
基于Steve Klabnik的《The Rust Programming Language》一书。昨天我们做了一个猜谜游戏 ,今天我们将探讨常见的编程概念,例如:

  • Variables 变量
  • Constants 常数
  • Shadowing 阴影
  • Data Types 数据类型
  • Functions 功能

Variables 变量

In layman terms, Variables are like container that store a value. Let’s just take a quick look at them

  • Variables can store different types of values such as : numbers, text or complex structures
  • Each variable has a name
  • In rust a variable is immutable by default, meaning the value cannot be change once set, to make a variable mutable mut keyword is used.
    在rust中,变量默认是不可变的,这意味着一旦设置了值就不能改变,要使变量可变,使用 mut 关键字。
  • You can explicitly define what type of value is going to be stored in a variable but it is optional.
  • Variables have a limited scope, meaning they can only be accessed in a certain portion of the code

Example : 范例:

fn main(){let x = 10; //immutable varlet mut y = 15; //mutable varprintln!("X = {}",x);println!("Y = {}",y);y = 2println!("X = {}",x);println!("Y = {}",y);

Constants 常数

Like immutable variables, constants are values that are not allowed to change, but there are a few differences

  • Constants are inherently immutable, mut keyword cannot be used with them
    常量本质上是不可变的, mut 关键字不能与它们一起使用
  • They are initialized at the time of compilation, compile-time initialization
  • Constants have a global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the program
  • Type definition is required for constants

Example : 范例:

const VALUE_OF_PI: u32 = 3.1418;

Shadowing 阴影

As we saw yesterday, with shadowing you can declare a new variable with the same name as the previous variable and the newer variable will overshadow the previous one

Example : 范例:

fn main(){let x = 10;let x = x - 7;{let x = x * 2;println!("X in inner scope = {}",x);}println!("X in oouter scope = {}",x);

Output : 输出量:

$ cargo run
X in inner scope = 6
X in outer scope = 3

Data Types 数据类型

Data types can further be divided into two groups: Scalar and Compound data types

Scalar Data Types 标量数据类型

A scalar type represents one value, Rust has 4 primary Scalar data types:

Integer 整数

An integer is a number without the fractional component, We used it yesterday in the guessing game, u32 means an unsigned 32 bit integer
整数是一个没有小数部分的数字,我们昨天在猜谜游戏中使用了它, u32 表示无符号的32位整数

Other types of integer include :

Signed : 签署人:

  • The difference between a signed and an unsigned integer is whether the number needs to have a sign or whether it will only be positive
    有符号整数和无符号整数之间的区别在于数字是否需要有一个 sign ,或者它是否只会是正数
  • Each signed integer can store numbers from -(2^(n — 1)) to (2^(n — 1)) — 1, Where n = the number of bits the variant uses
    每个有符号整数可以存储从-(2^(n - 1))到(2^(n - 1))- 1的数字,其中n =变体使用的位数
  • Example : i8, i16, i32, i64, i128

Unsigned : 未签名:

  • Unsigned numbers are always positive.
  • Each unsigned integer can store numbers from 0 to 2^n — 1
    每个无符号整数可以存储从0到 2^n — 1 的数字
  • Example : u8, u16, u32, u64, u128

Additionally there is isize and usize depend on the architecture of the computer the program is running on. 32 bits if the program is running on 32 bit architecture and 64 bits if the program is running on 64 bit architecture
此外,还有 isize 和 usize 取决于程序运行的计算机的架构。如果程序运行在32位架构上,则为32位,如果程序运行在64位架构上,则为64位

Integer Overflow: 溢出:

  • Computers represent integers using a fixed number of bits, determining the range they can cover.
  • In Rust, when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the maximum representable value for a data type (overflow), it wraps around to the minimum value and continues counting.

Example of Integer overflow:

If you’re using an 8-bit integer, the range is 0 to 255. If you try to add 1 to 255, in normal arithmetic, you’d expect 256. However, in Rust, it wraps around to 0 due to overflow.

Floating-point numbers : 浮点数:

Floating point numbers in rust have a fractional component. Unlike integers Floating-point numbers are always signed. There are two types of floating-point numbers : f32 and f64 32 and 64 representing the size in bits.
rust中的浮点数有一个小数部分。与整数不同,浮点数总是有符号的。有两种类型的浮点数: f32 和 f64 32和64表示位的大小。

Example : 范例:

fn main() {// Using f32let float_32: f32 = 3.14; // A 32-bit floating-point numberprintln!("f32 value: {}", float_32);// Using f64let float_64: f64 = 3.141592653589793; // A 64-bit floating-point numberprintln!("f64 value: {}", float_64);// Performing arithmetic operationslet result_f32 = float_32 * 2.0;let result_f64 = float_64 * 2.0;// Displaying resultsprintln!("Result (f32): {}", result_f32);println!("Result (f64): {}", result_f64);

Numeric operations 数值运算

Rust supports the basic mathematical operations such as :

