




  1. 封装ganttEcharts组件,测试数据 airport-schedule.json
  2. ganttEcharts代码: 直接复制粘贴可测​​​​​​​
  3. <template><!-- Echarts 甘特图 --><div ref="progressChart" class="w100 h100"></div>
    <script lang="ts" name="ganttEcharts" setup>
    import { useMessage } from '/@/hooks/message';
    import * as echarts from 'echarts';
    import ganttData from './airport-schedule.json';
    import lockUrl from '/@/assets/images/gantt/lock.png';
    // import dragUrl from '/@/assets/images/gantt/drag.png';
    const progressChart = ref();
    // echarts 的实例不应该是‘响应式’的 因为它可能会影响对内部模型属性的访问,并带来一些意想不到的问题
    let myChart: any = null;
    const option: any = ref({});
    // 定义常量
    const HEIGHT_RATIO = 0.6;
    let _draggingEl: any;
    let _dropRecord: any;
    let _dropShadow: any;
    let _draggingTimeLength: any;
    const _cartesianXBounds: any = reactive([]);
    const _cartesianYBounds: any = reactive([]);
    const _autoDataZoomAnimator: any = ref();
    const _draggingRecord: any = ref();
    const _draggingCursorOffset = ref([0, 0]);
    const _draggable = ref(false);
    let _rawData: any = {};
    // 全局变量来跟踪选中的图形元素
    let selectedElementId: any = null;
    onMounted(() => {nextTick(() => {_rawData = { ...ganttData };myChart = echarts.init(progressChart.value);window.addEventListener('resize', resizeChart);initChart();});
    onUnmounted(() => window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeChart));
    const initChart = () => {myChart.setOption((option.value = makeOption()));initDrag();
    // 浏览器窗口大小变化,图表大小自适应
    function resizeChart() {if (myChart) {myChart.resize();}
    function makeOption() {return {tooltip: {},toolbox: {right: 10,top: 0,itemSize: 20,feature: {myDrag: {show: true,title: '编辑',icon: 'path://M990.55 380.08 q11.69 0 19.88 8.19 q7.02 7.01 7.02 18.71 l0 480.65 q-1.17 43.27 -29.83 71.93 q-28.65 28.65 -71.92 29.82 l-813.96 0 q-43.27 -1.17 -72.5 -30.41 q-28.07 -28.07 -29.24 -71.34 l0 -785.89 q1.17 -43.27 29.24 -72.5 q29.23 -29.24 72.5 -29.24 l522.76 0 q11.7 0 18.71 7.02 q8.19 8.18 8.19 18.71 q0 11.69 -7.6 19.29 q-7.6 7.61 -19.3 7.61 l-518.08 0 q-22.22 1.17 -37.42 16.37 q-15.2 15.2 -15.2 37.42 l0 775.37 q0 23.39 15.2 38.59 q15.2 15.2 37.42 15.2 l804.6 0 q22.22 0 37.43 -15.2 q15.2 -15.2 16.37 -38.59 l0 -474.81 q0 -11.7 7.02 -18.71 q8.18 -8.19 18.71 -8.19 l0 0 ZM493.52 723.91 l-170.74 -170.75 l509.89 -509.89 q23.39 -23.39 56.13 -21.05 q32.75 1.17 59.65 26.9 l47.94 47.95 q25.73 26.89 27.49 59.64 q1.75 32.75 -21.64 57.3 l-508.72 509.9 l0 0 ZM870.09 80.69 l-56.13 56.14 l94.72 95.9 l56.14 -57.31 q8.19 -9.35 8.19 -21.05 q-1.17 -12.86 -10.53 -22.22 l-47.95 -49.12 q-10.52 -9.35 -23.39 -9.35 q-11.69 -1.17 -21.05 7.01 l0 0 ZM867.75 272.49 l-93.56 -95.9 l-380.08 380.08 l94.73 94.73 l378.91 -378.91 l0 0 ZM322.78 553.16 l38.59 39.77 l-33.92 125.13 l125.14 -33.92 l38.59 38.6 l-191.79 52.62 q-5.85 1.17 -12.28 0 q-6.44 -1.17 -11.11 -5.84 q-4.68 -4.68 -5.85 -11.7 q-2.34 -5.85 0 -11.69 l52.63 -192.97 l0 0 Z',onclick: onDragSwitchClick,},},},dataZoom: [{type: 'slider',xAxisIndex: 0,filterMode: 'weakFilter',height: 15,bottom: 0,start: 0,end: 40,handleSize: '80%',showDetail: false,},{type: 'inside',id: 'insideX',xAxisIndex: 0,filterMode: 'weakFilter',start: 0,end: 40,zoomOnMouseWheel: false,moveOnMouseMove: true,},{type: 'slider',yAxisIndex: 0,zoomLock: true,width: 10,right: 10,top: 70,bottom: 20,start: 96,end: 100,handleSize: 0,showDetail: false,show: false,},{type: 'inside',id: 'insideY',yAxisIndex: 0,start: 96,end: 100,zoomOnMouseWheel: false,moveOnMouseMove: true,moveOnMouseWheel: true,},],grid: {show: true,top: 70,bottom: 20,left: 100,right: 20,backgroundColor: '#fff',borderWidth: 0,},legend: {show: false,},xAxis: {type: 'time',position: 'top',axisLabel: {formatter: function (value: any) {let date = new Date(value);let mm = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);let dd = ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);let hh = date.getHours();let text = '';if (hh >= 7 && hh <= 14) {text = '早班';} else if (hh >= 15 && hh <= 22) {text = '中班';} else if (hh == 23 || (hh >= 0 && hh <= 6)) {text = '夜班';}return text + '\n' + mm + '-' + dd + '\n' + hh + ':00';},},maxInterval: 3600 * 1000,minInterval: 3600 * 1000,// axisLabel: {// 	formatter: '{MM}-{dd}\n{hh}:00', // 得到的 label 形如:{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd} => '2020-12-02'// },splitLine: {show: false,},axisLine: {show: false,},axisTick: {show: false,},},yAxis: {axisTick: { show: false },splitLine: { show: false },axisLine: { show: false },axisLabel: { show: false },min: 0,max:,},series: [{id: 'flightData',type: 'custom',renderItem: renderGanttItem,dimensions: _rawData.flight.dimensions,encode: {x: [DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL, DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE],y: DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX,tooltip: [DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX, DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL, DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE],},data:,// tooltip: {// 	formatter: (params: any) => {// 		console.log(params, 'params');// 		return '1234';// 	},// },},{type: 'custom',renderItem: renderAxisLabelItem,dimensions: _rawData.parkingApron.dimensions,encode: {x: -1,y: 0,},data: any, index: any) => {return [index].concat(item);}),tooltip: {trigger: 'none', // 这将禁用 tooltip},},],};
    const renderGanttItem = (params: any, api: any) => {let categoryIndex = api.value(DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX);let timeArrival = api.coord([api.value(DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL), categoryIndex]);let timeDeparture = api.coord([api.value(DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE), categoryIndex]);let coordSys = params.coordSys;_cartesianXBounds[0] = coordSys.x;_cartesianXBounds[1] = coordSys.x + coordSys.width;_cartesianYBounds[0] = coordSys.y;_cartesianYBounds[1] = coordSys.y + coordSys.height;let barLength = timeDeparture[0] - timeArrival[0];// Get the heigth corresponds to length 1 on y axis.let barHeight = api.size([0, 1])[1] * HEIGHT_RATIO;let x = timeArrival[0];let y = timeArrival[1] - barHeight;let flightNumber = api.value(3) + '';let flightNumberWidth = echarts.format.getTextRect(flightNumber).width;let text = barLength > flightNumberWidth + 40 && x + barLength >= 180 ? flightNumber : '';let rectNormal = clipRectByRect(params, {x: x,y: y,width: barLength,height: barHeight,});let rectVIP = clipRectByRect(params, {x: x,y: y,width: barLength / 2,height: barHeight,});let rectText = clipRectByRect(params, {x: x,y: y,width: barLength,height: barHeight,});return {type: 'group',id: 'group_' + flightNumber,children: [{type: 'rect',id: 'rect_normal_' + flightNumber,ignore: !rectNormal,shape: rectNormal,style: {fill: selectedElementId !== 'rect_normal_' + flightNumber ? '#343F97' : '#00A0D1',stroke: 'transparent', // 无边框},},// {// 	type: 'rect',// 	ignore: !rectVIP && !api.value(4),// 	shape: rectVIP,// 	style: { fill: '#F6AB41' },// },{type: 'rect',ignore: !rectText,shape: rectText,style: {fill: 'transparent',stroke: 'transparent',text: text,textFill: '#fff',},},],};
