

Figma’s Auto Layout has been around for a while, but not everyone’s aware of the benefits it brings. It doesn’t replace constraints, they’re still very much needed. The trick is to use the right feature where necessary. I want to show you how to combine components, constraints, and Auto Layout for the best results.

Figma的自动版式已经存在了一段时间,但并不是每个人都意识到它带来的好处。 它不能代替约束,仍然非常需要它们。 诀窍是在必要时使用正确的功能。 我想向您展示如何组合组件,约束和自动版式以获得最佳效果。

I threw together a screen for an Uber Eats inspired food delivery app and I’m going to tear it down to show you how you can use Auto Layout along with constraints and components to up your design game.

我为受Uber Eats启发的送餐应用程序放了一个屏幕,我将其拆下来向您展示如何使用自动版式以及约束和组件来设计游戏。

App Prototype in Figma Mirror
Prototype in Figma Mirror. A little drizzly today, don’t mind the droplets.
Figma Mirror中的原型。 今天有点毛毛雨,不要介意水滴。

Most of you already know that, but for a word of introduction, what Auto Layout does is automatically arrange elements placed inside of a frame. These elements can be either arranged vertically or horizontally and you can set the spacing between individual elements as well as between the elements and the borders of the frame. Because of this can’t use constraints or place elements on top of one another in frames that use Auto Layout.

你们大多数人都已经知道这一点,但简单地说,“自动布局”的作用是自动排列放置在框架内部的元素。 这些元素可以垂直或水平排列,您可以设置各个元素之间以及元素与框架边框之间的间距。 因此,不能使用约束,也不能在使用“自动布局”的框架中将元素彼此重叠放置。

Application screen displaying how inner frames are used

At the top-most level, these are the four separate elements that the screen/frame is comprised of.


  1. The header consists of four inner frames and uses Auto Layout. We’ll get to it later.

    页眉由四个内部框架组成,并使用“自动布局”。 我们稍后再讨论。
  2. This is the headline element which is simply a left and bottom constrained text element inside a frame.

  3. The content area frame is a little more complex. More on that later.

    内容区域框架稍微复杂一些。 以后再说。
  4. The bottom menu houses a top and horizontally stretched 375x1px light gray rectangle and a group of icons inside a frame that we’ll tackle a little later.


The frame for the screen is a lot longer than shown in the example above so that the much longer content area can be scrollable. The header’s and the menu’s positions are fixed when scrolling, which is one of the reasons we can’t be using Auto Layout in this frame. The sections (2) and (3) have their constraints set to align to top and stick to the left and right edges so that if the frame was to be resized, they’d stick to their initial position and also fill out the screen horizontally the way they do now.

屏幕的框架比上面的示例显示的要长得多,因此可以滚动更长的内容区域。 滚动时标题和菜单的位置是固定的,这是我们不能在此框架中使用“自动布局”的原因之一。 将第(2)和(3)节的约束设置为与顶部对齐并固定在左右边缘,这样,如果要调整框架的大小,它们将固定在其初始位置并水平填充屏幕他们现在的方式。

One of the inner frames using Auto Layout

Now let’s look at the header element. It’s comprised of another four frames and this is where Auto Layout comes into play. They’re arranged vertically and there’s no spacing between any of them or any of the borders of the frame.

现在让我们看一下header元素。 它由另外四个帧组成,这是自动版式发挥作用的地方。 它们是垂直排列的,它们之间或框架的边框之间都没有间距。

  1. This is the typical status icon setup in iOS. This frame contains a group of elements locked inside a frame that is set centered both horizontally and vertically. The inner frame houses a left and center constrained text element and right and center constrained vector icons.

    这是iOS中典型的状态图标设置。 此框架包含一组锁定在水平和垂直居中设置的框架内的元素。 内部框架包含一个左和中心约束的文本元素以及右和中心约束的矢量图标。
  2. This frame contains a frame that again uses Auto Layout to take care of the elements inside of it — we’ll get to it later.

  3. It’s just a simple spacer element, a frame that is 1px tall with a light gray background.

  4. This frame contains a left and center aligned icon and a horizontally and vertically centered text element.


Now since every frame I use in this project is a component, what this does is enable me to easily modify the content of the header element across many screens. I can now easily modify the height of all inner frames or add more inner frames.

现在,由于我在该项目中使用的每个框架都是一个组件,因此使我能够轻松地在许多屏幕上修改header元素的内容。 现在,我可以轻松地修改所有内部框架的高度或添加更多内部框架。

I often use this type of structuring when designing menus. In one of the bigger projects I work on we often use popup menus with a set number of options. The master component includes all these available options, but since each child instance of the popup menu uses 3–4 options at most, I just hide all the unnecessary ones. This way I use the same component across the entire system and just hide/unhide whatever menu options I need on a given screen. This technique could be used the same way in case of the header above — you could include all types of header elements used anywhere in the app and just hide/unhide the ones you need on a given screen.

