

Interaction Design is very gratifying.


From fast critical thinking to extracting ideas in tangible forms within the team is sure fun and challenging.


At times, the UI becomes Achilles heel in an otherwise excellent solution and thinking. Many designers are averse to just practicing mock ups of good interfaces to home the craft — certainly not without reason.

有时,UI在其他方面出色的解决方案和思想中成为致命弱点。 许多设计师不愿意仅仅练习良好界面的模型来使Craft.io熟练,当然这并非没有道理。

Here is a simple mnemonic device for making the UI coherent and more appealing in an instant — C.R.A.P.


The elements of C.R.A.P. that can totally change the look and feel of a work are:


Image for post
Image : Swati Sati.
图片:Swati Sati。

E.g. The headline typeface in this image is a heavy weight Slab Serif (Memphis) while the body is a small font san-serif — providing ample contrast and interest.

例如,此图像中的标题字体是重量很重的Slab Serif(孟菲斯),而正文是小字体San-Serif,可提供足够的对比度和趣味性。

Caveat: Make sure the elements are in contrast and not conflict.


Image for post
Image : Swati Sati.
图片:Swati Sati。

E.g. The short design element under headline and the same BnW style is repeated in all the pieces, which binds the piece together.


Image for post
Image : Swati Sati.
图片:Swati Sati。

E.g. Every element is left flushed, that gives a nice cohesive feeling to the design — as opposed to when elements aren’t aligned.


Image for post
Image : Swati Sati.
图片:Swati Sati。

E.g. The two description lines in close proximity imply that they are meant to be consumed together and specify a relationship.


That’s it.🌟


If you want to explore further you can go through Robin Williams’ beautiful Book on the same. I found it quite valuable.

如果您想进一步探索,可以阅读罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)的精美书籍 。 我发现它很有价值。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/making-design-visually-appealing-a5fb7d94f1ec





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