OpenAI GPT o1技术报告阅读(3)-英文阅读及理解





The following passage is the draft of an excerpt from a contemporary book about maintaining health.

(1) Curiously, there is good evidence that for many people, an increase in body weight might not require an increase in calorie consumption at all.
(2) In most scientific studies it is difficult to determine how much people are eating, because appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity.
(3) (Have you ever had to tell your doctor whether you drink beer or binge out on chips or ice cream?)
(4) But in certain controlled environments, where sneaking in an unreported chocolate bar is unlikely, interesting insights can be gained.
(5) U.S. prisons have long been fertile ground for nutrition research, with a number of prisoner-feeding experiments being conducted over the years.
(6) Overfeeding studies in the twentieth century by the researcher Erich Sims showed that subjects gain different amounts of weight despite eating identical amounts of food, indicating that the “calories-expended” side of the equation varies considerably between individuals, independent of exercise or other physical activity.
(7) It also showed different amounts of resistance to weight gain, as subjects’ metabolic rates seemed to increase on overeating, their bodies trying hard not to lay down too much of their excessive food intake as fat.
(8) The extent to which this happened varied significantly among individuals, despite the similarity of their diet and environment.
(9) These results are only curious if we assume that everyone reacts to food in exactly the same way.
(10) Experience tells us, however, that it is a bit more complicated than that.
(11) Everybody processes their food differently.
(12) You might burn calories faster.
(13) Another person stores more calories.
(14) What is eaten also matters since reaction varies based on nutritional intake.
(15) That applies even when people appear in terms of their age, height, and weight dimensions are equivalent.
(16) A diverse population would have a number of evolutionary advantages, with some individuals prioritizing the effective storage of fat in order to survive and others burning most of their energy exploring.
(17) It would also make sense for us to be able to switch between those two states when we needed to.
(18) But how is it that the amount of weight gained from identical food intake can vary among individuals?
(19) Even though hormones regulate our feeding, we only store calories when we eat more than we burn, right?
(20) When we consider the “calories out” side of the equation, we almost always look at exercise as the most important factor, largely because it is the one area that we can easily change.
(21) But basal metabolism is by far the largest chunk of the energy we burn.
(22) We generally expend around half our calories staying alive, and another 10 percent staying at the right temperature.
(23) Around 30 percent goes towards physical activity, and the remaining 10 percent on digesting food.

In sentence 2 (reproduced below), which of the following versions of the bolded text best explains the writer’s position expressed in the main clause of the sentence?

In most scientific studies it is difficult to determine how much people are eating, because appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity.
A) (as it is now)
B) researchers seldom ask the right questions
C) different foods have varying impacts on the digestive system
D) people generally submit their own data and this isn’t seen as reliable
E) psychological factors determine why certain foods are more popular than others

(source: AP English Language online test 2 from Barrons)



(1) 奇怪的是,有充分的证据表明,对许多人来说,体重的增加可能根本不需要增加卡路里的摄入。

(2) 在大多数科学研究中,很难确定人们吃了多少,因为食欲调节是一个极其复杂的领域。

(3) (你有没有告诉过医生你是否喝啤酒或者暴饮暴食薯片或冰淇淋?)

(4) 但在某些受控环境中,偷偷带进一块未报告的巧克力棒是不可能的,可以获得有趣的见解。

(5) 美国监狱一直是营养研究的沃土,多年来进行了许多囚犯喂养实验。

(6) 20世纪研究者埃里希·西姆斯的过度喂养研究表明,尽管摄入相同量的食物,受试者增重的量却不同,这表明“消耗的卡路里”这一方程的一侧在个体之间差异很大,与运动或其他体力活动无关。

(7) 这也显示了对增重的不同抵抗力,因为当受试者过度进食时,他们的代谢率似乎会增加,他们的身体努力不将过多的食量转化为脂肪。

(8) 尽管饮食和环境相似,但这种情况在个体间的差异仍然很大。

(9) 如果我们假设每个人对食物的反应完全相同,这些结果就只是令人好奇。

(10) 然而,经验告诉我们,情况比这要复杂一些。

(11) 每个人处理食物的方式都不同。

(12) 你可能燃烧卡路里更快。

(13) 另一个人储存更多的卡路里。

(14) 吃的东西也很重要,因为根据营养摄入的反应会有所不同。

(15) 即使当人们在年龄、身高和体重方面看起来相等时,也是如此。

(16) 多样化的人群会有多种进化优势,一些人优先储存脂肪以生存,而其他人则燃烧大部分能量去探索。

(17) 当我们需要的时候,能够在这两种状态之间切换也是有意义的。

(18) 但是,为什么从相同的食物摄入中获得的体重在个体间会有所不同呢?

