构建基于 LlamaIndex 的RAG AI Agent

I built a custom AI agent that thinks and then acts. I didn't invent it though, these agents are known as ReAct Agents and I'll show you how to build one yourself using LlamaIndex in this tutorial.


Hi folks! Today, I'm super excited to show you how you can build a Python app that takes the contents of a web page and generates an optimization report based on the latest Google guidelines—all in under 10 seconds! This is perfect for bloggers and content creators who want to ensure their content meets Google's standards.


We'll use a LlamaIndex ReActAgent and three tools that will enable the AI agent to:

我们将使用LlamaIndex ReActAgent和三个工具,这些工具将使AI智能体能够:

  • Read the content of a blog post from a given URL. 从给定的URL读取博客文章的内容。
  • Process Google's content guidelines.   处理Google的内容指南。
  • Generate a PDF report based on the content and guidelines. 基于内容和指南生成PDF报告。

This is especially useful given the recent Google updates that have affected organic traffic for many bloggers. You may want to tweak this to suit your needs but in general, this should be a great starting point if you want to explore AI Agents.


Ok, let's dive in and build this!        好的,让我们深入其中并开始构建吧!

Overview and scope        概述和范围

Here's what we'll cover:        以下是我们将要涵盖的内容:

  1. Architecture overview        架构概述
  2. Setting up the environment    设置环境
  3. Creating the tools    创建工具
  4. Writing the main application    编写主应用程序
  5. Running the application    运行应用程序

1. Architecture Overview        架构概述

"ReAct" refers to Reason and Action. A ReAct agent understands and generates language, performs reasoning, and executes actions based on that understanding and since LlamaIndex provides a nice and easy-to-use interface to create ReAct agents and tools, we'll use it and OpenAI's latest model GPT-4o to build our app.


We'll create three simple tools:        我们将创建三个简单的工具:

  • The guidelines tool: Converts Google's guidelines to embeddings for reference.


  • The web_reader tool: Reads the contents of a given web page.


  • The report_generator tool: Converts the model's response from markdown to a PDF report.


2. Setting up the environment        设置环境

Let's start by creating a new project directory. Inside of it, we'll set up a new environment:


mkdir llamaindex-react-agent-demo
cd llamaindex-react-agent-demo
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Next, install the necessary packages:        接下来,安装必要的包:

pip install llama-index llama-index-llms-openai
pip install llama-index-readers-web llama-index-readers-file
pip install python-dotenv pypandoc

To convert the contents to a PDF we'll use a third-party tool called pandoc. You can follow the steps as outlined here to set it up on your machine.


Finally, we'll create a .env file in the root directory and add our OpenAI API Key as follows:

最后,我们将在根目录中创建一个.env文件,并添加我们的OpenAI API密钥,如下所示:


3. Creating the Tools        创建工具

谷歌内容嵌入指南(Google Content Guidelines for Embeddings)

Navigate to any page in your browser. In this tutorial, I'm using this page. Once you're there, convert it to a PDF. In general, you can do this by clicking on "File -> Export as PDF..." or something similar depending on your browser.

在浏览器中导航到任何页面。在本教程中,我使用这个页面。到达后,将其转换为PDF。通常,你可以通过点击“文件 -> 导出为PDF...”或类似选项(取决于你的浏览器)来完成此操作。

Save Google's content guidelines as a PDF and place it in a data folder. Then, create a tools folder and add a guidelines.py file:


import os from llama_index.core import StorageContext, VectorStoreIndex, load_index_from_storage
from llama_index.core.tools import QueryEngineTool, ToolMetadata
from llama_index.readers.file import PDFReader...

After adding the required packages, we'll convert our PDF to embeddings and then create a VectorStoreIndex:


...data = PDFReader().load_data(file=file_path)
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(data, show_progress=False)...

Then, we return a QueryEngineTool which can be used by the agent:


...query_engine = index.as_query_engine()guidelines_engine = QueryEngineTool(query_engine=query_engine,metadata=ToolMetadata(name="guidelines_engine",description="This tool can retrieve content from the guidelines")

Web Page Reader        网页阅读器

Next, we'll write some code to give the agent the ability to read the contents of a webpage. Create a web_reader.py file in the tools folder:


# web_reader.pyfrom llama_index.core import SummaryIndex
from llama_index.core.tools import QueryEngineTool, ToolMetadata
from llama_index.readers.web import SimpleWebPageReader...url = "https://www.gettingstarted.ai/crewai-beginner-tutorial"documents = SimpleWebPageReader(html_to_text=True).load_data([url])
index = SummaryIndex.from_documents(documents)

I'm using a SummaryIndex to process the documents, there are multiple other index types that you could decide to choose based on your data.


I'm also using SimpleWebPageReader to pull the contents of URL. Alternatively, you could implement your own function, but we'll just use this data loader to keep things simple.


Next, we'll build the QueryEngineTool object which will be provided to the agent just like we've done before:


query_engine = index.as_query_engine()web_reader_engine = QueryEngineTool(query_engine=query_engine,metadata=ToolMetadata(name="web_reader_engine",description="This tool can retrieve content from a web page")

Ok, cool. Now let's wrap up the tool and create our PDF report generator.


