使用 DataFrame.map(以前称为 applymap)高效动态创建新列
In [53]: df = pd.DataFrame({"AAA": [1, 2, 1, 3], "BBB": [1, 1, 2, 2], "CCC": [2, 1, 3, 1]})In [54]: df
Out[54]: AAA BBB CCC
0 1 1 2
1 2 1 1
2 1 2 3
3 3 2 1In [55]: source_cols = df.columns # Or some subset would work tooIn [56]: new_cols = [str(x) + "_cat" for x in source_cols]In [57]: categories = {1: "Alpha", 2: "Beta", 3: "Charlie"}In [58]: df[new_cols] = df[source_cols].map(categories.get)In [59]: df
Out[59]: AAA BBB CCC AAA_cat BBB_cat CCC_cat
0 1 1 2 Alpha Alpha Beta
1 2 1 1 Beta Alpha Alpha
2 1 2 3 Alpha Beta Charlie
3 3 2 1 Charlie Beta Alpha
在 groupby 中使用 min() 时保留其他列
In [60]: df = pd.DataFrame(....: {"AAA": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3], "BBB": [2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]}....: )....: In [61]: df
Out[61]: AAA BBB
0 1 2
1 1 1
2 1 3
3 2 4
4 2 5
5 2 1
6 3 2
7 3 3
方法 1:使用 idxmin() 获取最小值的索引
In [62]: df.loc[df.groupby("AAA")["BBB"].idxmin()]
Out[62]: AAA BBB
1 1 1
5 2 1
6 3 2
方法 2:排序然后取每个的第一个
In [63]: df.sort_values(by="BBB").groupby("AAA", as_index=False).first()
Out[63]: AAA BBB
0 1 1
1 2 1
2 3 2
多级索引 文档。
从带标签的框架创建 MultiIndex
In [64]: df = pd.DataFrame(....: {....: "row": [0, 1, 2],....: "One_X": [1.1, 1.1, 1.1],....: "One_Y": [1.2, 1.2, 1.2],....: "Two_X": [1.11, 1.11, 1.11],....: "Two_Y": [1.22, 1.22, 1.22],....: }....: )....: In [65]: df
Out[65]: row One_X One_Y Two_X Two_Y
0 0 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
1 1 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
2 2 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22# As Labelled Index
In [66]: df = df.set_index("row")In [67]: df
Out[67]: One_X One_Y Two_X Two_Y
0 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
1 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
2 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22# With Hierarchical Columns
In [68]: df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([tuple(c.split("_")) for c in df.columns])In [69]: df
Out[69]: One Two X Y X Y
0 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
1 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22
2 1.1 1.2 1.11 1.22# Now stack & Reset
In [70]: df = df.stack(0, future_stack=True).reset_index(1)In [71]: df
Out[71]: level_1 X Y
0 One 1.10 1.20
0 Two 1.11 1.22
1 One 1.10 1.20
1 Two 1.11 1.22
2 One 1.10 1.20
2 Two 1.11 1.22# And fix the labels (Notice the label 'level_1' got added automatically)
In [72]: df.columns = ["Sample", "All_X", "All_Y"]In [73]: df
Out[73]: Sample All_X All_Y
0 One 1.10 1.20
0 Two 1.11 1.22
1 One 1.10 1.20
1 Two 1.11 1.22
2 One 1.10 1.20
2 Two 1.11 1.22
对需要广播的 MultiIndex 执行算术运算
In [74]: cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(....: [(x, y) for x in ["A", "B", "C"] for y in ["O", "I"]]....: )....: In [75]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 6), index=["n", "m"], columns=cols)In [76]: df
Out[76]: A B C O I O I O I
n 0.469112 -0.282863 -1.509059 -1.135632 1.212112 -0.173215
m 0.119209 -1.044236 -0.861849 -2.104569 -0.494929 1.071804In [77]: df = df.div(df["C"], level=1)In [78]: df
Out[78]: A B C O I O I O I
n 0.387021 1.633022 -1.244983 6.556214 1.0 1.0
m -0.240860 -0.974279 1.741358 -1.963577 1.0 1.0
使用 xs 切片 MultiIndex
In [79]: coords = [("AA", "one"), ("AA", "six"), ("BB", "one"), ("BB", "two"), ("BB", "six")]In [80]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(coords)In [81]: df = pd.DataFrame([11, 22, 33, 44, 55], index, ["MyData"])In [82]: df
Out[82]: MyData
AA one 11six 22
BB one 33two 44six 55
# Note : level and axis are optional, and default to zero
In [83]: df.xs("BB", level=0, axis=0)
Out[83]: MyData
one 33
two 44
six 55
In [84]: df.xs("six", level=1, axis=0)
Out[84]: MyData
AA 22
BB 55
使用 xs 切片 MultiIndex,方法 #2
In [85]: import itertoolsIn [86]: index = list(itertools.product(["Ada", "Quinn", "Violet"], ["Comp", "Math", "Sci"]))In [87]: headr = list(itertools.product(["Exams", "Labs"], ["I", "II"]))In [88]: indx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(index, names=["Student", "Course"])In [89]: cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(headr) # Notice these are un-namedIn [90]: data = [[70 + x + y + (x * y) % 3 for x in range(4)] for y in range(9)]In [91]: df = pd.DataFrame(data, indx, cols)In [92]: df
Out[92]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Comp 70 71 72 73Math 71 73 75 74Sci 72 75 75 75
Quinn Comp 73 74 75 76Math 74 76 78 77Sci 75 78 78 78
Violet Comp 76 77 78 79Math 77 79 81 80Sci 78 81 81 81In [93]: All = slice(None)In [94]: df.loc["Violet"]
Out[94]: Exams Labs I II I II
Comp 76 77 78 79
Math 77 79 81 80
Sci 78 81 81 81In [95]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), All]
Out[95]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73 75 74
Quinn Math 74 76 78 77
Violet Math 77 79 81 80In [96]: df.loc[(slice("Ada", "Quinn"), "Math"), All]
Out[96]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73 75 74
Quinn Math 74 76 78 77In [97]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), ("Exams")]
Out[97]: I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73
Quinn Math 74 76
Violet Math 77 79In [98]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), (All, "II")]
Out[98]: Exams LabsII II
Student Course
Ada Math 73 74
Quinn Math 76 77
Violet Math 79 80
使用 xs 设置 MultiIndex 的部分
按特定列或有序列的列排序,使用 MultiIndex
In [99]: df.sort_values(by=("Labs", "II"), ascending=False)
Out[99]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Violet Sci 78 81 81 81Math 77 79 81 80Comp 76 77 78 79
Quinn Sci 75 78 78 78Math 74 76 78 77Comp 73 74 75 76
Ada Sci 72 75 75 75Math 71 73 75 74Comp 70 71 72 73
部分选择,需要排序 GH 2995
在 MultiIndex 前添加一个级别
对需要广播的 MultiIndex 执行算术运算
In [74]: cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(....: [(x, y) for x in ["A", "B", "C"] for y in ["O", "I"]]....: )....: In [75]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 6), index=["n", "m"], columns=cols)In [76]: df
Out[76]: A B C O I O I O I
n 0.469112 -0.282863 -1.509059 -1.135632 1.212112 -0.173215
m 0.119209 -1.044236 -0.861849 -2.104569 -0.494929 1.071804In [77]: df = df.div(df["C"], level=1)In [78]: df
Out[78]: A B C O I O I O I
n 0.387021 1.633022 -1.244983 6.556214 1.0 1.0
m -0.240860 -0.974279 1.741358 -1.963577 1.0 1.0
使用 xs 切片 MultiIndex
