中英双语介绍百老汇著名歌剧:《猫》(Cats)和《剧院魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)




1. 《猫》(Cats)

《猫》改编自英国诗人T.S.艾略特的诗集《老负鼠讲究的猫经》(Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats)。故事讲述了一群名为杰里科猫(Jellicle Cats)的猫在一年一度的杰里科舞会上聚集,等待他们的领袖德特罗诺米老猫(Old Deuteronomy)选择一只猫升天,进入猫的天堂“重生层”,获得新的生命。

《猫》由英国作曲家安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)创作,首演于1981年在伦敦西区,1982年移师百老汇。劳埃德·韦伯受到艾略特的诗集启发,将这些短诗谱写成音乐,并创造了一个完整的故事情节。


  • 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯:英国作曲家,音乐剧大师,创作了许多经典音乐剧,如《耶稣基督超级巨星》、《剧院魅影》和《太阳河》等。他的音乐剧常常充满戏剧性和感染力,深受观众喜爱。


2. 《剧院魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)

《剧院魅影》改编自法国作家加斯顿·勒鲁(Gaston Leroux)的同名小说。故事讲述了在巴黎歌剧院地下住着一个神秘的面具男子“幽灵”,他爱上了美丽的女高音歌唱家克里斯汀·戴伊(Christine Daaé),并利用各种手段帮助她成为歌剧院的明星。然而,克里斯汀却爱上了她的童年朋友拉乌尔(Raoul),引发了一系列的情感和冲突。



  • 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯:作为《剧院魅影》的作曲家,韦伯在这部作品中展现了他对戏剧性音乐的掌握和对复杂人物心理的深刻理解。

《剧院魅影》是百老汇和伦敦西区演出时间最长的音乐剧之一,其华丽的布景、扣人心弦的剧情和动人的音乐赢得了观众和评论家的广泛赞誉。歌曲《夜之乐章》(The Music of the Night)和《幽灵的面具》(The Phantom of the Opera)等成为了音乐剧的经典曲目。



  • 《狮子王》(The Lion King):改编自迪士尼同名动画电影,讲述了小狮子辛巴的成长故事,以其华丽的布景和创新的木偶表演闻名。
  • 《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables):根据维克多·雨果的同名小说改编,讲述了法国大革命时期的动荡岁月和人们的命运纠葛。
  • 《妈妈咪呀!》(Mamma Mia!):以瑞典乐队ABBA的歌曲为基础,讲述了一位单亲母亲与即将结婚的女儿之间的故事。





Famous Broadway Musicals: “Cats” and “The Phantom of the Opera”

Broadway, located in Manhattan, New York City, is renowned worldwide for its theater district, hosting numerous famous musicals and operas. Here is a detailed introduction to two classic Broadway musicals: “Cats” and “The Phantom of the Opera.”

1. “Cats”

Plot Summary:
“Cats” is adapted from T.S. Eliot’s poetry collection, “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.” The story revolves around a group of Jellicle Cats who gather annually for the Jellicle Ball. During this event, their leader, Old Deuteronomy, selects one cat to ascend to the Heaviside Layer and be reborn into a new life.

Creation Background:
“Cats” was created by British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. It premiered in London’s West End in 1981 and on Broadway in 1982. Inspired by Eliot’s poems, Lloyd Webber set the verses to music, creating a full narrative.

Creator Bio:

  • Andrew Lloyd Webber: A renowned British composer and musical theater impresario, Webber has created numerous classics such as “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “The Phantom of the Opera,” and “Sunset Boulevard.” His works are known for their dramatic flair and emotional depth.

“Cats” is considered a landmark in musical theater history, praised for its unique subject matter, captivating music, and stunning choreography. The song “Memory” has become a timeless piece associated with the musical.

2. “The Phantom of the Opera”

Plot Summary:
“The Phantom of the Opera” is based on Gaston Leroux’s novel of the same name. It tells the story of a mysterious masked man, the Phantom, who lives beneath the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with Christine Daaé, a beautiful soprano, and uses various means to help her become the opera’s star. However, Christine loves her childhood friend Raoul, leading to a series of emotional and dramatic conflicts.

Creation Background:
Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, “The Phantom of the Opera” premiered in London’s West End in 1986 and on Broadway in 1988. Webber combined operatic elements with modern musical theater techniques to create a work rich in mystery and romance.

Creator Bio:

  • Andrew Lloyd Webber: As the composer of “The Phantom of the Opera,” Webber showcases his ability to craft complex, emotionally resonant music and to delve deeply into character psychology.

“The Phantom of the Opera” is one of the longest-running musicals in Broadway and West End history. It is celebrated for its lavish sets, gripping storyline, and enchanting music, including iconic songs like “The Music of the Night” and “The Phantom of the Opera.”

Other Famous Musicals

Broadway is home to many other acclaimed musicals, such as:

  • “The Lion King”: Adapted from the Disney animated film, it tells the story of young lion Simba and is known for its stunning costumes and innovative puppetry.
  • “Les Misérables”: Based on Victor Hugo’s novel, it depicts the tumultuous period of the French Revolution and the intertwined fates of its characters.
  • “Mamma Mia!”: Featuring the music of ABBA, it narrates the story of a single mother and her daughter who is about to get married.


Broadway, as the world’s premier theater district, offers a variety of classic and innovative musical productions. These works, such as “Cats” and “The Phantom of the Opera,” achieve high artistic standards and touch the hearts of audiences worldwide through compelling stories and music. Whether it’s the whimsical world of “Cats” or the mysterious romance of “The Phantom of the Opera,” Broadway musicals exhibit the unique charm of theatrical art.







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