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    function clipRectByRect(params: any, rect: any) {return echarts.graphic.clipRectByRect(rect, {x: params.coordSys.x,y: params.coordSys.y,width: params.coordSys.width,height: params.coordSys.height,});
    // 启用拖动
    function onDragSwitchClick(model: any, api: any, type: any) {_draggable.value = !_draggable.value;myChart.setOption({dataZoom: [{id: 'insideX',disabled: _draggable.value,},{id: 'insideY',disabled: _draggable.value,},],toolbox: {feature: {myDrag: {title: _draggable.value ? '锁定' : '编辑',},},},});this.model.setIconStatus(type, _draggable.value ? 'emphasis' : 'normal');
    const initDrag = () => {_autoDataZoomAnimator.value = makeAnimator(dispatchDataZoom);// 添加点击事件监听器myChart.on('click', function (param: any) {if (param.seriesId === 'flightData' && param.seriesType === 'custom') {let elementId = &&[3]; // 获取被点击数据点的ID(这里只是一个示例)selectedElementId = 'rect_normal_' + elementId;myChart.setOption({series: {id: 'flightData',data:,},});}});// 当用户按下鼠标按钮时触发myChart.on('mousedown', function (param: any) {if (!_draggable.value || !param || param.seriesIndex == null) {return;}// Drag start_draggingRecord.value = {dataIndex: param.dataIndex,categoryIndex: param.value[DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX],timeArrival: param.value[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL],timeDeparture: param.value[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE],};let style = {lineWidth: 2,fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.1)',stroke: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.8)',lineDash: [6, 3],};_draggingEl = addOrUpdateBar(_draggingEl, _draggingRecord.value, style, 100);_draggingCursorOffset.value = [_draggingEl.position[0] - param.event.offsetX, _draggingEl.position[1] - param.event.offsetY];_draggingTimeLength = _draggingRecord.value.timeDeparture - _draggingRecord.value.timeArrival;});// 当鼠标指针在元素上移动时触发myChart.getZr().on('mousemove', function (event: any) {if (!_draggingEl) {return;}let cursorX = event.offsetX;let cursorY = event.offsetY;// Move _draggingEl._draggingEl.attr('position', [_draggingCursorOffset.value[0] + cursorX, _draggingCursorOffset.value[1] + cursorY]);prepareDrop();autoDataZoomWhenDraggingOutside(cursorX, cursorY);});// 当用户释放鼠标按钮时触发myChart.getZr().on('mouseup', function () {// Dropif (_draggingEl && _dropRecord) {updateRawData() &&myChart.setOption({series: {id: 'flightData',data:,},});}dragRelease();});// myChart.getZr().on('globalout', dragRelease);// 拖动释放-删除创造元素function dragRelease() {_autoDataZoomAnimator.value.stop();if (_draggingEl) {myChart.getZr().remove(_draggingEl);_draggingEl = null;}if (_dropShadow) {myChart.getZr().remove(_dropShadow);_dropShadow = null;}_dropRecord = _draggingRecord.value = null;}function addOrUpdateBar(el: any, itemData: any, style: any, z: any) {let pointArrival = myChart.convertToPixel('grid', [itemData.timeArrival, itemData.categoryIndex]);let pointDeparture = myChart.convertToPixel('grid', [itemData.timeDeparture, itemData.categoryIndex]);let barLength = pointDeparture[0] - pointArrival[0];let barHeight = Math.abs(myChart.convertToPixel('grid', [0, 0])[1] - myChart.convertToPixel('grid', [0, 1])[1]) * HEIGHT_RATIO;if (!el) {el = new echarts.graphic.Rect({shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 },style: style,z: z,});myChart.getZr().add(el);}el.attr({shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: barLength, height: barHeight },position: [pointArrival[0], pointArrival[1] - barHeight],});return el;}function prepareDrop() {// Check droppable place.let xPixel = _draggingEl.shape.x + _draggingEl.position[0];let yPixel = _draggingEl.shape.y + _draggingEl.position[1];let cursorData = myChart.convertFromPixel('grid', [xPixel, yPixel]);if (cursorData) {// Make drop shadow and _dropRecord_dropRecord = {categoryIndex: Math.floor(cursorData[1]),timeArrival: cursorData[0],timeDeparture: cursorData[0] + _draggingTimeLength,};let style = { fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)' };_dropShadow = addOrUpdateBar(_dropShadow, _dropRecord, style, 99);}}// This is some business logic, don't care about it.function updateRawData() {let flight_Data =;let movingItem = flight_Data[_draggingRecord.value.dataIndex];// Check conflictfor (let i = 0; i < flight_Data.length; i++) {let dataItem = flight_Data[i];if (dataItem !== movingItem &&_dropRecord.categoryIndex === dataItem[DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX] &&_dropRecord.timeArrival < dataItem[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE] &&_dropRecord.timeDeparture > dataItem[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL]) {useMessage().error('冲突!找一个空闲的空间吧!');return;}}// No conflict.movingItem[DIM_CATEGORY.DIM_CATEGORY_INDEX] = _dropRecord.categoryIndex;movingItem[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_ARRIVAL] = _dropRecord.timeArrival;movingItem[DIM_TIME.DIM_TIME_DEPARTURE] = _dropRecord.timeDeparture;return true;}function autoDataZoomWhenDraggingOutside(cursorX: any, cursorY: any) {// When cursor is outside the cartesian and being dragging,// auto move the dataZooms.let cursorDistX = getCursorCartesianDist(cursorX, _cartesianXBounds);let cursorDistY = getCursorCartesianDist(cursorY, _cartesianYBounds);if (cursorDistX !== 0 || cursorDistY !== 0) {_autoDataZoomAnimator.value.start({cursorDistX: cursorDistX,cursorDistY: cursorDistY,});} else {_autoDataZoomAnimator.value.stop();}}function dispatchDataZoom(params: any) {let option = myChart.getOption();let optionInsideX = option.dataZoom[DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_X_INSIDE_INDEX];let optionInsideY = option.dataZoom[DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_Y_INSIDE_INDEX];let batch: any = [];prepareBatch(batch, 'insideX', optionInsideX.start, optionInsideX.end, params.cursorDistX);prepareBatch(batch, 'insideY', optionInsideY.start, optionInsideY.end, -params.cursorDistY);batch.length &&myChart.dispatchAction({type: 'dataZoom',batch: batch,});function prepareBatch(batch: any, id: any, start: any, end: any, cursorDist: any) {if (cursorDist === 0) {return;}let sign = cursorDist / Math.abs(cursorDist);let size = end - start;let delta = DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_AUTO_MOVE_SPEED * sign;start += delta;end += delta;if (end > 100) {end = 100;start = end - size;}if (start < 0) {start = 0;end = start + size;}batch.push({dataZoomId: id,start: start,end: end,});}}function getCursorCartesianDist(cursorXY: any, bounds: any) {let dist0 = cursorXY - (bounds[0] + DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_AUTO_MOVE_DETECT_AREA_WIDTH);let dist1 = cursorXY - (bounds[1] - DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_AUTO_MOVE_DETECT_AREA_WIDTH);return dist0 * dist1 <= 0? 0 // cursor is in cartesian: dist0 < 0? dist0 // cursor is at left/top of cartesian: dist1; // cursor is at right/bottom of cartesian}function makeAnimator(callback: any) {let requestId: any;let callbackParams: any;// Use throttle to prevent from calling dispatchAction frequently.callback = echarts.throttle(callback, DATA_ZOOM.DATA_ZOOM_AUTO_MOVE_THROTTLE);function onFrame() {callback(callbackParams);requestId = requestAnimationFrame(onFrame);}return {start: function (params: any) {callbackParams = params;if (requestId == null) {onFrame();}},stop: function () {if (requestId != null) {cancelAnimationFrame(requestId);}requestId = callbackParams = null;},};}