In [79]: coords = [("AA", "one"), ("AA", "six"), ("BB", "one"), ("BB", "two"), ("BB", "six")]In [80]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(coords)In [81]: df = pd.DataFrame([11, 22, 33, 44, 55], index, ["MyData"])In [82]: df
Out[82]: MyData
AA one 11six 22
BB one 33two 44six 55
# Note : level and axis are optional, and default to zero
In [83]: df.xs("BB", level=0, axis=0)
Out[83]: MyData
one 33
two 44
six 55
In [84]: df.xs("six", level=1, axis=0)
Out[84]: MyData
AA 22
BB 55
使用 xs 切片 MultiIndex,方法 #2
In [85]: import itertoolsIn [86]: index = list(itertools.product(["Ada", "Quinn", "Violet"], ["Comp", "Math", "Sci"]))In [87]: headr = list(itertools.product(["Exams", "Labs"], ["I", "II"]))In [88]: indx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(index, names=["Student", "Course"])In [89]: cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(headr) # Notice these are un-namedIn [90]: data = [[70 + x + y + (x * y) % 3 for x in range(4)] for y in range(9)]In [91]: df = pd.DataFrame(data, indx, cols)In [92]: df
Out[92]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Comp 70 71 72 73Math 71 73 75 74Sci 72 75 75 75
Quinn Comp 73 74 75 76Math 74 76 78 77Sci 75 78 78 78
Violet Comp 76 77 78 79Math 77 79 81 80Sci 78 81 81 81In [93]: All = slice(None)In [94]: df.loc["Violet"]
Out[94]: Exams Labs I II I II
Comp 76 77 78 79
Math 77 79 81 80
Sci 78 81 81 81In [95]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), All]
Out[95]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73 75 74
Quinn Math 74 76 78 77
Violet Math 77 79 81 80In [96]: df.loc[(slice("Ada", "Quinn"), "Math"), All]
Out[96]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73 75 74
Quinn Math 74 76 78 77In [97]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), ("Exams")]
Out[97]: I II
Student Course
Ada Math 71 73
Quinn Math 74 76
Violet Math 77 79In [98]: df.loc[(All, "Math"), (All, "II")]
Out[98]: Exams LabsII II
Student Course
Ada Math 73 74
Quinn Math 76 77
Violet Math 79 80
使用 xs 设置 MultiIndex 的部分
按特定列或有序列的列排序,使用 MultiIndex
In [99]: df.sort_values(by=("Labs", "II"), ascending=False)
Out[99]: Exams Labs I II I II
Student Course
Violet Sci 78 81 81 81Math 77 79 81 80Comp 76 77 78 79
Quinn Sci 75 78 78 78Math 74 76 78 77Comp 73 74 75 76
Ada Sci 72 75 75 75Math 71 73 75 74Comp 70 71 72 73
部分选择,需要排序 GH 2995
在 MultiIndex 前添加一个级别
缺失数据 文档。
In [100]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: np.random.randn(6, 1),.....: index=pd.date_range("2013-08-01", periods=6, freq="B"),.....: columns=list("A"),.....: ).....: In [101]: df.loc[df.index[3], "A"] = np.nanIn [102]: df
Out[102]: A
2013-08-01 0.721555
2013-08-02 -0.706771
2013-08-05 -1.039575
2013-08-06 NaN
2013-08-07 -0.424972
2013-08-08 0.567020In [103]: df.bfill()
Out[103]: A
2013-08-01 0.721555
2013-08-02 -0.706771
2013-08-05 -1.039575
2013-08-06 -0.424972
2013-08-07 -0.424972
2013-08-08 0.567020
在 NaN 值处重置累积和
使用带有 backrefs 的 replace
使用带有 backrefs 的 replace
分组 文档。
与 agg 不同,apply 的可调用函数传递一个子数据框,使您可以访问所有列
In [104]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "animal": "cat dog cat fish dog cat cat".split(),.....: "size": list("SSMMMLL"),.....: "weight": [8, 10, 11, 1, 20, 12, 12],.....: "adult": [False] * 5 + [True] * 2,.....: }.....: ).....: In [105]: df
Out[105]: animal size weight adult
0 cat S 8 False
1 dog S 10 False
2 cat M 11 False
3 fish M 1 False
4 dog M 20 False
5 cat L 12 True
6 cat L 12 True# List the size of the animals with the highest weight.
In [106]: df.groupby("animal").apply(lambda subf: subf["size"][subf["weight"].idxmax()], include_groups=False)
cat L
dog M
fish M
dtype: object
使用 get_group
In [107]: gb = df.groupby("animal")In [108]: gb.get_group("cat")
Out[108]: animal size weight adult
0 cat S 8 False
2 cat M 11 False
5 cat L 12 True
6 cat L 12 True
In [109]: def GrowUp(x):.....: avg_weight = sum(x[x["size"] == "S"].weight * 1.5).....: avg_weight += sum(x[x["size"] == "M"].weight * 1.25).....: avg_weight += sum(x[x["size"] == "L"].weight).....: avg_weight /= len(x).....: return pd.Series(["L", avg_weight, True], index=["size", "weight", "adult"]).....: In [110]: expected_df = gb.apply(GrowUp, include_groups=False)In [111]: expected_df
Out[111]: size weight adult
cat L 12.4375 True
dog L 20.0000 True
fish L 1.2500 True
In [112]: S = pd.Series([i / 100.0 for i in range(1, 11)])In [113]: def cum_ret(x, y):.....: return x * (1 + y).....: In [114]: def red(x):.....: return functools.reduce(cum_ret, x, 1.0).....: In [115]: S.expanding().apply(red, raw=True)
0 1.010000
1 1.030200
2 1.061106
3 1.103550
4 1.158728
5 1.228251
6 1.314229
7 1.419367
8 1.547110
9 1.701821
dtype: float64
In [116]: df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 1, 2, 2], "B": [1, -1, 1, 2]})In [117]: gb = df.groupby("A")In [118]: def replace(g):.....: mask = g < 0.....: return g.where(~mask, g[~mask].mean()).....: In [119]: gb.transform(replace)
Out[119]: B
0 1
1 1
2 1
3 2
In [120]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "code": ["foo", "bar", "baz"] * 2,.....: "data": [0.16, -0.21, 0.33, 0.45, -0.59, 0.62],.....: "flag": [False, True] * 3,.....: }.....: ).....: In [121]: code_groups = df.groupby("code")In [122]: agg_n_sort_order = code_groups[["data"]].transform("sum").sort_values(by="data")In [123]: sorted_df = df.loc[agg_n_sort_order.index]In [124]: sorted_df
Out[124]: code data flag
1 bar -0.21 True
4 bar -0.59 False
0 foo 0.16 False
3 foo 0.45 True
2 baz 0.33 False
5 baz 0.62 True
In [125]: rng = pd.date_range(start="2014-10-07", periods=10, freq="2min")In [126]: ts = pd.Series(data=list(range(10)), index=rng)In [127]: def MyCust(x):.....: if len(x) > 2:.....: return x.iloc[1] * 1.234.....: return pd.NaT.....: In [128]: mhc = {"Mean": "mean", "Max": "max", "Custom": MyCust}In [129]: ts.resample("5min").apply(mhc)
Out[129]: Mean Max Custom
2014-10-07 00:00:00 1.0 2 1.234
2014-10-07 00:05:00 3.5 4 NaT
2014-10-07 00:10:00 6.0 7 7.404
2014-10-07 00:15:00 8.5 9 NaTIn [130]: ts
2014-10-07 00:00:00 0
2014-10-07 00:02:00 1
2014-10-07 00:04:00 2
2014-10-07 00:06:00 3
2014-10-07 00:08:00 4
2014-10-07 00:10:00 5
2014-10-07 00:12:00 6
2014-10-07 00:14:00 7
2014-10-07 00:16:00 8
2014-10-07 00:18:00 9
Freq: 2min, dtype: int64
In [131]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {"Color": "Red Red Red Blue".split(), "Value": [100, 150, 50, 50]}.....: ).....: In [132]: df
