1 编写构建gradle脚本代码
1.1 配置publication和repository
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'// This creates a task called publishReleaseToMyRepoRepository that
// consists of the name of the publication and the name of the repository.
publishing {publications {release(MavenPublication) {groupId = 'yourGroupId'artifactId = 'yourArtifactId'version = '1.1.1'afterEvaluate {from components.release //software component name is release.}}}repositories {maven {name = 'myrepo' // repository name is myrepourl = "${project.buildDir}/repo" // the repository is generated inside the build folder of the project, under a repo directory.}}
上述配置经build后会生成一个 publishReleaseToMyRepoRepository
1.2 配置输出aar文件的名字
在指定moudle 目录下的gradle文件中配置如下:
plugins {id 'com.android.library'
}apply from: 'maven-publish.gradle'
android {...defaultConfig {...buildTypes {release {minifyEnabled falseproguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'}}...libraryVariants.all { variant ->def path = "xxx_${variant.buildType.name}"+"_${versionNameStr}.aar"variant.outputs.forEach {it.outputFileName = path}}
并引用上文中的maven-publish.gradle 脚本
apply from: 'maven-push.gradle'
2 编译aar
通过gradle面板按照1.1中的图示找到 task: publishReleaseToMyRepoRepository
3 参考文章
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