PDF Report Generator        PDF报告生成器

For this one, we'll use a FunctionTool instead of a QueryEngineTool since the agent won't be querying an index but rather executing a Python function to generate the report.


Start by creating a report_generator.py file in the tools folder:


# report_generator.py...import tempfile
import pypandocfrom llama_index.core.tools import FunctionTooldef generate_report(md_text, output_file):with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".md") as temp_md:temp_md.write(md_text.encode("utf-8"))temp_md_path = temp_md.nametry:output = pypandoc.convert_file(temp_md_path, "pdf", outputfile=output_file)return "Success"finally:os.remove(temp_md_path)report_generator = FunctionTool.from_defaults(fn=generate_report,name="report_generator",description="This tool can generate a PDF report from markdown text"

4. Writing the Main Application        编写主应用程序

Awesome! All good. Now we'll put everything together in a main.py file:


# main.py...# llama_index
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from llama_index.core.agent import ReActAgent# tools
from tools.guidelines import guidelines_engine
from tools.web_reader import web_reader_engine
from tools.report_generator import report_generatorllm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4o")agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(tools=[guidelines_engine, # <---web_reader_engine, # <---report_generator # <---],llm=llm,verbose=True

As you can see, we start by importing the required packages and our tools, then we'll use the ReActAgent class to create our agent.


To create a simple chat loop, we'll write the following code and then run the app:


...while True:user_input = input("You: ")if user_input.lower() == "quit":breakresponse = agent.chat(user_input)print("Agent: ", response)

5. Running the Application        运行应用程序

It's showtime! Let's run the application from the terminal:


python main.py

Feel free to use the following prompt, or customize it as you see fit:


"Based on the given web page, develop actionable tips including how to rewrite some of the content to optimize it in a way that is more aligned with the content guidelines. You must explain in a table why each suggestion improves content based on the guidelines, then create a report."


The agent will process the request, and call upon the tools as needed to generate a PDF report with actionable tips and explanations.


The whole process will look something like this:        整个过程将如下所示:

You can clearly see how the agent is reasoning and thinking about the task at hand and then devising a plan on how to execute it. With the assistance of the tools that we've created, we can give it extra capabilities, like generating a PDF report.


Here's the final PDF report:        这是最终的PDF报告:

Conclusion        总结

And that's it! You've built a smart AI agent that can optimize your blog content based on Google's guidelines. This tool can save you a lot of time and ensure your content is always up to standard.




# main.pyimport os
from dotenv import load_dotenvload_dotenv()# llama_index
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from llama_index.core.agent import ReActAgent# tools
from tools.guidelines import guidelines_engine
from tools.web_reader import web_reader_engine
from tools.report_generator import report_generator
from tools.web_loader import web_loaderllm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4o")agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(tools=[guidelines_engine,web_reader_engine,report_generator],llm=llm,verbose=True
)while True:user_input = input("You: ")if user_input.lower() == "quit":breakresponse = agent.chat(user_input)print("Agent: ", response)


# guidelines.pyimport os
from llama_index.core import StorageContext, VectorStoreIndex, load_index_from_storage
from llama_index.core.tools import QueryEngineTool, ToolMetadata
from llama_index.readers.file import PDFReaderdef load_index(file_path, index_name):data = PDFReader().load_data(file=file_path)if os.path.exists('embeddings/' + index_name):index = load_index_from_storage(StorageContext.from_defaults(persist_dir='embeddings/' + index_name))else:index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(data, show_progress=False)index.storage_context.persist(persist_dir='embeddings/' + index_name)return indexdef asQueryEngineTool(index):query_engine = index.as_query_engine()return QueryEngineTool(query_engine=query_engine,metadata=ToolMetadata(name="guidelines_engine",description="This tool can retrieve content from the guidelines"))file_path = os.path.join("data", "content-guidelines.pdf")
guidelines_index = load_index(file_path, index_name="guidelines")guidelines_engine = asQueryEngineTool(guidelines_index)


from llama_index.core import SummaryIndex
from llama_index.core.tools import QueryEngineTool, ToolMetadata
from llama_index.readers.web import SimpleWebPageReaderdef load_index(url: str):documents = SimpleWebPageReader(html_to_text=True).load_data([url])index = SummaryIndex.from_documents(documents)return indexdef asQueryEngineTool(index):query_engine = index.as_query_engine()return QueryEngineTool(query_engine=query_engine,metadata=ToolMetadata(name="web_reader_engine",description="This tool can retrieve content from a web page"))index = load_index(url="https://www.gettingstarted.ai/crewai-beginner-tutorial"
)web_reader_engine = asQueryEngineTool(index)web_reader_engine = QueryEngineTool(query_engine=query_engine,metadata=ToolMetadata(name="web_reader_engine",description="This tool can retrieve content from a web page")


import os
import tempfile
import pypandocfrom llama_index.core.tools import FunctionTooldef generate_report(md_text, output_file):with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".md") as temp_md:temp_md.write(md_text.encode("utf-8"))temp_md_path = temp_md.nametry:output = pypandoc.convert_file(temp_md_path, "pdf", outputfile=output_file)return "Success"finally:os.remove(temp_md_path)report_generator = FunctionTool.from_defaults(fn=generate_report,name="report_generator",description="This tool can generate a PDF report from markdown text"




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