释放三年版本:Aspose.Total For NET [21.7/22.7/23.7]


Aspose.Total for .NET is the most complete package of all .NET File Format Automation APIs offered by Aspose. It empowers developers to create, edit, render, print and convert between most popular file formats within any .NET, C#, ASP.NET and VB.NET applications.



Aspose.Total for .NET includes the following file format APIs for .NET:

Aspose.Words for .NET
It is an advanced .NET API to perform multiple file parsing tasks directly within your .NET, iOS, macOS & Android applications. Aspose.Words for .NET offers the developers to modify, generate, render, convert and print documents without using Microsoft Word. It supports DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and many more.



Aspose.PDF for .NET
Aspose.PDF for .NET is a PDF file processing and parsing API. It enables .NET applications to read, manipulate and write PDF files without any Adobe Acrobat dependencies. Moreover, API provides features such as conversion of PDF documents to multiple formats as well as transform PDF files to conventional raster & vector images.

Aspose.Cells for .NET
Excel API allows developers to work with spreadsheet file formats in .NET, iOS & Android applications without requiring Microsoft Excel. Aspose.Cells for .NET supports all the major Microsoft Excel formats including XLS, XLSM, XLSX, XLTM/XLTX, HTML, CSV, ODS, Tab Delimited & SpreadsheetML.

Aspose.Email for .NET
Aspose.Email for .NET
Aspose.Email for .NET is a collection of .NET APIs to create, manipulate, send & receive emails from within ASP.NET web applications, web services or Windows applications. The Email API makes it super easy to work with Outlook ICS, PST, OST, EML, MSG and MHT files as well as Thunderbird's storage MBOX files.

Aspose.Slides for .NET
Aspose.Slides for .NET is a standalone PowerPoint processing API to read, write and manipulate presentations and slides. Developers can generate, modify, copy, convert, render and print presentation file formats including PPT, PPS, POT, PresentationML (OOXML, PPTX) and OpenDocument presentations (ODP).

Aspose.Imaging for .NET
Aspose.Imaging for .NET is an imaging API to create, edit, draw or convert images within .NET applications. Developers can save the created or edited images to a variety of formats including TIFF, GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG and more, without the need of an Image editor to be installed.

Aspose.BarCode for .NET
Aspose.BarCode for .NET API allows developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their Microsoft .NET applications. It supports WinForms, ASP.NET and .NET Compact Framework.

Aspose.Diagram for .NET
Aspose.Diagram for .NET is a feature-rich Visio API. Developers can easily manipulate diagrams and convert Visio tiles to PDF and image file formats. Aspose.Diagram also leverages advanced functionality provided by Visio services to manipulate Visio documents at server.

Aspose.Tasks for .NET
Aspose.Tasks for .NET
Aspose.Tasks for .NET is a powerful .NET project management API enabling .NET applications to read Microsoft Project documents in MPP and XML formats along with writing project documents in XML format without using Microsoft Project.

Aspose.OCR for .NET
Aspose.OCR for .NET is a character recognition API allowing developers to add OCR functionality to their .NET applications. It provides simple set of classes to recognize characters from most commonly used image formats.

Aspose.Note for .NET
Aspose.Note for .NET API enables applications to interact with Microsoft OneNote files programmatically. It supports features like loading, converting, creating and manipulating the content of Microsoft OneNote files without requiring any additional libraries or third-party software.

Aspose.CAD for .NET
Aspose.CAD for .NET
Aspose.CAD for .NET allows developers to convert AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF image formats. It is a native API and does not require AutoCAD or any other software to be installed.

Aspose.3D for .NET
Aspose.3D for .NET is a feature-rich 3D API for .NET developers to connect with 3D document formats without requiring any additional 3D modeling and rendering software. It supports most commonly used 3D file formats where developers can easily create, read, convert, modify and control the substance of 3D files.