Out[132]: Color Value
0 Red 100
1 Red 150
2 Red 50
3 Blue 50In [133]: df["Counts"] = df.groupby(["Color"]).transform(len)In [134]: df
Out[134]: Color Value Counts
0 Red 100 3
1 Red 150 3
2 Red 50 3
3 Blue 50 1
In [135]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {"line_race": [10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8], "beyer": [99, 102, 103, 103, 88, 100]},.....: index=[.....: "Last Gunfighter",.....: "Last Gunfighter",.....: "Last Gunfighter",.....: "Paynter",.....: "Paynter",.....: "Paynter",.....: ],.....: ).....: In [136]: df
Out[136]: line_race beyer
Last Gunfighter 10 99
Last Gunfighter 10 102
Last Gunfighter 8 103
Paynter 10 103
Paynter 10 88
Paynter 8 100In [137]: df["beyer_shifted"] = df.groupby(level=0)["beyer"].shift(1)In [138]: df
Out[138]: line_race beyer beyer_shifted
Last Gunfighter 10 99 NaN
Last Gunfighter 10 102 99.0
Last Gunfighter 8 103 102.0
Paynter 10 103 NaN
Paynter 10 88 103.0
Paynter 8 100 88.0
In [139]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "host": ["other", "other", "that", "this", "this"],.....: "service": ["mail", "web", "mail", "mail", "web"],.....: "no": [1, 2, 1, 2, 1],.....: }.....: ).set_index(["host", "service"]).....: In [140]: mask = df.groupby(level=0).agg("idxmax")In [141]: df_count = df.loc[mask["no"]].reset_index()In [142]: df_count
Out[142]: host service no
0 other web 2
1 that mail 1
2 this mail 2
类似于 Python 的 itertools.groupby 的分组
In [143]: df = pd.DataFrame([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1], columns=["A"])In [144]: df["A"].groupby((df["A"] != df["A"].shift()).cumsum()).groups
Out[144]: {1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [2], 4: [3, 4, 5], 5: [6], 6: [7, 8]}In [145]: df["A"].groupby((df["A"] != df["A"].shift()).cumsum()).cumsum()
0 0
1 1
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 0
7 1
8 2
Name: A, dtype: int64
In [146]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "Case": ["A", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A"],.....: "Data": np.random.randn(9),.....: }.....: ).....: In [147]: dfs = list(.....: zip(.....: *df.groupby(.....: (1 * (df["Case"] == "B")).....: .cumsum().....: .rolling(window=3, min_periods=1).....: .median().....: ).....: ).....: )[-1].....: In [148]: dfs[0]
Out[148]: Case Data
0 A 0.276232
1 A -1.087401
2 A -0.673690
3 B 0.113648In [149]: dfs[1]
Out[149]: Case Data
4 A -1.478427
5 A 0.524988
6 B 0.404705In [150]: dfs[2]
Out[150]: Case Data
7 A 0.577046
8 A -1.715002
���视表 文档。
In [151]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "Province": ["ON", "QC", "BC", "AL", "AL", "MN", "ON"],.....: "City": [.....: "Toronto",.....: "Montreal",.....: "Vancouver",.....: "Calgary",.....: "Edmonton",.....: "Winnipeg",.....: "Windsor",.....: ],.....: "Sales": [13, 6, 16, 8, 4, 3, 1],.....: }.....: ).....: In [152]: table = pd.pivot_table(.....: df,.....: values=["Sales"],.....: index=["Province"],.....: columns=["City"],.....: aggfunc="sum",.....: margins=True,.....: ).....: In [153]: table.stack("City", future_stack=True)
Out[153]: Sales
Province City
AL Calgary 8.0Edmonton 4.0Montreal NaNToronto NaNVancouver NaN
... ...
All Toronto 13.0Vancouver 16.0Windsor 1.0Winnipeg 3.0All 51.0[48 rows x 1 columns]
类似于 R 中的 plyr 的频率表
In [154]: grades = [48, 99, 75, 80, 42, 80, 72, 68, 36, 78]In [155]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "ID": ["x%d" % r for r in range(10)],.....: "Gender": ["F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "M", "M"],.....: "ExamYear": [.....: "2007",.....: "2007",.....: "2007",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2009",.....: "2009",.....: "2009",.....: ],.....: "Class": [.....: "algebra",.....: "stats",.....: "bio",.....: "algebra",.....: "algebra",.....: "stats",.....: "stats",.....: "algebra",.....: "bio",.....: "bio",.....: ],.....: "Participated": [.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "no",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: ],.....: "Passed": ["yes" if x > 50 else "no" for x in grades],.....: "Employed": [.....: True,.....: True,.....: True,.....: False,.....: False,.....: False,.....: False,.....: True,.....: True,.....: False,.....: ],.....: "Grade": grades,.....: }.....: ).....: In [156]: df.groupby("ExamYear").agg(.....: {.....: "Participated": lambda x: x.value_counts()["yes"],.....: "Passed": lambda x: sum(x == "yes"),.....: "Employed": lambda x: sum(x),.....: "Grade": lambda x: sum(x) / len(x),.....: }.....: ).....:
Out[156]: Participated Passed Employed Grade
2007 3 2 3 74.000000
2008 3 3 0 68.500000
2009 3 2 2 60.666667
使用年度数据绘制 pandas 数据框
In [157]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {"value": np.random.randn(36)},.....: index=pd.date_range("2011-01-01", freq="ME", periods=36),.....: ).....: In [158]: pd.pivot_table(.....: df, index=df.index.month, columns=df.index.year, values="value", aggfunc="sum".....: ).....:
Out[158]: 2011 2012 2013
1 -1.039268 -0.968914 2.565646
2 -0.370647 -1.294524 1.431256
3 -1.157892 0.413738 1.340309
4 -1.344312 0.276662 -1.170299
5 0.844885 -0.472035 -0.226169
6 1.075770 -0.013960 0.410835
7 -0.109050 -0.362543 0.813850
8 1.643563 -0.006154 0.132003
9 -1.469388 -0.923061 -0.827317
10 0.357021 0.895717 -0.076467
11 -0.674600 0.805244 -1.187678
12 -1.776904 -1.206412 1.130127
滚动应用以组织 - 将嵌套列表转换为多索引框架
In [159]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "A": [[2, 4, 8, 16], [100, 200], [10, 20, 30]],.....: "B": [["a", "b", "c"], ["jj", "kk"], ["ccc"]],.....: },.....: index=["I", "II", "III"],.....: ).....: In [160]: def SeriesFromSubList(aList):.....: return pd.Series(aList).....: In [161]: df_orgz = pd.concat(.....: {ind: row.apply(SeriesFromSubList) for ind, row in df.iterrows()}.....: ).....: In [162]: df_orgz
Out[162]: 0 1 2 3
I A 2 4 8 16.0B a b c NaN
II A 100 200 NaN NaNB jj kk NaN NaN
III A 10 20.0 30.0 NaNB ccc NaN NaN NaN
In [163]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data=np.random.randn(2000, 2) / 10000,.....: index=pd.date_range("2001-01-01", periods=2000),.....: columns=["A", "B"],.....: ).....: In [164]: df
Out[164]: A B
2001-01-01 -0.000144 -0.000141
2001-01-02 0.000161 0.000102
2001-01-03 0.000057 0.000088
2001-01-04 -0.000221 0.000097
2001-01-05 -0.000201 -0.000041
... ... ...
