使用 Docker-compose 部署达梦 DM 数据库


1. 获取达梦 DM8 Docker 镜像并上传到 Harbor 服务器

2. Docker-compose 部署达梦 DM8 数据库

3. 配置 dm.ini 文件

4.完整的 dm.ini 文件

最近,将 MySQL 数据库迁移到了达梦 DM8 数据库。本文将分享如何通过 Docker-compose 部署达梦 DM8 数据库的过程,包括 Docker 镜像的获取与上传、配置文件的设置以及参数的调整。

1. 获取达梦 DM8 Docker 镜像并上传到 Harbor 服务器

首先,需要从达梦官网下载达梦8的 Docker 镜像:达梦下载页面。下载完成后,将离线镜像加载并推送至自己的 Harbor 服务器,以便使用 Docker-compose 进行管理。

2. Docker-compose 部署达梦 DM8 数据库

下面是 Docker-compose 配置文件 docker-compose.yml 的内容,定义了达梦 DM8 数据库的基本运行环境和参数:

version: '3'
services:dm8:image: xxx(填写你自己的镜像地址)/dm8:20240715container_name: dm8restart: alwaysprivileged: trueenvironment:CASE_SENSITIVE: 0       # 是否区分大小写,0 表示不区分,1 表示区分LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/dmdbms/binPAGE_SIZE: 16EXTENT_SIZE: 32LOG_SIZE: 1024UNICODE_FLAG: 1INSTANCE_NAME: dm8_testports:- "30236:5236"volumes:- ./conf/dm.ini:/opt/dmdbms/conf/dm.ini- ./data:/opt/dmdbms/data
  • CASE_SENSITIVE: 设置为 0 表示不区分大小写,这样可以与现有项目代码兼容。由于原先 MySQL 的字段是小写的,而达梦 DM8 默认使用大写字段名称,所以禁用大小写区分有助于减少迁移过程中的额外工作量。
  • volumes: 挂载 dm.ini 配置文件和数据目录,确保在容器重启后数据不会丢失。
3. 配置 dm.ini 文件

为了保证与 MySQL 的兼容性,主要需要调整 dm.ini 配置文件中的以下参数:


此配置项将达梦 DM8 数据库设置为兼容 MySQL 的模式,从而避免代码修改,提升迁移效率。

4.完整的 dm.ini 文件
#DaMeng Database Server Configuration file
#this is comments#file location of dm.ctlCTL_PATH                        = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG/dm.ctl       #ctl file pathCTL_BAK_PATH                    = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG/ctl_bak     #dm.ctl backup pathCTL_BAK_NUM                     = 10                                          #backup number of dm.ctl, allowed to keep one more backup file besides specified number.SYSTEM_PATH                     = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG                     #system pathCONFIG_PATH                     = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG                     #config pathTEMP_PATH                       = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG                     #temporary file pathBAK_PATH                        = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG/bak             #backup file pathDFS_PATH                        =                                             #path of db_file in dfsBCT_PATH                        = /opt/dmdbms/data/DAMENG                     #BCT file path#instance nameINSTANCE_NAME                   = DM8_TEST                                    #Instance name#memory pool and bufferMAX_OS_MEMORY                   = 100                   #Maximum Percent Of OS MemoryMEMORY_POOL                     = 500                   #Memory Pool Size In MegabyteMEMORY_N_POOLS                  = 1                     #Number of Memory Pool MEMORY_TARGET                   = 15000                 #Memory Share Pool Target Size In MegabyteMEMORY_EXTENT_SIZE              = 32                    #Memory Extent Size In MegabyteMEMORY_LEAK_CHECK               = 0                     #Memory Pool Leak Checking FlagMEMORY_MAGIC_CHECK              = 1                     #Memory Pool Magic Checking FlagHUGEPAGE_THRESHOLD              = 16                    #IF not zero, try using hugepage if allocating size >= threshold * 2MMEMORY_BAK_POOL                 = 4                     #Memory Backup Pool Size In MegabyteHUGE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE          = 50                    #Maximum percent of HUGE buffer that can be allocated to work as common memory poolHUGE_BUFFER                     = 80                    #Initial Huge Buffer Size In MegabytesHUGE_BUFFER_POOLS               = 4                     #number of Huge buffer poolsBUFFER                          = 1000                  #Initial System Buffer Size In MegabytesBUFFER_POOLS                    = 19                    #number of buffer poolsFAST_POOL_PAGES                 = 3000                  #number of pages for fast poolFAST_ROLL_PAGES                 = 1000                  #number of pages for fast roll pagesKEEP                            = 8                     #system KEEP buffer size in MegabytesRECYCLE                         = 300                   #system RECYCLE buffer size in MegabytesRECYCLE_POOLS                   = 19                    #Number of recycle buffer poolsROLLSEG                         = 1                     #system ROLLSEG buffer size in MegabytesROLLSEG_POOLS                   = 19                    #Number of rollseg buffer poolsMULTI_PAGE_GET_NUM              = 1                     #Maximum number of pages for each read of bufferPRELOAD_SCAN_NUM                = 0                     #The number of pages scanned continuously to start preload taskPRELOAD_EXTENT_NUM              = 0                     #The number of clusters preloaded for the first timeSORT_BUF_SIZE                   = 20                    #maximum sort buffer size in MegabytesSORT_BLK_SIZE                   = 1                     #maximum sort blk size in MegabytesSORT_BUF_GLOBAL_SIZE            = 1000                  #maximum global sort buffer size in MegabytesSORT_FLAG                       = 1                     #choose method of sortHAGR_HASH_SIZE                  = 100000                #hash table size for hagrHJ_BUF_GLOBAL_SIZE              = 5000                  #maximum hash buffer size for all hash join in MegabytesHJ_BUF_SIZE                     = 500                   #maximum hash buffer size for single hash join in MegabytesHJ_BLK_SIZE                     = 2                     #hash buffer size allocated each time for hash join in MegabytesHAGR_BUF_GLOBAL_SIZE            = 5000                  #maximum buffer size for all hagr in MegabytesHAGR_BUF_SIZE                   = 500                   #maximum buffer size for single hagr in MegabytesHAGR_BLK_SIZE                   = 2                     #buffer size allocated each time for hagr in MegabytesMTAB_MEM_SIZE                   = 8                     #memory table size in KilobytesFTAB_MEM_SIZE                   = 0                     #file table package size in KilobytesMMT_GLOBAL_SIZE                 = 4000                  #memory map table global size in megabytesMMT_SIZE                        = 0                     #memory map table size in megabytesMMT_FLAG                        = 1                     #ways of storing bdta data in memory map tableDICT_BUF_SIZE                   = 50                    #dictionary buffer size in MegabytesHFS_CACHE_SIZE                  = 160                   #hfs cache size in Megabytes, used in huge horizon table for insert, update,deleteVM_STACK_SIZE                   = 256                   #VM stack size in KilobytesVM_POOL_SIZE                    = 64                    #VM pool size in KilobytesVM_POOL_TARGET                  = 16384                 #VM pool target size in KilobytesSESS_POOL_SIZE                  = 64                    #session pool size in KilobytesSESS_POOL_TARGET                = 16384                 #session pool target size in KilobytesRT_HEAP_TARGET                  = 8192                  #runtime heap target size in KilobytesVM_MEM_HEAP                     = 0                     #Whether to allocate memory to VM from HEAPRFIL_RECV_BUF_SIZE              = 16                    #redo file recover buffer size in MegabytesCOLDATA_POOL_SIZE               = 0                     #coldata pool size for each worker group HAGR_DISTINCT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE   = 10000                 #Size of hagr distinct hash tableCNNTB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE           = 100                   #Size of hash table in connect-by operationGLOBAL_RTREE_BUF_SIZE           = 100                   #The total size of buffer for rtreeSINGLE_RTREE_BUF_SIZE           = 10                    #The size of buffer for single rtreeSORT_OPT_SIZE                   = 0                     #once max memory size of radix sort assist count arrayTSORT_OPT                       = 1                     #minimizing memory allocation during small rowset sorting if possibleDFS_BUF_FLUSH_OPT               = 0                     #Whether to flush buffer page in opt mode for DFS storageBIND_PLN_PERCENT                = 30                    #Maximum percent of bind plan in plan cache poolFBACK_HASH_SIZE                 = 10000                 #hash table size for flashback functionXBOX_MEMORY_TARGET              = 1024                  #Memory target size in Megabyte of XBOX systemLIKE_PATTERN_NUM                = 300                   #The maximum length of like pattern-matchingSORT_BUF_SINGLE_SIZE            = 10000                 #maximum sort operator buffer size in Megabytes#threadWORKER_THREADS                  = 16                    #Number Of Worker ThreadsTASK_THREADS                    = 16                    #Number Of Task ThreadsFAST_RW_LOCK                    = 1                     #Fast Read Write Lock flagSPIN_TIME                       = 4000                  #Spin Time For Threads In MicrosecondsWORK_THRD_STACK_SIZE            = 8192                  #Worker Thread Stack Size In KilobytesWORK_THRD_RESERVE_SIZE          = 256                   #Worker Thread Reserve Stack Size In KilobytesWORKER_CPU_PERCENT              = 0                     #Percent of CPU number special for worker threadNESTED_C_STYLE_COMMENT          = 0                     #flag for C stype nested commentSTHD_FLAG                       = 0                     #Whether to use SQL threads poolSTHD_GRP_NUM                    = 8                     #The number of SQL thread groupsSTHD_THREAD_NUM                 = 8                     #The number of SQL threads initializedTHRDS_POOL_INIT                     = 50                    #Number of threads initialized in threads poolTHRDS_POOL_MAX                     = 300                   #Max number of