
What Is Data Fabric? 【dataCamp】

What Is Data Fabric?

Data fabric is a unified data architecture that connects disparate data sources, simplifying access and management while ensuring consistency and security across the entire data landscape.

Data Fabric: Core Principles

The data fabric architecture style has three core principles: unified access, standardized governance, and automation.

A data fabric should include a logical data layer for unified data access. This layer abstracts the underlying data infrastructure, providing a seamless and unified interface for data access across diverse sources. Essentially, you want everyone who needs access to your organization’s data (analysts, scientists, ML ops, etc.) to have access to all the data they need in a unified manner.

Another principle of creating a data fabric is having standardized data governance and security. This ensures that all of your organization’s data assets adhere to uniform governance and security protocols. This standardization enhances reliability and regulatory compliance across your organization.

Data fabrics also use automated data pipelines on the backend for efficient data movement and transformation. This automation streamlines the process of moving, cleaning, and transforming data in the fabric’s backend. It allows for real-time data processing, increasing efficiency and reducing manual effort.

Data Fabric and Benefits 【gartner】



Data fabric is an emerging data management and data integration design concept. Its goal is to support data access across the business through flexible, reusable, augmented and sometimes automated data integration.

Data fabric has emerged as a solution to the common challenge of collecting, connecting, integrating and delivering data from dispersed data sources to the users who need it. In today’s context of increasing data and application silos, coupled with limited data and analytics talent, data fabric promises to simplify the organization’s data integration infrastructure and create a scalable solution that reduces technical debt (also see Modernize Data Management to Increase Value and Reduce Costs).

Data fabric core capabilities

In its simplest form, a data fabric takes in metadata from participating systems and users, analyzes it, and produces alerts and recommendations highlighting how data could be better organized, integrated, given meaning and used to improve the user experience and business outcomes.

The benefits of data fabric

Data fabric appeals to many organizations because it leverages existing metadata as well as infrastructure, such as logical data warehouses. There is no “rip and replace” with a data fabric design. Instead, organizations can leverage data fabrics to augment (or completely automate) data integration design and delivery, while capitalizing on sunk costs in existing data lakes and data warehouses.

What is a data fabric? 【IBM】

Data fabric is an architecture that facilitates the end-to-end integration of various data pipelines and cloud environments through the use of intelligent and automated systems.





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