{"parkingApron": {"dimensions": ["Name", "Type", "Near Bridge"],"data": [["AB94", "W", true],["AB95", "W", true],["AB96", "W", true],["AB97", "W", true],["AB98", "W", true],["AS3", "W", true],["AS4", "W", true],["AS5", "W", true],["AS6", "W", true],["AS7", "W", true],["AS8", "W", true],["A98", "U", true],["HU", "W", true],["HXK", "W", true],["O85", "W", true],["O86", "W", true],["O87", "W", true],["O88", "W", true],["O89", "W", true],["O90", "W", true],["O91", "W", true],["O92", "W", true],["O93", "X", true],["O94", "W", true],["O95", "W", true],["O96", "W", true],["O97", "W", true],["O98", "W", true],["S97", "W", true],["S98", "W", true],["WA94", "W", true],["WA95", "W", true],["WA96", "W", true],["WA97", "W", true],["WA98", "W", true],["WA", "W", true],["XA5", "W", true],["XA6", "W", true],["XA7", "W", true],["XA8", "W", true],["00", "X", true],["01", "X", true],["03", "X", true],["04", "X", true],["05", "X", true],["06", "Y", true],["07", "X", true],["08", "X", true],["09", "X", 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"HAC-CFA", 1495360800000],[113, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y3064", true, "AS", "AS", "KMS-HAC", "HAC-YPP", 1496123400000],[79, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y4686", true, "WA", "WA", "RMX-DWH-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496744100000],[114, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y4686", true, "WA", "WA", "RMX-DWH-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496744100000],[179, 1496924700000, 1496934000000, "Y4897", true, "AS", "AS", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496916000000],[179, 1496840400000, 1496878800000, "Y4893", true, "AS", "AS", "STS-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496828700000],[124, 1496916600000, 1496934000000, "Y3193", true, "AS", "AS", "GMZ-HAC", "HAC-HSV", 1496906100000],[124, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y3683", true, "AS", "AS", "MGT-HAC", "HAC-YPP", 1496830500000],[197, 1496914200000, 1496934000000, "Y4890", true, "AS", "AS", "STS-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496905500000],[197, 1496840400000, 1496882400000, "Y3846", true, "AS", "AS", "NRT-HAC", "HAC-XAC", 1496818800000],[171, 1496907300000, 1496934000000, "Y4328", true, "AS", "AS", "RXM-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496894100000],[171, 1496840400000, 1496875800000, "Y1334", true, "AS", "AS", "WOX-BGB-HAC", "HAC-GBM", 1496821200000],[169, 1496913600000, 1496934000000, "Y3703", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-BXF", 1496904300000],[169, 1496840400000, 1496871900000, "Y8481", true, "AS", "AS", "RXM-HAC", "HAC-GZL", 1496807700000],[116, 1496901300000, 1496934000000, "Y4896", true, "AS", "AS", "KET-HAC", "HAC-SUV", 1496891400000],[116, 1496840400000, 1496880600000, "Y4620", true, "AS", "AS", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-DMA", 1496751900000],[121, 1496920200000, 1496934000000, "Y4223", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496911800000],[121, 1496840400000, 1496874600000, "Y4974", true, "PB", "PB", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-PNT", 1496748000000],[38, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y4263", true, "AS", "AS", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-GZL", 1496802600000],[119, 1496840400000, 1496875800000, "Y7649", true, "XA", "XA", "BMA-HAC", "HAC-MTY", 1496826900000],[132, 1496911500000, 1496934000000, "Y3021", true, "XA", "XA", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496903700000],[199, 1496841000000, 1496891400000, "Y3021", true, "XA", "XA", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496833200000],[178, 1496922900000, 1496934000000, "Y7649", true, "XA", "XA", "SUV-HAC", "HAC-ASZ-CRB", 1496914800000],[178, 1496843400000, 1496880000000, "Y8383", true, "XA", "XA", "SIY-MTY-HAC", "HAC-PSM-GBM", 1496821500000],[96, 1496927400000, 1496934000000, "Y7606", true, "XA", "XA", "PSM-HAC", "HAC-SAT", 1496920200000],[96, 1496840400000, 1496878200000, "Y7604", true, "XA", "XA", "XTJ-PSM-HAC", "HAC-WOX-BHJ", 1496820600000],[90, 1496874300000, 1496934000000, "Y7391", true, "BT", "BT", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496865300000],[90, 1496840400000, 1496853000000, "Y7425", true, "BT", "BT", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496778900000],[86, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1640", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1494367800000],[175, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y4686", true, "WA", "WA", "RMX-DWH-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496744100000],[99, 1496903100000, 1496911500000, "M149UW", true, "UC", "UC", "RXM-HAC", "HAC-PRC", 1496887800000],[99, 1496845800000, 1496853000000, "M545KZ", true, "KL", "KL", "RXM-HAC", "HAC-MIG", 1496832000000],[46, 1496917200000, 1496917800000, "YNSP", true, "6V", "6V", "NZX-HAC", "HAC-NZX", 1496916000000],[46, 1496907900000, 1496908800000, "YNSR", true, "6V", "6V", "NZX-HAC", "HAC-NZX", 1496907000000],[46, 1496847900000, 1496867700000, "Y8228", true, "WA", "WA", "XWV-QMT-HAC", "HAC-ZXC-CRB", 1496830800000],[183, 1496841300000, 1496872200000, "Y1931", true, "SL", "SL", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496831700000],[123, 1496916600000, 1496934000000, "Y7631", true, "XA", "XA", "BMA-HAC", "HAC-MTY", 1496907000000],[123, 1496843700000, 1496875800000, "Y7603", true, "XA", "XA", "FIX-DFS-HAC", "HAC-MZL", 1496818800000],[59, 1496857800000, 1496860800000, "Y7102", true, "BT", "BT", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496847600000],[168, 1496916300000, 1496934000000, "Y3521", true, "XZ", "XZ", "WZC-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496909100000],[168, 1496840400000, 1496874300000, "Y7630", true, "XA", "XA", "OBT-SHM-HAC", "HAC-CRB-CMM", 1496813700000],[85, 1496915400000, 1496934000000, "Y4418", true, "SF", "SF", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496907900000],[85, 1496894100000, 1496909100000, "Y8006", true, "AS", "AS", "XTJ-PSM-HAC", "HAC-OBR", 1496875200000],[85, 1496841600000, 1496877300000, "Y8422", true, "B1", "B1", "SOW-SVG-HAC", "HAC-SVG-SOW", 1496818800000],[84, 1496925600000, 