


  • 数字人知识库:Awesome-Talking-Head-Synthesis
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    • NeRF & 3D
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    • Slides & Presentations





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2023年12月更新 感谢https://github.com/Curated-Awesome-Lists/awesome-ai-talking-heads, 我增加了一些其内容,例如Tools&Software和Slides&Presentations模块。 希望这对您有帮助。




This repository organizes papers, codes and resources related to generative adversarial networks (GANs) 🤗 and neural radiance fields (NeRF) 🎨, with a main focus on image-driven and audio-driven talking head synthesis papers and released codes. 👤

Papers for Talking Head Synthesis, released codes collections. ✍️

Most papers are linked to PDFs on “arXiv” or journal/conference websites 📚. However, some papers require an academic license to view 🔐.

🔆 This project Awesome-Talking-Head-Synthesis is ongoing - pull requests are welcome! If you have any suggestions (missing papers, new papers, key researchers or typos), please feel free to edit and submit a PR. You can also open an issue or contact me directly via email. 📩

⭐ If you find this repo useful, please give it a star! 🤩

2023.12 Update 📆

Thank you to https://github.com/Curated-Awesome-Lists/awesome-ai-talking-heads, I have added some of its contents, such as Tools & Software and Slides & Presentations. 🙏 I hope this will be helpful.😊

If you have any feedback or ideas on extending this aggregated resource, please open an issue or PR - community contributions are vital to advancing this shared knowledge. 🤝

Let’s keep pushing forward to recreate ever more realistic digital human faces! 💪 We’ve come so far but still have a long way to go. With continued research 🔬 and collaboration, I’m sure we’ll get there! 🤗

Please feel free to star ⭐ and share this repo if you find it a valuable resource. Your support helps motivate me to keep maintaining and improving it. 🥰 Let me know if you have any other questions!



