尔斯中校给了第二次机会……那只选三个最重要的维度呢? 想再试一次吗?

(Sorry no drum rolls this time)


If you picked 3 dimensions, less than 3.5% would match.


The data was clear: the average pilot DID NOT EXIST. Designing for the average pilot was designing for NO ONE.

数据很清楚: 平均飞行员DID不存在 。 针对普通飞行员的设计就是针对“无一”的设计。

They learnt the hard way that any system designed around the average person is doomed to fail.


The US Airforce then embraced a new guiding principle: individual fit. Fitting the system to the individual, not the other way around.

然后,美国空军采用了新的指导原则: 适合个人。 使系统适合个人,而不是相反。

Now sell the idea of individual fit to your contractors.


They idea was rejected by the manufactures due to costs, can you imagine the conversation?


– “Come on! Are you kidding? Do you really want us to design individual solutions for each one of your pilots? Are you crazy? They are more than 4000 individual solutions! This year only! Are you going to ask us this craziness every time some new joins?!”

- “来吧! 你在开玩笑吗? 您是否真的要我们为您的每位飞行员设计个性化解决方案? 你疯了吗? 它们是4000多个单独的解决方案! 仅今年! 每当有新加入时,您要问我们这种疯狂吗?!”

But then, we’re not talking about your company or mine, we are talking about the US Air Force… That is where the big bucks are! When the military didn’t budge, the engineers came up with cheap and easy to implement ideas: adjustable seats, adjustable foot pedals, adjustable helmet straps… some of which are standards in other industries nowadays. You know more than one of those right?

但是,然后,我们不是在谈论您的公司或我的公司,而是在谈论美国空军……那是大笔钱! 当军队没有动摇时,工程师们想到了便宜又易于实施的想法:可调节的座椅,可调节的脚踏板,可调节的头盔带……其中一些是当今其他行业的标准配置。 您知道其中一项以上吗?

If this woke your interest, you can find out more in Todd Rose’s book “The end of the average” and Matthew Syed’s “Rebel Ideas: the power of diverse thinking”.

如果这引起了您的兴趣,您可以在Todd Rose的书“平均数的尽头”和Matthew Syed的“反叛思想:多样化思维的力量”中找到更多信息 。

专注于偏好 (Focus on the preferences)

To incorporate Accessibility into personas, the typical paths would be to focus on different areas like domain, ability, assistive technology. But, today we are not designing accessibility personas focused on established groups nor categories.

要将可访问性整合到角色中,典型的路径是将重点放在领域,能力,辅助技术等不同领域。 但是,今天我们并不是在设计针对已建立的组或类别的可访问性角色。

We are going to focus on features and preferences. Things like flexible presentation, diversity of devices, variation in input methods, multi-language, distracted use… We are keeping assistive tech and ability in mind, we’re not forgetting anyone here!

我们将专注于功能和偏好。 灵活的演示,设备的多样性,输入方法的变化,多种语言,分散的使用等……我们牢记辅助技术和能力,我们不会忘记这里的任何人!

但首先,让我们退后一步 (But first, let’s step back for a second)

Microsoft’s Inclusive Design toolkit which focus on ability and groups their persona spectrum into Permanent, Temporary and Situational scenarios.

微软的“ 包容性设计”工具包专注于能力,并将其角色谱分为永久性临时性情境方案。

I’ll come back to this later.


Designing for the extremes is part of the design thinking methodology used at the D.School in Stanford and Ideo. It is part of the Empathize or Inspiration phase.

极限设计是斯坦福大学和爱迪奥大学D.School使用的设计思维方法论的一部分。 它是“移情”或“灵感”阶段的一部分。

Sometimes, we limit ourselves with the average options when there can be a great range of opportunities on the sides.


D.School Bootleg deck about Extreme users, who they are , and how to engage with them, looking at the extreme in all of us.

I’m showing you the extreme users card of the Stanford D.School Bootleg deck. You can also find more about this on the Ideo’s design kit methods.

我正在向您展示Stanford D.School Bootleg卡座的极限用户卡。 您还可以在Ideo的设计套件方法中找到有关此内容的更多信息。

I love the fact that the card reminds us all that users are people (!). I’d also call your attention to extreme users having amplified workarounds which can bring meaningful needs to light that affect everyone else. This is where innovation happens.

我喜欢这张卡片提醒我们所有人用户都是人(!)。 我还要提醒您注意极端用户,这些用户具有不断扩大的解决方法,这些解决方法可以带来有意义的需求,从而影响其他所有人。 这就是创新发生的地方。

A bell curve showing state of mind. Left: Monks & Yoggies, middle: everyone else, right: burnt out/in an emergency
A very simplified State of mind extremes graph.

our construction worker could also be a barista,


设备网 (A web of Devices)

If we take into account the ocean of devices and different Operative Systems, how can we justify designing for a connected car, a video game console or even a fridge, and not designing for assistive technologies? In 2030 there will probably be 50 Billion IoT connected devices¹.

如果我们考虑到大量的设备和不同的操作系统,我们如何证明为联网汽车,视频游戏机甚至冰箱设计而不是为辅助技术设计? 到2030年,可能会有500亿个IoT连接设备¹。

想像 (Imagine)

Let’s imagine who could be users of subtitles as a wild example: Maybe someone forgot his headsets at home and and cannot wait to watch a video in the bus without sharing it with everyone… Maybe your baby just fell asleep and you don’t want to wake them up, so you’re watching your favourite series with subtitles… Maybe you like to watch Japanese films but you only speak Korean… Sounds familiar? I knew I’d get you with Japanese films!