2006-06-19 0.000040 -0.000235
2006-06-20 -0.000123 -0.000021
2006-06-21 -0.000113 0.000114
2006-06-22 0.000136 0.000109
2006-06-23 0.000027 0.000030[2000 rows x 2 columns]In [165]: def gm(df, const):.....: v = ((((df["A"] + df["B"]) + 1).cumprod()) - 1) * const.....: return v.iloc[-1].....: In [166]: s = pd.Series(.....: {.....: df.index[i]: gm(df.iloc[i: min(i + 51, len(df) - 1)], 5).....: for i in range(len(df) - 50).....: }.....: ).....: In [167]: s
2001-01-01 0.000930
2001-01-02 0.002615
2001-01-03 0.001281
2001-01-04 0.001117
2001-01-05 0.002772...
2006-04-30 0.003296
2006-05-01 0.002629
2006-05-02 0.002081
2006-05-03 0.004247
2006-05-04 0.003928
Length: 1950, dtype: float64
使用 DataFrame 返回标量的滚动应用
In [168]: rng = pd.date_range(start="2014-01-01", periods=100)In [169]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "Open": np.random.randn(len(rng)),.....: "Close": np.random.randn(len(rng)),.....: "Volume": np.random.randint(100, 2000, len(rng)),.....: },.....: index=rng,.....: ).....: In [170]: df
Out[170]: Open Close Volume
2014-01-01 -1.611353 -0.492885 1219
2014-01-02 -3.000951 0.445794 1054
2014-01-03 -0.138359 -0.076081 1381
2014-01-04 0.301568 1.198259 1253
2014-01-05 0.276381 -0.669831 1728
... ... ... ...
2014-04-06 -0.040338 0.937843 1188
2014-04-07 0.359661 -0.285908 1864
2014-04-08 0.060978 1.714814 941
2014-04-09 1.759055 -0.455942 1065
2014-04-10 0.138185 -1.147008 1453[100 rows x 3 columns]In [171]: def vwap(bars):.....: return (bars.Close * bars.Volume).sum() / bars.Volume.sum().....: In [172]: window = 5In [173]: s = pd.concat(.....: [.....: (pd.Series(vwap(df.iloc[i: i + window]), index=[df.index[i + window]])).....: for i in range(len(df) - window).....: ].....: ).....: In [174]: s.round(2)
2014-01-06 0.02
2014-01-07 0.11
2014-01-08 0.10
2014-01-09 0.07
2014-01-10 -0.29...
2014-04-06 -0.63
2014-04-07 -0.02
2014-04-08 -0.03
2014-04-09 0.34
2014-04-10 0.29
Length: 95, dtype: float64
In [146]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "Case": ["A", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A"],.....: "Data": np.random.randn(9),.....: }.....: ).....: In [147]: dfs = list(.....: zip(.....: *df.groupby(.....: (1 * (df["Case"] == "B")).....: .cumsum().....: .rolling(window=3, min_periods=1).....: .median().....: ).....: ).....: )[-1].....: In [148]: dfs[0]
Out[148]: Case Data
0 A 0.276232
1 A -1.087401
2 A -0.673690
3 B 0.113648In [149]: dfs[1]
Out[149]: Case Data
4 A -1.478427
5 A 0.524988
6 B 0.404705In [150]: dfs[2]
Out[150]: Case Data
7 A 0.577046
8 A -1.715002
数据透视 文档。
In [151]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "Province": ["ON", "QC", "BC", "AL", "AL", "MN", "ON"],.....: "City": [.....: "Toronto",.....: "Montreal",.....: "Vancouver",.....: "Calgary",.....: "Edmonton",.....: "Winnipeg",.....: "Windsor",.....: ],.....: "Sales": [13, 6, 16, 8, 4, 3, 1],.....: }.....: ).....: In [152]: table = pd.pivot_table(.....: df,.....: values=["Sales"],.....: index=["Province"],.....: columns=["City"],.....: aggfunc="sum",.....: margins=True,.....: ).....: In [153]: table.stack("City", future_stack=True)
Out[153]: Sales
Province City
AL Calgary 8.0Edmonton 4.0Montreal NaNToronto NaNVancouver NaN
... ...
All Toronto 13.0Vancouver 16.0Windsor 1.0Winnipeg 3.0All 51.0[48 rows x 1 columns]
频率表,类似于 R 中的 plyr
In [154]: grades = [48, 99, 75, 80, 42, 80, 72, 68, 36, 78]In [155]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "ID": ["x%d" % r for r in range(10)],.....: "Gender": ["F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "M", "M"],.....: "ExamYear": [.....: "2007",.....: "2007",.....: "2007",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2008",.....: "2009",.....: "2009",.....: "2009",.....: ],.....: "Class": [.....: "algebra",.....: "stats",.....: "bio",.....: "algebra",.....: "algebra",.....: "stats",.....: "stats",.....: "algebra",.....: "bio",.....: "bio",.....: ],.....: "Participated": [.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "no",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: "yes",.....: ],.....: "Passed": ["yes" if x > 50 else "no" for x in grades],.....: "Employed": [.....: True,.....: True,.....: True,.....: False,.....: False,.....: False,.....: False,.....: True,.....: True,.....: False,.....: ],.....: "Grade": grades,.....: }.....: ).....: In [156]: df.groupby("ExamYear").agg(.....: {.....: "Participated": lambda x: x.value_counts()["yes"],.....: "Passed": lambda x: sum(x == "yes"),.....: "Employed": lambda x: sum(x),.....: "Grade": lambda x: sum(x) / len(x),.....: }.....: ).....:
Out[156]: Participated Passed Employed Grade
2007 3 2 3 74.000000
2008 3 3 0 68.500000
2009 3 2 2 60.666667
使用年度数据绘制 pandas DataFrame
In [157]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {"value": np.random.randn(36)},.....: index=pd.date_range("2011-01-01", freq="ME", periods=36),.....: ).....: In [158]: pd.pivot_table(.....: df, index=df.index.month, columns=df.index.year, values="value", aggfunc="sum".....: ).....:
Out[158]: 2011 2012 2013
1 -1.039268 -0.968914 2.565646
2 -0.370647 -1.294524 1.431256
3 -1.157892 0.413738 1.340309
4 -1.344312 0.276662 -1.170299
5 0.844885 -0.472035 -0.226169
6 1.075770 -0.013960 0.410835
7 -0.109050 -0.362543 0.813850
8 1.643563 -0.006154 0.132003
9 -1.469388 -0.923061 -0.827317
10 0.357021 0.895717 -0.076467
11 -0.674600 0.805244 -1.187678
12 -1.776904 -1.206412 1.130127
滚动应用以组织 - 将嵌套列表转换为 MultiIndex 框架
In [159]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "A": [[2, 4, 8, 16], [100, 200], [10, 20, 30]],.....: "B": [["a", "b", "c"], ["jj", "kk"], ["ccc"]],.....: },.....: index=["I", "II", "III"],.....: ).....: In [160]: def SeriesFromSubList(aList):.....: return pd.Series(aList).....: In [161]: df_orgz = pd.concat(.....: {ind: row.apply(SeriesFromSubList) for ind, row in df.iterrows()}.....: ).....: In [162]: df_orgz
Out[162]: 0 1 2 3
I A 2 4 8 16.0B a b c NaN
II A 100 200 NaN NaNB jj kk NaN NaN
III A 10 20.0 30.0 NaNB ccc NaN NaN NaN
使用 DataFrame 返回 Series 的滚动应用
滚动应用于多列,其中函数在返回 Series 之前计算 Series
In [163]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data=np.random.randn(2000, 2) / 10000,.....: index=pd.date_range("2001-01-01", periods=2000),.....: columns=["A", "B"],.....: ).....: In [164]: df
Out[164]: A B
2001-01-01 -0.000144 -0.000141
2001-01-02 0.000161 0.000102
2001-01-03 0.000057 0.000088
2001-01-04 -0.000221 0.000097
2001-01-05 -0.000201 -0.000041
... ... ...