1496934000000, "Y8497", true, "SF", "SF", "GBM-HAC", "HAC-STS-HSV", 1496914200000],[84, 1496906100000, 1496917800000, "Y3802", true, "AS", "AS", "RMX-HAC", "HAC-BYK", 1496893200000],[84, 1496840400000, 1496881800000, "Y1832", false, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496826300000],[42, 1496928900000, 1496934000000, "Y3089", true, "XA", "XA", "OQT-PNT-HAC", "HAC-OQT", 1496913300000],[42, 1496840400000, 1496885400000, "Y1424", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496824200000],[137, 1496868900000, 1496934000000, "Y7151", true, "AB", "AB", "XAC-HAC", "HAC-XAC", 1496860800000],[137, 1496840400000, 1496850000000, "Y7151", true, "AB", "AB", "XAC-HAC", "HAC-XAC", 1496774400000],[162, 1496913000000, 1496934000000, "Y4558", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-DFS-SVG", 1496903400000],[162, 1496840400000, 1496865900000, "Y3193", true, "AS", "AS", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-DCM", 1496829300000],[138, 1496927700000, 1496934000000, "Y8523", true, "AS", "AS", "HSV-HAC", "HAC-HSV", 1496912100000],[138, 1496840400000, 1496870400000, "Y4890", true, "AS", "AS", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-XAC", 1496829600000],[112, 1496931000000, 1496934000000, "Y8209", true, "NF", "NF", "WOF-PNT-HAC", "HAC-PNT-WOF", 1496908500000],[112, 1496840400000, 1496875500000, "Y4618", true, "AS", "AS", "FIX-HAC", "HAC-DFS-SVG", 1496820300000],[50, 1496899800000, 1496913000000, "M391FK", true, "4C", "4C", "WCY-HAC", "HAC-ZMX", 1496871600000],[91, 1496927700000, 1496934000000, "Y8289", true, "AS", "AS", "YPP-HAC", "HAC-SIY", 1496917800000],[61, 1496840400000, 1496871600000, "Y8157", true, "AS", "AS", "XTJ-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496819100000],[125, 1496842800000, 1496878500000, "Y4588", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496834400000],[75, 1496931600000, 1496934000000, "Y3019", true, "WA", "WA", "OSD-ZEZ-HAC", "HAC-DFC-XTJ", 1496914200000],[75, 1496906400000, 1496920800000, "Y4677", true, "AS", "AS", "HSV-HAC", "HAC-MGT", 1496889900000],[75, 1496840400000, 1496878200000, "Y1020", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496831400000],[118, 1496919300000, 1496934000000, "Y8359", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496910600000],[118, 1496899800000, 1496909700000, "Y8026", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496890800000],[118, 1496844900000, 1496865600000, "Y1352", true, "0X", "0X", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-PSM-XTJ", 1496835600000],[76, 1496899200000, 1496903100000, "Y2626", true, "YP", "YP", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496887500000],[76, 1496843100000, 1496876100000, "Y2047", false, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496831100000],[44, 1496931300000, 1496934000000, "Y8327", true, "0X", "0X", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496922000000],[44, 1496903700000, 1496910600000, "Y1832", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496894700000],[44, 1496894400000, 1496898300000, "Y3521", true, "XZ", "XZ", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-WZC", 1496885400000],[44, 1496845200000, 1496866200000, "Y3017", true, "WA", "WA", "OSD-RJM-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496827800000],[73, 1496926800000, 1496934000000, "Y1020", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496917800000],[73, 1496898600000, 1496909100000, "Y3436", true, "AS", "AS", "BXF-HAC", "HAC-BGB-HSV", 1496889000000],[73, 1496875800000, 1496890800000, "Y7633", true, "XA", "XA", "GCM-HAC", "HAC-YUQ", 1496869500000],[73, 1496843400000, 1496871000000, "Y4312", true, "SF", "SF", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-CNM-CFA", 1496838900000],[128, 1496922000000, 1496934000000, "Y7710", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496912700000],[128, 1496904000000, 1496911800000, "Y4312", true, "SF", "SF", "CFA-CNM-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496888700000],[128, 1496890800000, 1496894400000, "Y8972", true, "0X", "0X", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496881500000],[128, 1496840400000, 1496873100000, "Y3143", true, "AS", "AS", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-OQT", 1496823000000],[134, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y6922", true, "Q4", "Q4", "SPT-HAC", "HAC-DFH", 1496722200000],[4, 1496922600000, 1496934000000, "Y8531", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496910300000],[4, 1496905200000, 1496911800000, "Y4587", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496895600000],[4, 1496886000000, 1496899200000, "Y7277", true, "SF", "SF", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496878200000],[4, 1496850600000, 1496865900000, "Y0050", true, "KM", "KM", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496843100000],[4, 1496840400000, 1496843400000, "Y8626", true, "SF", "SF", "GBM-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496827800000],[45, 1496933700000, 1496934000000, "Y3212", true, "SL", "SL", "OQT-YSB-HAC", "HAC-YSB-OQT", 1496918400000],[45, 1496891700000, 1496896800000, "Y3834", true, "AS", "AS", "KAR-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496883000000],[45, 1496840400000, 1496881800000, "Y3498", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496827200000],[196, 1496918100000, 1496934000000, "Y2369", true, "WA", "WA", "SIY-SUV-HAC", "HAC-RJM-OSD", 1496896200000],[196, 1496894400000, 1496907300000, "Y3660", true, "XA", "XA", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496885700000],[196, 1496882400000, 1496886000000, "Y8087", true, "NU", "NU", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496871000000],[54, 1496909400000, 1496918700000, "Y2599", true, "SF", "SF", "CMM-CRB-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496890200000],[54, 1496896200000, 1496903400000, "Y1762", true, "NF", "NF", "BMG-HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ-BMG", 1496876400000],[54, 1496883900000, 1496889000000, "Y4224", true, "AS", "AS", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496871900000],[54, 1496876400000, 1496880900000, "Y8180", true, "6F", "6F", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496866800000],[54, 1496840400000, 1496867400000, "Y3692", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496822400000],[78, 1496921100000, 1496934000000, "Y4612", true, "XZ", "XZ", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496910000000],[78, 1496897100000, 1496908500000, "Y3088", true, "XA", "XA", "OQT-HAC", "HAC-ABR", 1496889000000],[78, 1496883300000, 1496886900000, "Y4786", true, "XZ", "XZ", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496872200000],[78, 1496844600000, 1496870100000, "Y3568", true, "NF", "NF", "KET-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496834700000],[198, 1496922600000, 1496928600000, "Y8784", true, "SF", "SF", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496913600000],[198, 