

重点 (Top highlight)

I’ve had the opportunity to give several portfolio reviews, and I want to share some common themes I see and how you can improve them to put your best foot forward as you search for that new product design gig.


1.配合业务目标 (1. Tie in the business objective)

Ideas are great, and it is a common practice to state the problem you are trying to solve, but rarely designers indicate how the design or solution is helping business goals.


What is the ideal outcome you’re trying to achieve, and how do business goals align with this? Success metrics are key to any organization that you get involved with, and it’s an excellent opportunity to bring in how design plays a role in the business.

您要达到的理想结果是什么?业务目标如何与此相符? 成功度量标准是您参与其中的任何组织的关键,这是了解设计如何在业务中发挥作用的绝佳机会。

Let’s say your case study subject is an e-commerce website. Your goal is to enable people to check out and make purchases with as little friction as possible, but most importantly, this allows the company to drive revenue. Are there areas in the checkout experience you prioritize to support this?

假设您的案例研究主题是一个电子商务网站。 您的目标是使人们能够尽可能少地结帐并进行购买,但是最重要的是,这可以使公司增加收入。 您优先考虑结帐体验中的哪些方面?


I prioritized one-click purchase for an easier checkout experience for our users resulting in a lift for our business.


2.优先处理一两个流。 (2. Prioritize one or two flows.)

A common trend in case studies is the prevalence of showing every single flow in an application. If you try to put a story on top of it, it’s quite hard to track what task a user would be trying to achieve.

案例研究的一个共同趋势是普遍显示应用程序中的每个流程。 如果您试图将一个故事放在最上面,那么很难跟踪用户将要完成的任务。

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Narrow your scope of work. Maybe you’ll see there are one or two tasks that align closest to that business goal, and you’ll have a more straightforward story to tell.

缩小您的工作范围。 也许您会发现有一个或两个任务最接近该业务目标,并且您将拥有一个更直接的故事。


I had an opportunity to redesign the shopping experience, but for this case study, I’ll be focusing on the search experience since 80% of our traffic reaches this page but doesn’t move on. We saw this as an opportunity for our users to convert and drive revenue for the business.

我有机会重新设计购物体验,但是对于本案例研究,我将重点关注搜索体验,因为80%的访问量都到达了此页面,但并没有继续。 我们认为这是我们的用户转换并增加业务收入的机会。

3.三明治技术 (3. The Sandwich Technique)

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The Interaction Design Foundation divides the design process into five stages; empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. We’ve also seen additional frameworks around the double diamond. My point is that there are clear beginning and endpoints to each step of the design process.

交互设计基金会将设计过程分为五个阶段。 移情,定义,构思,原型和测试。 我们还看到了围绕双菱形的其他框架。 我的观点是,设计过程的每个步骤都有明确的起点和终点。

Most case studies go through these stages and have a beginning and an end as it passes through each phase.


At the beginning of each section, consider describing which methodologies you’ll be approaching the problem space with and why. In the same manner, at the end of each stage, summarize those sections with a synthesis of your learnings. It’s an opportunity to bring in your perspective and expertise.

在每个部分的开头,请考虑描述您将使用哪种方法论来解决问题空间以及原因。 以相同的方式,在每个阶段的末尾,总结总结您的学习内容。 这是一个提供您的观点和专业知识的机会。


In the research phase, you may send out a survey because you had a limited amount of time to gather research participants, and this method allowed you to get some signal at scale.


There are many different methods of gathering research, but articulating constraints and the best course of action given your circumstances provides the reader with the necessary context of what influenced your decision making.


4.使用数据可视化传达关键点 (4. Use data visualization to communicate key points)

It’s important to note that not every chart or matrix is going to add value to your case study. Adding pieces of data visualization throughout can break up walls of text and tables for opportunities to highlight or summarize key metrics you’re trying to convey.

重要的是要注意,并不是每个图表或矩阵都会为您的案例研究增加价值。 在整个过程中添加可视化数据片段可能会破坏文本和表格的墙壁,从而有机会突出显示或汇总您要传达的关键指标。

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例子 (Examples)

  • Performance comparison (1) I.e. We reduced the number of steps to complete a purchase compared to the previous design.


  • Percentages (2) i.e. 60% of participants surveyed preferred one-click checkout over the current checkout experience


  • An increase in decrease over time (3) i.e. Adoption rates, clicks, revenue, are great places to start.


5.精致闪耀 (5. Refine to shine)

Over time you may have started using a new design tool, or picked up new design tips and tricks. Go back and revise your prototypes to reflect this. The hiring manager and recruiter haven’t been keeping tabs on your older work to tell the difference.

随着时间的流逝,您可能已经开始使用新的设计工具,或者掌握了新的设计提示和技巧。 返回并修改您的原型以反映这一点。 招聘经理和招聘人员并未密切关注您以前的工作以区别。

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The benefits are two-fold; it’ll become more apparent what areas of your design process have improved (growth!), and you’ll have more polish on your work.

好处是双重的; 您的设计过程中哪些方面得到了改善(增长!),这将变得更加明显,并且您的工作将得到更多的完善。

在结束时 (In closing)

Small tweaks can make a big difference. Take another pass at your case study and see if any of these methods can be applied. What are some other tips you have for refining case studies? Leave them in the comments.

细微的调整可以带来很大的不同。 在您的案例研究中再次通过,看看是否可以应用这些方法中的任何一种。 您还有其他一些提炼案例研究的技巧? 将它们留在注释中。


If you’re interested in more tips around leveling up in your career in UX be sure to subscribe to my podcast Technically Speaking on Spotify.

如果您对在UX中提升职业生涯的更多技巧感兴趣,请务必 在Spotify上 订阅我的播客“ 技术上讲”

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/five-ways-to-refine-your-ux-case-study-ebb8d5859e1e







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