2006-06-19 0.000040 -0.000235
2006-06-20 -0.000123 -0.000021
2006-06-21 -0.000113 0.000114
2006-06-22 0.000136 0.000109
2006-06-23 0.000027 0.000030[2000 rows x 2 columns]In [165]: def gm(df, const):.....: v = ((((df["A"] + df["B"]) + 1).cumprod()) - 1) * const.....: return v.iloc[-1].....: In [166]: s = pd.Series(.....: {.....: df.index[i]: gm(df.iloc[i: min(i + 51, len(df) - 1)], 5).....: for i in range(len(df) - 50).....: }.....: ).....: In [167]: s
2001-01-01 0.000930
2001-01-02 0.002615
2001-01-03 0.001281
2001-01-04 0.001117
2001-01-05 0.002772...
2006-04-30 0.003296
2006-05-01 0.002629
2006-05-02 0.002081
2006-05-03 0.004247
2006-05-04 0.003928
Length: 1950, dtype: float64
使用 DataFrame 返回标量的滚动应用
In [168]: rng = pd.date_range(start="2014-01-01", periods=100)In [169]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "Open": np.random.randn(len(rng)),.....: "Close": np.random.randn(len(rng)),.....: "Volume": np.random.randint(100, 2000, len(rng)),.....: },.....: index=rng,.....: ).....: In [170]: df
Out[170]: Open Close Volume
2014-01-01 -1.611353 -0.492885 1219
2014-01-02 -3.000951 0.445794 1054
2014-01-03 -0.138359 -0.076081 1381
2014-01-04 0.301568 1.198259 1253
2014-01-05 0.276381 -0.669831 1728
... ... ... ...
2014-04-06 -0.040338 0.937843 1188
2014-04-07 0.359661 -0.285908 1864
2014-04-08 0.060978 1.714814 941
2014-04-09 1.759055 -0.455942 1065
2014-04-10 0.138185 -1.147008 1453[100 rows x 3 columns]In [171]: def vwap(bars):.....: return (bars.Close * bars.Volume).sum() / bars.Volume.sum().....: In [172]: window = 5In [173]: s = pd.concat(.....: [.....: (pd.Series(vwap(df.iloc[i: i + window]), index=[df.index[i + window]])).....: for i in range(len(df) - window).....: ].....: ).....: In [174]: s.round(2)
2014-01-06 0.02
2014-01-07 0.11
2014-01-08 0.10
2014-01-09 0.07
2014-01-10 -0.29...
2014-04-06 -0.63
2014-04-07 -0.02
2014-04-08 -0.03
2014-04-09 0.34
2014-04-10 0.29
Length: 95, dtype: float64
将一个以小时为列、天为行的矩阵转换为连续的行序列,形成时间序列。如何重新排列 Python pandas DataFrame?
计算 DatetimeIndex 中每个条目的月份第一天
In [175]: dates = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=5)In [176]: dates.to_period(freq="M").to_timestamp()
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01', '2000-01-01', '2000-01-01', '2000-01-01','2000-01-01'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
重采样 文档。
使用 Grouper 而不是 TimeGrouper 对值进行时间分组
Grouper 的有效频率参数 时间序列
使用 MultiIndex 进行分组
使用 TimeGrouper 和另一个分组来创建子组,然后应用自定义函数 GH 3791
与 groupby 一起重采样 ### 重采样
重采样 文档。
使用 Grouper 而不是 TimeGrouper 对值进行时间分组
Grouper 的有效频率参数 时间序列
使用 MultiIndex 进行分组
使用 TimeGrouper 和另一个分组来创建子组,然后应用自定义函数 GH 3791
与 groupby 一起重采样
连接 文档。
将两个具有重叠索引的数据框连接在一起(模拟 R rbind)
In [177]: rng = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=6)In [178]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 3), index=rng, columns=["A", "B", "C"])In [179]: df2 = df1.copy()
根据 df 构造,可能需要使用 ignore_index
In [180]: df = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)In [181]: df
Out[181]: A B C
0 -0.870117 -0.479265 -0.790855
1 0.144817 1.726395 -0.464535
2 -0.821906 1.597605 0.187307
3 -0.128342 -1.511638 -0.289858
4 0.399194 -1.430030 -0.639760
5 1.115116 -2.012600 1.810662
6 -0.870117 -0.479265 -0.790855
7 0.144817 1.726395 -0.464535
8 -0.821906 1.597605 0.187307
9 -0.128342 -1.511638 -0.289858
10 0.399194 -1.430030 -0.639760
11 1.115116 -2.012600 1.810662
DataFrame 的自连接 GH 2996
In [182]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: data={.....: "Area": ["A"] * 5 + ["C"] * 2,.....: "Bins": [110] * 2 + [160] * 3 + [40] * 2,.....: "Test_0": [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1],.....: "Data": np.random.randn(7),.....: }.....: ).....: In [183]: df
Out[183]: Area Bins Test_0 Data
0 A 110 0 -0.433937
1 A 110 1 -0.160552
2 A 160 0 0.744434
3 A 160 1 1.754213
4 A 160 2 0.000850
5 C 40 0 0.342243
6 C 40 1 1.070599In [184]: df["Test_1"] = df["Test_0"] - 1In [185]: pd.merge(.....: df,.....: df,.....: left_on=["Bins", "Area", "Test_0"],.....: right_on=["Bins", "Area", "Test_1"],.....: suffixes=("_L", "_R"),.....: ).....:
Out[185]: Area Bins Test_0_L Data_L Test_1_L Test_0_R Data_R Test_1_R
0 A 110 0 -0.433937 -1 1 -0.160552 0
1 A 160 0 0.744434 -1 1 1.754213 0
2 A 160 1 1.754213 0 2 0.000850 1
3 C 40 0 0.342243 -1 1 1.070599 0
类似 KDB 的 asof 连接
使用 searchsorted 根据范围内的值合并
绘图 文档。
使 Matplotlib 看起来像 R
设置 x 轴主要和次要标签
在 IPython Jupyter 笔记本中绘制多个图表
标注时间序列图 #2
使用 Pandas、Vincent 和 xlsxwriter 在 Excel 文件中生成嵌入式图表
In [186]: df = pd.DataFrame(.....: {.....: "stratifying_var": np.random.uniform(0, 100, 20),.....: "price": np.random.normal(100, 5, 20),.....: }.....: ).....: In [187]: df["quartiles"] = pd.qcut(.....: df["stratifying_var"], 4, labels=["0-25%", "25-50%", "50-75%", "75-100%"].....: ).....: In [188]: df.boxplot(column="price", by="quartiles")
Out[188]: <Axes: title={'center': 'price'}, xlabel='quartiles'>
SQL 与 HDF5 的性能比较
CSV 文档
read_csv 的应用
追加到 csv
逐块读取 csv
逐块读取 csv 仅选择特定行
处理错误行 GH 2886
写入多行索引 CSV 而不写入重复项
读取多个文件以创建单个 DataFrame
将多个文件合并为单个 DataFrame 的最佳方法是逐个读取各个框架,将所有单个框架放入列表中,然后使用pd.concat()
In [189]: for i in range(3):.....: data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4)).....: data.to_csv("file_{}.csv".format(i)).....: In [190]: files = ["file_0.csv", "file_1.csv", "file_2.csv"]In [191]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
In [192]: import globIn [193]: import osIn [194]: files = glob.glob("file_*.csv")In [195]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
最后,这种策略将适用于其他在 io 文档中描述的pd.read_*(...)
