

Everyone here has taken a panorama with an iphone. We’ve spun around in a circle, trying to keep that arrow right on the line, and more than likely ended up with a strange, squiggly, horizontal photo. Every so often you might get lucky and it’ll come out well, but it’s a tall task. Even if you can achieve the impossible with a nice iphone panorama, you aren’t going to print that thing 10 feet wide in your living room, or ship it off to an art gallery. So, how do you create those high quality panoramas? The kind you can print 10 ft wide and see in an art gallery. The answer is simple, and it only takes a few clicks in Adobe Lightroom.

这里的每个人都使用iphone拍摄了全景照片。 我们绕了一圈旋转,试图将箭头保持在直线上,最后很有可能会得到一张奇怪的,弯曲的水平照片。 每隔一段时间,您可能会很幸运,并且会很好地解决问题,但这是一项艰巨的任务。 即使您可以通过漂亮的iPhone全景图实现不可能的事情,也不会在客厅里打印10英尺宽的东西,也不会将其运送到美术馆。 那么,如何创建那些高质量的全景图? 您可以打印10英尺宽并在美术馆中看到的那种。 答案很简单,在Adobe Lightroom中只需单击几下。

Before I dive into the process of creating the panorama in Lightroom, I’m going to rewind slightly to talk about the process of composing and shooting a panorama in the field. To do this I’m going to use an example of a panorama that I shot just a few weeks ago. I had driven out to a place called Jumping Off Rock in South Carolina (I’ll do a post in the next few weeks explaining how to get to this area. Great spot, but requires a little bit of off road travel that may require a 4x4 in some conditions). My plan was to shoot Lake Jocassee at sunset from this rocky outcropping. I wanted to capture the rock in the foreground, the lake in the middle ground, and the sun in the background as it set behind the mountains. I was going to use my Sony A7III with the 24–70 GM lens to take this picture; however, at 24 mm I couldn’t get the composition I liked. It was wide enough for the lake, but I would have to sacrifice some of the sky or some of the rock. This wasn’t going to work for me, so I decided to flip my camera vertically, and take a 3 shot panorama. Here’s how it turned out.

在深入探讨在Lightroom中创建全景的过程之前,我将略微回顾一下在野外构图和拍摄全景的过程。 为此,我将以几周前拍摄的全景图为例。 我已经开车去了南卡罗来纳州的一个名为Jumping Off Rock的地方(我将在接下来的几周内发表一篇文章,解释如何到达该地区。很棒的地方,但需要一些越野旅行,可能需要在某些情况下为4x4)。 我的计划是从多岩石的露头日落拍摄Jocassee湖。 我想捕捉岩石的前景,中间的湖泊和背景中的太阳,因为它们是在山后。 我打算将我的Sony A7III与24–70 GM镜头配合使用; 但是,在24毫米处,我无法获得喜欢的构图。 它足以容纳湖泊,但是我不得不牺牲一些天空或一些岩石。 这对我来说不起作用,所以我决定垂直翻转相机,并拍摄3张全景照片。 结果就是这样。

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3 shot panorama of Lake Jocassee from Jumping Off Rock

I already mentioned the camera and lens I used for this picture, and the only other piece of gear I needed was my tripod (it is worth noting that you can shoot a panorama handheld just as easily, but in this case I used a tripod). After I had decided on my composition (described above) I determined how many frames I would need to cover the width of the lake. I started by taking the middle frame.

我已经提到了用于这张照片的相机和镜头,而我需要的唯一其他装备是我的三脚架 (值得注意的是,您可以轻松拍摄全景手持设备,但是在这种情况下,我使用了三脚架) 。 在决定了我的构图(如上所述)之后,我确定了要覆盖整个湖面宽度需要多少帧。 我从中间框架开始。

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Unedited frame of the middle portion of the panorama

Once I had this middle frame, I knew that I would need one frame to the right and one frame to the left to capture the entire lake. To do this I kept all of my camera settings the same and swiveled my camera to the right for one frame, and then swiveled my camera to the left for the other frame. With these three frames, I had everything I needed to create the panorama. Time to import the photos to Lightroom.

一旦有了中间的框架,我便知道需要一帧向右和一帧向左才能捕获整个湖泊。 为此,我将所有相机设置保持相同,然后将相机向右旋转一帧,然后将相机向左旋转另一帧。 有了这三个框架,我便拥有了创建全景所需的一切。 是时候将照片导入到Lightroom中了。

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3 images imported into Lightroom

Once the photos have been imported into Lightroom, the process is extremely simple. Down in the thumbnail bar select all three images and right click. In this menu find the bar that says photo merge → panorama.

将照片导入Lightroom后,过程非常简单。 在缩略图栏中向下选择所有三个图像,然后单击鼠标右键。 在此菜单中,找到写有照片合并→全景的栏。

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Menu to create panorama

Once you have clicked panorama, you will see the merged panorama photo in the thumbnail bar. The rest is up to and your particular editing style. As I’ve discussed in a previous article, I like to make any basic edits in Lightroom, then refine the edit in Photoshop, and finally bring the image back to Lightroom for any final adjustments (this is a process I call circling). If you’re interested in this editing workflow, be sure to check out my previous article so that you can get the most out of it without losing image quality.

单击全景后,您将在缩略图栏中看到合并的全景照片。 其余的取决于您的特定编辑风格。 正如我在上一篇文章中讨论的那样,我喜欢在Lightroom中进行任何基本编辑,然后在Photoshop中进行修改,最后将图像带回Lightroom进行最终调整(这就是我所说的盘旋过程)。 如果您对此编辑工作流程感兴趣,请务必阅读我的上一篇文章,以便您在不损失图像质量的情况下获得最大收益。

Hope this helps in creating some amazing panoramas. It’s a simple technique, and one to keep in your back pocket for those difficult compositions and epic landscapes. If you create any panoramas using this technique, be sure to tag me on instagram Be creative, and as soon as the current craziness is over, go out and take some pictures!

希望这有助于创建一些令人惊叹的全景图。 这是一种简单的技术,可以让您轻松应对那些困难的构图和史诗般的风景。 如果使用此技术创建任何全景图,请确保在instagram @ mashley.media上为我添加标签。 要有创造力,当当前的疯狂结束后,出去拍照吧!







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