




  • 首先,内容表述不完整,内容块的语义信息容易受分割方式影响,致使在较长的语境中,重要信息被丢失或被掩盖。

  • 其次,块相似性搜索不准确,随着数据量增多,检索中的噪声增大,导致频繁与错误数据匹配,使得检索系统脆弱且不可靠。

  • 最后,参考轨迹不明晰,检索到的内容块可能来自任何文档,没有引用痕迹,可能出现来自多个不同文档的块,尽管语义相似,但包含的却是完全不同主题的内容。

下面,我们结合源代码,介绍Chunk optimization(块优化)、Multi-representation indexing(多层表达索引)、Specialized embeddings(特殊嵌入)和Hierachical Indexing(多级索引)这四种优化索引的高级方法。

1. Chunk optimization(块优化)




text = "..." # your text
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 256,chunk_overlap  = 20
docs = text_splitter.create_documents([text])



text = "..." # your text
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 256,chunk_overlap  = 20,separators = ["\n\n", "\n"]
)docs = text_splitter.create_documents([text])



text = "..." # your text
docs = text.split(".")


此方法侧重于内容类型和结构,尤其是在 Markdown、LaTeX 或 HTML 等结构化文档中。它确保内容类型不会在块内混合,从而保持完整性。挑战包括理解特定语法和不适用于非结构化文档。适用于结构化文档,但不推荐用于非结构化内容。以markdown为例

from langchain.text_splitter import MarkdownTextSplitter
markdown_text = "..."markdown_splitter = MarkdownTextSplitter(chunk_size=100, chunk_overlap=0)
docs = markdown_splitter.create_documents([markdown_text])


一种基于语义理解的复杂方法,通过检测主题的重大转变将文本划分为块。确保语义一致性,但需要高级 NLP 技术。对于需要语义上下文和主题连续性的任务有效,但不适合高主题重叠或简单的分块任务

text = "..." # your text
from langchain.text_splitter import NLTKTextSplitter
text_splitter = NLTKTextSplitter()
docs = text_splitter.split_text(text)

2. 多层表达索引


这种方法通过将原始数据生成 summary后,重新作为embedding再存到summary database中。 检索的时候,首先通过summary database找到最相关的summary,再回溯到原始文档中去。

首先,我们使用 WebBaseLoader 加载两个网页的文档,在这个例子中,我们加载了 Lilian Weng 的两篇博客文章:

from langchain_community.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitterloader = WebBaseLoader("https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/")
docs = loader.load()loader = WebBaseLoader("https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2024-02-05-human-data-quality/")

模型使用 ChatOpenAI,设置为 gpt-3.5-turbo 版本,利用 chain.batch 批量处理文档,使用 max_concurrency 参数限制并发数。

import uuid
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAIchain = ({"doc": lambda x: x.page_content}| ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("Summarize the following document:\n\n{doc}")| ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",max_retries=0)| StrOutputParser()
)summaries = chain.batch(docs, {"max_concurrency": 5})

我们引入了 InMemoryByteStore 和 Chroma 两个模块,分别用于存储原始文档和总结文档。InMemoryByteStore 是一个内存中的存储层,用于存储原始文档,而 Chroma 则是一个文档向量数据库,用于存储文档的向量表示。

from langchain.storage import InMemoryByteStore
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain.retrievers.multi_vector import MultiVectorRetriever# The vectorstore to use to index the child chunks
vectorstore = Chroma(collection_name="summaries",embedding_function=OpenAIEmbeddings())# The storage layer for the parent documents
store = InMemoryByteStore()

MultiVectorRetriever 类帮助我们在一个统一的接口中管理文档和向量存储,使得检索过程更加高效。

id_key = "doc_id"# The retriever
retriever = MultiVectorRetriever(vectorstore=vectorstore,byte_store=store,id_key=id_key,
doc_ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in docs]

将总结文档添加到 Chroma 向量数据库中,同时在 InMemoryByteStore 中关联原始文档和 doc_id。

summary_docs = [Document(page_content=s, metadata={id_key: doc_ids[i]})for i, s in enumerate(summaries)
]# Add
retriever.docstore.mset(list(zip(doc_ids, docs)))