In [196]: i = pd.date_range("20000101", periods=10000)In [197]: df = pd.DataFrame({"year": i.year, "month": i.month, "day": i.day})In [198]: df.head()
Out[198]: year month day
0 2000 1 1
1 2000 1 2
2 2000 1 3
3 2000 1 4
4 2000 1 5In [199]: %timeit pd.to_datetime(df.year * 10000 + df.month * 100 + df.day, format='%Y%m%d').....: ds = df.apply(lambda x: "%04d%02d%02d" % (x["year"], x["month"], x["day"]), axis=1).....: ds.head().....: %timeit pd.to_datetime(ds).....:
4.01 ms +- 635 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
1.05 ms +- 7.39 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
In [200]: data = """;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: date;Param1;Param2;Param4;Param5.....: ;m²;°C;m²;m.....: ;;;;.....: 01.01.1990 00:00;1;1;2;3.....: 01.01.1990 01:00;5;3;4;5.....: 01.01.1990 02:00;9;5;6;7.....: 01.01.1990 03:00;13;7;8;9.....: 01.01.1990 04:00;17;9;10;11.....: 01.01.1990 05:00;21;11;12;13.....: """.....:
选项 1:显式传递行以跳过行
In [201]: from io import StringIOIn [202]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data),.....: sep=";",.....: skiprows=[11, 12],.....: index_col=0,.....: parse_dates=True,.....: header=10,.....: ).....:
Out[202]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
选项 2:先读取列名,然后读取数据
In [203]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columns
Out[203]: Index(['date', 'Param1', 'Param2', 'Param4', 'Param5'], dtype='object')In [204]: columns = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columnsIn [205]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data), sep=";", index_col=0, header=12, parse_dates=True, names=columns.....: ).....:
Out[205]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
```### SQLSQL 文档[使用 SQL 从数据库中读取数据](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10065051/python-pandas-and-databases-like-mysql) ### ExcelExcel 文档[从类文件句柄中读取](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15588713/sheets-of-excel-workbook-from-a-url-into-a-pandas-dataframe)[修改 XlsxWriter 输出中的格式](https://pbpython.com/improve-pandas-excel-output.html)仅加载可见工作表 [GH 19842#issuecomment-892150745](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/19842#issuecomment-892150745) ### HTML[从无法处理默认请求标头的服务器中读取 HTML 表格](https://stackoverflow.com/a/18939272/564538) ### HDFStoreHDFStores 文档[使用时间戳索引进行简单查询](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13926089/selecting-columns-from-pandas-hdfstore-table)使用链接的多表层次结构管理异构数据 [GH 3032](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/3032)[合并具有数百万行的磁盘表](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14614512/merging-two-tables-with-millions-of-rows-in-python/14617925#14617925)[在多个进程/线程从多个进程/线程写入存储时避免不一致性](https://stackoverflow.com/a/29014295/2858145)通过块来去重大型存储,本质上是一个递归减少操作。展示了一个从 csv 文件中获取数据并按块创建存储的函数,同时进行日期解析。[点击这里查看](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16110252/need-to-compare-very-large-files-around-1-5gb-in-python/16110391#16110391)[逐块从 csv 文件创建存储](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20428355/appending-column-to-frame-of-hdf-file-in-pandas/20428786#20428786)[在创建唯一索引的同时向存储追加数据](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16997048/how-does-one-append-large-amounts-of-data-to-a-pandas-hdfstore-and-get-a-natural/16999397#16999397)[大数据工作流程](https://stackoverflow.com/q/14262433)[读取一系列文件,然后在追加时为存储提供全局唯一索引](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16997048/how-does-one-append-large-amounts-of-data-to-a-pandas-hdfstore-and-get-a-natural)[在 HDFStore 上进行低组密度的 Groupby](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15798209/pandas-group-by-query-on-large-data-in-hdfstore)[在 HDFStore 上进行高组密度的 Groupby](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25459982/trouble-with-grouby-on-millions-of-keys-on-a-chunked-file-in-python-pandas/25471765#25471765)[在 HDFStore 上进行分层查询](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22777284/improve-query-performance-from-a-large-hdfstore-table-with-pandas/22820780#22820780)[在 HDFStore 上进行计数](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20497897/converting-dict-of-dicts-into-pandas-dataframe-memory-issues)[排除 HDFStore 异常](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15488809/how-to-trouble-shoot-hdfstore-exception-cannot-find-the-correct-atom-type)[使用字符串设置 min_itemsize](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15988871/hdfstore-appendstring-dataframe-fails-when-string-column-contents-are-longer)[使用 ptrepack 在存储上创建完全排序的索引](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17893370/ptrepack-sortby-needs-full-index)将属性存储到组节点```py
In [206]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3))In [207]: store = pd.HDFStore("test.h5")In [208]: store.put("df", df)# you can store an arbitrary Python object via pickle
In [209]: store.get_storer("df").attrs.my_attribute = {"A": 10}In [210]: store.get_storer("df").attrs.my_attribute
Out[210]: {'A': 10}
你可以通过将 driver
参数传递给 PyTables 来在内存中创建或加载 HDFStore。只有在关闭 HDFStore 时才会将更改写入磁盘。
In [211]: store = pd.HDFStore("test.h5", "w", driver="H5FD_CORE")In [212]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3))In [213]: store["test"] = df# only after closing the store, data is written to disk:
In [214]: store.close()
```### 二进制文件pandas 可以轻松接受 NumPy 记录数组,如果你需要读取由 C 结构数组组成的二进制文件。例如,给定一个名为 `main.c` 的 C 程序,在 64 位机器上使用 `gcc main.c -std=gnu99` 编译,```py
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>typedef struct _Data
{int32_t count;double avg;float scale;
} Data;int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
{size_t n = 10;Data d[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){d[i].count = i;d[i].avg = i + 1.0;d[i].scale = (float) i + 2.0f;}FILE *file = fopen("binary.dat", "wb");fwrite(&d, sizeof(Data), n, file);fclose(file);return 0;
以下 Python 代码将把二进制文件 'binary.dat'
读入 pandas 的 DataFrame
names = "count", "avg", "scale"# note that the offsets are larger than the size of the type because of
# struct padding
offsets = 0, 8, 16
formats = "i4", "f8", "f4"
dt = np.dtype({"names": names, "offsets": offsets, "formats": formats}, align=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.fromfile("binary.dat", dt))
结构元素的偏移量可能会因文件创建时所用机器的架构而异。不建议使用这种原始二进制文件格式进行通用数据存储,因为它不跨平台。我们建议使用 HDF5 或 parquet,这两种格式都受到 pandas 的 IO 功能支持。### CSV
CSV 文档
read_csv 演示
追加到 csv
逐块读取 csv
逐块读取 csv 中的特定行
读取已压缩但不是由 gzip/bz2
理解的原生压缩格式)压缩的文件。此示例展示了一个 WinZipped
处理错误行 GH 2886
写入具有多行索引的 CSV,避免写入重复行
读取多个文件以创建单个 DataFrame
将多个文件合并为单个 DataFrame 的最佳方法是逐个读取各个框架,将所有单独的框架放入列表中,然后使用 pd.concat()
In [189]: for i in range(3):.....: data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4)).....: data.to_csv("file_{}.csv".format(i)).....: In [190]: files = ["file_0.csv", "file_1.csv", "file_2.csv"]In [191]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
您可以使用相同的方法来读取所有匹配模式的文件。以下是使用 glob
In [192]: import globIn [193]: import osIn [194]: files = glob.glob("file_*.csv")In [195]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
最后,这种策略将适用于 io 文档 中描述的其他 pd.read_*(...)
