- 一、 简述
- 二 、 基础使用说明
- 2.1 新建一个代码块工作区间
- 2.2 语法
- 三、 示例
- 四、 参考链接
一、 简述
- 提高效率: 自定义代码片段能够减少重复输入的工作量,特别是对于经常使用的代码模式或者特定的代码结构。
- 规范代码风格: 可以定义统一的代码风格和命名规范,让团队成员在编码过程中更加一致。
- 易于维护: 用户代码片段文件可以轻松地进行编辑和管理,可以随时添加、删除或修改代码片段。
- 适应个性化需求: 开发者可以根据自己的习惯和需求定制代码片段,使得编码过程更符合个人的工作流程。
- 跨平台支持: VSCode跨平台,并且用户代码片段可以在不同的操作系统上共享和使用。
二 、 基础使用说明
2.1 新建一个代码块工作区间
2.2 语法
Example:"Print to console": {"scope": "javascript,typescript","prefix": "log","body": ["console.log('$1');","$2"],"description": "Log output to console"}
- “Print to console” : 代码片段的名称,显示在代码片段提示列表中。
- “prefix” : 代码片段的触发前缀,当你键入这个前缀时,VSCode会自动提示该代码片段。
- “body” : 代码片段的实际内容,以数组的形式列出。在数组中,可以使用 $1、$2 等占位3. 符来表示光标停留的位置,方便用户进行填写和编辑。
- “description” : 代码片段的描述,当你在代码片段提示列表中看到该片段时,会显示该描述。
在上面的示例中,当你键入 log 后按下 Tab 键时,就会展开为 console.log(‘’);,其中的单引号之间是光标所在位置,方便你直接输入要打印的内容。再次按下 Tab 键,光标移动到 $2 所在的位置,方便你继续编辑后续代码。
Ⅰ 规则
Example:"body": ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"],
"begin and end": { "prefix": "bend", "body": ["begin","\tbegin","\tend","end"], "description": "begin and end" },
Ⅱ 方法
① 光标位置控制
"Cursor Position": {"prefix": "var","body": ["const haha = '$1';","const xixi = '$2'.toUpperCase();","$3"],"description": "Variable Replacement"}
输入关键词 var 然后 回车 或者 TAB 展开代码段后,光标会移动至 $[数字] 的位置(优先较 小 数字),而后在不通过 方向键 或者鼠标移动光标位置的情况下,继续按 TAB 就会移动至下一个较小数字
② 变量替换
"Replace console.log with debug function": { "prefix": "clog", "body": [ "debug(${variable1}, ${variable1}, ${variable2});" ], "description": "Replace console.log with debug function and multiple variables" }
③ 二者结合
"Replace console.log with debug function": { "prefix": "clog~", "body": [ "debug(${2:variable1}, ${3:variable2}, ${1:variable3});" ], "description": "Replace console.log with debug function and multiple variables" }
只需在变量名称前添加 [数字] : 即可通过 TAB 按照数字顺序移动光标
三、 示例
① verilog计数器
{// Place your snippets for verilog here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected."计数器": {"prefix": "cnt","body": ["reg [${2:cnt_width}-1:0] cnt_${1:cnt_name} ; //计数器","wire add_cnt_${1:cnt_name}; //开始计数","wire end_cnt_${1:cnt_name}; //计数器最大值","always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin","\tif (!sys_rst_n)begin","\t\t cnt_${1:cnt_name} <= ${2:cnt_width}'b0;","\tend","\telse if (add_cnt_${1:cnt_name})begin","\t\tif (end_cnt_${1:cnt_name})begin","\t\t\tcnt_${1:cnt_name}<=${2:cnt_width}'b0;","\t\tend","\t\telse begin","\t\t\tcnt_${1:cnt_name} <= cnt_${1:cnt_name} +1'd1;","\t\tend","\tend","\telse begin","\t\tcnt_${1:cnt_name} <= cnt_${1:cnt_name};","\tend","end","assign add_cnt_${1:cnt_name} = ${3:param3};","assign end_cnt_${1:cnt_name} = add_cnt_${1:cnt_name} && (${4:param4});"],"description": "计数器模板"}
② ros有关代码片段(待补全)
{// Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.// Example:"link": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<link","body": ["<link name=\"$1\">","\t<visual>","\t\t<geometry>","\t\t</geometry>","\t\t<origin xyz=\"$2\" rpy=\"$3\"/>","\t\t<material name=\"$4\">","\t\t\t<color rgba=\"$5\"/>","\t\t</material>","\t</visual>","</link>"],"description": "link"},"robot": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<robot","body": ["<robot name=\"$1\">","</robot>"],"description": "robot"},"launch to rivz": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<launchrivz","body": ["<launch>","\t<param name=\"robot_description\" textfile=\"$1.urdf\" />","\t<node pkg=\"rviz\" type=\"rviz\" name=\"rviz\" args=\"$2.rviz\"/>","</launch>"],"description": "launch"},"launch to gazebo": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<launchgaze","body": ["<launch>","\t<param name=\"${name}\" textfile=\"${urdf_path}.urdf\" />","<!-- 启动gazebo仿真环境 -->","\t<include file=\"$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch\"/>","<!-- 在Gazebo中添加机器人模型 -->","<node pkg=\"gazebo_ros\" type=\"spawn_model\" name=\"${spawn_name}\" args=\"-urdf -model mycar -param ${name}\"/>","</launch>"],"description": "launch with gazebo"},"node": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<node","body": ["<node pkg=\"$1\" type=\"$2\" name=\"$3\"/>"],"description": "node"},"joint": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<joint","body": ["<joint name=\"$1\" type=\"$2\">","\t<parent link=\"$3\"/>","\t<child link=\"$4\"/>","\t<origin xyz=\"$5\" rpy=\"$6\"/>","\t<!-- <axis xyz=\"$7\"/> -->","</joint>"],"description": "joint"},"xacro": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<xarobot","body": ["<robot name=\"$1\" xmlns:xacro=\"http://wiki.ros.org/xacro\">","\t$2","</robot>"],"description": "xacro"},"xacro:property": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<xp","body": ["<xacro:property name=\"$1\" value=\"$2\" />"],"description": "property"},"xacro:macro": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<xm","body": ["<xacro:macro name=\"$1\" params=\"$2\">","\t$3","</xacro:macro>"],"description": "macro"},"gazebo label": {"scope": "xml","prefix": "<Gazs","body": ["<!-- 1.设置碰撞参数 -->","<collision>","\t<geometry>","\t\t<box size= \"$1\" />","\t</geometry>","<origin xyry>","<origin xyz=\"$2\" rpy=\"$3\"/>","</collision>","<!-- 2.设置惯性矩镇 -->","<inertial>","\t<origin xyz=\"$4\"/>","\t<mass value=\"$5\"/>","\t<inertia ixx=\"$6\" ixy=\"$7\" ixz=\"$8\" iyy=\"$9\" izy=\"$10\" izz=\"$11\" />","</inertial>","<gazebo reference=\"$12\">","\t<material>Gazebo/$13</material>","</gazebo>"],"description": "gazebo "},}
四、 参考链接