示例 1:
输入:words = ["abcd","dcba","lls","s","sssll"]
解释:可拼接成的回文串为 ["dcbaabcd","abcddcba","slls","llssssll"]
示例 2:
输入:words = ["bat","tab","cat"]
解释:可拼接成的回文串为 ["battab","tabbat"]
示例 3:
输入:words = ["a",""] 输出:[[0,1],[1,0]]
1 <= words.length <= 5000
0 <= words[i].length <= 300
class Solution {public List<List<Integer>> palindromePairs(String[] words) {int len = words.length;Map<String, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>(len * 4/3);// char list, contains ends with the characterList[] postfixList = new List[128];for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {// save word indexindexMap.put(words[i], i);int wordLen = words[i].length();// skip empty "" if (wordLen > 0) {char lastChar = words[i].charAt(wordLen-1);if (postfixList[lastChar] == null) {postfixList[lastChar] = new ArrayList<>();}postfixList[lastChar].add(words[i]);}}List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();boolean containsEmpty = indexMap.containsKey("");for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {String word = words[i];int wordLen = word.length();// skip empty stringif (wordLen == 0) {continue;}// process postfix listchar firstChar = word.charAt(0);List<String> posts = postfixList[firstChar];if (posts != null) {for(int j=0; j<posts.size(); j++) {String candidate = posts.get(j);if(!word.equals(candidate) && isPalindrome(word + candidate)) {System.out.println("postfix word: "+ words[i]+", candidate:"+candidate);result.add(Arrays.asList(i, indexMap.get(candidate)));}}}// process empty string if existedif (containsEmpty && isPalindrome(word)) {int emptyIndex = indexMap.get("");result.add(Arrays.asList(i, emptyIndex));result.add(Arrays.asList(emptyIndex, i));}}return result;}public boolean isPalindrome(String str) {char[] chars = str.toCharArray();for (int i=0, j=chars.length-1; i<j; i++,j--) {if (chars[i] != chars[j]){return false;}}return true;}
2)把单词word[i]按字母拆分 prefix:string[0,i], postfix [i+1,len-1],有下面两种情况:
i) 假如后半部分为回文,则用前半分去查询前缀树得到对于的翻转串 s' (对应的单词j)。 prefix + palindrome(postfix) + s' 那么组成的新词一定为回文,得到的结果为(i,j);
ii) 假如前半部分为回文,在用后半部分去查询前缀树得到的翻转串s' (对应的单词j)。s'+palindrome(prefix)+postifix, 得到的结果为(j, i)
java - 一文搞懂字典树 - bigsai - SegmentFault 思否
Java数据结构---Trie(字典树/前缀树)_java 数据结构 trible-CSDN博客
class Solution {public List<List<Integer>> palindromePairs(String[] words) {// build trie tree with reversed wordint len = words.length;TrieTree tree = new TrieTree();for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {StringBuffer reversed = new StringBuffer(words[i]).reverse();// full reversetree.insert(reversed, i);}List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {String word = words[i];for (int j=1; j<=word.length(); j++) {String prefix = word.substring(0, j);String postfix = word.substring(j);if (isPalindrome(prefix)) {// search word in the reversed trie treeint wordIndex = tree.search(postfix);if (wordIndex >= 0 && wordIndex != i) {result.add(List.of(wordIndex, i));}}if (isPalindrome(postfix)) {// search word in the reversed trie treeint wordIndex = tree.search(prefix);if (wordIndex >= 0 && wordIndex != i) {result.add(List.of(i, wordIndex));}}}// process empty stringif (word.length() == 0) {for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {if (i != j && isPalindrome(words[j])) {result.add(List.of(j, i));}}}}return result;}/*** double pointer checking palindrome.* * @param wordChars* @param candidate* @return*/public boolean isPalindrome(String str) {char[] chars = str.toCharArray();for (int i=0, j=chars.length-1; i<j; i++,j--) {if (chars[i] != chars[j]){return false;}}return true;}}class TrieTree {private TrieNode root;public TrieTree() {root = new TrieNode();}/*** build trie tree and save index into end node.* @param word* @param index*/public void insert(StringBuffer word, int index) {TrieNode current = root;int len = word.length();for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {char ch = word.charAt(i);current.children.putIfAbsent(ch, new TrieNode());current = current.children.get(ch);}current.wordIndex = index;}/*** search the word in trie tree.* @param word* @return*/public int search(String word) {TrieNode current = root;for (char ch: word.toCharArray()) {TrieNode node = current.children.get(ch);if (node == null) {return -2;}current = node;}return current.wordIndex;}public boolean isPalindrome(StringBuilder str) {int len = str.length();for (int i=0, j=len-1; i<j; i++,j--) {if (str.charAt(i) != str.charAt(j)){return false;}}return true;}public class TrieNode {// if this is a word, wordIndex >= 0, or else = -1int wordIndex = -1;Map<Character, TrieNode> children = new HashMap<>();}
class Solution {public List<List<Integer>> palindromePairs(String[] words) {// build trie tree with reversed wordint len = words.length;Map<String,Integer> reversedMap = new HashMap<>(len*4/3);for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {StringBuffer reversed = new StringBuffer(words[i]).reverse();reversedMap.put(reversed.toString(), i);}List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {String word = words[i];char[] wordChars = word.toCharArray();for (int j=1; j<=wordChars.length; j++) {// prefix is palindrome, search postfixif (isPalindrome(wordChars, 0, j)) {// search word in the reversed mapInteger wordIndex = reversedMap.get(word.substring(j));if (wordIndex != null && wordIndex >= 0 && wordIndex != i) {result.add(List.of(wordIndex, i));}}// postfix is palindrome, search prefixif (isPalindrome(wordChars, j, wordChars.length)) {// search word in the reversed mapInteger wordIndex = reversedMap.get(word.substring(0, j));if (wordIndex != null && wordIndex >= 0 && wordIndex != i) {result.add(List.of(i, wordIndex));}}}// process empty stringif (word.length() == 0) {for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {char[] chars = words[j].toCharArray();if (i != j && isPalindrome(chars, 0, chars.length)) {result.add(List.of(j, i));}}}}return result;}/*** double pointer checking palindrome, not included end; [start, end)* * @param wordChars* @param candidate* @return*/public boolean isPalindrome(char[] wordChars, int start, int end) {for (int i=start, j=end-1; i<j; i++,j--) {if (wordChars[i] != wordChars[j]){return false;}}return true;}}