In [196]: i = pd.date_range("20000101", periods=10000)In [197]: df = pd.DataFrame({"year": i.year, "month": i.month, "day": i.day})In [198]: df.head()
Out[198]: year month day
0 2000 1 1
1 2000 1 2
2 2000 1 3
3 2000 1 4
4 2000 1 5In [199]: %timeit pd.to_datetime(df.year * 10000 + df.month * 100 + df.day, format='%Y%m%d').....: ds = df.apply(lambda x: "%04d%02d%02d" % (x["year"], x["month"], x["day"]), axis=1).....: ds.head().....: %timeit pd.to_datetime(ds).....:
4.01 ms +- 635 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
1.05 ms +- 7.39 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
In [200]: data = """;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: date;Param1;Param2;Param4;Param5.....: ;m²;°C;m²;m.....: ;;;;.....: 01.01.1990 00:00;1;1;2;3.....: 01.01.1990 01:00;5;3;4;5.....: 01.01.1990 02:00;9;5;6;7.....: 01.01.1990 03:00;13;7;8;9.....: 01.01.1990 04:00;17;9;10;11.....: 01.01.1990 05:00;21;11;12;13.....: """.....:
选项 1:显式传递要跳过的行数
In [201]: from io import StringIOIn [202]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data),.....: sep=";",.....: skiprows=[11, 12],.....: index_col=0,.....: parse_dates=True,.....: header=10,.....: ).....:
Out[202]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
选项 2:先读取列名,然后读取数据
In [203]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columns
Out[203]: Index(['date', 'Param1', 'Param2', 'Param4', 'Param5'], dtype='object')In [204]: columns = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columnsIn [205]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data), sep=";", index_col=0, header=12, parse_dates=True, names=columns.....: ).....:
Out[205]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
读取多个文件以创建单个 DataFrame
将多个文件合并为单个 DataFrame 的最佳方法是逐个读取各个框架,将所有单独的框架放入列表中,然后使用 pd.concat()
In [189]: for i in range(3):.....: data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4)).....: data.to_csv("file_{}.csv".format(i)).....: In [190]: files = ["file_0.csv", "file_1.csv", "file_2.csv"]In [191]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
您可以使用相同的方法来读取所有匹配模式的文件。以下是使用 glob
In [192]: import globIn [193]: import osIn [194]: files = glob.glob("file_*.csv")In [195]: result = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index=True)
最后,这种策略将适用于 io 文档 中描述的其他 pd.read_*(...)
In [196]: i = pd.date_range("20000101", periods=10000)In [197]: df = pd.DataFrame({"year": i.year, "month": i.month, "day": i.day})In [198]: df.head()
Out[198]: year month day
0 2000 1 1
1 2000 1 2
2 2000 1 3
3 2000 1 4
4 2000 1 5In [199]: %timeit pd.to_datetime(df.year * 10000 + df.month * 100 + df.day, format='%Y%m%d').....: ds = df.apply(lambda x: "%04d%02d%02d" % (x["year"], x["month"], x["day"]), axis=1).....: ds.head().....: %timeit pd.to_datetime(ds).....:
4.01 ms +- 635 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
1.05 ms +- 7.39 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
In [200]: data = """;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: ;;;;.....: date;Param1;Param2;Param4;Param5.....: ;m²;°C;m²;m.....: ;;;;.....: 01.01.1990 00:00;1;1;2;3.....: 01.01.1990 01:00;5;3;4;5.....: 01.01.1990 02:00;9;5;6;7.....: 01.01.1990 03:00;13;7;8;9.....: 01.01.1990 04:00;17;9;10;11.....: 01.01.1990 05:00;21;11;12;13.....: """.....:
选项 1:显式传递行以跳过行
In [201]: from io import StringIOIn [202]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data),.....: sep=";",.....: skiprows=[11, 12],.....: index_col=0,.....: parse_dates=True,.....: header=10,.....: ).....:
Out[202]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
选项 2:先读取列名,然后读取数据
In [203]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columns
Out[203]: Index(['date', 'Param1', 'Param2', 'Param4', 'Param5'], dtype='object')In [204]: columns = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columnsIn [205]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data), sep=";", index_col=0, header=12, parse_dates=True, names=columns.....: ).....:
Out[205]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
选项 1:显式传递行以跳过行
In [201]: from io import StringIOIn [202]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data),.....: sep=";",.....: skiprows=[11, 12],.....: index_col=0,.....: parse_dates=True,.....: header=10,.....: ).....:
Out[202]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
选项 2:先读取列名,然后读取数据
In [203]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columns
Out[203]: Index(['date', 'Param1', 'Param2', 'Param4', 'Param5'], dtype='object')In [204]: columns = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=";", header=10, nrows=10).columnsIn [205]: pd.read_csv(.....: StringIO(data), sep=";", index_col=0, header=12, parse_dates=True, names=columns.....: ).....:
Out[205]: Param1 Param2 Param4 Param5
1990-01-01 00:00:00 1 1 2 3
1990-01-01 01:00:00 5 3 4 5
1990-01-01 02:00:00 9 5 6 7
1990-01-01 03:00:00 13 7 8 9
1990-01-01 04:00:00 17 9 10 11
1990-01-01 05:00:00 21 11 12 13
SQL 文档
使用 SQL 从数据库中读取数据
Excel 文档
修改 XlsxWriter 输出中的格式
仅加载可见工作表 GH 19842#issuecomment-892150745
从无法处理默认请求头的服务器读取 HTML 表格
HDFStores 文档
使用链接的多表层次结构管理异构数据 GH 3032
通过块对大型存储进行去重,本质上是一个递归减少操作。展示了一个从 csv 文件中接收数据并按块创建存储的函数,同时也进行了日期解析。点击这里查看
从 csv 文件逐块创建存储
在具有低组密度的 HDFStore 上进行分组
在具有高组密度的 HDFStore 上进行分组
在 HDFStore 上进行分层查询
使用 HDFStore 进行计数
解决 HDFStore 异常
使用字符串设置 min_itemsize
使用 ptrepack 在存储上创建完全排序的索引
In [206]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3))In [207]: store = pd.HDFStore("test.h5")In [208]: store.put("df", df)# you can store an arbitrary Python object via pickle
In [209]: store.get_storer("df").attrs.my_attribute = {"A": 10}In [210]: store.get_storer("df").attrs.my_attribute
Out[210]: {'A': 10}
通过将 driver
参数传递给 PyTables,可以在内存中创建或加载 HDFStore。只有在关闭 HDFStore 时才会将更改写入磁盘。
In [211]: store = pd.HDFStore("test.h5", "w", driver="H5FD_CORE")In [212]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3))In [213]: store["test"] = df# only after closing the store, data is written to disk:
In [214]: store.close()
如果需要读取由 C 结构数组组成的二进制文件,pandas 可以轻松接受 NumPy 记录数组。例如,给定一个名为 main.c
的文件中的 C 程序,在 64 位机器上使用 gcc main.c -std=gnu99
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>typedef struct _Data
{int32_t count;double avg;float scale;
} Data;int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
{size_t n = 10;Data d[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){d[i].count = i;d[i].avg = i + 1.0;d[i].scale = (float) i + 2.0f;}FILE *file = fopen("binary.dat", "wb");fwrite(&d, sizeof(Data), n, file);fclose(file);return 0;
以下 Python 代码将二进制文件 'binary.dat'
读入 pandas 的 DataFrame