(19) 尽管激素调节我们的进食,但我们只在吃得比燃烧的多时才储存卡路里,对吧?

(20) 当我们考虑方程的“卡路里消耗”一侧时,我们几乎总是将运动视为最重要的因素,主要是因为这是我们可以轻易改变的一个领域。

(21) 但基础代谢是我们燃烧能量的最大部分。

(22) 我们通常消耗大约一半的卡路里来维持生命,另外10%用来保持正确的体温。

(23) 大约30%用于体力活动,剩下的10%用于消化食物。



A) (像现在这样)

B) 研究人员很少问正确的问题

C) 不同的食物对消化系统有不同的影响

D) 人们通常提交自己的数据,这并不被视为可靠

E) 心理因素决定了为什么某些食物比其他食物更受欢迎




The best option that explains the writer’s position expressed in the main clause of sentence 2 is A) (as it is now).

The phrase “appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity” directly supports the difficulty of determining how much people are eating in scientific studies, as it implies that the process of regulating hunger, cravings, and eating habits is multifaceted, making it hard to measure accurately. This aligns well with the statement’s focus on the complexity of understanding eating behavior in scientific contexts.


解释句子2中作者立场的最佳选项是A) (像现在这样)。


【小梦备注:emm,as it is now,是个啥意思..可以翻译为:如字面意思?不是很确定。我们先看看o1-preivew模型的推理吧。】



This is a question about choosing the explanation in bold that best fits the writer’s position expressed in the main clause.

First, let’s understand what the main clause says.

Original sentence:

(2) In most scientific studies it is difficult to determine how much people are eating, because appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity.

We need to choose the best bolded text that explains why “it is difficult to determine how much people are eating” in scientific studies.

  • Option A: as it is now (i.e., leave it as is: “because appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity.”)

  • Option B: researchers seldom ask the right questions

  • Option C: different foods have varying impacts on the digestive system

  • Option D: people generally submit their own data and this isn’t seen as reliable

  • Option E: psychological factors determine why certain foods are more popular than others

Our task is to pick the best option that explains why it’s difficult to determine how much people are eating in scientific studies.

Let’s analyze each option.

  • Option A: “because appetite regulation is a field of staggering complexity.”

Is that a good explanation? Hmm.

  • Option B: “because researchers seldom ask the right questions.”

Does this make sense with the main clause?

Main clause: “In most scientific studies it is difficult to determine how much people are eating, because researchers seldom ask the right questions.”

Is the writer saying that? Does the context in the passage suggest that?

  • Option C: “because different foods have varying impacts on the digestive system.”

Does that explain why it’s difficult to determine how much people are eating?

Hmm… Probably not directly.

  • Option D: “because people generally submit their own data and this isn’t seen as reliable.”

Is that relevant? Does that explain why it’s difficult to determine how much people are eating in scientific studies?

Yes, that seems plausible: if people generally submit their own data (e.g., self-reporting their consumption), and this isn’t reliable, it’s difficult to determine how much people are eating.

  • Option E: “because psychological factors determine why certain foods are more popular than others.”

Is that explaining why it’s difficult to determine how much people are eating?

Probably not directly.

Given that the following sentence is:

(3) (Have you ever had to tell your doctor whether you drink beer or binge out on chips or ice cream?)

This suggests that people have to self-report, and perhaps they may not be accurate.

Therefore, Option D seems to fit.

Also, in the previous paragraph, the writer seems to point out that in certain controlled environments (like prisons) where sneaking in unreported chocolate bars is unlikely, interesting insights can be gained.

This implies that in studies outside controlled environments, people might be consuming unreported calories, or not reporting accurately.

Therefore, Option D seems to be the best.

So, the answer is Option D.





(2) 在大多数科学研究中,很难确定人们吃了多少,因为食欲调节是一个极其复杂的领域。

























(3) (你有没有告诉过医生你是否喝啤酒或者暴饮暴食薯片或冰淇淋?)









To determine the best replacement for the bolded text, we need to find the option that best explains why it is difficult to determine how much people are eating in most scientific studies.

Option D states: “people generally submit their own data and this isn’t seen as reliable.” This directly addresses the challenge researchers face: reliance on self-reported data, which can be inaccurate due to forgetfulness, underreporting, or intentional misreporting. This unreliability makes it difficult to determine actual food intake.

This explanation aligns with the context provided in the subsequent sentence, which mentions the difficulty people might have in accurately reporting their consumption of items like beer, chips, or ice cream to their doctor.

Answer: D
















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