threads in threads poolPTHD_THRD_POOLS                     = 16                    #Number of thread pools for pthd sys#queryUSE_PLN_POOL                    = 1                     #Query Plan Reuse Mode, 0: Forbidden; 1:strictly reuse, 2:parsing reuse, 3:mixed parsing reuseDYN_SQL_CAN_CACHE               = 1                     #Dynamic SQL cache mode. 0: Forbidden; 1: Allowed if the USE_PLN_POOL is non-zero;VPD_CAN_CACHE                   = 0                     #VPD SQL cache mode. 0: Forbidden; 1: Allowed if the USE_PLN_POOL is non-zero;RS_CAN_CACHE                    = 0                     #Resultset cache mode. 0: Forbidden; 1: Allowed only if the USE_PLN_POOL is non-zero;RS_CACHE_TABLES                 =                       #Tables allowed to enable result set cacheRS_CACHE_MIN_TIME               = 0                     #Least time for resultset to be cachedRS_BDTA_FLAG                    = 0                     #Resultset mode. 0: row; 2: bdta;RS_BDTA_BUF_SIZE                = 32                    #Maximum size of message in Kilobytes for BDTA cursor, it's valid only if RS_BDTA_FLAG is set to 2RS_TUPLE_NUM_LIMIT              = 2000                  #Maximum number for resultset to be cachedRESULT_SET_LIMIT                = 10000                 #Maximum Number Of  cached ResultsetsRESULT_SET_FOR_QUERY            = 0                     #Whether to generate result set for non-query statementSESSION_RESULT_SET_LIMIT        = 10000                 #Maximum number of cached result sets for each session, 0 means unlimitedBUILD_FORWARD_RS                = 0                     #Whether to generate result set for forward only cursorMAX_OPT_N_TABLES                = 6                     #Maximum Number Of Tables For Query OptimizationMAX_N_GRP_PUSH_DOWN             = 5                     #Maximum Number Of Rels For Group push down OptimizationCNNTB_MAX_LEVEL                 = 20000                 #Maximum Level Of Hierarchical QueryCTE_MAXRECURSION                = 100                   #Maximum recursive Level Of Common Expression TableCTE_OPT_FLAG                    = 1                     #Optimize recursive with, 0: false, 1: convert refed subquery to invocationBATCH_PARAM_OPT                 = 0                     #optimize flag for DML with batch binded paramsCLT_CONST_TO_PARAM              = 0                     #Whether to convert constant to parameterLIKE_OPT_FLAG                   = 127                   #the optimized flag of LIKE expression FILTER_PUSH_DOWN                = 2                     #whether push down filter to base tableUSE_MCLCT                       = 2                     #mclct use flag for replace mgat PHF_NTTS_OPT                    = 1                     #phf ntts opt flagMPP_MOTION_SYNC                 = 200                   #mpp motion sync check numberUPD_DEL_OPT                     = 2                     #update&delete opt flag, 0: false, 1: opt, 2: opt & ntts optENABLE_INJECT_HINT              = 0                     #enable inject hintFETCH_PACKAGE_SIZE              = 512                   #command fetch package sizeUPD_QRY_LOCK_MODE               = 0                     #lock mode of FOR UPDATE queryENABLE_DIST_IN_SUBQUERY_OPT     = 0                     #Whether to enable in-subquery optimizationMAX_OPT_N_OR_BEXPS              = 7                     #maximum number of OR bool expressions for query optimizationUSE_HAGR_FLAG                   = 0                     #Whether to use HAGR operator when can't use SAGR operatorDTABLE_PULLUP_FLAG              = 1                     #the flag of pulling up derived tableVIEW_PULLUP_FLAG                = 34                    #the flag of pulling up viewGROUP_OPT_FLAG                  = 60                    #the flag of opt groupFROM_OPT_FLAG                   = 0                     #the flag of opt fromHAGR_PARALLEL_OPT_FLAG          = 4                     #the flag of opt hagr in mpp or parallelHAGR_DISTINCT_OPT_FLAG          = 2                     #the flag of opt hagr distinct in mppREFED_EXISTS_OPT_FLAG           = 1                     #Whether to optimize correlated exists-subquery into non-correlated in-subqueryREFED_OPS_SUBQUERY_OPT_FLAG     = 1                     #Whether to optimize correlated op all/some/all-subquery into exists-subqueryHASH_PLL_OPT_FLAG               = 107                   #the flag of cutting partitioned table when used hash joinPARTIAL_JOIN_EVALUATION_FLAG    = 1                     #Whether to convert join type when upper operator is DISTINCTUSE_FK_REMOVE_TABLES_FLAG       = 1                     #Whether to remove redundant join by taking advantage of foreign key constraintUSE_FJ_REMOVE_TABLE_FLAG        = 1                     #Whether to remove redundant join by taking advantage of filter joiningSLCT_ERR_PROCESS_FLAG           = 0                     #How to handle error when processing single rowMPP_HASH_LR_RATE                = 10                    #The ratio of left child's cost to right child's cost of hash join in MPP environment that can influence the execution planLPQ_HASH_LR_RATE                = 30                    #The ratio of left child's cost to right child's cost of hash join in LPQ environment that can influence the execution planUSE_HTAB                        = 1                     #Whether to use HTAB operator for the whole planSEL_ITEM_HTAB_FLAG              = 0                     #Whether to use HTAB operator for correlated subquery in select itemsOR_CVT_HTAB_FLAG                = 1                     #Whether to use HTAB operator to optimizer or-expressionENHANCED_SUBQ_MERGING           = 3                     #Whether to use merging subquery optCASE_WHEN_CVT_IFUN              = 9                     #Flag of converting subquery in case-when expression to IF operatorOR_NBEXP_CVT_CASE_WHEN_FLAG     = 0                     #Whether to convert or-expression to case-when expressionNONCONST_OR_CVT_IN_LST_FLAG     = 0                     #Whether to convert nonconst or-expression to in lst expressionOUTER_CVT_INNER_PULL_UP_COND_FLAG = 11                  #Whether to pull up join condition when outer join converts to inner joinOPT_OR_FOR_HUGE_TABLE_FLAG      = 0                     #Whether to use HFSEK to optimize or-expression for HUGE tableORDER_BY_NULLS_FLAG             = 0                     #Whether to place NULL values to the end of the result set when in ascending orderSUBQ_CVT_SPL_FLAG               = 1                     #Flag of indicating how to convert correlated subqueryENABLE_RQ_TO_SPL                = 1                     #Whether to convert correlated subquery to SPOOLMULTI_IN_CVT_EXISTS             = 1                     #Whether to convert multi-column-in subquery to exists subqueryPRJT_REPLACE_NPAR               = 1                     #Whether to replace NPAR tree in NSEL after projectionENABLE_RQ_TO_INV                = 0                     #Whether to convert correlated subquery to temporary functionSUBQ_EXP_CVT_FLAG               = 193                   #whether convert refered subquery exp to non-refered subquery expUSE_REFER_TAB_ONLY              = 0                     #Whether to pull down correlated table only when dealing with correlated subqueryREFED_SUBQ_CROSS_FLAG           = 1                     #Whether to replace hash join with cross join for correlated subqueryIN_LIST_AS_JOIN_KEY             = 0                     #Whether to use in-list expression as join keyOUTER_JOIN_FLATING_FLAG         = 1                     #Flag of indicating whether outer join will be flattenedTOP_ORDER_OPT_FLAG              = 5                     #The flag of optimizing the query with the top clause and the order by clauseTOP_ORDER_ESTIMATE_CARD         = 300                   #The estimated card of leaf node when optimize the query with the top clause and the order by clausePLACE_GROUP_BY_FLAG             = 0                     #The flag of optimizing the query with group_by and sfun by clauseTOP_DIS_HASH_FLAG               = 1                     #Flag of disable hash join in TOP-N queryENABLE_RQ_TO_NONREF_SPL         = 1                     #Whether to convert correlated query to non-correlated queryENABLE_CHOOSE_BY_ESTIMATE_FLAG  = 0                     #Whether to choose different plan by estimatingOPTIMIZER_MODE                  = 1                     #Optimizer_modeNEW_MOTION                      = 1                     #New MotionLDIS_NEW_FOLD_FUN               = 0                     #ldis use different fold fun with mdisDYNAMIC_CALC_NODES              = 0                     #different nodes of npln use different nubmer of calc sizes/threadsOPTIMIZER_MAX_PERM              = 7200                  #Optimizer_max permutationsENABLE_INDEX_FILTER             = 1                     #enable index filterOPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING      = 0                     #Dynamic sampling levelTABLE_STAT_FLAG                 = 0                     #How to use stat of tableAUTO_STAT_OBJ                   = 0                     #Flag of automatically collecting statistics and recording DML changing rowsMONITOR_MODIFICATIONS           = 0                     #Flag of monitor statistics and recording DML modificationsMON_CHECK_INTERVAL              = 3600                  #Server flush monitor modifications data to disk intervalNONREFED_SUBQUERY_AS_CONST      = 1                     #Whether to convert non-correlated subquery to constHASH_CMP_OPT_FLAG               = 0                     #Flag of operators that enable optimization with static hash tableOUTER_OPT_NLO_FLAG              = 0                     #Flag of enable index join for those whose right child is not base tableDISTINCT_USE_INDEX_SKIP         = 2                     #Distinct whether to use index skip scanUSE_INDEX_SKIP_SCAN             = 0                     #Whether to use index skip scanINDEX_SKIP_SCAN_RATE            = 0.0025                #Rate in index skip scanSPEED_SEMI_JOIN_PLAN            = 9                     #Flag of speeding up the generating process of semi join planCOMPLEX_VIEW_MERGING            = 2                     #Flag of merging complex view into query without complex viewHLSM_FLAG                       = 1                     #Choose one method to realize hlsm operatorDEL_HP_OPT_FLAG                 = 0                     #Optimize delete for horization partition tableOPTIMIZER_OR_NBEXP              = 29                    #Flag of or-expression optimization methodNPLN_OR_MAX_NODE                = 20                    #Max number of or-expression on join conditionCNNTB_OPT_FLAG                  = 193                   #Optimize hierarchical queryADAPTIVE_NPLN_FLAG              = 3                     #Adaptive nplnMULTI_UPD_OPT_FLAG              = 1                     #Optimize multi column updateMULTI_UPD_MAX_COL_NUM           = 128                   #Max value of column counts when optimize multi column updateENHANCE_BIND_PEEKING            = 0                     #Enhanced bind peekingNBEXP_OPT_FLAG                  = 7                     #Whether to enable optimization for bool expressionsHAGR_HASH_ALGORITHM_FLAG        = 0                     #HAGR hash algorithm choiceDIST_HASH_ALGORITHM_FLAG        = 0                     #Distinct hash algorithm choiceUNPIVOT_OPT_FLAG                = 0                     #Optimize UNPIVOT operatorVIEW_FILTER_MERGING             = 138                   #Flag of merging view filterENABLE_PARTITION_WISE_OPT       = 1                     #whether enable partition-wise optimizationOPT_MEM_CHECK                   = 0                     #reduce search space when out of memoryENABLE_JOIN_FACTORIZATION       = 1                     #Whether to enable join factorizationEXPLAIN_SHOW_FACTOR             = 1                     #factor of explainERROR_COMPATIBLE_FLAG           = 0                     #enable/disable specified errors to be compatible with previous versionENABLE_NEST_LOOP_JOIN_CACHE     = 0                     #whether enable cache temporary result of nest loop join childENABLE_TABLE_EXP_REF_FLAG       = 1                     #Whether allow table expression to reference brother tablesBIND_PARAM_OPT_FLAG             = 3                     #flag of optimizer bind parameterVIEW_OPT_FLAG                   = 1                     #flag of optimize viewSORT_ADAPTIVE_FLAG              = 0                     #sort buf adaptiveDPC_OPT_FLAG                    = 131071                #optimizer control for DPCDPC_SYNC_STEP                   = 16                    #dpc motion sync check stepDPC_SYNC_TOTAL                  = 0                     #dpc motion sync check totalXBOX_DUMP_THRESHOLD             = 0                     #The xbox_sys mem used threshold of dump xbox_msgSTMT_XBOX_REUSE                 = 1                     #Xbox resuse flag on statementXBOX_SHORT_MSG_SIZE             = 1024                  #The xbox_sys short message threshold of dump xbox_msgMAX_HEAP_SIZE                   = 0                     #Maximum heap size in megabyte allowed to use during analysis phasePLAN_OP_FLAG                    = 0                     #flag of disabled plan operatorDUAL_ENABLE_SELECT              = 1                     #Enable select dual/sysdual/sysdual2 in mount status. 0: no, 1: yes.LOAD_BINDED_PLN                 = 0                     #Whether to load binded planFORALL_OPT                      = 1                     #Whether to optimize FORALL statementsHASH_OPT_FLAG                   = 1                     #Flag of operators that enable optimization with hash tableSFUN_PUSH_DOWN_FLAG             = 1                     #sfun push down flagSKIP_CORRUPT_PAGE              = 0                    #Policy for dealing with corrupt pages, 0: raise an error, 1: skip themAUTO_GEN_PLAN                   = 0                     #Maximum try times for iterating adaptive ini to generate pln; 0 means never tryMAX_SCAN_PAGES                  = 32                    #Maximum scan pages per data fillXBOX_SPACE_LIMIT             = 0                     #Disk space limit of one xbox's all dump filesXBOXS_SPACE_LIMIT            = 0                     #Disk space limit of all xbox's dump files#checkpointCKPT_RLOG_SIZE                  = 1024                  #Checkpoint Rlog Size, 0: Ignore; else: Generate With Redo Log SizeCKPT_DIRTY_PAGES                = 0                     #Checkpoint Dirty Pages, 0: Ignore; else: Generate With Dirty PagesCKPT_INTERVAL                   = 180                   #Checkpoint Interval In SecondsCKPT_FLUSH_RATE                 = 5.00                  #Checkpoint Flush Rate(0.0-100.0)CKPT_FLUSH_PAGES                = 1000                  #Minimum number of flushed pages for checkpointsCKPT_WAIT_PAGES                 = 1024                  #Maximum number of pages flushed for checkpointsFORCE_FLUSH_PAGES               = 8                     #number of periodic flushed pagesENABLE_CKPT_EVENT_TRIG          = 0                     #Whether enable checkpoint event trigger, 0: disable; 1: enable#IODIRECT_IO                       = 0                     #Flag For Io Mode(Non-Windows Only), 0: Using File System Cache; 1: Without Using File System CacheIO_THR_GROUPS                   = 8                     #The Number Of Io Thread Groups(Non-Windows Only)HIO_THR_GROUPS                  = 2                     #The Number Of Huge Io Thread Groups(Non-Windows Only)FIL_CHECK_INTERVAL              = 0                     #Check file interval in Second,0 means no_check(Non-Windows Only)FAST_EXTEND_WITH_DS             = 1                     #How To Extend File's Size (Non-Windows Only), 0: Extend File With Hole; 1: Extend File With Disk SpaceFIL_CHECK_MODE                  = 0                     #Whether to halt when system file doesn't exist, 0:no_halt, 1:halt(Non-Windows Only)#databaseMAX_SESSIONS                    = 10000                 #Maximum number of concurrent sessionsMAX_CONCURRENT_TRX              = 0                     #Maximum number of concurrent transactionsCONCURRENT_DELAY                = 16                    #Delay time in seconds for concurrent controlTRX_VIEW_SIZE                   = 512                   #The buffer size of local transaction ids in TRX_VIEWTRX_VIEW_MODE                   = 1                     #The transaction view mode, 0: Active ids snap; 1: Recycled id arrayTRX_CMTARR_SIZE                 = 10                    #The size of transaction commitment status array in 1MMAX_SESSION_STATEMENT           = 10000                 #Maximum number of statement handles for each sessionMAX_SESSION_MEMORY              = 0                     #Maximum memory(In Megabytes) a single session can useMAX_CONCURRENT_OLAP_QUERY       = 0                     #Maximum number of concurrent OLAP queriesBIG_TABLE_THRESHHOLD            = 1000                  #Threshold value of a big table in 10kMAX_EP_SITES                    = 64                    #Maximum number of EP sites for MPPPORT_NUM                        = 5236                  #Port number on which the database server will listenLISTEN_IP                       =                       #IP address from which the database server can acceptFAST_LOGIN                      = 2                     #Whether to log information without loginDDL_AUTO_COMMIT                 = 1                     #ddl auto commit mode, 0: not auto commit; 1: auto commitCOMPRESS_MODE                   = 0                     #Default Compress Mode For Tables That Users Created, 0: Not Compress; 1: CompressPK_WITH_CLUSTER                 = 0                     #Default Flag For Primary Key With Cluster, 0: Non-Cluster; 1: ClusterEXPR_N_LEVEL                    = 200                   #Maximum nesting levels for expressionN_PARSE_LEVEL                   = 100                   #Maximum nesting levels for parsing objectMAX_SQL_LEVEL                   = 500                   #Maximum nesting levels of VM stack frame for sqlBDTA_SIZE                       = 300                   #batch data processing size.SIZE OF BDTA(1-10000)OLAP_FLAG                       = 2                     #OLAP FLAG, 1 means enable olapJOIN_HASH_SIZE                  = 500000                #the hash table size for hash joinUSE_DHASH_FLAG                  = 0                     #use dhash flag: 0 means use static hash; 1,2,3 means use dynamic hashHFILES_OPENED                   = 256                   #maximum number of files can be opened at the same time for huge tableISO_IGNORE                      = 0                     #ignore isolation level flagTEMP_SIZE                       = 10                    #temporary file size  in MegabytesTEMP_SPACE_LIMIT                = 0                     #temp space limit in megabytesFILE_TRACE                      = 0                     #Whether to log operations of database filesCOMM_TRACE                      = 0                     #Whether to log warning information of communicationERROR_TRACE                     = 0                     #Whether to log error information, 1: NPAR ERRORCACHE_POOL_SIZE                 = 100                   #SQL buffer size in megabytesPLN_DICT_HASH_THRESHOLD         = 20                    #Threshold in megabytes for plan dictionary hash table creatingSTAT_COLLECT_SIZE               = 10000                 #minimum collect size in rows for statisticsSTAT_ALL                        = 0                     #if collect all the sub-tables of a partition tablePHC_MODE_ENFORCE                = 0                     #join modeENABLE_HASH_JOIN                = 1                     #enable hash joinENABLE_INDEX_JOIN               = 1                     #enable index joinENABLE_MERGE_JOIN               = 1                     #enable merge joinMPP_INDEX_JOIN_OPT_FLAG         = 1                     #enhance index inner join in mppMPP_NLI_OPT_FLAG                = 1                     #enhance nest loop inner join in mppMAX_PARALLEL_DEGREE             = 1                     #Maximum degree of parallel queryPARALLEL_POLICY                 = 0                     #Parallel policyPARALLEL_THRD_NUM               = 10                    #Thread number for parallel taskPARALLEL_MODE_COMMON_DEGREE     = 1                     #the common degree of parallel query for parallel-modePUSH_SUBQ                       = 0                     #Whether to push down semi join for correlated subqueryOPTIMIZER_AGGR_GROUPBY_ELIM     = 1                     #Whether to attempt to eliminate group-by aggregationsUPD_TAB_INFO                    = 0                     #Whether to update table info when startupENABLE_IN_VALUE_LIST_OPT        = 518                   #Flag of optimization methods for in-list expressionENHANCED_BEXP_TRANS_GEN         = 3                     #Whether to enable enhanced transitive closure of boolean expressionsENABLE_DIST_VIEW_UPDATE         = 0                     #whether view with distinct can be updatedSTAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED     = 0                     #Whether to enable star transformation for star join queriesMONITOR_INDEX_FLAG              = 0                     #monitor index flagAUTO_COMPILE_FLAG               = 1                     #Whether to compile the invalid objects when loading RAISE_CASE_NOT_FOUND            = 0                     #Whether raise CASE_NOT_FOUND exception for no case item matched FIRST_ROWS                      = 100                   #maximum number of rows when first returned to clientsLIST_TABLE                      = 0                     #Whether to convert tables to LIST tables when createdENABLE_SPACELIMIT_CHECK         = 1                     #flag for the space limit check, 0: disable 1: enableBUILD_VERTICAL_PK_BTREE         = 0                     #Whether to build physical B-tree for primary key on huge tablesBDTA_PACKAGE_COMPRESS           = 0                     #Whether to compress BDTA packagesHFINS_PARALLEL_FLAG             = 0                     #Flag of parallel policy for inserting on huge tableHFINS_MAX_THRD_NUM              = 100                   #Maximum number of parallel threads that responsible for inserting on huge tableLINK_CONN_KEEP_TIME             = 15                    #Max idle time in minute for DBLINK before being closedDETERMIN_CACHE_SIZE             = 5                     #deterministic function results cache size(M)NTYPE_MAX_OBJ_NUM               = 1000000               #Maximum number of objects and strings in composite data typeCTAB_SEL_WITH_CONS              = 0                     #Whether to build constraints when creating table by queryHLDR_BUF_SIZE                   = 8                     #HUGE table fast loader buffer size in MegabytesHLDR_BUF_TOTAL_SIZE             = 4294967294            #HUGE table fast loader buffer total size in MegabytesHLDR_REPAIR_FLAG                = 0                     #Flag of repairing huge table after exception, 0: NO 1: YESHLDR_FORCE_COLUMN_STORAGE       = 1                     #Whether force column storage for last section data, 0: NO 1: YESHLDR_FORCE_COLUMN_STORAGE_PERCENT = 80                  #Minimum percent of unfully section data for huge force column storageHLDR_HOLD_RATE                  = 1.50                  #THE minimum rate to hold hldr of column number(1-65535)HLDR_MAX_RATE                   = 2                     #THE minimum rate to create hldr of column number(2-65535)HUGE_ACID                       = 0                     #Flag of concurrent mechanism for HUGE tablesHUGE_STAT_MODE                  = 2                     #Flag of default stat mode when create huge table, 0:NONE 1:NORMAL 2:ASYNCHRONOUSHFS_CHECK_SUM                   = 1                     #Whether to check sum val for hfs dataHBUF_DATA_MODE                  = 0                     #Whether to uncompress and decrypt data before read into HUGE bufferDBLINK_OPT_FLAG                 = 509                   #optimize dblink query flagELOG_REPORT_LINK_SQL            = 0                     #Whether to write the SQLs that sent to remote database by DBLINKs into error log fileDBLINK_LOB_LEN                  = 8                     #BLOB/TEXT buffer size(KB) for dblinkFILL_COL_DESC_FLAG              = 0                     #Whether to return columns description while database returns resultsBTR_SPLIT_MODE                  = 1                     #Split mode for BTREE leaf, 0: split half and half, 1: split at insert pointTS_RESERVED_EXTENTS             = 64                    #Number of reserved extents for each tablespace when startupTS_SAFE_FREE_EXTENTS            = 512                   #Number of free extents which considered as safe value for each tablespaceTS_MAX_ID                       = 8192                  #Maximum ID value for tablespaces in databaseTS_FIL_MAX_ID                   = 2048                  #Maximum ID value for files in tablespaceDECIMAL_FIX_STORAGE             = 0                     #Whether convert decimal data to fixed length storageSAVEPOINT_LIMIT                 = 512                   #The upper limit of savepoint in a transactionSQL_SAFE_UPDATE_ROWS            = 0                     #Maximum rows can be effected in an update&delete statementENABLE_HUGE_SECIND              = 1                     #Whether support huge second index, 0: disable, 1: enableTRXID_UNCOVERED                 = 0                     #Whether disable scanning 2nd index only when pseudo column trxid used, 0: disable, 1: enableLOB_MAX_INROW_LEN               = 900                   #Max lob data inrow lenRS_PRE_FETCH                    = 0                     #Whether enable result pre-fetchDFS_PAGE_FLUSH_VALIDATE         = 1                     #Whether enable validate page when flush in DDFSGEN_SQL_MEM_RECLAIM             = 1                     #Whether reclaim memory space after generating each SQL's planTIMER_TRIG_CHECK_INTERVAL       = 60                    #Server check timer trigger intervalDFS_HUGE_SUPPORT                = 1                     #Whether support huge table operation in DDFSINNER_INDEX_DDL_SHOW            = 1                     #Whether to show inner index ddl.HP_STAT_SAMPLE_COUNT            = 50                    #Max sample count when stating on horizon partitionsMAX_SEC_INDEX_SIZE              = 16384                 #Maximum size of second indexUSE_FORALL_ATTR                 = 0                     #Whether to use cursor attributes of FORALL statementsALTER_TABLE_OPT                 = 0                     #Whether to optimize ALTER TABLE operation(add, modify or drop column)ENHANCE_RECLAIM                 = 1                     #Whether enhance class instancesENABLE_PMEM                     = 0                     #Whether allow to  use  persistent memoryHP_TAB_COUNT_PER_BP             = 1                     #hash partition count per BP when use DEFAULTSQC_GI_NUM_PER_TAB              = 1                     #sqc_gi_num_per_tabHP_DEF_LOCK_MODE                = 0                     #Default lock mode for partition table. 0:lock root, 1: lock partitionsCODE_CONVERSE_MODE              = 1                     #judge how dblink do with incomplete str bytes, 1 represents report err, 0 represents discard incomplete bytesDBLINK_USER_AS_SCHEMA           = 1                     #Whether use login name as default schema name for dblinkCTAB_MUST_PART                  = 0                     #Whether to create partition user tableCTAB_WITH_LONG_ROW              = 0                     #Default Flag of using long row for create tableTMP_DEL_OPT                     = 1                     #delete opt flag for temporary table, 0: false, 1: optLOGIN_FAIL_TRIGGER              = 0                     #Whether support trigger when login failedINDEX_PARALLEL_FILL             = 0                     #Enable index parallel fill rowsCIND_CHECK_DUP                  = 0                     #Check index and unique constraint duplicates, 0: index same type and key is forbidden and ignore check unique constraint; 1: index same key is forbidden and check unique constraintTSMV_RAFIL_SIZE                 = 64                    #Max size(Mbytes) of temporary archive file for tablespace move on dpcHUGE_ENABLE_DEL_UPD             = 1                     #Whether huge table enable delete or update, 0: disable update/delete; 1: enable update/delete; 2: disable update; 3: disable deleteHUGE_DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE          = 64                    #Default file size for huge tableHUGE_DEFAULT_SECTION_SIZE       = 65536                 #Default section size for huge tableENABLE_CS_CVT                   = 0                     #the ifun cvt function, if opened,can convert str from one charset to anotherHUGE_DEFAULT_FILE_INIT_SIZE     = 1                     #Default file inital size for huge tableTSMV_WAIT_TIMEOUT               = 120                   #Deadline(Second) for dpc_tsmv_lock_table_dictSTAT_OPT_FLAG                   = 0                     #new way to implement statALLOWED_CLIENT_VERSIONS         =                       #Client version(s) allowed to connectCSEK2_CHECK_LOCK                = 0                     #Whether check lock when simple mpln doing csek2DPC_DCT_REFRESH_POLICY          = 1                     #DPC dct info refresh policy: with tick check or notHANDLE_WARN_RATE                = 75                    #handle used warning rateCLOB_MAX_IFUN_LEN               = 20971520              #Max length of source clob for ifunMAX_UNCOMPRESS_RATIO            = 100                   #Max uncompress ratioMAX_UNCOMPRESS_LENGTH           = 1024                  #Max uncompress length(MB)ENET_SESS_CHECK_INTERVAL        = 10                    #ENET check session interval when mp not in serviceDPC_TABLESPACE_BALANCE          = 1                     #Enable DPC load balance by tablespaceCYT_CHECK_FLAG                  = 0                     #Whether check encrypt and decryptTS_FIL_USE_ABSOLUTE_PATH        = 0                     #Data file must use absolute directory when creating tablespace or adding fileLIST_TABLE_BRANCH               = 0                     #concurrent branch number when list_table openLIST_TABLE_NON_BRANCH           = 0                     #non-concurrent branch number when list_table openDHASH3_MAX_CONFLICT             = 4                     #Maximum conflict on each cell with dynamic hash3 tableDHASH3_SIZE_EXTEND_FACTOR       = 5                     #Expansion factor when dynamically extending hash tableDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT            =                       #Patterns to map primary database files to standby database filesHFI_HP_MODE                     = 1                     #Lock mode when hfi process partiton table.0:lock partitions,1:lock rootTRC_LOG_MODULE                  = ALL                   #Trace log module configDPC_GUP_SESS_TIMEOUT            = 180                   #Deadline(Second) for sessions to disconnect from upgrade SPTS_AUTO_EXTEND_SIZE             = 64                    #The size to automatically extend for a tablespaceINI_SYNC                        = 1                     #Whether sync ini parameter from primary nodeTRUNC_CHECK_MODE                = 0                     #How to check table truncate, 0:check by root table; 1:check by subpartition table; 2:check by indexPAGE_CHECK_POLICY               = 1                     #Policy to choose when database page check failed, 0: IGNORE, 1:HALTSTAT_CACHE_FLAG                 = 1                     #cache stat on spFAST_START_MTTR_TARGET          = 0                     #The number of seconds the database takes to perform crash recovery of a single instance.TSMV_FILE_COPY_PLL              = 1                     #Parallel degree of file copyingTSMV_SEND_BUF_SIZE              = 4                     #Send buffer size of tablespace moving in MbytesDEFAULT_FILLFACTOR              = 0                     #default fillfactor valueSHADOW_CHECK_INTERVAL           = 60                    #Raft shadow node archivelog thread check intervalPL_SQL_STRIP                    = 0                     #Combination value for strip SQL from, 0:No, 1:PL, 2:PROC&FUNC, 4:PKG&OBJ, 8:TRIG, 16:ORG_SQL, 32:MERGE INTOWM_CONCAT_LOB                   = 1                     #Whether to return CLOB value for function wm_concatCHECK_CONS_NAME                 = 1                     #Whether to check the constraint name when create or rename a constraintMAX_LINK_SESSIONS               = 10000                 #Maximum number of DBLINK concurrent sessionsPKG_BUILD_WAIT_TIME             = 5                     #Maximum waiting time in seconds for pkg buildPTX_ROLLBACK                    = 0                     #Whether to support ptx rollback, 0:no, 1:yesLOB_READ_LOCK                    = 1                     #Whether to lock table when reading lobDSC_QUOTA_RELOAD_INTERVAL       = 5                     #The quota of tablespace reload interval in DSC. (1 ~ 60)AUDIT_FLUSH_LEVEL               = 0                     #Level to flush audit record, 0: flush by statement; 1: flush by transaction; 2: flush delay. default is 0SUBSCRIBE_BUF_SIZE              = 8                     #Buffer size in Mbytes for subscribe logSUBSCRIBE_LOG_THRESHOLD         = 256                   #Threshold in MBytes per second for subscribe log on sourceVM_PINST_COUNT                  = 10                    #How many package instances can be cached on stackframeINSTRUCT_COMBINE                = 0                     #Whether to combine instructions for some complex expressionsMAX_ESESSIONS                   = 100000                #Maximum number of esessions, 0 means unlimitedPARALLEL_THRD_TARGET            = 0                     #Maximum thread number for parallel task, 0 means unlimitedPOOL_CLEAR_FLAG                 = 0                     #free all memory when pool clear(1) or save extend blk in target(0)PL_SQL_STRIP_VERSION            = 200                   #Support version for PL_SQL_STRIPIPV6_LSNR                       = 1                     #Whether to listen to ipv6, 0: not listen, 1: listenDBLINK_HEALTH_CHECK             = 1                     #DBLINK connection health check, 0:no check, 1: lightweight check, 2: heavyweight checkPTX_BI_PERCENTAGE                = 50                    #Percentage of pages allocated from recycle pool for ptx bi registerGEO2_CONS_CHECK                  = 0                    #Whether to check geom/geog column during constraint detectionLOCK_DICT_HASH_SIZE            = 1024                  #Hash size for lock systemDEFAULT_HASHPARTMAP             = 1                     #Default HASHPARTMAP value when create HASH partition tableODCI_DEF_FETCH_NUM              = 300                   #Set pipelined using func fetch numDPC_RW                          = 0                     #Whether enable DPC read/write separate, 0:false; 1:default leader; 2:default follower.DPC_RWPERCENT                   = 100                   #Read transaction percent of using standby instance when DPC read/write separate.DPC_RW_SWITCH                   = 0                     #Whether transaction read_policy can switch when DPC read/write separate, 0:false; 1:switch each sql; 2:switch each request.USER_READ_ONLY_MODE             = 0                     #Whether to disable read-only user to set the session as non read-only. 0:no; 1:yes. default:0.SQLTUNE_CATEGORY               = DEFAULT               #The category of SQL profiles that take effect in the sessionENABLE_FAST_REFCURSOR           = 1                     #Whether to enable fast refcursorENET_MODE                      = 0                     #Enet site manager mode, 0:leader site only; 1:all sites.DPC_RW_ROUTE                   = 1                     #DPC read/write separate route policy.HUGE_UNIQUE_CHECK              = 0                    #whether to check uniqueness of unique index key(s) in huge table, 0:no, 1:yes.PLN_INDEPENDENT                 = 1                     #Whether to build independent plan without refering plans of refering objectsDEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION       = 0                      #Whether enable default defered segment creationRAFT_EXIT_TIMEOUT               = 30                   #Raft Database exit self timeoutCONN_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL       = 0                     #Connection heart beat interval. 0: off.CONN_HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT        = 0                     #Connection heart beat timeout. 0: off.MAX_CLTN_MEM_SIZE               = 4096                  #Max cltn mem size, default is 4 * 1024 M MERGE_OPT_FLAG                  = 0                     #merge into opt flagTMP_OPT_POLICY                       = 1                   #Whether to enable temp_table optimization policy, 0: no, 1: yesUPDATE_OPT_FLAG                 = 0                     #Optimize flag for UPDATE#pre-loadLOAD_TABLE                      =                       #need to pre-load tableLOAD_HTABLE                     =                       #need to pre-load htable#client cacheCLT_CACHE_TABLES                =                       #Tables that can be cached in client#redo logRLOG_BUF_SIZE                   = 1024                  #The Number Of Log Pages In One Log BufferRLOG_POOL_SIZE                  = 256                   #Redo Log Pool Size In MegabyteRLOG_PARALLEL_ENABLE            = 1                     #Whether to enable database to write redo logs in parallel modeRLOG_IGNORE_TABLE_SET           = 1                     #Whether ignore table setRLOG_APPEND_LOGIC               = 0                     #Type of logic records in redo logsRLOG_APPEND_SYSTAB_LOGIC        = 0                     #Whether to write logic records of system tables in redo logs when RLOG_APPEND_LOGIC is set as 1RLOG_SAFE_SPACE                 = 256                   #Free redo log size in megabytes that can be considered as a save valueRLOG_RESERVE_THRESHOLD          = 0                     #Redo subsystem try to keep the used space of online redo less than this targetRLOG_RESERVE_SIZE               = 8192                  #Number of reserved redo log pages for each operationRLOG_SEND_APPLY_MON             = 64                    #Monitor recently send or apply rlog_buf infoRLOG_COMPRESS_LEVEL             = 0                     #The redo compress level,value in [0,10],0:do not compressRLOG_ENC_CMPR_THREAD            = 4                     #The redo log thread number of encrypt and compress task,value in [1,64],default 4RLOG_PKG_SEND_ECPR_ONLY         = 0                     #Only send encrypted or compressed data to standby instance without original dataDFS_RLOG_SEND_POLICY            = 1                     #DFS rlog send policy, 0: sync; 1:asyncRLOG_HASH_NAME                  =                       #The name of the hash algorithm used for Redo logDPC_LOG_INTERVAL                = 0                     #Only MP is valid, control MP broadcasts generating logs of specific DW type regularly, value range (0,86400), the unit is in seconds, and the value of 0 means not to generateRLOG_PKG_SEND_NUM               = 1                     #Need wait standby database's response message after the number of rlog packages were sentRLOG_RAFT_NEED_WAIT             = 3                     #Whether to wait for sending RAFT rlog package when standby database is accumulatedRLOG_RAFT_WAIT_TIME             = 1000                  #Waiting time of