1496913600000, 1496917500000, "Y3643", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496904000000],[198, 1496903700000, 1496907900000, "Y1200", true, "XZ", "XZ", "STS-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496895300000],[198, 1496889000000, 1496893200000, "Y4890", true, "AS", "AS", "XAC-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496880900000],[198, 1496879400000, 1496884200000, "Y2107", true, "XZ", "XZ", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496871900000],[198, 1496842500000, 1496868300000, "Y3089", true, "XA", "XA", "OQT-PNT-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496826900000],[10, 1496925600000, 1496934000000, "Y4599", true, "AS", "AS", "FIX-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496906700000],[10, 1496918700000, 1496922300000, "Y8080", true, "XA", "XA", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496909100000],[10, 1496910900000, 1496915100000, "Y2436", true, "PM", "PM", "HQD-HAC", "HAC-HQD", 1496899800000],[10, 1496901300000, 1496904900000, "Y3229", true, "6F", "6F", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496892300000],[10, 1496888700000, 1496896200000, "Y8680", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496879700000],[10, 1496880300000, 1496883900000, "Y1460", true, "SL", "SL", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496871300000],[10, 1496840400000, 1496876400000, "Y3436", true, "AS", "AS", "KET-QQM-HAC", "HAC-BXF", 1496825700000],[147, 1496921100000, 1496934000000, "Y3803", true, "AS", "AS", "SUV-HAC", "HAC-AZG", 1496913000000],[147, 1496912100000, 1496918100000, "Y3340", true, "XA", "XA", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496903700000],[147, 1496895000000, 1496898600000, "Y1323", true, "XA", "XA", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496890200000],[147, 1496887200000, 1496891400000, "Y4276", true, "HX", "HX", "GZL-HJW-HAC", "HAC-HJW-GZL", 1496871000000],[147, 1496878500000, 1496882400000, "Y4587", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496871000000],[147, 1496844900000, 1496869500000, "Y3166", true, "AS", "AS", "OBR-HAC", "HAC-NRT", 1496834400000],[147, 1496840400000, 1496841300000, "Y3109", true, "NF", "NF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496829900000],[77, 1496926500000, 1496934000000, "Y8314", true, "AS", "AS", "MGT-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496916900000],[77, 1496919900000, 1496923500000, "Y8699", true, "NU", "NU", "XTJ-STS-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496893500000],[77, 1496912400000, 1496917200000, "Y8367", true, "VF", "VF", "XGF-ABR-HAC", "HAC-ABR-XGF", 1496898300000],[77, 1496905500000, 1496908500000, "Y7379", true, "XA", "XA", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-XTL-SVG", 1496896800000],[77, 1496895600000, 1496899800000, "Y8242", true, "AS", "AS", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-MGT", 1496883900000],[77, 1496887800000, 1496892000000, "Y8614", true, "NF", "NF", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-PNT-OFN", 1496880000000],[77, 1496878500000, 1496882700000, "Y4599", true, "AS", "AS", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-FIX", 1496870400000],[77, 1496848200000, 1496868600000, "Y8501", true, "SF", "SF", "PST-FIX-HAC", "HAC-STS-HSV", 1496818800000],[77, 1496840400000, 1496841600000, "Y1658", true, "XA", "XA", "HBC-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496832300000],[1, 1496933400000, 1496934000000, "Y4638", true, "AS", "AS", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496928900000],[1, 1496919600000, 1496923200000, "Y8483", true, "AS", "AS", "XTJ-BMG-HAC", "HAC-ASZ", 1496898300000],[1, 1496911200000, 1496916900000, "Y4343", true, "NU", "NU", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496901300000],[1, 1496904600000, 1496908200000, "Y1460", true, "SL", "SL", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496895900000],[1, 1496895900000, 1496899500000, "Y3428", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496886300000],[1, 1496888100000, 1496892600000, "Y3086", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496879700000],[1, 1496879100000, 1496883000000, "Y3350", true, "AS", "AS", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496871300000],[1, 1496850300000, 1496870400000, "Y3803", true, "AS", "AS", "BYK-HAC", "HAC-HQD", 1496842200000],[1, 1496840400000, 1496841300000, "Y1713", true, "KM", "KM", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496828700000],[187, 1496930700000, 1496934000000, "Y8424", true, "WA", "WA", "GHM-SQQ-HAC", "HAC-SWT-SIY", 1496904600000],[187, 1496916900000, 1496923200000, "Y3279", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-PSM", 1496909400000],[187, 1496899800000, 1496907000000, "Y4603", true, "UN", "UN", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496890800000],[187, 1496890800000, 1496895300000, "Y3720", true, "XA", "XA", "SIY-HAC", "HAC-SIY", 1496874000000],[187, 1496879100000, 1496882700000, "Y3896", true, "SF", "SF", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-MTY-GZL", 1496871900000],[187, 1496849700000, 1496874900000, "Y4897", true, "AS", "AS", "GMZ-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496839800000],[102, 1496923200000, 1496934000000, "Y8294", true, "WA", "WA", "XTJ-MPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT-XTJ", 1496902200000],[102, 1496904000000, 1496907900000, "Y1601", true, "NF", "NF", "GZL-MTY-HAC", "HAC-MTY-GZL", 1496887500000],[102, 1496898000000, 1496901600000, "Y4378", true, "XZ", "XZ", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496886000000],[102, 1496891700000, 1496895900000, "Y1682", true, "SL", "SL", "HJQ-HAC", "HAC-HJQ", 1496886300000],[102, 1496881800000, 1496885700000, "Y8088", true, "NU", "NU", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496873700000],[102, 1496841900000, 1496874300000, "Y4894", true, "AS", "AS", "GBM-HAC", "HAC-SUV", 1496832000000],[170, 1496923800000, 1496927700000, "Y1577", true, "KM", "KM", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496915100000],[170, 1496914500000, 1496919000000, "Y3042", true, "6F", "6F", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496906700000],[170, 1496901600000, 1496905800000, "Y3846", true, "AS", "AS", "XAC-HAC", "HAC-GBM", 1496893200000],[170, 1496889900000, 1496896200000, "Y8059", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496882400000],[170, 1496883000000, 1496886600000, "Y3393", true, "XZ", "XZ", "DFS-HAC", "HAC-DFS", 1496876400000],[195, 1496927100000, 1496934000000, "Y3660", true, "XA", "XA", "STS-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496919300000],[195, 1496914500000, 1496918100000, "Y8087", true, "NU", "NU", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496902200000],[195, 1496903400000, 1496907900000, "Y1157", true, "GE", "GE", "OCZ-XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF-OCZ", 