执行检索操作,对于给定的查询 query = “Memory in agents”,我们使用 vectorstore 进行相似性检索,k=1 表示只返回最相关的一个文档。然后使用 retriever 进行检索,n_results=1 表示只返回一个文档结果。

query = "Memory in agents"
sub_docs = vectorstore.similarity_search(query,k=1)
# 打印 sub_docs[0] retrieved_docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(query,n_results=1)
# 打印 retrieved_docs[0].page_content[0:500]

3. 特殊向量




from ragatouille import RAGPretrainedModel
RAG = RAGPretrainedModel.from_pretrained("colbert-ir/colbertv2.0")


import requestsdef get_wikipedia_page(title: str):"""Retrieve the full text content of a Wikipedia page.:param title: str - Title of the Wikipedia page.:return: str - Full text content of the page as raw string."""# Wikipedia API endpointURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"# Parameters for the API requestparams = {"action": "query","format": "json","titles": title,"prop": "extracts","explaintext": True,}# Custom User-Agent header to comply with Wikipedia's best practicesheaders = {"User-Agent": "RAGatouille_tutorial/0.0.1 (ben@clavie.eu)"}response = requests.get(URL, params=params, headers=headers)data = response.json()# Extracting page contentpage = next(iter(data["query"]["pages"].values()))return page["extract"] if "extract" in page else Nonefull_document = get_wikipedia_page("Hayao_Miyazaki")



4. 分层索引

分层索引,指的是带层级结构的去索引,比如可以先从关系数据库里索引找出对应的关系,然后再利用索引出的关系再进一步去搜寻basic数据库。 前文介绍的多层表达索引也属于分层索引的一种。

还有一种更有效的分层索引方法叫做Raptor,Recursive Abstractive Processing for Tree-Organized Retrieval,该方法核心思想是将doc构建为一棵树,然后逐层递归的查询,如下图所示:

RAPTOR 根据向量递归地对文本块进行聚类,并生成这些聚类的文本摘要,从而自下而上构建一棵树。聚集在一起的节点是兄弟节点;父节点包含该集群的文本摘要。这种结构使 RAPTOR 能够将代表不同级别文本的上下文块加载到 LLM 的上下文中,以便它能够有效且高效地回答不同层面的问题。

查询有两种方法,基于树遍历(tree traversal)和折叠树(collapsed tree)。遍历是从 RAPTOR 树的根层开始,然后逐层查询;折叠树就是全部平铺,用ANN库查询。

首先,我们使用 LangChain 的 LCEL 文档作为输入数据

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tiktoken
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from langchain_community.document_loaders.recursive_url_loader import RecursiveUrlLoader## Helper Fuction to count the number of Tokensin each text
def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str) -> int:"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))return num_tokens# LCEL docs
url = "https://python.langchain.com/docs/expression_language/"
loader = RecursiveUrlLoader(url=url, max_depth=20, extractor=lambda x: Soup(x, "html.parser").text
docs = loader.load()# LCEL w/ PydanticOutputParser (outside the primary LCEL docs)
url = "https://python.langchain.com/docs/modules/model_io/output_parsers/quick_start"
loader = RecursiveUrlLoader(url=url, max_depth=1, extractor=lambda x: Soup(x, "html.parser").text
docs_pydantic = loader.load()# LCEL w/ Self Query (outside the primary LCEL docs)
url = "https://python.langchain.com/docs/modules/data_connection/retrievers/self_query/"
loader = RecursiveUrlLoader(url=url, max_depth=1, extractor=lambda x: Soup(x, "html.parser").text
docs_sq = loader.load()# Doc texts
docs.extend([*docs_pydantic, *docs_sq])
docs_texts = [d.page_content for d in docs]