在设计菜单时,我经常使用这种类型的结构。 在我从事的较大的项目之一中,我们经常使用带有一定数量选项的弹出菜单。 主组件包括所有这些可用选项,但是由于弹出菜单的每个子实例最多使用3–4个选项,因此我只隐藏了所有不必要的选项。 这样,我在整个系统中使用相同的组件,并且只隐藏/取消隐藏给定屏幕上需要的任何菜单选项。 对于上面的标题,可以以相同的方式使用此技术-您可以包括应用程序中任何位置使用的所有标题元素类型,而只在给定屏幕上隐藏/取消隐藏所需的标题元素。

Using Auto Layout in the content area frame

The content area frame contains cards (in the case of this particular project there are 5 cards) that are arranged vertically. The cards are 345px wide, and the horizontal padding is set to 15. That’s because I’m designing with a specific screen size in mind. I might be adding more cards, but I won’t be changing the screen’s size to anything other than 375px wide. We also needed some spacing between the cards themselves, so I set it to 32px. All cards use the same parent component whose inner elements (the image, the title etc.) I later modify accordingly.

内容区域框架包含垂直排列的卡片(在此特定项目中,有5张卡片)。 这些卡的宽度为345px,水平填充设置为15。这是因为我在设计时考虑了特定的屏幕尺寸。 我可能会添加更多的卡,但是我不会将屏幕的尺寸更改为375像素宽以外的任何尺寸。 我们还需要在卡本身之间留一些间距,因此我将其设置为32px。 所有卡都使用相同的父组件,其内部元素(图像,标题等)将在以后进行相应修改。

Digging even deeper, Auto Layout in the card frame

The card element is another component that exploits the Auto Layout feature.


  1. This is the image frame. In case of an app like this you could set up a bunch of image components that you could then easily switch between. You could also set these images up as styles. Check out my article on how to create a simple design system to find out how.

    这是图像帧。 如果是这样的应用,您可以设置一堆图像组件,然后可以在它们之间轻松切换。 您也可以将这些图像设置为样式。 查看有关如何创建简单设计系统的文章,以了解如何进行。

  2. The title & delivery time frame consists of two elements — one aligned to left and center, the other one to right and center as well.

  3. This Auto Laid out frame uses Auto Layout for the two tags inside that are also using Auto Layout themselves. I’ll focus on this particular element in a bit.

    此自动布局框架将自动布​​局用于内部的两个标签,它们本身也使用自动布局。 我将重点关注这个特定元素。

Now again this kind of setup enables us to modify the contents of an individual card — modify, add or remove elements from it without negatively impacting the content area. Say your stakeholders decide it’d be a good idea to place a little description for every restaurant under its name, you just add a frame that houses a text element and you’re good to go — this design change is not only automatically populated to all your screen but also arranged according to the layout you’ve decided on.

现在,这种设置再次使我们能够修改单个卡的内容-修改,添加或删除其中的元素,而不会对内容区域造成负面影响。 假设您的利益相关者认为在每个餐厅的名称下放置一个简短的描述是一个好主意,您只需添加一个包含文本元素的框架,便可以了,这种设计更改不仅会自动填充到您的所有屏幕,还可以根据您确定的布局进行排列。

This is how tags are made with Auto Layout

The tags use the type of Auto Layout structuring I talked about earlier. As shown above, both tags stem from the same master component. The master component contains all types of elements used in a tag. The icon (replacable) and 3 editable text elements. The visibility of these elements is then configured accordingly. This way if you decide to change the font styling, the colors or the border radius of a tag, all you need to do is modify the settings of only one component.

标记使用我之前提到的“自动布局”结构的类型。 如上所示,两个标签都来自同一主组件。 主组件包含标签中使用的所有类型的元素。 图标(可替换)和3个可编辑文本元素。 然后相应地配置这些元素的可见性。 这样,如果您决定更改标签的字体样式,颜色或边框半径,则只需修改一个组件的设置即可。

One of my favorite examples of combining Auto Layout and constraints

This is one of my favorite examples of combining Auto Layout with constraints. At the top-most level, both frames contain a center-aligned frame. The center-aligned frames use Auto Layout to arrange elements they contain and depending on what’s going on inside, how many elements there are or how big they are, they expand or contract while retaining the correct position.

这是将自动版式与约束相结合的最喜欢的示例之一。 在最顶层,两个框架都包含一个中心对齐的框架。 居中对齐的框架使用“自动布局”来排列它们包含的元素,并根据内部发生的情况,有多少个元素或它们的大小来扩展或收缩,同时保留正确的位置。

There are many other way to combine Auto Layout with constraints, especially at a more complex level, where you need to accommodate for screen size changes as well as any changes inside the frames, but this short article should give you a general idea of what can be done using the features Figma provides.


Do you use Auto Layout in your designs? Would you do any of the things differently? Let me know in the comments below.

您在设计中使用自动版式吗? 您会以不同的方式做任何事情吗? 在下面的评论中让我知道。







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