wordpress models/网站seo方法

wordpress models,网站seo方法,南通影楼网站建设,自己做的网站怎么设置关键词芯片主控:imx6q http://lornyin.top/?p545 昨天在做一个linux嵌入式项目时要修改板子的分区,查看了ucl2.xml (mfgtool)文件后,找到了他的分区脚本 #!/bin/sh# partition size in MB BOOT_ROM_SIZE10# call sfdisk …


昨天在做一个linux嵌入式项目时要修改板子的分区,查看了ucl2.xml (mfgtool)文件后,找到了他的分区脚本


# partition size in MB
BOOT_ROM_SIZE=10# call sfdisk to create partition table
# destroy the partition table
dd if=/dev/zero of=${node} bs=1024 count=1echo "#change test"sfdisk --force -uM ${node} << EOF


man sfdisk


man sfdisk > sfdisk




在151(man sfdisk > sfdisk 的文件)行起,有对参数的说明,一行有4个参数,分别是 开始地址、大小、分区类型、bootable




echo "#change test"sfdisk --force -uM ${node} << EOF

就表示第二个分区大小为剩下空间大小,指定大小可以带上单位,用乘法加后缀 KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB ,YiB


默认值为L (83),代表linux分区,MBR为83

S (82),代表swap分区

E (5), 代表扩展分区

H (933), 代表home分区

X (85) , 代表linux扩展分区




INPUT FORMATSsfdisk supports two input formats and generic header lines.Header linesThe optional header lines specify generic information that apply to the partition table.  The header-line format is:<name>: <value>The currently recognized headers are:unit   Specify the partitioning unit.  The only supported unit is sectors.label  Specify the partition table type.  For example dos or gpt.label-idSpecify the partition table identifier.  It should be a  hexadecimal number (with a 0x prefix) for MBR and a UUID for GPT.Note that it is only possible to use header lines before the first partition is specified in the input.Unnamed-fields formatstart size type bootablewhere each line fills one partition descriptor.Fields are separated by whitespace, comma or semicolon possibly followed by whitespace; initial and trailing  whitespace  is  ignored.   Numbers  can  beoctal,  decimal  or  hexadecimal;  decimal  is  the default.  When a field is absent, empty or specified as '-' a default value is used.  But when the -Noption (change a single partition) is given, the default for each field is its previous value.The default value of start is the first non-assigned sector aligned according to device I/O limits.  The default start offset for the first partition  is1  MiB. The offset may be followed by the multiplicative suffixes (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB and YiB) then the number is interpreted as offset inbytes.The default value of size indicates "as much as possible"; i.e. until the next partition or end-of-device.  A numerical argument  is  by  default  inter‐preted as a number of sectors, however if the size is followed by one of the multiplicative suffixes (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB and YiB) then thenumber is interpreted as the size of the partition in bytes and it is then aligned according to the device I/O limits.  A '+' can be used  instead  of  anumber  to  enlarge  the partition as much as possible.  Note '+' is equivalent to the default behaviour for a new partition; existing partitions will beresized as required.The partition type is given in hex for MBR (DOS), without the 0x prefix, a GUID string for GPT, or a shortcut:L      Linux; means 83 for MBR and 0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 for GPT.S      swap area; means 82 for MBR and 0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F for GPTE      extended partition; means 5 for MBRH      home partition; means 933AC7E1-2EB4-4F13-B844-0E14E2AEF915 for GPTX      linux extended partition; means 85 for MBR.The default type value is Lbootable is specified as [*|-], with as default not-bootable.  The value of this field is irrelevant for Linux - when  Linux  runs  it  has  been  bootedalready - but ir might play a role for certain boot loaders and for other operating systems.Named-fields formatThis  format  is  more  readable, robust, extendible and allows to specify additional information (e.g. a UUID).  It is recommended to use this format tokeep your scripts more readable.[device :] name[=value], ...The device field is optional.  sfdiskextracts the partition number from the device name.  It allows to specify the  partitions  in  random  order.   Thisfunctionality is mostly used by --dump.  Don't use it if you are not sure.The value can be between quotation marks (e.g. name="This is partition name").  The currently supported fields are:start=numberThe  first non-assigned sector aligned according to device I/O limits.  The default start offset for the first partition is 1 MiB. The off‐set may be followed by the multiplicative suffixes (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB and YiB) then the number is interpreted as offset  inbytes.size=numberSpecify  the  partition  size in sectors.  The number may be followed by the multiplicative suffixes (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB andYiB), then it's interpreted as size in bytes and the size is aligned according to device I/O limits.bootableMark the partition as bootable.attrs=stringPartition attributes, usually GPT partition attribute bits.  See --part-attrs for more details about the GPT-bits string format.uuid=stringGPT partition UUID.name=stringGPT partition name.type=codeA hexadecimal number (without 0x) for an MBR partition, or a GUID for a GPT partition.  For backward compatibility the Id=  field  has  thesame meaning.BACKING UP THE PARTITION TABLEIt is recommended to save the layout of your devices.  sfdisk supports two ways.Use the --dump option to save a description of the device layout to a text file.  The dump format is suitable for later sfdisk input.  For example:sfdisk --dump /dev/sda > sda.dumpThis can later be restored by:sfdisk /dev/sda < sda.dumpIf  you  want  to  do  a  full  (binary)  backup  of  all  sectors  where the partition table is stored, then use the --backup option.  It writes the sectors to~/sfdisk-<device>-<offset>.bak files.  The default name of the backup file can be changed with the --backup-file option.  The backup files contain only raw datafrom the device.  Note that the same concept of backup files is used by wipefs(8).  For example:sfdisk --backup /dev/sdaThe GPT header can later be restored by:dd if=~/sfdisk-sda-0x00000200.bak of=/dev/sda seek=$((0x00000200)) bs=1 conv=notruncNote that sfdisk since version 2.26 no longer provides the -I option to restore sectors.  dd (1) provides all necessary functionality.COLORSImplicit coloring can be disabled by an empty file /etc/terminal-colors.d/sfdisk.disable.See terminal-colors.d(5) for more details about colorization configuration. The logical color names supported by sfdisk are:header The header of the output tables.warn   The warning messages.welcomeThe welcome message.NOTESSince version 2.26 sfdisk no longer provides the -R or --re-read option to force the kernel to reread the partition table.  Use blockdev --rereadpt instead.Since  version  2.26  sfdisk  does  not  provide  the  --DOS, --IBM, --DOS-extended, --unhide, --show-extended, --cylinders, --heads, --sectors, --inside-outer,--not-inside-outer options.ENVIRONMENTSFDISK_DEBUG=allenables sfdisk debug output.LIBFDISK_DEBUG=allenables libfdisk debug output.LIBBLKID_DEBUG=allenables libblkid debug output.LIBSMARTCOLS_DEBUG=allenables libsmartcols debug output.SEE ALSOfdisk(8), cfdisk(8), parted(8), partprobe(8), partx(8)AUTHORKarel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>The current sfdisk implementation is based on the original sfdisk from Andries E. Brouwer.AVAILABILITYThe sfdisk command is part of the util-linux package and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/.util-linux







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