对文档进行分块以适合我们的 LLM 上下文窗口。

# Doc texts split
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitterchunk_size_tok = 1000
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder(chunk_size=chunk_size_tok, chunk_overlap=0
texts_split = text_splitter.split_text(concatenated_content)
print(f"Number of text splits generated: {len(texts_split)}")


global_embeddings = [embd.embed_query(txt) for txt in texts_split] 
print ( len (global_embeddings[ 0 ])import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import umapdef reduce_cluster_embeddings(embeddings: np.ndarray,dim: int,n_neighbors: Optional[int] = None,metric: str = "cosine",
) -> np.ndarray:if n_neighbors is None:n_neighbors = int((len(embeddings) - 1) ** 0.5)return umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_components=dim, metric=metric).fit_transform(embeddings)dim = 2
global_embeddings_reduced = reduce_cluster_embeddings(global_embeddings, dim)


  • global_cluster_embeddings使用UAMP算法对所有的Embeddings进行全局降维,local_cluster_embeddings则使用UAMP算法进行局部降维。

  • get_optimal_clusters函数使用高斯混合模型的贝叶斯信息准则 (BIC) 确定最佳聚类数。

  • GMM_cluster函数使用基于概率阈值的高斯混合模型 (GMM) 进行聚类嵌入,返回包含聚类标签和确定的聚类数量的元组。

  • Perform_clustering函数则对嵌入执行聚类,首先全局降低其维数,然后使用高斯混合模型进行聚类,最后在每个全局聚类内执行局部聚类。

  • Embed_cluster_texts函数则用于嵌入文本列表并对其进行聚类,返回包含文本、其嵌入和聚类标签的 DataFrame。

  • Embed_cluster_summarize_texts函数首先为文本生成嵌入,根据相似性对它们进行聚类,扩展聚类分配以便于处理,然后汇总每个聚类内的内容。

  • recursive_embed_cluster_summarize函数递归地嵌入、聚类和汇总文本,直至指定级别或直到唯一聚类的数量变为 1,并在每个级别存储结果。

