[Android] ubuntu虚拟机上搭建 Waydroid 环境



Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

For Droidian and Ubuntu Touch, skip directly to the last step

  • Install pre-requisites

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
  • Add the official repository

curl https://repo.waydro.id | sudo bash

If the script fails to detect your distribution, you can provide a valid option by appending -s <DISTRO>. Currently supported values are: focal, jammy, kinetic, lunar, mantic, bookworm, bullseye, sid

  • Install waydroid

sudo apt install waydroid -y

Then start Waydroid from the applications menu.

 至此,waydroid已经安装完毕,如何使用见:Install Instructions - Waydroidicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.waydro.id/usage/

3.下载waydoird 对应的 lineage 源码&&编译 lineage 源码

Getting started

To get started with Android/LineageOS, you'll need to get familiar with Repo and its Git workflow.


To initialize your local repository using the LineageOS trees, use a command like this:

repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-18.1 --git-lfs

repo sync build/make

Then we grab the Waydroid local_manifests

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/waydroid/android_vendor_waydroid/lineage-18.1/manifest_scripts/generate-manifest.sh | bash


Then to sync up:

repo sync

Then we setup the local build environment:

. build/envsetup.sh


After that is complete, we apply the Waydroid patches:


How to build

Please see the LineageOS Wiki for building environment setup.

Waydroid AOSP Lunch Options:





Waydroid Build Commands:

. build/envsetup.sh

lunch lineage_waydroid_arm64-userdebug

make systemimage -j$(nproc --all)

make vendorimage -j$(nproc --all)

Image Generation From Sparse Image:

The default output of the AOSP build system is an "Android Sparse Image". We need raw fileystems instead. From the same terminal where you just built a system and a vendor image, run:

simg2img $OUT/system.img ~/system.img

simg2img $OUT/vendor.img ~/vendor.img

to obtain your target raw images at ~/system.img and ~/vendor.img


Local Manifest:

To manually regenerate the local_manifests, we also have added a function to do so


After doing that you will want to resync (this will wipe out any local changes, so make sure you save your work to a different branch)


Compile Waydroid - Lineage OS based images - Waydroidicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.waydro.id/development/compile-waydroid-lineage-os-based-images#how-to-build

 4.替换自己编译的 lineage 镜像,替换原有 waydroid 默认android 镜像

In order to get custom images to work on Waydroid, there are just a couple extra steps needed.

First, download the images (e.g. x86_64 gapps system and mainline vendor) manually from sourceforge or use your custom built system.img and vendor.img produced from following the Compile Instructions.

Then copy/move them to the following folder:


/usr/share/waydroid-extra/images/ used to be the previously preferred path before waydroid --version 1.3.3 (it still is perfectly valid however right now as well).

An example of setting up from downloaded sourceforce zips (assuming terminal open in the directory where they were downloaded):

sudo mkdir -p /etc/waydroid-extra/images

sudo unzip lineage-*-system.zip -d /etc/waydroid-extra/images

sudo unzip lineage-*-vendor.zip -d /etc/waydroid-extra/images

rm lineage-*-system.zip lineage-*-vendor.zip

Then we need to re-init Waydroid in order for it to use the custom images:

sudo waydroid init -f

参考:Using custom Waydroid images - Waydroidicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.waydro.id/faq/using-custom-waydroid-images





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