DatasetDownload LinkDescription
Faceforensics++Download link
CelebVDownload link
VoxCelebDownload linkVoxCeleb, a comprehensive audio-visual dataset for speaker recognition, encompasses both VoxCeleb1 and VoxCeleb2 datasets.
VoxCeleb1Download linkVoxCeleb1 contains over 100,000 utterances for 1,251 celebrities, extracted from videos uploaded to YouTube.
VoxCeleb2Download linkExtracted from YouTube videos, VoxCeleb2 includes video URLs and discourse timestamps. As the largest public audio-visual dataset, it is primarily used for speaker recognition tasks. However, it can also be utilized for training talking-head generation models. To obtain download permission and access the dataset, apply here. Requires 300 GB+ storage space.
ObamaSetDownload linkObamaSet is a specialized audio-visual dataset focused on analyzing the visual speech of former US President Barack Obama. All video samples are collected from his weekly address footage. Unlike previous datasets, it exclusively centers on Barack Obama and does not provide any human annotations.
TalkingHead-1KHDownload linkThe dataset consists of 500k video clips, of which about 80k are greater than 512x512 resolution. Only videos under permissive licenses are included. Note that the number of videos differ from that in the original paper because a more robust preprocessing script was used to split the videos.
LRW (Lip Reading in the Wild)Download linkLRW, a diverse English-speaking video dataset from the BBC program, features over 1000 speakers with various speaking styles and head poses. Each video is 1.16 seconds long (29 frames) and involves the target word along with context.
MEAD 2020Download linkMEAD 2020 is a Talking Head dataset annotated with emotion labels and intensity labels. The dataset focuses on facial generation for natural emotional speech, covering eight different emotions on three intensity levels.
CelebV-HQDownload linkCelebV-HQ is a high-quality video dataset comprising 35,666 clips with a resolution of at least 512x512. It includes 15,653 identities, and each clip is manually labeled with 83 facial attributes, spanning appearance, action, and emotion. The dataset’s diversity and temporal coherence make it a valuable resource for tasks like unconditional video generation and video facial attribute editing.
HDTFDownload linkHDTF, the High-definition Talking-Face Dataset, is a large in-the-wild high-resolution audio-visual dataset consisting of approximately 362 different videos totaling 15.8 hours. Original video resolutions are 720 P or 1080 P, and each cropped video is resized to 512 × 512.
CREMA-DDownload linkCREMA-D is a diverse dataset with 7,442 original clips featuring 91 actors, including 48 male and 43 female actors aged 20 to 74, representing various races and ethnicities. The dataset includes recordings of actors speaking from a set of 12 sentences, expressing six different emotions (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Neutral, and Sad) at four emotion levels (Low, Medium, High, and Unspecified). Emotion and intensity ratings were gathered through crowd-sourcing, with 2,443 participants rating 90 unique clips each (30 audio, 30 visual, and 30 audio-visual). Over 95% of the clips have more than 7 ratings. For additional details on CREMA-D, refer to the paper link.
LRS2Download linkLRS2 is a lip reading dataset that includes videos recorded in diverse settings, suitable for studying lip reading and visual speech recognition.
GRIDDownload linkThe GRID dataset was recorded in a laboratory setting with 34 volunteers, each speaking 1000 phrases, totaling 34,000 utterance instances. Phrases follow specific rules, with six words randomly selected from six categories: “command,” “color,” “preposition,” “letter,” “number,” and “adverb.” Access the dataset here.
SAVEEDownload linkThe SAVEE (Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion) database is a crucial component for developing an automatic emotion recognition system. It features recordings from 4 male actors expressing 7 different emotions, totaling 480 British English utterances. These sentences, selected from the standard TIMIT corpus, are phonetically balanced for each emotion. Recorded in a high-quality visual media lab, the data undergoes processing and labeling. Performance evaluation involves 10 subjects rating recordings under audio, visual, and audio-visual conditions. Classification systems for each modality achieve speaker-independent recognition rates of 61%, 65%, and 84% for audio, visual, and audio-visual, respectively.
BIWI(3D)Download linkThe Biwi 3D Audiovisual Corpus of Affective Communication serves as a compromise between data authenticity and quality, acquired at ETHZ in collaboration with SYNVO GmbH.
VOCADownload linkVOCA is a 4D-face dataset with approximately 29 minutes of 4D face scans and synchronized audio from 12-bit speakers. It greatly facilitates research in 3D VSG.
Multiface(3D)Download linkThe Multiface Dataset consists of high-quality multi-view video recordings of 13 people displaying various facial expressions. It contains approximately 12,200 to 23,000 frames per subject, captured at 30 fps from around 40 to 160 camera views with uniform lighting. The dataset’s size is 65TB and includes raw images (2048x1334 resolution), tracked and meshed heads, 1024x1024 unwrapped face textures, camera calibration metadata, and audio. This repository provides code for downloading the dataset and building a codec avatar using a deep appearance model.


2023From Pixels to Portraits: A Comprehensive Survey of Talking Head Generation Techniques and ApplicationsarXiv 2023
2023Human-Computer Interaction System: A Survey of Talking-Head GenerationIEEE
2023Talking human face generation: A surveyACM
2022Deep Learning for Visual Speech Analysis: A SurveyarXiv 2022
2020What comprises a good talking-head video generation?: A Survey and BenchmarkarXiv 2020