RANDOM_SEED = 224  # Fixed seed for reproducibilitydef global_cluster_embeddings(embeddings: np.ndarray,dim: int,n_neighbors: Optional[int] = None,metric: str = "cosine",
) -> np.ndarray:"""Perform global dimensionality reduction on the embeddings using UMAP.Parameters:- embeddings: The input embeddings as a numpy array.- dim: The target dimensionality for the reduced space.- n_neighbors: Optional; the number of neighbors to consider for each point.If not provided, it defaults to the square root of the number of embeddings.- metric: The distance metric to use for UMAP.Returns:- A numpy array of the embeddings reduced to the specified dimensionality."""if n_neighbors is None:n_neighbors = int((len(embeddings) - 1) ** 0.5)return umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_components=dim, metric=metric).fit_transform(embeddings)def local_cluster_embeddings(embeddings: np.ndarray, dim: int, num_neighbors: int = 10, metric: str = "cosine"
) -> np.ndarray:"""Perform local dimensionality reduction on the embeddings using UMAP, typically after global clustering.Parameters:- embeddings: The input embeddings as a numpy array.- dim: The target dimensionality for the reduced space.- num_neighbors: The number of neighbors to consider for each point.- metric: The distance metric to use for UMAP.Returns:- A numpy array of the embeddings reduced to the specified dimensionality."""return umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=num_neighbors, n_components=dim, metric=metric).fit_transform(embeddings)def get_optimal_clusters(embeddings: np.ndarray, max_clusters: int = 50, random_state: int = RANDOM_SEED
) -> int:"""Determine the optimal number of clusters using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) with a Gaussian Mixture Model.Parameters:- embeddings: The input embeddings as a numpy array.- max_clusters: The maximum number of clusters to consider.- random_state: Seed for reproducibility.Returns:- An integer representing the optimal number of clusters found."""max_clusters = min(max_clusters, len(embeddings))n_clusters = np.arange(1, max_clusters)bics = []for n in n_clusters:gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n, random_state=random_state)gm.fit(embeddings)bics.append(gm.bic(embeddings))return n_clusters[np.argmin(bics)]def GMM_cluster(embeddings: np.ndarray, threshold: float, random_state: int = 0):"""Cluster embeddings using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based on a probability threshold.Parameters:- embeddings: The input embeddings as a numpy array.- threshold: The probability threshold for assigning an embedding to a cluster.- random_state: Seed for reproducibility.Returns:- A tuple containing the cluster labels and the number of clusters determined."""n_clusters = get_optimal_clusters(embeddings)gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_clusters, random_state=random_state)gm.fit(embeddings)probs = gm.predict_proba(embeddings)labels = [np.where(prob > threshold)[0] for prob in probs]return labels, n_clustersdef perform_clustering(embeddings: np.ndarray,dim: int,threshold: float,
) -> List[np.ndarray]:"""Perform clustering on the embeddings by first reducing their dimensionality globally, then clusteringusing a Gaussian Mixture Model, and finally performing local clustering within each global cluster.Parameters:- embeddings: The input embeddings as a numpy array.- dim: The target dimensionality for UMAP reduction.- threshold: The probability threshold for assigning an embedding to a cluster in GMM.Returns:- A list of numpy arrays, where each array contains the cluster IDs for each embedding."""if len(embeddings) <= dim + 1:# Avoid clustering when there's insufficient datareturn [np.array([0]) for _ in range(len(embeddings))]# Global dimensionality reductionreduced_embeddings_global = global_cluster_embeddings(embeddings, dim)# Global clusteringglobal_clusters, n_global_clusters = GMM_cluster(reduced_embeddings_global, threshold)all_local_clusters = [np.array([]) for _ in range(len(embeddings))]total_clusters = 0# Iterate through each global cluster to perform local clusteringfor i in range(n_global_clusters):# Extract embeddings belonging to the current global clusterglobal_cluster_embeddings_ = embeddings[np.array([i in gc for gc in global_clusters])]if len(global_cluster_embeddings_) == 0:continueif len(global_cluster_embeddings_) <= dim + 1:# Handle small clusters with direct assignmentlocal_clusters = [np.array([0]) for _ in global_cluster_embeddings_]n_local_clusters = 1else:# Local dimensionality reduction and clusteringreduced_embeddings_local = local_cluster_embeddings(global_cluster_embeddings_, dim)local_clusters, n_local_clusters = GMM_cluster(reduced_embeddings_local, threshold)# Assign local cluster IDs, adjusting for total clusters already processedfor j in range(n_local_clusters):local_cluster_embeddings_ = global_cluster_embeddings_[np.array([j in lc for lc in local_clusters])]indices = np.where((embeddings == local_cluster_embeddings_[:, None]).all(-1))[1]for idx in indices:all_local_clusters[idx] = np.append(all_local_clusters[idx], j + total_clusters)total_clusters += n_local_clustersreturn all_local_clusters### --- Our code below --- ###def embed(texts):"""Generate embeddings for a list of text documents.This function assumes the existence of an `embd` object with a method `embed_documents`that takes a list of texts and returns their embeddings.Parameters:- texts: List[str], a list of text documents to be embedded.Returns:- numpy.ndarray: An array of embeddings for the given text documents."""text_embeddings = embd.embed_documents(texts)text_embeddings_np = np.array(text_embeddings)return text_embeddings_npdef embed_cluster_texts(texts):"""Embeds a list of texts and clusters them, returning a DataFrame with texts, their embeddings, and cluster labels.This function combines embedding generation and clustering into a single step. It assumes the existenceof a previously defined `perform_clustering` function that performs clustering on the embeddings.Parameters:- texts: List[str], a list of text documents to be processed.Returns:- pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the original texts, their embeddings, and the assigned cluster labels."""text_embeddings_np = embed(texts)  # Generate embeddingscluster_labels = perform_clustering(text_embeddings_np, 10, 0.1)  # Perform clustering on the embeddingsdf = pd.DataFrame()  # Initialize a DataFrame to store the resultsdf["text"] = texts  # Store original textsdf["embd"] = list(text_embeddings_np)  # Store embeddings as a list in the DataFramedf["cluster"] = cluster_labels  # Store cluster labelsreturn dfdef fmt_txt(df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:"""Formats the text documents in a DataFrame into a single string.Parameters:- df: DataFrame containing the 'text' column with text documents to format.Returns:- A single string where all text documents are joined by a specific delimiter."""unique_txt = df["text"].tolist()return "--- --- \n --- --- ".join(unique_txt)def embed_cluster_summarize_texts(texts: List[str], level: int
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:"""Embeds, clusters, and summarizes a list of texts. This function first generates embeddings for the texts,clusters them based on similarity, expands the cluster assignments for easier processing, and then summarizesthe content within each cluster.Parameters:- texts: A list of text documents to be processed.- level: An integer parameter that could define the depth or detail of processing.Returns:- Tuple containing two DataFrames:1. The first DataFrame (`df_clusters`) includes the original texts, their embeddings, and cluster assignments.2. The second DataFrame (`df_summary`) contains summaries for each cluster, the specified level of detail,and the cluster identifiers."""# Embed and cluster the texts, resulting in a DataFrame with 'text', 'embd', and 'cluster' columnsdf_clusters = embed_cluster_texts(texts)# Prepare to expand the DataFrame for easier manipulation of clustersexpanded_list = []# Expand DataFrame entries to document-cluster pairings for straightforward processingfor index, row in df_clusters.iterrows():for cluster in row["cluster"]:expanded_list.append({"text": row["text"], "embd": row["embd"], "cluster": cluster})# Create a new DataFrame from the expanded listexpanded_df = pd.DataFrame(expanded_list)# Retrieve unique cluster identifiers for processingall_clusters = expanded_df["cluster"].unique()print(f"--Generated {len(all_clusters)} clusters--")# Summarizationtemplate = """Here is a sub-set of LangChain Expression Langauge doc.LangChain Expression Langauge provides a way to compose chain in LangChain.Give a detailed summary of the documentation provided.Documentation:{context}"""prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template)chain = prompt | model | StrOutputParser()# Format text within each cluster for summarizationsummaries = []for i in all_clusters:df_cluster = expanded_df[expanded_df["cluster"] == i]formatted_txt = fmt_txt(df_cluster)summaries.append(chain.invoke({"context": formatted_txt}))# Create a DataFrame to store summaries with their corresponding cluster and leveldf_summary = pd.DataFrame({"summaries": summaries,"level": [level] * len(summaries),"cluster": list(all_clusters),})return df_clusters, df_summarydef recursive_embed_cluster_summarize(texts: List[str], level: int = 1, n_levels: int = 3
) -> Dict[int, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]]:"""Recursively embeds, clusters, and summarizes texts up to a specified level or untilthe number of unique clusters becomes 1, storing the results at each level.Parameters:- texts: List[str], texts to be processed.- level: int, current recursion level (starts at 1).- n_levels: int, maximum depth of recursion.Returns:- Dict[int, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]], a dictionary where keys are the recursionlevels and values are tuples containing the clusters DataFrame and summaries DataFrame at that level."""results = {}  # Dictionary to store results at each level# Perform embedding, clustering, and summarization for the current leveldf_clusters, df_summary = embed_cluster_summarize_texts(texts, level)# Store the results of the current levelresults[level] = (df_clusters, df_summary)# Determine if further recursion is possible and meaningfulunique_clusters = df_summary["cluster"].nunique()if level < n_levels and unique_clusters > 1:# Use summaries as the input texts for the next level of recursionnew_texts = df_summary["summaries"].tolist()next_level_results = recursive_embed_cluster_summarize(new_texts, level + 1, n_levels)# Merge the results from the next level into the current results dictionaryresults.update(next_level_results)return results# Build tree
leaf_texts = docs_texts
results = recursive_embed_cluster_summarize(leaf_texts, level=1, n_levels=3)


