DICOMDICOM(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)即医学数字成像和通信,是医学图像和相关信息的国际标准(ISO 12052)。它定义了质量能满足临床需要的可用于数据交换的医学图像格式,可用于处理、存储、打印和传输医学影像信息。DICOM可以便捷地交换于两个满足DICOM格式协议的工作站之间。目前该协议标准不仅广泛应用于大型医院,而且已成为小型诊所和牙科诊所医生办公室的标准影像阅读格式。
目前,越来越多的DICOM应用程序和分析软件被运用于临床医学,促使越来越多的编程语言开发出支持DICOM API的框架。今天就让我来介绍一下Python语言下支持的DICOM模块,以及如何完成基本DICOM信息分析和处理的编程方法。
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)是一个开源、跨平台的框架,可以提供给开发者增强功能的图像分析和处理套件。其中最为著名的就是SimpleITK,是一个简化版的、构建于ITK最顶层的模块。SimpleITK旨在易化图像处理流程和方法。
Python Image Library (PIL) 是在Python环境下不可缺少的图像处理模块,支持多种格式,并提供强大的图形与图像处理功能,而且API却非常简单易用。
OpenCV的全称是:Open Source Computer Vision Library。OpenCV是一个基于BSD许可(开源)发行的跨平台计算机视觉库,可以运行在Linux、Windows和Mac OS操作系统上。它轻量级而且高效——由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,同时提供了Python、Ruby、MATLAB等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。
1. 导入主要框架:SimpleITK、pydicom、PIL、cv2和numpy
import SimpleITK as sitk
from PIL import Image
import pydicom
import numpy as np
import cv2
2. 应用SimpleITK框架来读取DICOM文件的矩阵信息。如果DICOM图像是三维螺旋CT图像,则帧参数则代表CT扫描层数;而如果是造影动态电影图像,则帧参数就是15帧/秒的电影图像帧数。
def loadFile(filename):ds = sitk.ReadImage(filename)img_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(ds)frame_num, width, height = img_array.shapereturn img_array, frame_num, width, height
3. 应用pydicom来提取患者信息。
def loadFileInformation(filename):information = {}ds = pydicom.read_file(filename) information['PatientID'] = ds.PatientIDinformation['PatientName'] = ds.PatientNameinformation['PatientBirthDate'] = ds.PatientBirthDateinformation['PatientSex'] = ds.PatientSexinformation['StudyID'] = ds.StudyIDinformation['StudyDate'] = ds.StudyDateinformation['StudyTime'] = ds.StudyTimeinformation['InstitutionName'] = ds.InstitutionNameinformation['Manufacturer'] = ds.Manufacturerinformation['NumberOfFrames'] = ds.NumberOfFrames return information
4. 应用PIL来检查图像是否被提取。
def showImage(img_array, frame_num = 0):img_bitmap = Image.fromarray(img_array[frame_num])return img_bitmap
5. 采用CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)技术来优化图像。
def limitedEqualize(img_array, limit = 4.0):img_array_list = []for img in img_array:clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit = limit, tileGridSize = (8,8))img_array_list.append(clahe.apply(img))img_array_limited_equalized = np.array(img_array_list)return img_array_limited_equalized
def writeVideo(img_array):frame_num, width, height = img_array.shapefilename_output = filename.split('.')[0] + '.avi' video = cv2.VideoWriter(filename_output, -1, 16, (width, height)) for img in img_array:video.write(img)video.release()
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support
import numpy PathDicom = "./dir_with_dicom_files/"
reader = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()
reader.Update() # Load dimensions using `GetDataExtent`
_extent = reader.GetDataExtent()
ConstPixelDims = [_extent[1]-_extent[0]+1, _extent[3]-_extent[2]+1, _extent[5]-_extent[4]+1] # Load spacing values
ConstPixelSpacing = reader.GetPixelSpacing() # Get the 'vtkImageData' object from the reader
imageData = reader.GetOutput()
# Get the 'vtkPointData' object from the 'vtkImageData' object
pointData = imageData.GetPointData()
# Ensure that only one array exists within the 'vtkPointData' object
assert (pointData.GetNumberOfArrays()==1)
# Get the `vtkArray` (or whatever derived type) which is needed for the `numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy` function
arrayData = pointData.GetArray(0) # Convert the `vtkArray` to a NumPy array
ArrayDicom = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(arrayData)
# Reshape the NumPy array to 3D using 'ConstPixelDims' as a 'shape'
ArrayDicom = ArrayDicom.reshape(ConstPixelDims, order='F')
import dicom
import os
import numpy PathDicom = "./dir_with_dicom_series/"
lstFilesDCM = [] # create an empty list
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(PathDicom): for filename in fileList: if ".dcm" in filename.lower(): # check whether the file's DICOM lstFilesDCM.append(os.path.join(dirName,filename)) # Get ref file
RefDs = dicom.read_file(lstFilesDCM[0]) # Load dimensions based on the number of rows, columns, and slices (along the Z axis)
ConstPixelDims = (int(RefDs.Rows), int(RefDs.Columns), len(lstFilesDCM)) # Load spacing values (in mm)
ConstPixelSpacing = (float(RefDs.PixelSpacing[0]), float(RefDs.PixelSpacing[1]), float(RefDs.SliceThickness)) # The array is sized based on 'ConstPixelDims'
ArrayDicom = numpy.zeros(ConstPixelDims, dtype=RefDs.pixel_array.dtype) # loop through all the DICOM files
for filenameDCM in lstFilesDCM: # read the file ds = dicom.read_file(filenameDCM) # store the raw image data ArrayDicom[:, :, lstFilesDCM.index(filenameDCM)] = ds.pixel_array
转换VTK built-in types to SimpleITK/ITK built-ins and vice-versa
import vtk