2024[GAIA] GAIA: Zero-shot Talking Avatar GenerationArix 2024Code(coming)Project😲😲😲
2023Implicit Identity Representation Conditioned Memory Compensation Network for Talking Head Video GenerationICCV 2023CodeProject-
2023[ToonTalker] ToonTalker: Cross-Domain Face ReenactmentICCV 2023---
2023Efficient Emotional Adaptation for Audio-Driven Talking-Head GenerationICCV 2023CodeProject-
2023[EMMN] EMMN: Emotional Motion Memory Network for Audio-driven Emotional Talking Face GenerationICCV 2023--Emotion
2023Emotional Listener Portrait: Realistic Listener Motion Simulation in ConversationICCV 2023--Emotion,LHG
2023[MODA] MODA: Mapping-Once Audio-driven Portrait Animation with Dual AttentionsICCV 2023---
2023[Facediffuser] Facediffuser: Speech-driven 3d facial animation synthesis using diffusionACM SIGGRAPH MIG 2023CodeProject🔥Diffusion,3D
2023Audio-Driven Dubbing for User Generated Contents via Style-Aware Semi-Parametric SynthesisTCSVT 2023--
2023[SadTalker] SadTalker: Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face AnimationCVPR 2023CodeProject3D,Single Image
2023[EmoTalk] EmoTalk: Speech-Driven Emotional Disentanglement for 3D Face AnimationICCV 2023Code3D,Emotion
2023Emotional Talking Head Generation based on Memory-Sharing and Attention-Augmented NetworksInterSpeech 2023Emotion
2023[DINet] DINet: Deformation Inpainting Network for Realistic Face Visually Dubbing on High Resolution VideoAAAI 2023Code-
2023[StyleTalk] StyleTalk: One-shot Talking Head Generation with Controllable Speaking StylesAAAI 2023Code-Style
2023High-fidelity Generalized Emotional Talking Face Generation with Multi-modal Emotion Space LearningCVPR 2023--Emotion
2023[StyleSync] StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sync in Style-based GeneratorCVPR 2023CodeProject-
2023[TalkLip] TalkLip: Seeing What You Said - Talking Face Generation Guided by a Lip Reading ExpertCVPR 2023Code--
2023[CodeTalker] CodeTalker: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Discrete Motion PriorCVPR 2023CodeProject3D,codebook
2023[EmoGen] Emotionally Enhanced Talking Face GenerationArxiv 2023Code-Emotion
2023[DAE-Talker] DAE-Talker: High Fidelity Speech-Driven Talking Face Generation with Diffusion AutoencoderArxiv 2023-Project🔥Diffusion
2023[READ] [READ Avatars: Realistic Emotion-controllable Audio Driven Avatars](READ Avatars: Realistic Emotion-controllable Audio Driven Avatars)Arxiv 2023---
2023[DiffTalk] DiffTalk: Crafting Diffusion Models for Generalized Talking Head SynthesisCVPR 2023CodeProject🔥Diffusion
2023[Diffused Heads] Diffused Heads: Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Talking-Face GenerationArxiv 2023-Project🔥Diffusion
2022[MemFace] Expressive Talking Head Generation with Granular Audio-Visual ControlCVPR 2022---
2022Talking Face Generation with Multilingual TTSCVPR 2022Demo Track--
2022[EAMM] EAMM: One-Shot Emotional Talking Face via Audio-Based Emotion-Aware Motion ModelSIGGRAPH 2022--Emotion
2022[SPACEx] SPACEx 🚀: Speech-driven Portrait Animation with Controllable ExpressionarXiv 2022-Project-
2022[AV-CAT] Masked Lip-Sync Prediction by Audio-Visual Contextual Exploitation in TransformersSIGGRAPH Asia 2022---
2022[MemFace] Memories are One-to-Many Mapping Alleviators in Talking Face GenerationarXiv 2022---
2021[PC-AVS] PC-AVS: Pose-Controllable Talking Face Generation by Implicitly Modularized Audio-Visual RepresentationCVPR 2021CodeProject-
2021[IATS] Imitating Arbitrary Talking Style for Realistic Audio-Driven Talking Face SynthesisACM MM 2021---
2021[Speech2Talking-Face] Speech2Talking-Face: Inferring and Driving a Face with Synchronized Audio-Visual RepresentationIJCAI 2021---
2021[FAU] Talking Head Generation with Audio and Speech Related Facial Action UnitsBMVC 2021--AU
2021[EVP] Audio-Driven Emotional Video PortraitsCVPR 2021Code-Emotion
2021[IATS] IATS: Imitating Arbitrary Talking Style for Realistic Audio-Driven Talking Face SynthesisACM Multimedia 2021---
2020[Wav2Lip] A Lip Sync Expert Is All You Need for Speech to Lip Generation In The WildACM Multimedia 2020CodeProject-
2020[RhythmicHead] Talking-head Generation with Rhythmic Head MotionECCV 2020Code--
2020[MakeItTalk] Speaker-Aware Talking-Head AnimationSIGGRAPH Asia 2020CodeProject-
2020[Neural Voice Puppetry] Audio-driven Facial ReenactmentECCV 2020-Project-
2020[MEAD] A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face GenerationECCV 2020CodeProject-
2020Realistic Speech-Driven Facial Animation with GANsIJCV 2020---
2019[DAVS] Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual RepresentationAAAI 2019Code--
2019[ATVGnet] Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise LossCVPR 2019Code--
2018Lip Movements Generation at a GlanceECCV 2018Code--
2018[VisemeNet] Audio-Driven Animator-Centric Speech AnimationSIGGRAPH 2018---
2017[Synthesizing Obama] Learning Lip Sync From AudioSIGGRAPH 2017-Project-
2017[You Said That?] Synthesising Talking Faces From AudioBMVC 2019Code--
2017Audio-Driven Facial Animation by Joint End-to-End Learning of Pose and EmotionSIGGRAPH 2017---
2017A Deep Learning Approach for Generalized Speech AnimationSIGGRAPH 2017---
2016[LRW] Lip Reading in the WildACCV 2016---