  • Addition 此外
  • Subtraction 减法
  • Multiplication 乘法
  • Division 司
  • Modulus 模量

Example: 范例:

fn main(){let sum = 10+7;let subtraction = 60-4;let multilpication = 7 * 7;let division = 25/5;let modulus = 13%2;println!("10 + 7 = {}",sum);println!("60 - 4 = {}",subtraction);println!("7 * 7 = {}",multilpication);println!("25 / 5= {}",division);println!("13 % 2= {}",modulus);

Boolean Type 布尔类型

As in most programming languages, a boolean type is one byte in size and can be either true or false.
与大多数编程语言一样,布尔类型的大小是一个字节,可以是 true 或 false 。

Example: 范例:

fn main(){let t = true;let f: bool = false;

Character type 字符类型

Rust’s char type is the most primitive alphabetic type, similar to char in C.
Rust的char类型是最原始的字母类型,类似于C中的 char 。

fn main(){let z = 'Z';let x: char = "X";

Side note : Characters are enclosed in single quotes, and Strings are enclosed in double quotes.

Compound Types 复合类型

Compound types can store multiple values in one type. They are often group of scalar data.

Tuple 元组

A tuple in Rust is like a mixed bag that can hold different types of items, allowing you to group and organize them in a specific order. It’s a simple way to bundle multiple values together.

Tuples are immutable. However, the elements within the tuple may be mutable if they are declared as mutable variables.

Syntax 语法

let var_name: (data_type1,data_type2...data_typeN) = (val1,val2...valN);//The values in this tuple is mutable
let mut var_name: (data_type1,data_type2...data_typeN) = (val1,val2...valN);

Example 例如

let tup: (i32, f64, u16) = (500,3.141,9);

Accessing data in tuples 将数据存储在元组中

Indexing: 索引:

Indexing is the act of accessing a specific element in a data structure, like an array or tuple, using its position or key.

To access a tuple using indexing we can do this:


Example: 范例:

fn main() {// Creating a tuplelet my_tuple = (42, "hello", 3.14);// Accessing elements using indexing (zero-based)let first_element = my_tuple.0;   // Access the first element (42)let second_element = my_tuple.1;  // Access the second element ("hello")let third_element = my_tuple.2;   // Access the third element (3.14)// Printing the accessed elementsprintln!("First element: {}", first_element);println!("Second element: {}", second_element);println!("Third element: {}", third_element);

Array 阵列

Arrays are another way to store data of the same type, sequentially. Arrays in rust have a fixed length.

To write an array we use square brackets [] as a comma-seperated list.
为了写一个数组,我们使用方括号 [] 作为逗号分隔的列表。

Example: 范例:

fn main(){let a: [i32;5]= [1,2,3,4,5];

We can also do this :

fn main(){let x = [6; 4]; // [6,6,6,6]

Accessing array elements:

fn main() {let a: [u32; 6] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];let first: u32 = a[0];let last: u32 = a[a.len() - 1];println!("First element : {}", first); // 1println!("Last element : {}", last); // 6

Functions 功能

Technically the definition of a functions is, a self-contained unit of code that performs a specific task, taking inputs and producing outputs, enhancing code structure and reusability.

The main function is the entry point of a rust porgram, similarly we can use the fn keyword to declare custom functions that perform a specific task.
main 函数是rust程序的入口点,同样,我们可以使用 fn 关键字来声明执行特定任务的自定义函数。

In rust snake_case is the convention for declaring functions and variable names.
在rust中, snake_case 是声明函数和变量名的约定。

Example 例如

fn main(){println!("The main Function");new_function();
}fn new_function(){println!("This is a custom function");

Output 输出

$ cargo run
The main Function
This is a custom function

Parameters 参数

In layman’s terms : A parameter is an input passed to a function

Technically, Parameters are a function’s placeholders in its definition and arguments are the actual values or data you provide to a function when you call it. They match the parameters’ types and order defined in the function.

Although people do tend to use these words interchangeably.

Example 例如

fn main(){println!("The main Function");addition(5,9);
fn addition(x: i32,y: i32){println!("Addition of {} + {} = {}",x,y,x+y);

Output 输出

$ cargo run
The main Function
Addition of 5 + 9 = 14

Statements and expressions

Statements are instruction that perform a certain task, Whereas Expressions evaluate to a value.

Example 例如

fn main(){let y = 6; //Statementlet x = 5; //Statementlet result = x+y; // here "x+y" is an expression

Functions with return values

Functions can return a value when they are called . We must declare the return type of a function with an arrow ->
函数在被调用时可以返回一个值。我们必须用箭头声明函数的返回类型 ->

In rust, The final expression of the function is the return value of the function.

Example 例如

fn main(){println!("The main Function");let sum = addition(5,9);println!("Result of the function : {}", sum);
fn addition(x: i32,y: i32) -> i32 {x+y // The return statement

In Rust, the absence of a semicolon at the end of a return statement indicates that it is the value to be returned, making the code more explicit and reducing redundancy.





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