sending RAFT rlog package when standby database is accumulatedRLOG_SYNC_MODE                  = 0                     #Redo log sync mode for primary, 0: need suspend when sync failed; 1: no need suspend when sync failed.LOG_FILE_POSTFIX_NAME           = log                   #The postfix name of archive log fileRLOG_PKG_PAGE_CRC               = 0                     #Whether set crc for every 4k data of rpkgRLOG_PKG_SEND_TIME              = 0                     #Time to check async standby database's response in seconds, 0: not checkRLOG_LLOG_UPD_TO_DEL_INS        = 0                      #While updating from one partition to another, logic log is update or delete+insert; 0: update, 1: delete+insertRLOG_LLOG_COMPRESS            = 0                     #Whether to compress logic log, 0: not compress, 1: compressLOGMNR_PARSE_LOB               = 0                    #Whether to parse LOB logic log using DBMS_LOGMNR, 0: FALSE, 1: TRUE#redo redosREDO_PWR_OPT                    = 1                     #Whether to enable PWR optimization when system restarted after failureREDO_IGNORE_DB_VERSION          = 0                     #Whether to check database version while database is redoing logsREDO_BUF_SIZE                   = 64                    #The max buffer size of rlog redo In MegabyteREDOS_BUF_SIZE                  = 1024                  #The max buffer size of rlog redo for standby In MegabyteREDOS_MAX_DELAY                 = 1800                  #The permitted max delay for one rlog buf redo on standby In SecondREDOS_BUF_NUM                   = 4096                  #The max apply rlog buffer num of standbyREDOS_PARALLEL_NUM              = 1                     #The parallel redo thread numREDOS_ENABLE_SELECT             = 1                     #Enable select for standbyREDOS_FILE_PATH_POLICY          = 0                     #Data files' path policy when standby instance applies CREATE TABLESPACE redo log. 0:use the same file name under system path, 1:use the same file path under the system pathREDOS_PAGE_CRC_CHECK            = 0                     #Whether check page crc, 0:NO, 1:YES#transactionISOLATION_LEVEL                 = 1                     #Default Transaction Isolation Level, 1: Read Commited; 3: SerializableDDL_WAIT_TIME                   = 10                    #Maximum waiting time in seconds for DDLsBLDR_WAIT_TIME                  = 10                    #Maximum waiting time in seconds for BLDRMPP_WAIT_TIME                   = 10                    #Maximum waiting time in seconds for locks on MPPFAST_RELEASE_SLOCK              = 1                     #Whether to release share lock as soon as possibleSESS_CHECK_INTERVAL             = 3                     #Interval time in seconds for checking status of sessionsLOCK_TID_MODE                   = 1                     #Lock mode for select-for-update operationLOCK_TID_UPGRADE                = 0                     #Upgrade tid lock to X mode, 0:no, 1:yesNOWAIT_WHEN_UNIQUE_CONFLICT     = 0                     #Whether to return immediately when unique constraint violation conflict happensUNDO_EXTENT_NUM                 = 4                     #Number of initial undo extents for each worker threadMAX_DE_TIMEOUT                  = 10                    #Maximum external function wait time in SecondsTRX_RLOG_WAIT_MODE              = 0                     #Trx rlog wait modeTRANSACTIONS                    = 75                    #Maximum number of concurrent transactionsMVCC_RETRY_TIMES                = 5                     #Maximum retry times while MVCC conflicts happenMVCC_PAGE_OPT                   = 1                     #Page visible optimize for MVCCENABLE_FLASHBACK                = 0                     #Whether to enable flashback functionUNDO_RETENTION                  = 90.000                #Maximum retention time in seconds for undo pages since relative transaction is committedPARALLEL_PURGE_FLAG             = 0                     #flag for parallel purge of undo logsPSEG_RECV                       = 3                     #Whether to rollback active transactions and purge committed transactions when system restarts after failureENABLE_IGNORE_PURGE_REC         = 2                     #Whether to ignore purged records when returning -7120ENABLE_TMP_TAB_ROLLBACK         = 1                     #enable temp table rollbackROLL_ON_ERR                     = 0                     #Rollback mode on Error, 0: rollback current statement 1: rollback whole transactionXA_TRX_IDLE_TIME                = 60                    #Xa transaction idle timeXA_TRX_LIMIT                    = 1024                  #Maximum number of Xa transactionLOB_MVCC                        = 1                     #Whether LOB access in MVCC modeLOCK_DICT_OPT                   = 2                     #lock dict optimizeTRX_DICT_LOCK_NUM               = 64                    #Maximum ignorable dict lock numberDEADLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL         = 1000                  #Time interval of deadlock checkCOMMIT_WRITE                    = IMMEDIATE,WAIT        #wait means normal commit; nowait may speed up commit, but may not assure ACID,immediate,batch just support syntax parsingDPC_2PC                         = 1                     #enable two-phase commit for dpc, 0: disable, 1: enable, 2/3: use snap_seq cache, 5: use local cmt_seq, 6/7: use both snap_seq cache and local cmt_seqSWITCH_CONN                     = 0                     #switch connect flagUNDO_BATCH_FAST                 = 0                     #Whether to undo batch insert fastFLDR_LOCK_RETRY_TIMES           = 0                     #Maximum retry times while MVCC conflicts happenDPC_TRX_TIMEOUT                 = 10                    #Maximum trx waiting time in seconds for DPCSESSION_READONLY                = 0                     #session readonly parameter valueDSC_LBS_REVOKE_DELAY            = 0                     #LBS revoke delaySELECT_LOCK_MODE                = 0                     #Whether to use operator lock modeENABLE_SEC_RPTR                 = 0                     #Whether to append roll address in secondary indexFINS_UNDO_OPT                   = 1                     #Whether to undo fast insert in optimal mode, 0:no, 1:yesPLSQL_AUTO_COMMIT                = 0                     #Whether to commit the transaction after each statement in plsqlTRX_VIEW_POLICY                 = 0                     #Transactions view policy: 0: sqls in plsql will not refresh transactions view; 1: each sql in plsql will refresh transactions viewHP_DDL_LOCK_MODE                = 0                     #DDL lock policy of horization partition tableUNDO_SPACE                     = 0                     #Maximum UNDO space (in Gigabyte) should committed transactions usedRECYCLEBIN                      = 0                     #Whether to enable recycle bin, 0:disable 1:drop can use recycle bin 2:drop and truncate can use recycle bin.RECYCLEBIN_RETENTION            = 0                     #Maximum retention time of objects in the recycle binDDL_PURGE_POLICY                = 0                     #Whether to purge DDL trx immediately, 0:no, 1:yesENABLE_ENCRYPT                  = 0                     #Encrypt Mode For Communication, 0: Without Encryption; 1: SSL Encryption; 2: Only SSL Authentication; 3: GmSSLCLIENT_UKEY                     = 0                     #Client ukey, 0: all, active by Client; 1: Force client ukey AuthenticationMIN_SSL_VERSION                 = 771                   #SSL minimum version For Communication, For example, 0: all, 0x0301: TLSv1, 0x0302: TLSv1.1, 0x0303: TLSv1.2, 0x0304: TLSv1.3ENABLE_UDP                      = 0                     #Enable udp For Communication, 0: disable; 1: single; 2: multiUDP_MAX_IDLE                    = 15                    #Udp max waiting time in secondUDP_BTU_COUNT                   = 8                     #Count of udp batch transfer unitsENABLE_IPC                      = 0                     #Enable ipc for communication, 0: disable; 1: enableAUDIT_FILE_FULL_MODE            = 3                     #operation mode when audit file is full,1: delete old file; 2: no longer to write audit records 3: Combination of 1 and 2AUDIT_SPACE_LIMIT               = 8192                  #audit space limit in MegabytesAUDIT_MAX_FILE_SIZE             = 100                   #maximum audit file size in MegabytesAUDIT_IP_STYLE                  = 0                     #IP style in audit record, 0: IP, 1: IP(hostname), default 0MSG_COMPRESS_TYPE               = 2                     #Flag of message compression modeLDAP_HOST                       =                       #LDAP Server ipCOMM_ENCRYPT_NAME               =                       #Communication encrypt name, if it is null then the communication is not encryptedCOMM_VALIDATE                   = 1                     #Whether to validate messageMESSAGE_CHECK                   = 0                     #Whether to check message bodyEXTERNAL_JFUN_PORT              = 6363                  #DmAgent port for external java fun. EXTERNAL_AP_PORT                = 4236                  #DmAp port for external fun.ENABLE_PL_SYNONYM               = 0                     #Whether try to resolve PL object name by synonym. FORCE_CERTIFICATE_ENCRYPTION    = 0                     #Whether to encrypt login user name and password use certificateREGEXP_MATCH_PATTERN            = 0                     #Regular expression match pattern, 0: support non-greedy match; 1: only support greedy matchUNIX_SOCKET_PATHNAME            =                       #Unix socket pathname.TCP_ACK_TIMEOUT                 = 0                     #TCP ack timeout valueRESOURCE_FLAG                   = 0                     #Flag of user's resources, 1: reset session connecting time with secondAUTH_ENCRYPT_NAME               =                       #User password encrypt nameIPV6_ZID_FLAG                   = 1                     #To use the auto NIC-adaption of ipv6 link-local or not, 0: No; 1: YesIPV6_ZID                        =                       #The NIC Zone id to use in connectionGRANT_SCHEMA                    = 0                     #Whether to allow to grant to schemaEFC_USE_AP                      = 1                     #Whether to use AP when call external cfunPASSWORD_VERIFICATION           = 0                    #Mode of password verification, 0: default, 1: replace#compatibilityBACKSLASH_ESCAPE                = 0                     #Escape Mode For Backslash, 0: Not Escape; 1: EscapeSTR_LIKE_IGNORE_MATCH_END_SPACE = 1                     #Whether to ignore end space of strings in like clauseCLOB_LIKE_MAX_LEN               = 10240                 #Maximum length in kilobytes of CLOB data that can be filtered by like clauseEXCLUDE_DB_NAME                 =                       #THE db names which DM7 server can excludeMS_PARSE_PERMIT                 = 0                     #Whether to support SQLSERVER's parse styleCOMPATIBLE_MODE                 = 4                     #Server compatible mode, 0:none, 1:SQL92, 2:Oracle, 3:MS SQL Server, 4:MySQL, 5:DM6, 6:Teradata, 7:PGORA_DATE_FMT                    = 0                     #Whether support oracle date fmt: 0:No, 1:Yes JSON_MODE                       = 0                     #Json compatible mode, 0:Oracle, 1:PG, 2:MySQLDATETIME_FMT_MODE               = 0                     #Datetime fmt compatible mode, 0:none, 1:OracleDOUBLE_MODE                     = 0                     #Calc double fold mode, 0:8bytes, 1:6bytesCASE_COMPATIBLE_MODE            = 1                     #Case compatible mode, 0:none, 1:Oracle(simple case), 2:Oracle(simple case new rule), 4:Oracle(bool case)XA_COMPATIBLE_MODE              = 0                     #XA compatible mode, 0:none, 1:OracleEXCLUDE_RESERVED_WORDS          =                       #Reserved words to be excludeCOUNT_64BIT                     = 1                     #Whether to set data type for COUNT as BIGINTCALC_AS_DECIMAL                 = 0                     #Whether integer CALC as decimal, 0: no, 1:only DIV, 2:all only has charactor, 3:all for digitCMP_AS_DECIMAL                  = 0                     #Whether integer compare as decimal, 0: no, 1:part, 2:allCAST_VARCHAR_MODE               = 1                     #Whether to convert illegal string to special pseudo value when converting string to integerPL_SQLCODE_COMPATIBLE           = 0                     #Whether to set SQLCODE in PL/SQL compatible with ORACLE as far as possibleLEGACY_SEQUENCE                 = 0                     #Whether sequence in legacy mode, 0: no, 1:yesDM6_TODATE_FMT                  = 0                     #To Date' HH fmt hour system, 0: 12(defalut) , 1: 24(DM6)MILLISECOND_FMT                 = 1                     #Whether To show TO_CHAR' millisecond, 0: no, 1:yesNLS_DATE_FORMAT                 =                       #Date format stringNLS_TIME_FORMAT                 =                       #Time format stringNLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT            =                       #Timestamp format stringNLS_TIME_TZ_FORMAT              =                       #Time_tz format stringNLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT         =                       #Timestamp_tz format stringPK_MAP_TO_DIS                   = 0                     #Whether map pk cols into distributed cols automaticallyPROXY_PROTOCOL_MODE             = 0                     #PROXY PROTOCOL mode, 0: close; 1: openSPACE_COMPARE_MODE              = 0                     #Whether to compare suffix space of strings, 0: default, 1: yesDATETIME_FAST_RESTRICT          = 1                     #Wherther To DATE's datetime with time.default:1. 1: No. 0: Yes.BASE64_LINE_FLAG                = 1                     #Whether base64 encode persection with line flag: CR and LF. default: 1. 1:YES. 2:NO.MY_STRICT_TABLES                = 1                     #Whether to set STRICT_XXX_TABLES in MYSQL compatible mode. default: 1. 1:YES. 0:NO.IN_CONTAINER                    = 0                     #judge if dm is run in container.default:0.ENABLE_RLS                      = 0                     #Whether enable rlsNVARCHAR_LENGTH_IN_CHAR         = 1                     #Whether nchar/nvarchar convert to character/varchar(n char) 1:yes,0:noPARAM_DOUBLE_TO_DEC             = 0                     #Whether to convert double parameter to decimal, 0: disable, 1: enable with check, 2, enable without checkINSERT_COLUMN_MATCH             = 0                     #Insert column match, 0: DM, 1: Aster, 2: PGAUTO_INCREMENT_INCREMENT        = 1                     #Increment for each insert in AUTO_INCREMENT columnAUTO_INCREMENT_OFFSET           = 1                     #Offset for values in AUTO_INCREMENT columnNO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO           = 1                     #Whether using default value when inserting 0IFUN_DATETIME_MODE              = 0                     #The definition of DATETIME in sys function, 0:DATETIME(6), 1:DATETIME(9)CAST_DIGIT_MODE                 = 1                     #Whether to convert stronger digit type to weak digit type colVIEW_ACCESS_MODE                = 0                     #View access mode, 0:DM, 1:OracleENABLE_FULL_WIDTH               = 1                     #Enable full-width characters. 0: no, 1: yes.IFUN_LEN_OPT                    = 3                     #How to adjust the ifun return string's lengthFLOAT_MODE                      = 0                     #FLOAT mode, 0:DM; 1:ORACLEDECIMAL_ENHANCED                = 1                     #Whether to enhance decimal calculate and storageDOUBLE_TO_DEC_MASK              = 1                     #Mask code used when casting double or float to decimal, 0: %g automaticly; 1: %e directly when %g choose %e; 2: restore to shortest decimalARG_VARCHAR_ADJUST              = 0                     #Control whether to enlarge the length of the char/varchar type parameter,0: Not enlarge, 1: enlargeCTI_SCORE_MODE                  = 1                     #How to calculate context index score, 0: Simplified algorithm, get score only using key word frequence; 1: Complete algorithm, get score from whole data;CASE_CONVERSION_ENHANCED         = 1                    #Whether to enhanced case conversion and compare, 0: default, 1: enhancedTIME_MODE                       = 1                     #TIME compatible mode. 0: parse from year; 1: parse from hour or year according COMPATIBLE_MODE CAST_CLOB_MODE                  = 1                     #Whether to push down cast for overlength string concat as clob. default:1. 1: yes, 0: noMD5_TYPE                        = 0                     #The type of FUNCTION MD5 return. default:0. 0: varbianry, 1: varcharVIEW_AUTHID_CHECK               = 1                     #Whether to check the user-defined view definition contains authid current_user. default:1, 1: yes, 0: no.ARG_DECIMAL_ADJUST              = 0                     #Control whether to enlarge the length of the decimal type parameter, 0: Not enlarge, 1: enlargeENC_TYPE                        = 1                     #Type of encryption, 0: No EVP 1: EVP firstORA_REVERSE_MODE                = 1                     #Reverse by character or byte: 0:Byte, 1:Character DEC_BIN_CVT_MODE                = 0                     #DEC & BINARY convert mode, 0:support binary convert to dec only;1:support binary and dec conversionNLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS          =                       #Specify the decimal point character and group separator represented by the characters D and G in fmtDROP_CASCADE_VIEW               = 0                     #Whether to drop cascade view while dropping table or viewNUMBER_MODE                     = 0                     #NUMBER mode, 0:DM; 1:ORACLENLS_SORT_TYPE                   = 0                     #Chinese sort type, 0:default 1:pinyin 2:stroke 3:radical 4:thai 5:korean 6:binary 7:ganzhiBATCH_INSERT_ROWS               = 10                    #Batch insert rowsINDEX_FINS_FLAG                 = 0                    #Flag of fast insert second index#request traceSVR_LOG_NAME                    = SLOG_ALL              #Using which sql log sys in sqllog.iniSVR_LOG                         = 0                     #Whether the Sql Log sys Is open or close. 1:open, 0:close, 2:use switch and detail mode. 3:use not switch and simple mode. #system traceGDB_THREAD_INFO                 = 0                     #Generate gdb thread info while dm_sys_halt. 1: yes; 0: noTRACE_PATH                      =                       #System trace path nameSVR_OUTPUT                      = 0                     #Whether print at backgroundSVR_ELOG_FREQ                   = 0                     #How to switch svr elog file. 0: by month. 1: by day, 2: by hour, 3, by limitENABLE_OSLOG                    = 0                     #Whether to enable os logLOG_IN_SHOW_DEBUG               = 2147483647            #Whether record log infoTRC_LOG                         = 0                     #Whether the trace Log sys Is open or close. 0:close, other: switch_mod*4 + asyn_flag*2 + 1(switch_mode: 0:no_switch;1:by num;2:by size;3:by interval). ELOG_SWITCH_LIMIT               = 0                     #The upper limit to switch elogELOG_ERR_ARR                    =                       #dmerrs need to generate elogDICT_COMPLETE_CHECK             = 0                     #Whether to halt when get incomplete dictELOG_FLAG                       = 0                     #whether elog file name is fixed . 0: not fixed. 