1496877600000],[195, 1496897400000, 1496900400000, "Y3518", true, "GE", "GE", "OAB-XPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT-OAB", 1496878200000],[195, 1496889600000, 1496894100000, "Y3692", true, "XA", "XA", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-PLD-KVP", 1496880600000],[195, 1496880000000, 1496884200000, "Y1430", true, "NF", "NF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496872200000],[195, 1496847300000, 1496867400000, "Y1999", true, "0X", "0X", "OSD-ABR-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496830500000],[104, 1496932200000, 1496934000000, "Y4312", true, "SF", "SF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-CNM-CFA", 1496924400000],[104, 1496915700000, 1496925900000, "Y2699", true, "WA", "WA", "WOX-OBT-HAC", "HAC-PSM", 1496896800000],[104, 1496899800000, 1496903700000, "Y2629", true, "PM", "PM", "MZB-IRA-HAC", "HAC-MZB", 1496880600000],[104, 1496893500000, 1496896200000, "Y3370", true, "XA", "XA", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496885700000],[104, 1496882700000, 1496886300000, "Y4246", true, "MH", "MH", "HQD-HAC", "HAC-HQD", 1496871900000],[104, 1496846700000, 1496879400000, "Y8314", true, "AS", "AS", "BRS-HAC", "HAC-MGT", 1496839800000],[57, 1496932800000, 1496934000000, "Y8287", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496924400000],[57, 1496920500000, 1496925000000, "Y4477", true, "SF", "SF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496912400000],[57, 1496911800000, 1496915700000, "Y7708", true, "NF", "NF", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496902800000],[57, 1496900100000, 1496905200000, "Y1334", true, "AS", "AS", "GBM-HAC", "HAC-GZL", 1496890500000],[57, 1496886900000, 1496895000000, "Y4688", true, "WA", "WA", "MGT-PSM-HAC", "HAC-DWH-RMX", 1496872800000],[57, 1496879700000, 1496883300000, "Y4251", true, "XA", "XA", "BRD-HAC", "HAC-BRD", 1496871900000],[57, 1496847600000, 1496873100000, "Y3312", true, "XA", "XA", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496838900000],[74, 1496917200000, 1496920200000, "Y8383", true, "XA", "XA", "GBM-PSM-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496898600000],[74, 1496908500000, 1496913300000, "Y3617", true, "XZ", "XZ", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496899800000],[74, 1496896800000, 1496902500000, "Y3309", true, "AS", "AS", "SIY-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496879400000],[74, 1496886900000, 1496890500000, "Y8063", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496878200000],[74, 1496879100000, 1496883300000, "Y2968", true, "NF", "NF", "DFS-HAC", "HAC-DFS", 1496871600000],[74, 1496845200000, 1496871600000, "Y8058", true, "AS", "AS", "QFA-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496837700000],[191, 1496928600000, 1496934000000, "Y8653", true, "SF", "SF", "PDV-HAC", "HAC-WOX", 1496922900000],[191, 1496920500000, 1496924100000, "Y7608", true, "XA", "XA", "MMB-HAC", "HAC-WBT", 1496913300000],[191, 1496907900000, 1496912400000, "Y4657", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496895600000],[191, 1496898300000, 1496902200000, "Y4893", true, "AS", "AS", "STS-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496889900000],[191, 1496889900000, 1496894700000, "Y4429", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496877600000],[191, 1496877900000, 1496884200000, "Y4746", true, "XA", "XA", "MMT-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496872800000],[191, 1496843100000, 1496869800000, "Y8653", true, "SF", "SF", "QNF-WOX-HAC", "HAC-GVM-SVG", 1496819400000],[176, 1496921400000, 1496934000000, "Y7634", true, "XA", "XA", "OQT-MMT-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496903400000],[176, 1496911200000, 1496915400000, "Y3013", true, "HX", "HX", "GZL-HAC", "HAC-GZL", 1496899800000],[176, 1496900400000, 1496904000000, "Y8388", true, "NF", "NF", "PSM-HAC", "HAC-PSM", 1496894100000],[176, 1496891400000, 1496895300000, "Y8523", true, "AS", "AS", "STS-HAC", "HAC-HSV", 1496883000000],[176, 1496878500000, 1496888100000, "Y3656", true, "XA", "XA", "PDV-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496872200000],[176, 1496842500000, 1496867100000, "Y8200", true, "SF", "SF", "CFA-HAC", "HAC-WOX", 1496833800000],[133, 1496929200000, 1496934000000, "Y8062", true, "AS", "AS", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-BMG-XTJ", 1496920800000],[133, 1496911500000, 1496917200000, "Y7654", true, "LJ", "LJ", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496905500000],[133, 1496902500000, 1496906400000, "Y8477", true, "YP", "YP", "MMT-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496896800000],[133, 1496893200000, 1496898000000, "Y3318", true, "XA", "XA", "HSV-GZL-HAC", "HAC-GZL-HSV", 1496872800000],[133, 1496886600000, 1496890200000, "Y3703", true, "AS", "AS", "KVP-BRX-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496867100000],[133, 1496880300000, 1496881800000, "Y7634", true, "XA", "XA", "STS-HAC", "HAC-MMT-OQT", 1496872200000],[133, 1496843400000, 1496867700000, "Y2168", true, "NU", "NU", "SIY-ULX-HAC", "HAC-STS-XTJ", 1496822400000],[82, 1496925900000, 1496934000000, "Y7632", true, "XA", "XA", "WWT-KET-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496903400000],[82, 1496917200000, 1496921100000, "Y8076", true, "XA", "XA", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496908200000],[82, 1496907600000, 1496913900000, "Y3639", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-BRX-KVP", 1496898300000],[82, 1496896500000, 1496900100000, "Y8497", true, "SF", "SF", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-GBM", 1496886600000],[82, 1496883600000, 1496893500000, "Y3089", true, "XA", "XA", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-PNT-OQT", 1496879100000],[82, 1496875800000, 1496879400000, "Y7632", true, "XA", "XA", "SUV-HAC", "HAC-KET-WWT", 1496867400000],[82, 1496841300000, 1496870700000, "Y4383", true, "AS", "AS", "HSV-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496825700000],[189, 1496918400000, 1496934000000, "Y3166", true, "AS", "AS", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496910000000],[189, 1496907300000, 1496911200000, "Y4804", true, "XA", "XA", "PDV-HAC", "HAC-PDV", 1496901600000],[189, 1496900700000, 1496904600000, "Y0040", true, "XA", "XA", "XTJ-HAC", "HAC-XTJ", 1496884800000],[189, 1496890200000, 1496894700000, "Y4619", true, "AS", "AS", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-PNT", 1496882100000],[189, 1496879400000, 1496883000000, "Y3094", true, "6F", "6F", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496869500000],[189, 1496869800000, 1496873700000, "Y8784", true, "SF", "SF", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496865600000],[189, 1496850000000, 1496866500000, "Y0018", true, "KM", "KM", "GMZ-HAC", "HAC-SUV", 1496839800000],[51, 1496931000000, 1496934000000, "Y1334", true, "AS", "AS", "GZL-HAC", "HAC-QFS", 1496919900000],[51, 