Aspose.HTML for .NET
Aspose.HTML for .NET allows developers to create, edit and render HTML pages to fixed-layout formats such as PDF & XPS etc and a number of raster image formats within your .NET applications

Aspose.GIS for .NET
Aspose.GIS for .NET empowers the .NET applications to access & manipulate geographic information from vector based geospatial data formats. It offers to read, write & convert GIS data formats like ESRI Shapefile & GeoJSON.

Aspose.ZIP for .NET
Aspose.ZIP for .NET API enables the developers to compress documents and archives to zip format as well as decompress zip files to respective archives and files.

Aspose.Page for .NET
Aspose.Page for .NET provides the ability to create, edit and save existing as well as new XPS documents. It also allows converting PS, EPS & XPS files to PDF and image formats.

Aspose.PSD for .NET
Aspose.PSD for .NET API enables the developers to load or create Photoshop PSD & PSB files as well as provides the ability to manipulate layers, detect deflated PSD files & convert Photoshop files to raster image formats.

Aspose.OMR for .NET
Aspose.OMR for .NET is an API allows capturing human-marked data from document forms such as surveys, questionnaires, multiple-choice examination papers, and other tests. So it can recognize scanned images and even photos with high accuracy.

Aspose.PUB for .NET
Aspose.PUB for .NET is an API allows to read Microsoft Publisher files and convert to other formats. Moreover, API permits to work with PUB document formats without the need to go into the details of the underlying file format structure without any dependencies of Microsoft Publisher.

Aspose.SVG for .NET
Aspose.SVG for .NET is an SVG file format processing and parsing API. Having full control over SVG nodes and properties, Developers can easily modify the document tree, remove and insert nodes, change the node properties and apply filters. Furthermore, API can convert SVG files into PDF and famous image formats.

Aspose.Finance for .NET
Aspose.Finance for .NET is a finance-related format processing API. It creates, reads, and validate XBRL and iXBRL formats that are used in the management of business processes, financial analysis and reporting solutions.

Aspose.Drawing for .NET
Aspose.Drawing for .NET is a graphics API identical to GDI+. It can easily be integrated for 2D vector graphics drawings like lines, curves, and figures as well as muti style text onto raster images. API supports commonly used image formats.

Aspose.Font for .NET
Aspose.Font for .NET is a font management and processing API. It can easily perform font file operations such as loading fonts from disc or stream, read glyphs and metrics information as well as detect latin symbols, render text using font glyphs and more.

Aspose.TeX for .NET
Aspose.TeX for .NET is a TeX files typesetting API. It can easily typeset TeX files to get documents in various formats like XPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF and BMP. It also features custom TeX formats creation.

Advanced Features of Aspose.Total for .NET APIs
Generate or recognize barcodes
Generate reports using mail merge
Build dynamic Microsoft Excel reports on the fly
High-fidelity rendering and printing
Transform an XML document into an Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Convert image files into PDF format
Create, manipulate or render presentation files
Create project files from scratch or manipulate existing projects
Work with iCalendar
Easily send emails with HTML formatting and attachments
Mail merge and send mass mail functions
Connect to POP3 and IMAP mail servers
Create, load, edit or convert Microsoft Visio diagrams
Extract text from images using OCR
Export OneNote to images and PDF format
Platform Independence
Aspose.Total for .NET covers most popular development environments and deployment platforms. You can confidently use Aspose.Total for .NET to build Mono or any type of 32-bit or 64-bit .NET application including ASP.NET, Web Services and WinForms.

Packed With Utility Functions
Aspose.Total for .NET brings to you a toolkit of handy utility APIs allowing you to add barcode functionality to .NET applications, perform recurrence patterns and network protocols (SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP, FTP, DNS, ICMP and WHOIS).

Microsoft Office Automation – Not Needed
Aspose.Total for .NET APIs are built using managed code, and does never need Microsoft Office to be installed on the machine to work with supported document formats. It is a perfect Microsoft Office automation alternative in terms of supported features, security, stability, scalability, speed and price.





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