names = "count", "avg", "scale"# note that the offsets are larger than the size of the type because of
# struct padding
offsets = 0, 8, 16
formats = "i4", "f8", "f4"
dt = np.dtype({"names": names, "offsets": offsets, "formats": formats}, align=True)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.fromfile("binary.dat", dt))
结构元素的偏移量可能因创建文件的机器架构而异。不建议使用这种原始二进制文件格式进行通用数据存储,因为它不跨平台。我们建议使用 HDF5 或 parquet,这两者都受到 pandas IO 设施的支持。
通常,从 DataFrame.corr()
计算的相关矩阵的下三角形式(或上三角形式)是很有用的。可以通过向 where
In [215]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(100, 5)))In [216]: corr_mat = df.corr()In [217]: mask = np.tril(np.ones_like(corr_mat, dtype=np.bool_), k=-1)In [218]: corr_mat.where(mask)
Out[218]: 0 1 2 3 4
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 -0.079861 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 -0.236573 0.183801 NaN NaN NaN
3 -0.013795 -0.051975 0.037235 NaN NaN
4 -0.031974 0.118342 -0.073499 -0.02063 NaN
中的 method
参数除了命名的相关性类型外还可以接受可调用对象。在这里,我们为 DataFrame
对象计算 距离相关性 矩阵。
In [219]: def distcorr(x, y):.....: n = len(x).....: a = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)).....: b = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)).....: for i in range(n):.....: for j in range(i + 1, n):.....: a[i, j] = abs(x[i] - x[j]).....: b[i, j] = abs(y[i] - y[j]).....: a += a.T.....: b += b.T.....: a_bar = np.vstack([np.nanmean(a, axis=0)] * n).....: b_bar = np.vstack([np.nanmean(b, axis=0)] * n).....: A = a - a_bar - a_bar.T + np.full(shape=(n, n), fill_value=a_bar.mean()).....: B = b - b_bar - b_bar.T + np.full(shape=(n, n), fill_value=b_bar.mean()).....: cov_ab = np.sqrt(np.nansum(A * B)) / n.....: std_a = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.nansum(A ** 2)) / n).....: std_b = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.nansum(B ** 2)) / n).....: return cov_ab / std_a / std_b.....: In [220]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(size=(100, 3)))In [221]: df.corr(method=distcorr)
Out[221]: 0 1 2
0 1.000000 0.197613 0.216328
1 0.197613 1.000000 0.208749
2 0.216328 0.208749 1.000000
通常,从 DataFrame.corr()
计算的相关矩阵的下三角形式(或上三角形式)是很有用的。可以通过向 where
In [215]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(100, 5)))In [216]: corr_mat = df.corr()In [217]: mask = np.tril(np.ones_like(corr_mat, dtype=np.bool_), k=-1)In [218]: corr_mat.where(mask)
Out[218]: 0 1 2 3 4
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 -0.079861 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 -0.236573 0.183801 NaN NaN NaN
3 -0.013795 -0.051975 0.037235 NaN NaN
4 -0.031974 0.118342 -0.073499 -0.02063 NaN
中的 method
参数除了命名的相关性类型外还可以接受可调用对象。在这里,我们为 DataFrame
对象计算 距离相关性 矩阵。
In [219]: def distcorr(x, y):.....: n = len(x).....: a = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)).....: b = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)).....: for i in range(n):.....: for j in range(i + 1, n):.....: a[i, j] = abs(x[i] - x[j]).....: b[i, j] = abs(y[i] - y[j]).....: a += a.T.....: b += b.T.....: a_bar = np.vstack([np.nanmean(a, axis=0)] * n).....: b_bar = np.vstack([np.nanmean(b, axis=0)] * n).....: A = a - a_bar - a_bar.T + np.full(shape=(n, n), fill_value=a_bar.mean()).....: B = b - b_bar - b_bar.T + np.full(shape=(n, n), fill_value=b_bar.mean()).....: cov_ab = np.sqrt(np.nansum(A * B)) / n.....: std_a = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.nansum(A ** 2)) / n).....: std_b = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.nansum(B ** 2)) / n).....: return cov_ab / std_a / std_b.....: In [220]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(size=(100, 3)))In [221]: df.corr(method=distcorr)
Out[221]: 0 1 2
0 1.000000 0.197613 0.216328
1 0.197613 1.000000 0.208749
2 0.216328 0.208749 1.000000
时间增量 文档。
In [222]: import datetimeIn [223]: s = pd.Series(pd.date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D"))In [224]: s - s.max()
0 -2 days
1 -1 days
2 0 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]In [225]: s.max() - s
0 2 days
1 1 days
2 0 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]In [226]: s - datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 3, 5)
0 364 days 20:55:00
1 365 days 20:55:00
2 366 days 20:55:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]In [227]: s + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
0 2012-01-01 00:05:00
1 2012-01-02 00:05:00
2 2012-01-03 00:05:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]In [228]: datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 3, 5) - s
0 -365 days +03:05:00
1 -366 days +03:05:00
2 -367 days +03:05:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]In [229]: datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) + s
0 2012-01-01 00:05:00
1 2012-01-02 00:05:00
2 2012-01-03 00:05:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
In [230]: deltas = pd.Series([datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(3)])In [231]: df = pd.DataFrame({"A": s, "B": deltas})In [232]: df
Out[232]: A B
0 2012-01-01 0 days
1 2012-01-02 1 days
2 2012-01-03 2 daysIn [233]: df["New Dates"] = df["A"] + df["B"]In [234]: df["Delta"] = df["A"] - df["New Dates"]In [235]: df
Out[235]: A B New Dates Delta
0 2012-01-01 0 days 2012-01-01 0 days
1 2012-01-02 1 days 2012-01-03 -1 days
2 2012-01-03 2 days 2012-01-05 -2 daysIn [236]: df.dtypes
A datetime64[ns]
B timedelta64[ns]
New Dates datetime64[ns]
Delta timedelta64[ns]
dtype: object
可以使用 np.nan 将值设置为 NaT,类似于 datetime
In [237]: y = s - s.shift()In [238]: y
0 NaT
1 1 days
2 1 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]In [239]: y[1] = np.nanIn [240]: y
0 NaT
1 NaT
2 1 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
要从给定值的每个组合创建数据框,类似于 R 的expand.grid()
In [241]: def expand_grid(data_dict):.....: rows = itertools.product(*data_dict.values()).....: return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=data_dict.keys()).....: In [242]: df = expand_grid(.....: {"height": [60, 70], "weight": [100, 140, 180], "sex": ["Male", "Female"]}.....: ).....: In [243]: df
Out[243]: height weight sex
0 60 100 Male
1 60 100 Female
2 60 140 Male
3 60 140 Female
4 60 180 Male
5 60 180 Female
6 70 100 Male
7 70 100 Female
8 70 140 Male
9 70 140 Female
10 70 180 Male
11 70 180 Female
要评估一个系列是否具有恒定值,我们可以检查series.nunique() <= 1
In [244]: v = s.to_numpy()In [245]: is_constant = v.shape[0] == 0 or (s[0] == s).all()
此方法假定系列不包含缺失值。对于我们将删除 NA 值的情况,我们可以先简单地删除这些值:
In [246]: v = s.dropna().to_numpy()In [247]: is_constant = v.shape[0] == 0 or (s[0] == s).all()
In [248]: v = s.to_numpy()In [249]: is_constant = v.shape[0] == 0 or (s[0] == s).all() or not pd.notna(v).any()