1496907900000, 1496921400000, "Y4329", true, "AS", "AS", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496895900000],[51, 1496903100000, 1496907600000, "Y7347", true, "SF", "SF", "OSD-HAC", "HAC-XTL", 1496892000000],[51, 1496894700000, 1496898900000, "Y8798", true, "XA", "XA", "FIX-HAC", "HAC-FIX", 1496876400000],[51, 1496883600000, 1496889300000, "Y7631", true, "XA", "XA", "XTW-HAC", "HAC-BMA", 1496877600000],[51, 1496874000000, 1496877600000, "Y1576", true, "XA", "XA", "HBC-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496868600000],[51, 1496840400000, 1496871000000, "Y8483", true, "AS", "AS", "GZL-HAC", "HAC-BMG-XTJ", 1496824500000],[40, 1496929800000, 1496934000000, "Y2822", true, "NU", "NU", "SIY-ULX-HAC", "HAC-STS-XTJ", 1496908800000],[40, 1496917200000, 1496922600000, "Y4224", true, "AS", "AS", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496904900000],[40, 1496910000000, 1496914500000, "Y3697", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496901000000],[40, 1496894100000, 1496898000000, "Y8373", true, "XA", "XA", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-SIY", 1496886000000],[40, 1496881500000, 1496885100000, "Y3369", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-GZL-XTJ", 1496872500000],[40, 1496840400000, 1496877600000, "Y4896", true, "AS", "AS", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496827800000],[174, 1496929500000, 1496934000000, "Y8982", true, "AS", "AS", "KET-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496919600000],[174, 1496918400000, 1496922900000, "Y3479", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496906700000],[174, 1496908500000, 1496912100000, "Y7304", false, "XA", "XA", "DFS-HAC", "HAC-DFS", 1496902200000],[174, 1496897400000, 1496902800000, "Y1134", true, "AS", "AS", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496887800000],[174, 1496890800000, 1496891700000, "Y3279", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-QWA-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496876700000],[174, 1496880600000, 1496884800000, "Y8367", true, "VF", "VF", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496871600000],[174, 1496842200000, 1496876400000, "Y3499", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496829600000],[41, 1496928600000, 1496934000000, "Y3912", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496916000000],[41, 1496910600000, 1496919600000, "Y3498", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496898000000],[41, 1496898900000, 1496904900000, "Y3499", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496889900000],[41, 1496886300000, 1496892600000, "Y2116", true, "NF", "NF", "KET-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496877000000],[41, 1496840400000, 1496872500000, "Y8963", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KET", 1496829000000],[39, 1496920800000, 1496924700000, "Y2153", true, "NU", "NU", "HSV-CNM-HAC", "HAC-ULX", 1496899500000],[39, 1496911800000, 1496916600000, "Y8764", false, "NF", "NF", "GBM-HAC", "HAC-GBM", 1496901900000],[39, 1496885700000, 1496890200000, "Y7249", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496873700000],[39, 1496841600000, 1496874600000, "Y3888", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496832600000],[105, 1496925300000, 1496934000000, "Y8963", true, "AS", "AS", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496915400000],[105, 1496915100000, 1496920500000, "Y8978", true, "SF", "SF", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-HBC", 1496907000000],[105, 1496906100000, 1496910000000, "Y8348", true, "XA", "XA", "WOX-HAC", "HAC-WOX", 1496893800000],[105, 1496895600000, 1496902200000, "Y8963", true, "AS", "AS", "KET-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496885700000],[105, 1496883600000, 1496888100000, "Y3918", true, "XZ", "XZ", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496874600000],[105, 1496846400000, 1496868600000, "Y8318", true, "SL", "SL", "RMX-BRS-HAC", "HAC-BRS-RMX", 1496829600000],[181, 1496926800000, 1496934000000, "Y8457", true, "SF", "SF", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-FIX-PST", 1496922300000],[181, 1496920200000, 1496924100000, "Y1570", true, "XZ", "XZ", "STS-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496911800000],[181, 1496845800000, 1496868000000, "Y7347", true, "SF", "SF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-OSD", 1496838000000],[186, 1496929200000, 1496934000000, "Y8316", true, "AS", "AS", "SUV-HAC", "HAC-MGT", 1496921700000],[186, 1496843700000, 1496868300000, "Y2599", true, "SF", "SF", "XTL-HAC", "HAC-CRB-CMM", 1496834400000],[180, 1496910300000, 1496917800000, "Y3871", true, "NF", "NF", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496901300000],[180, 1496897100000, 1496901600000, "Y7954", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496884800000],[180, 1496889000000, 1496893500000, "Y8978", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496876700000],[70, 1496931900000, 1496934000000, "Y0086", true, "XA", "XA", "XAC-HAC", "HAC-PNT", 1496923200000],[70, 1496914800000, 1496919300000, "Y3298", true, "XZ", "XZ", "XGF-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496906100000],[70, 1496904900000, 1496908500000, "Y1602", true, "NF", "NF", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496896800000],[70, 1496893800000, 1496897400000, "Y4894", true, "AS", "AS", "SUV-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496885400000],[70, 1496883900000, 1496887800000, "Y1664", true, "TQ", "TQ", "STS-HAC", "HAC-CFA-SIY", 1496875500000],[70, 1496877300000, 1496881200000, "Y3677", true, "6F", "6F", "XPT-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496870100000],[70, 1496848500000, 1496866200000, "Y8326", true, "TQ", "TQ", "CMM-VMS-HAC", "HAC-ABR-CMM", 1496831400000],[108, 1496913900000, 1496918400000, "Y3921", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496901600000],[108, 1496904600000, 1496909400000, "Y8062", false, "AS", "AS", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496893800000],[108, 1496885100000, 1496889600000, "Y1984", true, "SF", "SF", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496874000000],[108, 1496849400000, 1496870700000, "Y1983", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496836800000],[109, 1496928000000, 1496934000000, "Y3499", true, "XA", "XA", "HSZ-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496919000000],[109, 1496917500000, 1496921700000, "Y4219", true, "NF", "NF", "DFS-HAC", "HAC-DFS", 1496910900000],[109, 1496910600000, 1496915100000, "Y3911", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496897700000],[109, 1496901900000, 1496906700000, "Y1983", true, "SF", "SF", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496889000000],[109, 1496893500000, 1496898000000, "Y3466", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496880900000],[109, 1496884200000, 