本来是想配合上一篇写的测距传感器数据打开摄像头录制个50秒实时画面,后来这个测距传感器(因为我是歪用,用来识别范围内的移动物体)给的数据,false alarming还是太高了。于是想到使用本人之前深恶痛绝的opencv来试一试。
├── output
└── save_key_events.py
2024-05-25: 加了画面带datetime overlay的。
from picamera2 import Picamera2,MappedArray
from picamera2.encoders import H264Encoder
from picamera2.outputs import FileOutput,FfmpegOutputimport time
import cv2
import numpy as npcolour=(120,230,30)
picam2 =Picamera2()
picam2.configure(picam2.create_video_configuration(main={"size": (640,480)}))def apply_timestamp(request):timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S")with MappedArray(request,"main") as m:cv2.putText(m.array,timestamp,origin,font,scale,colour,thickness)picam2.pre_callback = apply_timestamp
encoder = H264Encoder()picam2.start()
print("[INFO] warming up camera...")
t = 0
for t in [0,30]:t = t + 1time.sleep(1)
print("Ready to go!")
last_mean = 0
skip_flag = 0try:while True:if skip_flag > 0: #实际的观测发现,即便撤去画面中模拟的道具,这个二阶比值change_velocity还会有一些不稳定。skip_flag = skip_flag - 1time.sleep(20)frame = picam2.capture_array()gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)current_mean = np.mean(gray)current_result = np.abs(current_mean - last_mean)if last_mean != 0 :change_velocity = min(current_result,previous_result) / max(current_result,previous_result)print(change_velocity)if change_velocity < 0.6 and change_velocity > 0.1 and skip_flag in [0,3]:now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S",time.localtime(time.time()))if skip_flag == 3:now = "csc_" + nowfname = "./output/" + now + ".mp4"output_file = FfmpegOutput(fname)picam2.start_recording(encoder,output=output_file)time.sleep(50)picam2.stop_recording()last_mean = current_meanif skip_flag == 0:skip_flag = 4if last_mean == 0:last_mean = current_meanprevious_result = current_resulttime.sleep(10)picam2.start()
except KeyboardInterrupt:picam2.stop_recording()cv2.destroyAllWindows()finally:# do a bit of cleanuppicam2.stop_recording()
#Usage = sh limit-directory-size.sh /media/computer/mypartition 80 4 ("/media/computer/mypartition" = the directory to be limited / "88"=the percentage of the total partition this directory is allowed to use / "120"=the number of files to be deleted every time the script loops (while $Directory_Percentage > $Max_Directory_Percentage)#Directory to limit
echo "Directory to limit="$Watched_Directory#Percentage of partition this directory is allowed to use
echo "Percentage of partition this directory is allowed to use="$Max_Directory_Percentage#Current size of this directory
Directory_Size=$( du -sk "$Watched_Directory" | cut -f1 )
echo "Current size of this directory="$Directory_Size#Total space of the partition = Used+Available
Disk_Size=$(( $(df $Watched_Directory | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $3}')+$(df $Watched_Directory | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}') ))
echo "Total space of the partition="$Disk_Size#Curent percentage used by the directory
Directory_Percentage=$(echo "scale=2;100*$Directory_Size/$Disk_Size+0.5" | bc | awk '{printf("%d\n",$1 + 0.5)}')
echo "Curent percentage used by the directory="$Directory_Percentage#number of files to be deleted every time the script loops (can be set to "1" if you want to be very accurate but the script is slower)
echo "number of files to be deleted every time the script loops="$Number_Files_Deleted_Each_Loop#While the current percentage is higher than allowed percentage, we delete the oldest files
while [ $Directory_Percentage -gt $Max_Directory_Percentage ] ; do#we delete the filesfind $Watched_Directory -type f -printf "%T@ %p\n" | sort -nr | tail -$Number_Files_Deleted_Each_Loop | cut -d' ' -f 2- | xargs rm#we delete the empty directoriesfind $Watched_Directory -type d -empty -delete#we re-calculate $Directory_PercentageDirectory_Size=$( du -sk "$Watched_Directory" | cut -f1 )Directory_Percentage=$(echo "scale=2;100*$Directory_Size/$Disk_Size+0.5" | bc | awk '{printf("%d\n",$1 + 0.5)}')
Simple Motion Detection with Python and OpenCV — For Beginners
Motion Detection using OpenCV
用opencv来自动保存关键事件视频片段 - 知乎
using bash - Limit the size of a directory by deleting old files