  • 树遍历检索:树的遍历从树的根级开始,并根据向量嵌入的余弦相似度检索节点的前 k 个文档。因此,在每一级,它都会从子节点检索前 k 个文档。

  • 折叠树检索:折叠树检索是一种更简单的方法。它将所有树折叠成一层,并根据查询向量的余弦相似度检索节点,直到达到阈值数量的标记。


# Initialize all_texts with leaf_texts
all_texts = leaf_texts.copy()# Iterate through the results to extract summaries from each level and add them to all_texts
for level in sorted(results.keys()):# Extract summaries from the current level's DataFramesummaries = results[level][1]["summaries"].tolist()# Extend all_texts with the summaries from the current levelall_texts.extend(summaries)#Final Summaries extracted

将文本加载到 vectorstore 中,构建索引,并创建查询引擎

# Now, use all_texts to build the vectorstore with Chroma
vectorstore = Chroma.from_texts(texts=all_texts, embedding=embd)
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()from langchain import hub
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
# Prompt
prompt = hub.pull("rlm/rag-prompt")
# Post-processing
def format_docs(docs):return "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in docs)
# Chain
rag_chain = ({"context": retriever | format_docs, "question": RunnablePassthrough()}| prompt| model| StrOutputParser()


# Question
response =rag_chain.invoke("What is LCEL?")
print(str(response))############# Response ######################################LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) is a declarative way to easily compose chains together in LangChain. It was designed from day 1 to support putting prototypes in production with no code changes, from the simplest "prompt + LLM" chain to complex chains with hundreds of steps. Some reasons why one might want to use LCEL include streaming support (allowing for the best possible time-to-first-token), async support (enabling use in both synchronous and asynchronous APIs), optimized parallel execution (automatically executing parallel steps with the smallest possible latency), retries and fallbacks (a great way to make chains more reliable at scale), access to intermediate results (useful for letting end-users know something is happening or debugging), input and output schemas (providing Pydantic and JSONSchema schemas inferred from chain structure for validation), seamless LangSmith tracing integration (maximum observability and debuggability), and seamless LangServe deployment integration (easy chain deployment).



在这篇文章中,风叔详细介绍了优化Indexing(索引)的具体方法,包括Chunk optimization(块优化)、Multi-representation indexing(多层表达索引)、Specialized embeddings(特殊嵌入)和Hierachical Indexing(多级索引)这四种优化方案。




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迅为iTOP-LS2K0500开发板 迅为iTOP-LS2K0500开发板采用龙芯LS2K0500处理器&#xff0c;基于龙芯自主指令系统&#xff08;LoongArch&#xff09;架构&#xff0c;片内集成64位LA264处理器核、32位DDR3控制器、2D GPU、DVO显示接口、两路PClE2.0、两路SATA2.0、四路USB2.0、一路…

浏览器HTTP缓存解读(HTTP Status:200 304)

为什么要有浏览器缓存&#xff1f; 浏览器缓存(Brower Caching)是浏览器对之前请求过的文件进行缓存&#xff0c;以便下一次访问时重复使用&#xff0c;节省带宽&#xff0c;提高访问速度&#xff0c;降低服务器压力 http缓存机制主要在http响应头中设定&#xff0c;响应头中…


提示&#xff1a;文章写完后&#xff0c;目录可以自动生成&#xff0c;如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档 目录 一、 二分查找 1.二分查找的前提 2.binary_ search函数 3.lower_bound和upper_bound 二、排序 1.sort概念 2.sort的用法 3.自定义比较函数 三、全排列 1.next p…

Spring Boot⾃动配置

一、Spring Boot的自动配置原理 Spring Boot使用一种称为“约定优于配置”的方法&#xff0c;这意味着如果你按照预定的方式来安排你的代码和依赖项&#xff0c;Spring Boot可以自动配置你的应用程序。主要特点包括&#xff1a; 自动检测&#xff1a;Spring Boot在应用启动时…


1、word转pdf 使用nuget&#xff1a; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word winform页面&#xff1a; 后端代码&#xff1a; //using Spire.Doc; //using Spire.Pdf; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using Sy…

iOS Swift5算法恢复——HMAC

demangle的时候看到了CryptoSwift&#xff0c;HMAC&#xff0c;于是写一个helloworld&#xff0c;用于对照。 sudo gem install cocoapods pod init pods文件&#xff0c;注意要标注静态链接&#xff1a; # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your p…

Diving into the HAL-----HAL_GPIO

1、怎么看待外设&#xff1a; 从总线连接的角度看&#xff0c;外设和Core、DMA通过总线交换数据&#xff0c;正所谓要想富先修路。要注意&#xff0c;这些总线中的每一个都连接到不同的时钟源&#xff0c;这些时钟源决定了连接到该总线的外设操作的最大速度。 从内存分配的角度…