1496888700000, "Y3850", true, "NF", "NF", "PNT-HAC", "HAC-PNT", 1496876700000],[109, 1496842800000, 1496871000000, "Y8982", true, "AS", "AS", "KET-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496833200000],[135, 1496912700000, 1496918400000, "Y0020", true, "AS", "AS", "YPP-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496901900000],[135, 1496892300000, 1496896800000, "Y8058", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-GKV", 1496883600000],[135, 1496885700000, 1496889900000, "SO2414", true, "PV", "PV", "RXM-HAC", "HAC-RXM", 1496871600000],[135, 1496863500000, 1496879700000, "Y8568", true, "XZ", "XZ", "OZC-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496811000000],[135, 1496851800000, 1496859000000, "VRUMC", true, "R5", "R5", "OVW-HAC", "HAC-OVW", 1496817000000],[135, 1496840400000, 1496842500000, "Y3920", true, "XZ", "XZ", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-UIZ", 1496823900000],[172, 1496924700000, 1496928600000, "SHZYE", true, "UW", "UW", "WNP-HAC", "HAC-WNP", 1496914200000],[172, 1496914200000, 1496920800000, "Y8058", true, "AS", "AS", "GKV-HAC", "HAC-DFC", 1496907300000],[172, 1496905500000, 1496910900000, "Y3734", true, "XA", "XA", "YPP-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496894400000],[172, 1496881500000, 1496891100000, "Y8154", true, "XA", "XA", "MPT-HAC", "HAC-SPG", 1496873700000],[172, 1496869200000, 1496874600000, "Y8062", true, "AS", "AS", "YPP-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496858700000],[172, 1496852100000, 1496856000000, "0NZJI", true, "ZP", "ZP", "PFO-HAC", "HAC-PFO", 1496836800000],[172, 1496840700000, 1496844300000, "0EGZJ", true, "GI", "GI", "HRM-HAC", "HAC-HRM", 1496826000000],[81, 1496920500000, 1496928300000, "Y8059", true, "AS", "AS", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-YPP", 1496910300000],[81, 1496906400000, 1496910000000, "Y0079", true, "0X", "0X", "SIY-SRZ-HAC", "HAC-KMS", 1496883900000],[81, 1496898900000, 1496902500000, "Y8481", true, "AS", "AS", "GZL-HAC", "HAC-PFO", 1496887800000],[81, 1496890500000, 1496894400000, "Y3620", true, "XA", "XA", "KVP-PLD-HAC", "HAC-YPP", 1496872200000],[81, 1496883000000, 1496886600000, "0ENTK", true, "NR", "NR", "HRM-HAC", "HAC-HRM", 1496869200000],[81, 1496871900000, 1496876100000, "Y8506", true, "SF", "SF", "SZP-HAC", "HAC-OKJ", 1496867100000],[81, 1496841000000, 1496869500000, "Y8523", true, "AS", "AS", "MIG-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496824200000],[122, 1496909100000, 1496916000000, "Y0089", true, "AS", "AS", "KMS-HAC", "HAC-BRS", 1496901000000],[122, 1496898900000, 1496907000000, "Y8119", true, "XA", "XA", "KMS-HAC", "HAC-MPT", 1496889600000],[122, 1496889300000, 1496893200000, "0NZJW", true, "ZP", "ZP", "YPR-HAC", "HAC-YPR", 1496877900000],[122, 1496881200000, 1496885100000, "0NZTN", true, "ZP", "ZP", "PFO-HAC", "HAC-PFO", 1496866200000],[122, 1496869200000, 1496878800000, "Y4328", true, "AS", "AS", "SPG-HAC", "HAC-RXM", 1496853900000],[122, 1496847300000, 1496866800000, "Y1751", true, "0X", "0X", "KMS-HAC", "HAC-SRZ-SIY", 1496836800000],[182, 1496919000000, 1496921700000, "Y3620", true, "XA", "XA", "YPP-HAC", "HAC-SUV", 1496907900000],[182, 1496909100000, 1496912700000, "Y8287", false, "AS", "AS", "HRM-HAC", "HAC-XPT", 1496894400000],[182, 1496898000000, 1496903100000, "Y8506", true, "SF", "SF", "OKJ-HAC", "HAC-CFA", 1496888700000],[182, 1496878200000, 1496889000000, "Y8027", true, "AS", "AS", "DFC-HAC", "HAC-HRM", 1496870100000],[182, 1496848200000, 1496872500000, "Y4477", true, "SF", "SF", "SPG-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496834100000],[182, 1496840400000, 1496842200000, "SHZYA", true, "UW", "UW", "WNP-HAC", "HAC-WNP", 1496827800000],[3, 1496922000000, 1496926800000, "Y8027", true, "AS", "AS", "HRM-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496907000000],[3, 1496908500000, 1496912400000, "Y0086", true, "XA", "XA", "HTM-HAC", "HAC-XAC", 1496899800000],[3, 1496896500000, 1496902200000, "Y3901", true, "XA", "XA", "GKV-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496889000000],[3, 1496883600000, 1496890800000, "Y4654", true, "AS", "AS", "MGT-HAC", "HAC-MIG", 1496874300000],[3, 1496846400000, 1496879400000, "Y3901", true, "XA", "XA", "HBC-HAC", "HAC-GKV", 1496840700000],[127, 1496886300000, 1496886900000, "Y2838", true, "FH", "FH", "CCC-HAC", "HAC-***", 1496880000000],[154, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1737", true, "QW", "QW", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1495659300000],[71, 1496925600000, 1496934000000, "Y6706", true, "A8", "A8", "NUN-HAC", "HAC-STS", 1496923200000],[97, 1496901000000, 1496934000000, "M6666J", true, "QW", "QW", "HBC-HAC", "HAC-SZP", 1496896200000],[136, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1711", true, "A8", "A8", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-HSZ", 1496808000000],[48, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1867", true, "QW", "QW", "KET-HAC", "HAC-PRC", 1496631600000],[110, 1496930700000, 1496934000000, "M433MH", true, "A8", "A8", "SPT-HAC", "HAC-SPT", 1496928900000],[37, 1496858700000, 1496934000000, "M001UZ", true, "QW", "QW", "ZMX-HAC", "HAC-HDZ", 1496824440000],[107, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "YODD", true, "A8", "A8", "KET-HAC", "HAC-NUN", 1496368800000],[83, 1496923200000, 1496934000000, "Y1841", true, "A8", "A8", "NOV-HAC", "HAC-SPT", 1496901600000],[83, 1496840400000, 1496894400000, "Y6719", true, "QW", "QW", "HBC-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496811600000],[167, 1496923200000, 1496934000000, "Y2236", true, "A8", "A8", "ASZ-HAC", "HAC-ASZ", 1496920800000],[167, 1496840400000, 1496894400000, "Y2236", true, "A8", "A8", "QWA-HAC", "HAC-ASZ", 1496830200000],[89, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1732", true, "A8", "A8", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-XGF", 1496822400000],[130, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "M616ZA", true, "A8", "A8", "CHK-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496393700000],[173, 1496884200000, 1496934000000, "M765HZ", true, "A8", "A8", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-CRB", 1496876400000],[103, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1683", true, "TU", "A8", "PDO-HAC", "HAC-MMB", 1495346400000],[80, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "M003NH", true, "A8", "A8", "CRB-HAC", "HAC-NUN", 1496811600000],[31, 1496840400000, 1496934000000, "Y1839", true, "TU", "TU", "KVP-HAC", "HAC-GHM", 1496610000000],[52, 1496887200000, 1496934000000, "Y6724", true, "A8", "A8", "GHM-HAC", "HAC-KVP", 1496876400000]]}


<!-- 使用组件 -->
<gantt-chart ref="ganttChartRef"></gantt-chart>
/* 引入组件 */
const ganttChart = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./ganttEcharts.vue'));





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词嵌入(Word Embedding):自然语言处理的基石

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