import SimpleITK dctITKtoVTK = {SimpleITK.sitkInt8: vtk.VTK_TYPE_INT8, SimpleITK.sitkInt16: vtk.VTK_TYPE_INT16, SimpleITK.sitkInt32: vtk.VTK_TYPE_INT32, SimpleITK.sitkInt64: vtk.VTK_TYPE_INT64, SimpleITK.sitkUInt8: vtk.VTK_TYPE_UINT8, SimpleITK.sitkUInt16: vtk.VTK_TYPE_UINT16, SimpleITK.sitkUInt32: vtk.VTK_TYPE_UINT32, SimpleITK.sitkUInt64: vtk.VTK_TYPE_UINT64, SimpleITK.sitkFloat32: vtk.VTK_TYPE_FLOAT32, SimpleITK.sitkFloat64: vtk.VTK_TYPE_FLOAT64}
dctVTKtoITK = dict(zip(dctITKtoVTK.values(), dctITKtoVTK.keys())) def convertTypeITKtoVTK(typeITK): if typeITK in dctITKtoVTK: return dctITKtoVTK[typeITK] else: raise ValueError("Type not supported") def convertTypeVTKtoITK(typeVTK): if typeVTK in dctVTKtoITK: return dctVTKtoITK[typeVTK] else: raise ValueError("Type not supported")
#!/usr/bin/python import SimpleITK as sitk
import vtk
import numpy as np from vtk.util.vtkConstants import * def numpy2VTK(img,spacing=[1.0,1.0,1.0]): # evolved from code from Stou S., # on http://www.siafoo.net/snippet/314 importer = vtk.vtkImageImport() img_data = img.astype('uint8') img_string = img_data.tostring() # type short dim = img.shape importer.CopyImportVoidPointer(img_string, len(img_string)) importer.SetDataScalarType(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) importer.SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1) extent = importer.GetDataExtent() importer.SetDataExtent(extent[0], extent[0] + dim[2] - 1, extent[2], extent[2] + dim[1] - 1, extent[4], extent[4] + dim[0] - 1) importer.SetWholeExtent(extent[0], extent[0] + dim[2] - 1, extent[2], extent[2] + dim[1] - 1, extent[4], extent[4] + dim[0] - 1) importer.SetDataSpacing( spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]) importer.SetDataOrigin( 0,0,0 ) return importer def volumeRender(img, tf=[],spacing=[1.0,1.0,1.0]): importer = numpy2VTK(img,spacing) # Transfer Functions opacity_tf = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction() color_tf = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction() if len(tf) == 0: tf.append([img.min(),0,0,0,0]) tf.append([img.max(),1,1,1,1]) for p in tf: color_tf.AddRGBPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]) opacity_tf.AddPoint(p[0], p[4]) # working on the GPU # volMapper = vtk.vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper() # volMapper.SetInputConnection(importer.GetOutputPort()) # # The property describes how the data will look # volProperty = vtk.vtkVolumeProperty() # volProperty.SetColor(color_tf) # volProperty.SetScalarOpacity(opacity_tf) # volProperty.ShadeOn() # volProperty.SetInterpolationTypeToLinear() # working on the CPU volMapper = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastMapper() compositeFunction = vtk.vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction() compositeFunction.SetCompositeMethodToInterpolateFirst() volMapper.SetVolumeRayCastFunction(compositeFunction) volMapper.SetInputConnection(importer.GetOutputPort()) # The property describes how the data will look volProperty = vtk.vtkVolumeProperty() volProperty.SetColor(color_tf) volProperty.SetScalarOpacity(opacity_tf) volProperty.ShadeOn() volProperty.SetInterpolationTypeToLinear() # Do the lines below speed things up? # pix_diag = 5.0 # volMapper.SetSampleDistance(pix_diag / 5.0) # volProperty.SetScalarOpacityUnitDistance(pix_diag) vol = vtk.vtkVolume() vol.SetMapper(volMapper) vol.SetProperty(volProperty) return [vol] def vtk_basic( actors ): """ Create a window, renderer, interactor, add the actors and start the thing Parameters ---------- actors : list of vtkActors Returns ------- nothing """ # create a rendering window and renderer ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.AddRenderer(ren) renWin.SetSize(600,600) # ren.SetBackground( 1, 1, 1) # create a renderwindowinteractor iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) for a in actors: # assign actor to the renderer ren.AddActor(a ) # render renWin.Render() # enable user interface interactor iren.Initialize() iren.Start() ##### filename = 'toto.nii.gz' img = sitk.ReadImage( filename ) # SimpleITK object
data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( img ) # numpy array from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
q = mquantiles(data.flatten(),[0.7,0.98])
q[1] = max(q[1],1)
tf=[[0,0,0,0,0],[q[0],0,0,0,0],[q[1],1,1,1,0.5],[data.max(),1,1,1,1]] actor_list = volumeRender(data, tf=tf, spacing=img.GetSpacing()) vtk_basic(actor_list)
import mudicom
mu = mudicom.load("mudicom/tests/dicoms/ex1.dcm") # returns array of data elements as dicts
mu.read() # returns dict of errors and warnings for DICOM
mu.validate() # basic anonymization
# save anonymization
mu.save_as("dicom.dcm") # creates image object
img = mu.image # before v0.1.0 this was mu.image()
# returns numpy array
img.numpy # before v0.1.0 this was mu.numpy() # using Pillow, saves DICOM image
# using matplotlib, saves DICOM image