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According to Oxford dictionary, creativity means “1. Inventiveness. 2. the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.”

根据牛津词典,创造力意味着“ 1。 创造力。 2.利用想象力或独创性的思想来创造事物。”

I especially love this second definition. Going a little further I say that what we call creativity is to make new connections on old ideas. Bringing together two pre-existing ideas in a non-existent way. So being creative, thinking creatively doesn’t mean finding an idea for the first time. It means combining the points of opinion and creating a new meaning.

我特别喜欢第二个定义。 再说一点,我说我们所说的创造力是在旧观念上建立新的联系。 以一种不存在的方式将两个先前存在的想法汇集在一起​​。 因此,具有创造力,创造性思考并不意味着第一次找到想法。 这意味着要结合观点并创造新的含义。

Do you know why I wanted to write about such a subject? Because technology, artificial intelligence, and maybe robots will dominate our world more in the near future, and we will need this skill more than ever. One of the most sought-after skills in 2020 is “creativity”:

你知道我为什么要写这样的话题吗? 因为技术,人工智能甚至机器人可能会在不久的将来主导我们的世界,所以我们将比以往任何时候都更需要这种技能。 2020年最受追捧的技能之一是“创造力”:

Top 10 Skills in 2020. Number 1 is Creativity.
Top 10 Skills in 2020

So what does it take to be a creative person? Let me answer this question with the question. What do you think of when you think of creative people? In my mind I have something like: 5-year-olds.

那么,成为一个有创造力的人又需要什么呢? 让我用问题来回答这个问题。 当想到创意人时,您会怎么想? 我的想法是:5岁。

Creativity is a talent given to everyone, but some of us quickly lose and forget this ability. So the right question is, what do you need to do to be creative again? Because all children are painter, musician, designer.

创造力是赋予每个人的才能,但我们中的一些人很快就会忘记并忘记这种能力。 所以正确的问题是, 您需要做什么才能再次发挥创意? 因为所有的孩子都是画家,音乐家,设计师。

Children see a lot of ideas in the world they were born in and combine them fearlessly in a way that no one knew before. But as the kids grow up, they bury their talent in the ground with their pressure from outside — “it doesn’t happen like that, it’s not like that, don’t be silly!”. They see the points but cannot connect them.

孩子们在出生的世界中看到了很多想法,并以一种前所未有的方式无畏地将它们融合在一起。 但是随着孩子们的成长,他们会在外界的压力下将自己的才华掩埋在地下-“不会那样,不是那样,别傻了!” 他们看到了点,但无法连接它们。

Despite external influences, a group of children who do not give up grow up and become artists. The points that children connect turn into an art.

尽管受到外界影响,一群不屈不挠的孩子长大后成为艺术家。 孩子们所连接的点变成一门艺术。

It never sounded credible, right? Then let me tell you a story. While NASA is looking for a method to select the most innovative brains in the world, they ask Dr. George Land, what should we do, what test should we choose to find them?

从来没有听起来可信,对吧? 那我告诉你一个故事。 当NASA正在寻找一种方法来选择世界上最具创新性的大脑时,他们问乔治·兰德博士,我们应该怎么做,我们应该选择哪种测试才能找到它们?

Dr. George begins researching “creativity testing” and is finally preparing a test. Then he applies it to groups of different ages. Obviously, I was more interested in the results than this test.

乔治博士开始研究“创造力测试”,并最终准备进行测试 。 然后,他将其应用于不同年龄段的人群。 显然,与测试相比,我对结果更感兴趣。

The imagination and creativity of only 2% of adults, with an average age of 30, is at a high level. This test was applied on 280.000 people and only 2% of them were creative.

平均年龄为30岁的成年人中,只有2%的成年人具有很高的想象力和创造力。 该测试应用于280.000人,其中只有2%具有创造力。

When applied to 15-year-olds, the result was 12%. Then they said why not and they tested the 10-year-olds, the result is 30%. So one out of every three 10-years-old children is creative.

当应用于15岁时,结果为12%。 然后他们说为什么不这样做,他们对10岁的孩子进行了测试,结果是30%。 因此,每三个10岁的孩子中就有一个具有创造力。

This test is a test prepared by NASA to select engineers and scientists to hire, and the results get better as the age gets smaller. Finally, they said that we should apply this to 5-year-olds and they did this test.

该测试是NASA为选择工程师和科学家而准备的测试,随着年龄的增长,结果会越来越好。 最后,他们说我们应该将其应用于5岁儿童,并进行了这项测试。

What do you think happened? Think a little, let’s see. Are you ready? The proportion of those who have creative intelligence among 5-year-olds is 98%.

您认为发生了什么事? 想一想,让我们看看。 你准备好了吗? 5岁儿童中具有创造力的人的比例为98%。

Creativity level increases as age decreases
Result of the Test

Next time, if your little brother or child says “I want to be an astronaut”, do not pass by saying “of course I wanted to be a firefighter, too” because that child is more likely to pass the NASA test.