1: fixedSMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD           = 20480                 #The boundary between short tables and large tablesELOG_LANGUAGE_FLAG              = 0                     #elog_language_flag, 1:CN, 0:ENCORE_DUMP_FLAG                  = 1                     #Whether to dump some info before core#ecsENABLE_ECS                      = 0                     #Whether to enable elastic calc systemECS_HB_INTERVAL                 = 60                    #HB interval for elastic calc systemEP_GROUP_NAME                   = DMGROUP               #Server group name as workerAP_GROUP_NAME                   = DMGROUP               #Server group name as cooperative workerDCRS_IP                         = LOCALHOST             #IP on which the dcrs server will listenDCRS_PORT_NUM                   = 6236                  #Port number on which the database dcrs will listenAP_IP                           = LOCALHOST             #The ap server IP for dcrsAP_PORT_NUM                     = 0                     #Port number on which the database ap will listenAP_PARALLEL_DEGREE              = 10                    #Maximum degree of parallel for apENABLE_ECS_MSG_CHECK            = 0                     #Whether to enable elastic check msg accumulate#monitorENABLE_MONITOR                  = 1                     #Whether to enable monitorMONITOR_SQL_EXEC                = 0                     #Whether to enable monitor sql executeENABLE_FREQROOTS                = 0                     #Whether to collect pages that used frequentlyMAX_FREQ_ROOTS                  = 200000                #Maximum number of frequently used pages that will be collectedMIN_FREQ_CNT                    = 100000                #Minimum access counts of page that will be collected as frequently used pagesLARGE_MEM_THRESHOLD             = 10000                 #Large mem used threshold by kENABLE_MONITOR_DMSQL            = 1                     #Flag of performance monitoring:sql or method exec time.0: NO. 1: YES.ENABLE_TIMER_TRIG_LOG           = 0                     #Whether to enable timer trigger logIO_TIMEOUT                      = 300                   #Maximum time in seconds that read from disk or write to diskENABLE_MONITOR_BP               = 1                     #Whether to enable monitor bind param. 1: TRUE. 0:FALSE. default:1LONG_EXEC_SQLS_CNT              = 1000                  #Max row count of V$LONG_EXEC_SQLSSYSTEM_LONG_EXEC_SQLS_CNT       = 300                   #Max row count of V$SYSTEM_LONG_EXEC_SQLSSQL_HISTORY_CNT                 = 10000                 #Max row count of V$SQL_HISTORYBP_ITEM_MAXSIZE                 = 50                    #The maximum memory size of BINDDATA column on V$SQL_BINDDATA_HISTORY in KbytesMONITOR_SQL_PARSE               = 0                     #Whether to enable monitor sql parseRT_ERR_HISTORY_CNT              = 5000                  #Max row count of V$RUNTIME_ERR_HISTORYENABLE_MONITOR_PLNHIST          = 0                     #Whether to enable monitor sql plan historyBINDDATA_COLTYPE                = 0                     #The binddata col datatype of V$SQL_BINDDATA_HISTORY. default:1. 1: blob, 0: varbinaryDMSQL_ET_CNT                 = 10000                 #Max row count of V$DMSQL_EXEC_TIME#data watchDW_MAX_SVR_WAIT_TIME            = 0                     #Maximum time in seconds that server will wait for DMWATCHER to startupDW_INACTIVE_INTERVAL            = 60                    #Time in seconds that used to determine whether DMWATCHER existDW_PORT                         = 0                     #Instance tcp port for watch2ALTER_MODE_STATUS               = 1                     #Whether to permit database user to alter database mode and status by SQLs, 2: yes, 1: yes when dmwatcher ERROR, 0: noENABLE_OFFLINE_TS               = 1                     #Whether tablespace can be offlineSESS_FREE_IN_SUSPEND            = 60                    #Time in seconds for releasing all sessions in suspend mode after archive failedSUSPEND_WORKER_TIMEOUT          = 180                   #Suspend worker thread timeout in secondsDW_CONSISTENCY_CHECK            = 0                     #Whether to check consistency for standby database, 1: yes, 0: noDW_ARCH_SPACE_CHECK             = 0                     #Whether to check archive space for standby database, 1: yes, 0: noDW_SUSPEND_TIME                 = 60                    #The duration of SUSPEND status in seconds for async recovery, 0: not check.DW_ARCH_HANG_CHECK              = 0                     #Whether to check archive space for primary database, 1: yes, 0: no#for context indexCTI_HASH_SIZE                   = 100000                #the hash table size for context index queryCTI_HASH_BUF_SIZE               = 50                    #the hash table cache size in Megabytes for context index queryUSE_RDMA                        = 0                     #Whether to use rdma#configuration fileMAL_INI                         = 0                     #dmmal.iniARCH_INI                        = 0                     #dmarch.iniREP_INI                         = 0                     #dmrep.iniLLOG_INI                        = 0                     #dmllog.iniTIMER_INI                       = 0                     #dmtimer.iniMPP_INI                         = 0                     #dmmpp.iniDFS_INI                         = 0                     #dmdfs.iniDMTHRD_INI                      = 0                     #dmthrd.iniDSC_N_CTLS                      = 1028096               #Number Of LBS/GBS ctlsDSC_N_POOLS                     = 19                    #Number Of LBS/GBS poolsDSC_USE_SBT                     = 1                     #Use size balanced treeDSC_TRX_CMT_LSN_SYNC            = 3                     #Whether to adjust lsn when trx commitDSC_ENABLE_MONITOR              = 1                     #Whether to monitor request timeDSC_TRX_VIEW_SYNC               = 1                     #Whether to wait response after broadcast trx view to other epDSC_TRX_VIEW_BRO_INTERVAL       = 1000                  #Time interval of trx view broadcastDSC_REMOTE_READ_MODE            = 1                     #PAGE remote read optimize modeDSC_TRX_CMT_OPT                 = 0                     #Whether to wait rlog file flush when trx commit in DSCDSC_RESERVE_PERCENT             = 0.080                 #Start ctl reserve percentDSC_TABLESPACE_BALANCE          = 0                     #Enable DSC load balance by tablespaceDSC_INSERT_LOCK_ROWS            = 0                     #Insert extra lock rows for DSCDSC_CRASH_RECV_POLICY           = 0                     #Policy of handling node crashDSC_LBS_REVOKE_DELAY            = 0                     #LBS revoke delayDSC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT             = 3600                  #DSC request timeout in secondsDSC_SLOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT           = 600                   #DSC request timeout in secondsDSC_IGNORE_INI_CHECK            = 0                     #Whether check dm.ini between dsc epsDSC_DV_PAGE_ACCESS_MODE         = 1                     #DSC dynamic table page get modeDSC_PI_MODE                    = 0                     #Whether to enable PI#otherIDLE_MEM_THRESHOLD              = 50                    #minimum free memory warning size in MegabytesIDLE_DISK_THRESHOLD             = 1000                  #minimum free disk space warning size in MegabytesIDLE_SESS_THRESHOLD             = 5                     #minimum available session threshold valueENABLE_PRISVC                   = 0                     #Whether to enable priority serviceHA_INST_CHECK_IP                =                       #HA instance check IPHA_INST_CHECK_PORT              = 65534                 #HA instance check portPWR_FLUSH_PAGES                 = 1000                  #Make special PWR rrec when n pages flushedREDO_UNTIL_LSN                  =                       #redo until lsnIGNORE_FILE_SYS_CHECK           = 1                     #ignore file sys check while starupFILE_SCAN_PERCENT               = 100.00                #percent of data scanned when calculating file used spaceSTARTUP_CHECKPOINT              = 0                     #checkpoint immediately when startup after redoCHECK_SVR_VERSION               = 1                     #Whether to check server versionID_RECYCLE_FLAG                 = 0                     #Enable ID recycleENABLE_DBLINK_TO_INV            = 0                     #Whether to convert correlated subquery which has dblink to temporary functionENABLE_BLOB_CMP_FLAG            = 1                     #Whether BLOB/TEXT types are allowed to be compared;0:not allowed;1.allowed and text turn to char/varchar;2.allowed and char/varchar turn to text.ENABLE_CREATE_BM_INDEX_FLAG     = 1                     #Allow bitmap index to be createdCVIEW_STAR_WITH_PREFIX          = 1                     #Whether append prefix for star item when create viewENABLE_ADJUST_NLI_COST          = 1                     #Whether adjust cost of nest loop inner joinENABLE_SEQ_REUSE                = 0                     #Whether allow reuse sequence expressionsRLS_CACHE_SIZE                  = 100000                #Max number of objects for RLS cache.ENABLE_ADJUST_DIST_COST         = 0                     #Whether adjust cost of distinctID_RECYCLE_THRESHOLD            = 60                    #ID recycle thresholdBAK_USE_AP                      = 1                     #backup use assistant plus-in, 1:use AP; 2:not use AP. default 1.BAK_DIRECT_IO                   = 0                     #whether to enable direct io during backupBAK_SAFE_CHECK                  = 3                     #whether to check corrupt data during backupBAK_TIMEOUT                     = 30                    #Timeout interval of operations during backupENABLE_BCT                      = 0                     #Whether to enable BCTBCT_POOL_SIZE                   = 256                   #BCT memory pool size in Megabytes





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