前言 在开发需要高性能的应用程序时&#xff0c;多线程是提升处理效率和响应速度的关键技术。C 和 C# 各自拥有不同的线程模型和并发工具。在跨语言开发中&#xff0c;如何有效地利用两者的并发特性&#xff0c;同时确保线程安全和数据一致性&#xff0c;是一个值得探讨的问题…

libavdevice.so.58: cannot open shared object file: No such file ordirectory踩坑

博主是将大图切分成小图时遇到 问题一、linux编译后&#xff0c;找不到ffmpeg中的一个文件 产生原因&#xff0c;各种包集成&#xff0c;然后安装以后乱七八糟&#xff0c;甚至官方的教程也不规范导致没有添加路径到系统文件导致系统执行的时候找不到 1.下载 博主进行的离线…


模糊查询&#xff1a; 查询某一列中内容为空的记录。 -- 模糊查询 (项目中尽量不要使用) -- 张x SELECT * FROM student WHERE student_name LIKE 张_; -- % 不限长度的字符 -- 手机号中有 23 0或多个 SELECT * FROM student WHERE phone LIKE %23% -- 名字包含铮的学生 SELEC…


一、算法描述 前面讨论的查找算法在处理小数据量(顺序查找)或者有序的数据集合(二分查找)时才使用。我们需要更加强大的算法能够查找较大的集合,而且并不需要有序。最常使用的一个方法是使用散列函数来将目标元素的一个或者多个特征转换成一个值,这个值用来索引一个已经索引的…


该文档详细描述了实现一个简单的密码管理工具的过程&#xff0c;工具基于PHP和MySQL构建&#xff0c;支持用户注册、密码存储、管理以及角色权限控制等核心功能。 系统架构设计 技术栈&#xff1a;PHP&#xff08;后端逻辑&#xff09;、MySQL&#xff08;数据存储&#xff09…


一、深度强化学习的崛起 深度强化学习在人工智能领域的重要地位 深度强化学习作为一种融合了深度学习和强化学习的新技术&#xff0c;在人工智能领域占据着至关重要的地位。它结合了深度学习强大的感知能力和强化学习优秀的决策能力&#xff0c;能够处理复杂的任务和环境。例如…

基于 Java 的 Spring Boot 和 Vue 的宠物领养系统设计与实现

需要代码 vx&#xff1a;Java980320 不收取任何费用 在这个宠物领养系统中&#xff0c;我们可以设定两个角色&#xff1a;管理员和普通用户。每个角色的功能和目标略有不同&#xff0c;以下分别介绍&#xff1a; 管理员 管理员的主要职责是确保平台的高效运行&#xff0c…


将理论&#xff0c;代码&#xff0c;图示三合一。 day1计算机基础结构 硬件 1944年&#xff0c;美籍匈牙利数学家冯诺依曼提出计算机基本结构。 五大组成部分&#xff1a;运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备。 – 运算器&#xff1a;按照程序中的指令&#xff0c…


针对政务、国企、医院、军工等内网物理隔离的客户&#xff0c;有时需要多次摆渡才能到达要安装软件的服务器。本教程将指导您使用Linux和Docker Compose编排服务&#xff0c;实现APISQL的离线部署。 准备 准备一台Linux(x86_64)服务器。 安装Docker Engine&#xff08;推荐版本…

【01初识】-初识 RabbitMQ

目录 学习背景1- 初识 MQ1-1 同步调用什么是同步调用&#xff1f;小结&#xff1a;同步调用优缺点 1-2 异步调用什么是异步调用&#xff1f;小结&#xff1a;异步调用的优缺点&#xff0c;什么时候使用异步调用&#xff1f; 1-3 MQ 技术选型 学习背景 异步通讯的特点&#xff…


目录 1.前言 2.代码 3.数据形态【分类用】 4.配置文件 5.训练 6.测试-分析-混淆矩阵等等&#xff0c;测试图片效果等 7.导出onnx 8.onnx推理 9.docker环境简单补充 1.前言 好久没有做图像分类了&#xff0c;于是想用商汤的mmclassification快速搞一波&#xff0c;发现已…

【微服务】Nacos 注册中心

<!-- nacos 依赖--><dependency><groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId><artifactId>spring-cloud-alibaba-dependencies</artifactId><version>${nacos.version}</version><type>pom</type><scope>import&l…