让我们想象一下,谁可能是字幕的使用者:也许有人在家忘记了耳机,并且迫不及待地想在公交车上观看视频而不与所有人共享……也许您的宝宝刚刚睡着了,而您不想唤醒它们,以便您正在观看带有字幕的您最喜欢的系列节目……也许您喜欢看日本电影,但您只会说韩语……听起来很熟悉吗? 我知道我会和你一起看日本电影的!

Ready? Let’s get to it.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

莎拉 (Sarah)

Image for post

“Sarah is a freelancer who likes to work outside, so direct sunshine is usually a problem. She uses latest generation gear, but a proper network is not granted.”

萨拉(Sarah)是一位自由职业者,喜欢在户外工作,因此阳光直射通常是一个问题。 她使用最新一代的设备,但没有适当的网络。”

Now let’s work on her preferences and check constraints and touch points with accessibility:


She needs high contrast options to help her read and work when the sun is shinning on her screen, maybe also zoom if she is a very sunny place. She is working outside, so it can get noisy, so she needs alternative to audio and probably captions for videos. The possibility to work offline and at her own pace with no timers, maybe even a save for later options would be of great help against her connectivity issues, and high performance lightweight websites wouldn’t hurt neither.

当屏幕上有阳光时,她需要高对比度的选项来帮助阅读和工作,如果她是一个非常阳光明媚的地方,还可能需要缩放。 她在外面工作,所以可能会变得嘈杂,因此她需要替代音频和视频字幕的方法。 可以离线工作并按自己的步调运行而无需计时器,甚至可以节省以后的选择,这对于她的连接问题将大有帮助,而高性能的轻量级网站也不会受到伤害。

Connectivity would be her biggest technology constraint, as a freelance she could have low phases and financial issues or constraints and she we can sat Sarah has visual and hearing impairment touch points.


麦可 (Michael)

Persona card for Michael, a person drives a car, no head nor face to be seen. It’s an automatic car, the sun shines in front.

“Michael is a heavy car commuter who listens and answers emails on his car, and uses his voice assistant and screen reader to read documents and browse the web while he is driving, the network is not always stable and he gets easily frustrated when something doesn’t work as expected”


You know the drill, now that we know Michael a bit, let’s work on his preferences and check constraints and touchpoints with accessibility:


Michael needs a virtual assistant with a voice interface in order to interact with the system and get information while not break any traffic rules, he needs speech recognition to dictate emails, a screen reader to get the information of the email attachments and browse the internet if the attachments are pictures, those need to have an alt text in order to provide him with any useful information. Because he is concentrated in driving he can only perform simple gestures with big touch targets, his wouldn’t understand complicated texts that require concentration, so plain language is a lifesaver, and the possibility to work offline and not lose anything if he loses the connection is highly appreciated.

迈克尔需要一个具有语音接口的虚拟助手,以便与系统交互并获取信息,同时又不违反任何交通规则,他需要语音识别来指示电子邮件,需要屏幕阅读器来获取电子邮件附件的信息并浏览互联网(如果需要)附件是图片,那些需要有替代文本才能为他提供任何有用的信息。 因为他专心驾驶,所以只能用大触摸目标执行简单的手势,他不会理解需要专心的复杂文本,因此纯净的语言是救生员,并且可以离线工作并且在失去连接时不会丢失任何东西受到高度赞赏。

His constraints are technological and have touchpoints with visual, dexterity, motor and cognitive impairments.


Because he might be surrounded by distractions, simple and succinct language would help a lot.


看看我们所有人的极端 (Look at the extreme in all of us)

To sum up, as designers, we have the responsibility to include everyone in our design process. Even if there are rejections (there will be) about accessibility, we can turn the wheel and keep focus on other aspects that will cover our users with accessibilities.

总而言之,作为设计师,我们有责任在设计过程中融入所有人。 即使对可访问性存在拒绝(将会存在),我们也可以转动方向盘,继续关注可为我们的用户提供可访问性的其他方面。

If we are creating personas (or proto personas) for our projects, we can focus on the business instead of “accessibility”. When in doubt, you can follow this scheme:

如果我们要为项目创建角色(或原型角色),则可以专注于业务而不是“可访问性”。 如有疑问,可以遵循以下方案:

  • busy or stressed person <> cognitive impairment

  • driving a car <> motor + cognitive + vision impairment

  • foreign language <> speech impairment

  • Loud environment <> hard of hearing


If you need further examples depending on your industries:


  • Shopping bags / holding a baby<>motor impairment

  • Heavy suitcase on wheels <> motor impairment/wheelchair


Also even if I didn’t mention it before: don’t forget to include diversity in your studies. Try and avoid to design only for a white cis, local, city, abled upper-class male, even if your team still has many of these.

即使我以前没有提到过:也不要忘记在学习中加入多样性。 即使您的团队中仍然有很多这样的人,也要尽量避免只为白人,当地人,城市人,有能力的上流社会的男性设计。


[1] Strategy Analytics. (May 16, 2019). Number of internet of things (IoT) connected devices worldwide in 2018, 2025 and 2030 (in billions) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from https://www-statista-com.ezproxy.stadt-koeln.de/statistics/802690/worldwide-connected-devices-by-access-technology/]

[1]策略分析。 (2019年5月16日)。 2018年,2025年和2030年全球物联网(IoT)连接设备的数量(十亿)[图表]。 在Statista中 。 于2020年4月29日从https://www-statista-com.ezproxy.stadt-koeln.de/statistics/802690/worldwide-connected-devices-by-access-technology/检索

Todd Rose’s book “The end of the average”

托德·罗斯(Todd Rose)的书“平均数的终结”

Matthew Syed’s “Rebel Ideas: the power of diverse thinking”

马修·赛义德(Matthew Syed)的“反叛思想:多样化思维的力量”

Stanford D.School Bootleg


Ideo’s design kit methods


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/designing-for-the-extremes-9b9d6e7350a3






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