shading 设置颜色着色属性
function waterwave
% WATERWAVE 2D Shallow Water Model
% Lax-Wendroff finite difference method.
% Reflective boundary conditions.
% Random water drops initiate gravity waves.
% Surface plot displays height colored by momentum.
% Plot title shows t = simulated time and tv = a measure of total variation.
%t = 模拟时间,tv = 总变化量
% An exact solution to the conservation law would have constant tv.
% Lax-Wendroff produces nonphysical oscillations and increasing tv.
% See:
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shallow_water_equations
% http://www.amath.washington.edu/~rjl/research/tsunamis
% http://www.amath.washington.edu/~dgeorge/tsunamimodeling.html
% http://www.amath.washington.edu/~claw/applications/shallow/www% Parametersn = 64; % grid size
g = 9.8; % gravitational constant
dt = 0.01; % hardwired timestep
dx = 1.0;
dy = 1.0;
nplotstep = 8; %绘图间隔
ndrops = 1; % 最大滴数
dropstep = 200; % 液滴间隔
D = droplet(1.5,21); % 模拟水滴
% Initialize graphics[surfplot,top,restart,quit] = initgraphics(n); %启动图形% Outer loop, restarts.while get(quit,'value') == 0set(restart,'value',0)H = ones(n+2,n+2); U = zeros(n+2,n+2); V = zeros(n+2,n+2);Hx = zeros(n+1,n+1); Ux = zeros(n+1,n+1); Vx = zeros(n+1,n+1);Hy = zeros(n+1,n+1); Uy = zeros(n+1,n+1); Vy = zeros(n+1,n+1);ndrop = ceil(rand*ndrops);nstep = 0;% Inner loop, time steps.while get(restart,'value')==0 && get(quit,'value')==0nstep = nstep + 1;% Random water dropsif mod(nstep,dropstep) == 0 && nstep <= ndrop*dropstepw = size(D,1);i = ceil(rand*(n-w))+(1:w);j = ceil(rand*(n-w))+(1:w);H(i,j) = H(i,j) + (1+4*rand)/5*D;end% Reflective boundary conditionsH(:,1) = H(:,2); U(:,1) = U(:,2); V(:,1) = -V(:,2);H(:,n+2) = H(:,n+1); U(:,n+2) = U(:,n+1); V(:,n+2) = -V(:,n+1);H(1,:) = H(2,:); U(1,:) = -U(2,:); V(1,:) = V(2,:);H(n+2,:) = H(n+1,:); U(n+2,:) = -U(n+1,:); V(n+2,:) = V(n+1,:);% First half step% x directioni = 1:n+1;j = 1:n;% heightHx(i,j) = (H(i+1,j+1)+H(i,j+1))/2 - dt/(2*dx)*(U(i+1,j+1)-U(i,j+1));% x momentumUx(i,j) = (U(i+1,j+1)+U(i,j+1))/2 - ...dt/(2*dx)*((U(i+1,j+1).^2./H(i+1,j+1) + g/2*H(i+1,j+1).^2) - ...(U(i,j+1).^2./H(i,j+1) + g/2*H(i,j+1).^2));% y momentumVx(i,j) = (V(i+1,j+1)+V(i,j+1))/2 - ...dt/(2*dx)*((U(i+1,j+1).*V(i+1,j+1)./H(i+1,j+1)) - ...(U(i,j+1).*V(i,j+1)./H(i,j+1)));% y directioni = 1:n;j = 1:n+1;% heightHy(i,j) = (H(i+1,j+1)+H(i+1,j))/2 - dt/(2*dy)*(V(i+1,j+1)-V(i+1,j));% x momentumUy(i,j) = (U(i+1,j+1)+U(i+1,j))/2 - ...dt/(2*dy)*((V(i+1,j+1).*U(i+1,j+1)./H(i+1,j+1)) - ...(V(i+1,j).*U(i+1,j)./H(i+1,j)));% y momentumVy(i,j) = (V(i+1,j+1)+V(i+1,j))/2 - ...dt/(2*dy)*((V(i+1,j+1).^2./H(i+1,j+1) + g/2*H(i+1,j+1).^2) - ...(V(i+1,j).^2./H(i+1,j) + g/2*H(i+1,j).^2));% Second half stepi = 2:n+1;j = 2:n+1;% heightH(i,j) = H(i,j) - (dt/dx)*(Ux(i,j-1)-Ux(i-1,j-1)) - ...(dt/dy)*(Vy(i-1,j)-Vy(i-1,j-1));% x momentumU(i,j) = U(i,j) - (dt/dx)*((Ux(i,j-1).^2./Hx(i,j-1) + g/2*Hx(i,j-1).^2) - ...(Ux(i-1,j-1).^2./Hx(i-1,j-1) + g/2*Hx(i-1,j-1).^2)) ...- (dt/dy)*((Vy(i-1,j).*Uy(i-1,j)./Hy(i-1,j)) - ...(Vy(i-1,j-1).*Uy(i-1,j-1)./Hy(i-1,j-1)));% y momentumV(i,j) = V(i,j) - (dt/dx)*((Ux(i,j-1).*Vx(i,j-1)./Hx(i,j-1)) - ...(Ux(i-1,j-1).*Vx(i-1,j-1)./Hx(i-1,j-1))) ...- (dt/dy)*((Vy(i-1,j).^2./Hy(i-1,j) + g/2*Hy(i-1,j).^2) - ...(Vy(i-1,j-1).^2./Hy(i-1,j-1) + g/2*Hy(i-1,j-1).^2));% Update plotif mod(nstep,nplotstep) == 0C = abs(U(i,j)) + abs(V(i,j)); % Color shows momemtumt = nstep*dt;tv = norm(C,'fro');set(surfplot,'zdata',H(i,j),'cdata',C);set(top,'string',sprintf('t = %6.2f, tv = %6.2f',t,tv))drawnowendif all(all(isnan(H))), break, end % Unstable, restartend