2023TalkCLIP: Talking Head Generation with Text-Guided Expressive Speaking StylesArxiv
2021Write-a-speaker: Text-based Emotional and Rhythmic Talking-head GenerationAAAICode
2021Txt2vid: Ultra-low bitrate compression of talking-head videos via textArxivCode

NeRF & 3D

2024[SyncTalk] SyncTalk: The Devil😈 is in the Synchronization for Talking Head SynthesisCVPR 2024?CodeProject😈
2024[DT-NeRF] DT-NeRF: Decomposed Triplane-Hash Neural Radiance Fields for High-Fidelity Talking Portrait SynthesisICASSP 2024--ER-NeRF
2023[ER-NeRF] Efficient Region-Aware Neural Radiance Fields for High-Fidelity Talking Portrait SynthesisICCV 2023CodeProjectTri-plane
2023[LipNeRF] LipNeRF: What is the right feature space to lip-sync a NeRF?FG 2023CodeProjectWav2lip
2023[SD-NeRF] SD-NeRF: Towards Lifelike Talking Head Animation via Spatially-adaptive Dual-driven NeRFsIEEE 2023--
2023[Instruct-NeuralTalker] Instruct-NeuralTalker: Editing Audio-Driven Talking Radiance Fields with InstructionsArxiv 2023
2023[GeneFace++] Generalized and Stable Real-Time Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face GenerationArxiv 2023-Project-
2023[GeneFace] GeneFace: Generalized and High-Fidelity Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face SynthesisICLR 2023CodeProject-
2022[RAD-NeRF] RAD-NeRF: Real-time Neural Talking Portrait SynthesisArxiv 2022CodeProjectInstantNGP
2022[DFRF] DFRF:Learning Dynamic Facial Radiance Fields for Few-Shot Talking Head SynthesisECCV 2022CodeProject
2022[DialogueNeRF] DialogueNeRF: Towards Realistic Avatar Face-to-face Conversation Video GenerationArxiv 2022---
2022[NeRFInvertor] NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-shot Real Image AnimationArxiv 2022CodeProject-
2022[Next3D] Next3D: Generative Neural Texture Rasterization for 3D-Aware Head AvatarsArxiv 2022CodeProject-
2022[3DFaceShop] 3DFaceShop: Explicitly Controllable 3D-Aware Portrait GenerationArxiv 2022CodeProject-
2022[FNeVR] FNeVR: Neural Volume Rendering for Face AnimationArxiv 2022Code--
2022[ROME] ROME: Realistic One-shot Mesh-based Head AvatarsECCV 2022CodeProject-
2022[IMavatar] IMavatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from VideosCVPR 2022CodeProject-
2022[HeadNeRF] HeadNeRF: A Real-time NeRF-based Parametric Head ModelCVPR 2022CodeProject-
2022[SSP-NeRF] Semantic-Aware Implicit Neural Audio-Driven Video Portrait GenerationArxiv 2022CodeProject-
2021[AD-NeRF] AD-NeRF: Audio Driven Neural Radiance Fields for Talking Head SynthesisICCV 2021CodeProject-
2021[NerFACE] NerFACE: Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Monocular 4D Facial Avatar ReconstructionCVPR 2021 OralCodeProject-
2021[DFA-NeRF] DFA-NeRF: Personalized Talking Head Generation via Disentangled Face Attributes Neural RenderingArxiv 2021Code--


PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio)-
SSIM (structural similarity index measure)Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity.
CPBD(cumulative probability of blur detection)A no-reference image blur metric based on the cumulative probability of blur detection
LPIPS (Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity) -The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Features as a Perceptual Metricpaper
NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator)Making a ‘Completely Blind’ Image Quality Analyzerpaper
FID (Fréchet inception distance)GANs trained by a two time-scale update rule converge to a local nash equilibrium
LMD (landmark distance error)Lip Movements Generation at a Glance
LRA (lip-reading accuracy)Talking Face Generation by Conditional Recurrent Adversarial Networkpaper
WER(word error rate)Lipnet: end-to-end sentencelevel lipreading.
LSE-D (Lip Sync Error - Distance)Out of time: automated lip sync in the wild
LSE-C (Lip Sync Error - Confidence)Out of time: automated lip sync in the wild
ACD(Average content distance)Facenet: a unified embedding for face recognition and clustering.
CSIM(cosine similarity)Arcface: additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition.
EAR(eye aspect ratio)Real-time eye blink detection using facial landmarks. In: Computer Vision Winter Workshop
ESD(emotion similarity distance)What comprises a good talking-head video generation?: A Survey and Benchmark

Tools & Software

LUCIADevelopment of a MPEG-4 Talking Head Engine. 💻
Yepic StudioCreate and dub talking head-style videos in minutes without expensive equipment. 🎥
Mel McGee’s TalkbotsA complete multi-browser, multi-platform talking head application in SVG suitable for web sites or as an avatar. 🗣️
face3D_chungCreate 3D character avatar head objects with texture from a single photo for your games. 🎮
CrazyTalkExciting features for 3D head creation and automation. 🤪
tts avatar free download - SourceForgeMel McGee’s Talkbots is a complete multi-browser, multi-platform talking head. (🔧👄)
Verbatim AI - Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2023A simple yet powerful API to generate AI “talking head” videos in near real-time with Verbatim AI. Add interest, intrigue, and dynamism to your chat bots! (🔧👄)
Best Open Source BASIC 3D Modeling SoftwareIncludes talk3D_chung, a small example using obj models created with face3D_chung, and speak3D_chung_dll, a dll to load and display face3D_chung talking avatars. (🛠️🎭)
DVDStyler / Discussion / Help: ffmpeg-vbr or internalTalking heads would get a bitrate which is unnecessarily high while using DVDStyler. (🛠️👄)
puffin web browser free download - SourceForgeMel McGee’s Talkbots is a complete multi-browser, multi-platform talking head. (🔧👄)
12 best AI video generators to use in 2023 Free and paid |Product …Whether you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner, or run a large company, AI video generators make it super easy to create high-quality videos from scratch. (🔧🎥)

Slides & Presentations

Presentation TitleDescription
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head ModelsPresentation reviewing the few-shot adversarial learning of realistic neural talking head models.
Nethania Michelle’s CharacterPPT: Presentation discussing the improvement of a 3D talking head for use in an avatar of a virtual meeting room.
Presenting you: Top tips on presenting with Prezi Video – PreziArticle providing top tips for presenting with Prezi Video.
Research PresentationPPT: Resident Research Presentation Slide Deck.
Adding narration to your presentation (using Prezi Video) – PreziLearn how to add narration to your Prezi presentation with Prezi Video.





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3D渲染和动画制作软件KeyShot Pro mac附加功能

KeyShot 11 mac是一款专业化实时3D渲染工具&#xff0c;使用它可以简化3d渲染和动画制作流程&#xff0c;并且提供最准确的材质及光线&#xff0c;渲染效果更加真实&#xff0c;KeyShot为您提供了使用 CPU 或 NVIDIA GPU 进行渲染的能力和选择&#xff0c;并能够线性扩展以获得…

Linux 多进程并发设计-进程对核的亲缘设置

1设计结构 2 设计优点 1 充分利用多核系统的并发处理能力2 负载均衡3 职责明确&#xff0c;管理进程仅负责管理&#xff0c;工作进程仅负责处理业务逻辑 3 演示代码: //main.cpp #define _GNU_SOURCE #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/wait.h> #include <…


引言&#xff1a; 新生儿的出生缺陷是一个复杂而广泛的问题&#xff0c;及早的筛查和诊断对于预防和管理这些缺陷至关重要。出生缺陷可能涉及各个系统&#xff0c;包括心脏、神经、遗传等&#xff0c;因此及时而全面的筛查对新生儿的健康至关重要。本文将深入探讨新生儿出生缺…