So what are we going to do? How will we reveal our creative abilities that we once buried in the ground?

那我们该怎么办? 我们将如何展现曾经埋在地下的创造力?

In order to extract the valuable creativity like gold mine from the depths of the soil, it is necessary to deal with dirt and dust soil first.


Get ready for this. You will get dirty. You will produce plenty of garbage. You will make drawings such as garbage, you will write articles that nobody will bother to read, maybe you will make very amateur videos or compose noise instead of music.

为此做好准备。 你会弄脏的。 您将产生大量垃圾。 您将制作诸如垃圾之类的绘图,将撰写任何人都不会去阅读的文章,也许您将制作非常业余的视频或创作杂音而非音乐。

But you will do something. Probably the first things you do will be bad. You will not listen to anyone and continue. Finally, you will see that there is something shining in the pile of garbage you produce. That thing is “golden” because it comes out using your creative abilities.

但是你会做些事情。 您做的第一件事可能会很糟糕。 您将不会听任何人,然后继续。 最后,您将看到您产生的一堆垃圾中闪闪发光。 那件事是“黄金的”,因为它是利用您的创造力而产生的。

1. To be creative again, start doing something no matter what happens in the beginning.


Do not wait for the inspiration to think creatively and to produce creative ideas. Because that inspiration fairy just whispers something in the ear of the producers.

不要等待灵感进行创造性思考和产生创意。 因为那位灵感仙子只是在制作人的耳边窃窃私语。

Creativity is not just about the ideas that come to your mind, it is a process.


Take a closer look at the lives of the people you admire their imagination, their creativity. None of them produced by chance and suddenly. After working regularly for years, something comes up.

仔细看看您欣赏他们的想象力和创造力的人们的生活。 他们都不是偶然而突然产生的。 经过多年的定期工作后,出现了一些问题。

2. Be patient to be creative again. Especially, don’t wait for that moment when you go into the bathroom and shout “Eureka!”.

2.耐心再创新。 特别是,不要等到进入浴室大喊“尤里卡!”的那一刻。

Take a step, even if it’s small. Right now! Even make a bad step. Even after taking a step, it causes you to swing and fall. But take that step. Complete your step. Finish what you started.

即使很小,也要迈出一步。 马上! 甚至走不好的一步。 即使迈出了一步,它也会使您摇摆和跌倒。 但是,请采取这一步骤。 完成您的步骤。 完成您的开始。

As I said, the thing you have finished may look like garbage. It probably is. But have you never seen a child proudly showing you a picture she just drew?

如我所说,您完成的事情可能看起来像垃圾。 可能是。 但是,您是否从未见过一个孩子自豪地向您展示她刚刚画的照片?

It may seem like it is full of stick figures, but she painted a huge world in imagination. Most importantly, she finished the job she started. And she doesn’t hesitate to show it to everyone.

看起来好像到处都是简笔画,但她在想象中描绘了一个巨大的世界。 最重要的是,她完成了开始的工作。 她会毫不犹豫地向所有人展示它。

It is necessary to be so brave. Do not be afraid to share the work you have done. Fortunately for this, there is social media. There is now a suitable place for everyone: for writers, designers, composers, photographers. Find a suitable corner for you and produce and share it there.

有必要勇敢一点。 不要害怕分享您所做的工作。 幸运的是,这里有社交媒体。 现在每个人都有一个合适的地方:作家,设计师,作曲家,摄影师。 找到适合您的角落并在那里生产和分享。

3. My third advice to be creative again is to start with small steps, finish the job you started, and then share it with everyone.

3。 我再次提出创意的第三条建议是从小步骤开始,完成您开始的工作,然后与所有人共享。

All the points you put will connect one day and then you will find the creative spirit you lost.


When you connect the dots, you will come across someone who says that imagination is more important than knowledge, which person says very well.


I said connect the dots to be creative again and gave three small suggestions. One more thing.

我说要再次发挥创意,并提出了三个小建议。 还有一件事

A piece of advice from someone who always finishes their presentation saying, “One more thing.” Steve Jobs, one of the first names that come to mind when talking about creativity in the world of technology, said in a speech:

总是完成演讲的某人的一条建议说: “再做一件事。” 史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是在谈到技术世界中的创造力时想到的第一个名字,他在演讲中说:

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” — Steve Jobs

“你无法将点点滴滴向前看; 您只能将它们向后看。 因此,您必须相信这些点会在您的未来以某种方式联系在一起。 您必须相信某件事-直觉,命运,生活,业力等等。 这种方法从未让我失望,它改变了我的生活。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

If you don’t know where to start, you might be finding these exercises beneficial:


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-does-it-take-to-be-creative-again-3149103e0ceb





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