close(gcf)% ------------------------------------function D = droplet(height,width)
% DROPLET 2D Gaussian
% D = droplet(height,width)[x,y] = ndgrid(-1:(2/(width-1)):1);D = height*exp(-5*(x.^2+y.^2));% ------------------------------------function [surfplot,top,restart,quit] = initgraphics(n);
% INITGRAPHICS Initialize graphics for waterwave.
% [surfplot,top,restart,quit] = initgraphics(n)
% returns handles to a surface plot, its title, and two uicontrol toggles.clfshgset(gcf,'numbertitle','off','name','Shallow_water')x = (0:n-1)/(n-1);surfplot = surf(x,x,ones(n,n),zeros(n,n));grid offaxis([0 1 0 1 -1 3])caxis([-1 1])shading facetedc = (1:64)'/64;cyan = [0*c c c];colormap(cyan)top = title('xxx');restart = uicontrol('position',[20 20 80 20],'style','toggle','string','restart');quit = uicontrol('position',[120 20 80 20],'style','toggle','string','close');
摩尔斯电码演示了二元树(binary tree)和单元数组(cell array)。电码由短的点(dot或‘.’)或者长的停顿(dash或‘-’)分隔。
function M = morse_tree
% M = morse_tree is a cell array of cell arrays, the binary
% tree for the Morse code of the 26 Latin characters.
% M = morse_tree_extended is a larger cell array of cell arrays,
% the binary tree for the Morse code of the 26 Latin characters
% plus digits, punctuation marks, and several non-Latin characters.
% _____ root _____
% / \
% _ E _ _ T _
% / \ / \
% I A N M
% / \ / \ / \ / \
% S U R W D K G O
% / \ / / / \ / \ / \ / \
% H V F L P J B X C Y Z Q
%global extend
if extend==1M = morse_tree_extended;return
end% Level 4
h = {'H' {} {}};
v = {'V' {} {}};
f = {'F' {} {}};
l = {'L' {} {}};
p = {'P' {} {}};
j = {'J' {} {}};
b = {'B' {} {}};
x = {'X' {} {}};
c = {'C' {} {}};
y = {'Y' {} {}};
z = {'Z' {} {}};
q = {'Q' {} {}};% Level 3
s = {'S' h v};
u = {'U' f {}};
r = {'R' l {}};
w = {'W' p j};
d = {'D' b x};
k = {'K' c y};
g = {'G' z q};
o = {'O' {} {}};% Level 2
i = {'I' s u};
a = {'A' r w};
n = {'N' d k};
m = {'M' g o};% Level 1
e = {'E' i a};
t = {'T' n m};% Level 0
M = {'' e t};
反复选择树上的不同分支对应着遍历这个树的不同顺序。在众多可能的排序中,有两种有着标准的名字:深度优先搜索方法(depth-first search)和广度优先搜索(breadth-first search)。
S = {morse_tree};while ~isempty(S)N = S{1};S = S(2:end);if ~isempty(N)fprintf(' %s',N{1})S = {N{2} N{3} S{:}};endendfprintf('\n')
%% Breadth first, with a queue.Q = {morse_tree};while ~isempty(Q)N = Q{1};Q = Q(2:end);if ~isempty(N)fprintf(' %s',N{1})Q = {Q{:} N{2} N{3}};endendfprintf('\n')
function morse_gui(arg)
% MORSE_GUI Interactive demonstration of Morse code and binary trees.if nargin == 0init_guielseif isequal(arg,'_depth')depthelseif isequal(arg,'_breadth') breadthelsetranslateend% ------------------------------------function depth% Depth first traversal of Morse code binary tree% Stack, LIFO, last in first out.% Insert new items at the top of the stack.S = {morse_tree};X = 0;Y = 0;while ~isempty(S)N = S{1};S = S(2:end);x = X(1);X = X(2:end);y = Y(1);Y = Y(2:end);if ~isempty(N)node(N{1},x,y)S = {N{2} N{3} S{:}};X = [2*x-(x>=0); 2*x+(x<=0); X];Y = [y+1; y+1; Y];endendend % depth% ------------------------------------function breadth% Breadth first traversal of Morse code binary tree.% Queue, FIFO, first in first out.% Insert new items at the end of the queue.Q = {morse_tree};X = 0;Y = 0;while ~isempty(Q)N = Q{1};Q = Q(2:end);x = X(1);X = X(2:end);y = Y(1);Y = Y(2:end);if ~isempty(N)node(N{1},x,y);Q = {Q{:} N{2} N{3}};X = [X; 2*x-(x>=0); 2*x+(x<=0)];Y = [Y; y+1; y+1];endendend % breadth% ------------------------------------function translate% Translate to and from Morse code.e = findobj('style','edit');s = findobj('string','sound');t = get(e,'string');if all(t=='.' | t=='-' | t==' ' | t=='*')t = decode(t);set(e,'string',t);elsecode = encode(t);set(e,'string',code);if get(s,'value') == 1morse_sound(code)endendif length(t)>=3 && isequal(t(1:3),'SOS')screamendend% ------------------------------------function code = encode(text)% ENCODE Translate text to dots and dashes.% encode('text')code = '';text = upper(text);for k = 1:length(text);ch = text(k);% A blank in the text is worth three in the code.if ch == ' 'code = [code ' '];elsecode = [code encode_ch(ch) ' '];endendend % encode% ------------------------------------function dd = encode_ch(ch)% ENCODE_CH Translate one character to dots and dashes.S = {morse_tree};D = {''};while ~isempty(S)N = S{1};dd = D{1};S = S(2:end);D = D(2:end);if ~isempty(N)if N{1} == ch;returnelseS = {N{2} N{3} S{:}};D = {[dd '.'] [dd '-'] D{:}};endendenddd = '*';end % encode_ch% ------------------------------------function text = decode(code)% DECODE Translate strings of dots and dashes to text.% decode('string of dots, dashes and spaces')text = [];code = [code ' '];while ~isempty(code);k = find(code == ' ',1);ch = decode_dd(code(1:k));text = [text ch];code(1:k) = [];% Many blanks in the code is worth one in the text.if ~isempty(code) && code(1) == ' 'text = [text ' '];while ~isempty(code) && code(1) == ' 'code(1) = [];endendendend % decode% ------------------------------------function ch = decode_dd(dd)% DECODE_DD Translate one character's worth of dots% and dashes to a single character of text.M = morse_tree;for k = 1:length(dd)if dd(k) == '.'M = M{2};elseif dd(k) == '-'M = M{3};endif isempty(M)ch = '*';returnendendch = M{1};end % decode_dd% ------------------------------------function init_gui% Initialize Morse code gui.global extendextend = 0;clf resetaxes('pos',[0 0 1 1])axis(16*[-1 1 0 2])axis square offset(gcf,'color','white')set(gca,'ydir','rev')uicontrol('style','push','string','depth', ...'units','normal','pos',[0.16 0.20 0.12 0.06], ...'callback','cla, morse_gui(''_depth'')')uicontrol('style','push','string','breadth', ...'units','normal','pos',[0.35 0.20 0.12 0.06], ...'callback','cla, morse_gui(''_breadth'')')uicontrol('style','toggle','string','sound','value',1, ...'units','normal','pos',[0.54 0.20 0.12 0.06]);uicontrol('style','toggle','string','extend','value',0, ...'units','normal','pos',[0.72 0.20 0.12 0.06], ...'callback', ['global extend, extend=get(gcbo,''value'');' ...'if extend==0, cla, end, axis(2^(4+extend)*[-1 1 0 2])']);uicontrol('style','edit','string', ...'Enter text or code to translate', ...'units','normal','pos',[0.16 0.04 0.68 0.08], ...'callback','cla, morse_gui(''_translate'')')end% ------------------------------------function node(ch,x,y)% Plot, and possibly play, node of Morse code binary tree.global extendr = 0.90;z = r*exp(2*pi*i*(0:32)/32);delta = 1/3;dkgreen = [0 1/2 0];lw = get(0,'defaultlinelinewidth')+0.5;fs = get(0,'defaulttextfontsize');if ~extendlw = lw+1;fs = fs+2;endp = 2^(4+extend-y);u = (x~=0)*(2*x+2*(x<=0)-1)*p;v = 4*(y+1);% Circleline(u+real(z),v+imag(z),'color','black','linewidth',lw)% Charactertext(u-delta,v,ch,'fontweight','bold','color',dkgreen,'fontsize',fs);% Connect node to parentif (x~=0)if y==1w = 0;elseif rem(x,2)==(x>0)w = u+p;elsew = u-p;endline([u w],[v-r v+r-4],'color','black','linewidth',lw)endif get(findobj('string','sound'),'value') == 1morse_sound(encode_ch(ch))pause(0.2)endpause(0.1)end% ------------------------------------function morse_sound(code,delta,note)% MORSE_SOUND Play sound for dots and dashes.% morse_sound(code) plays code, a string of dots, dashes and spaces.% morse_sound(code,delta,note) time slice is delta and tone is note.% Default delta = 1/16 second.% Default note = 6, which is F above middle C. See play_note.if nargin < 2delta = 1/16;endif nargin < 3note = 6;ends = findobj('string','sound');for k = 1:length(code)if get(s,'value') == 1switch code(k)case '.'play_note(note,delta)case '-'play_note(note,3*delta)case ' 'pause(3*delta)otherwise% Skip the characterendpause(delta)endendend % morse_sound% ------------------------------------function play_note(note,T)% PLAY_NOTE Play a musical note.% play_note(note,T) Play a note for T seconds.% note is an integer specifying semitones above and below middle C.% There are 12 notes per octave.% play_note(0,1/2) plays middle C (~261.625 Hz) for 1/2 second.C4 = 440/2^(3/4); % Middle C, hertzFs = 44100; % Sample rate, hertzt = (0:1/Fs:T); % Linear time rampf = C4 * 2^(note/12); % Frequency, hertzy = sin(2*pi*f*t); % Sinusoidal signalk = 1:1000; % Attack and releaser = (k/1000);y(k) = r.*y(k);y(end+1-k) = r.*y(end+1-k);sound(y,Fs) % Playend % play_noteend % morse_gui
解码是将 “点和划” 描述的东西变成文字;编码过程正好反过来。
function text = decode(code)% DECODE Translate strings of dots and dashes to text.% decode('string of dots, dashes and spaces')text = [];code = [code ' '];while ~isempty(code);k = find(code == ' ',1);ch = decode_dd(code(1:k));text = [text ch];code(1:k) = [];% Many blanks in the code is worth one in the text.if ~isempty(code) && code(1) == ' 'text = [text ' '];while ~isempty(code) && code(1) == ' 'code(1) = [];endendendend % decode
function dd = encode_ch(ch)% ENCODE_CH Translate one character to dots and dashes.S = {morse_tree};D = {''};while ~isempty(S)N = S{1};dd = D{1};S = S(2:end);D = D(2:end);if ~isempty(N)if N{1} == ch;returnelseS = {N{2} N{3} S{:}};D = {[dd '.'] [dd '-'] D{:}};endendenddd = '*';end % encode_ch
function C = morse_code(C,M,dd)
% C = morse_code
% C = morse_code(morse_tree)
% C = morse_code(morse_tree_extended)
% Generate tables of the ASCII and Morse codes
% for the characters defined by the binary trees.if nargin < 3 % Choose binary treeif nargin == 0M = morse_tree;elseM = C;endC = cell(256,1); % The temporary code tabledd = ''; % dots and dashesendif ~isempty(M) % Depth first searchif ~isempty(M{1})C{double(M{1})} = dd; % Use ASCII value as an indexendC = morse_code(C,M{2},[dd '.']); % Recursive callC = morse_code(C,M{3},[dd '-']); % Recursive callendif nargin < 3 % Final processing, convert to char.c = char(C{:});k = find(c(:,1) ~= ' '); % Find the nonblank entries.b = blanks(length(k))';C = [char(k) b b int2str(k) b b char(C{k})];end