1 下载ADI 5758 Demo
2 AD5758驱动的移植
2.1 使用STM32CubeMX创建工程
2.2 接口函数实现
2.2.1 驱动接口列表
2.2.2 函数实现
2.2.3 修正ad5758驱动
3 AD5758应用程序
3.1 编写测试程序
3.1.1 配置参数结构
3.1.2 配置参数函数
3.1.3 读取参数函数
3.2 接口调用
4 测试代码
1 下载ADI 5758 Demo
git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/no-OS/tree/main/projects/ad5758-sdz
2 AD5758驱动的移植
2.1 使用STM32CubeMX创建工程
添加ad5758.c 和ad5758.h到项目,并创建接口函数文件:ad5758_io.c
2.2 接口函数实现
2.2.1 驱动接口列表
函数名 | 功能描述 |
no_os_spi_write_and_read | SPI读写数据 |
ad5758_cs_LOW | AD5758芯片片选LOW |
ad5758_cs_HIGHT | AD5758芯片片选HIGH |
reset_chip_LOW | AD5758芯片复位LOW |
reset_chip_HIGH | AD5758芯片复位HIGH |
ldac_chip_LOW | 加载数据引脚置LOW |
ldac_chip_HIGH | 加载数据引脚置HIGH |
fault_chip_status | Error状态引脚 |
pwr_status_chip | Power状态引脚 |
2.2.2 函数实现
step- 1: 定义IO接口列表
static const Stru_ad5758Port stru_ad5758PortList[1] =
{{0x00,&hspi2,DAC_SYNC_0_GPIO_Port,DAC_SYNC_0_Pin,DAC_RESET_0_GPIO_Port,DAC_RESET_0_Pin,DAC_LDAC_0_1_GPIO_Port,DAC_LDAC_0_1_Pin,DAC_FAULT_0_GPIO_Port,DAC_FAULT_0_Pin,DAC_PWR_STATUS_0_GPIO_Port,DAC_PWR_STATUS_0_Pin,}, //ad57578 chip-1
step-2: 实现接口
bool no_os_spi_write_and_read( uint8_t *buff, int len)
{ int i = 0;uint8_t rbuff[len];const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];for( i = 0; i<len; i++ ){rbuff[i] = spi_readWriteByte( pAD5758_Port->spi, buff[i]);} for( i = 0; i<len; i++ ){buff[i] = rbuff[i];} return true;
}void ad5758_cs_LOW( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->SpiCsGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->SpiCsPin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
}void ad5758_cs_HIGHT( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->SpiCsGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->SpiCsPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
}void reset_chip_LOW( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->ResetGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->ResetPin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
}void reset_chip_HIGH( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->ResetGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->ResetPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
}void ldac_chip_LOW( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->DacLoadGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->DacLoadPin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
}void ldac_chip_HIGH( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pAD5758_Port->DacLoadGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->DacLoadPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
}uint8_t fault_chip_status( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];return HAL_READ_DAC_PIN(pAD5758_Port->FaultGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->FaultPin);
}uint8_t pwr_status_chip( void )
{const Stru_ad5758Port *pAD5758_Port = &stru_ad5758PortList[chip_index];return HAL_READ_DAC_PIN(pAD5758_Port->PwrOkGPIOx, pAD5758_Port->PwrOkPin);
2.2.3 修正ad5758驱动
#include "ad5758.h"
#include "ad5758_io.h"/*** Compute CRC8 checksum.* @param data - The data buffer.* @param data_size - The size of the data buffer.* @return CRC8 checksum.*/
static uint8_t ad5758_compute_crc8(uint8_t *data,uint8_t data_size)
{uint8_t i;uint8_t crc = 0;while (data_size) {for (i = 0x80; i != 0; i >>= 1) {if (((crc & 0x80) != 0) != ((*data & i) != 0)) {crc <<= 1;crc ^= AD5758_CRC8_POLY;} else {crc <<= 1;}}data++;data_size--;}return crc;
}/*** Read from device.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param reg_addr - The register address.* @param reg_data - The register data.* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_spi_reg_read(struct ad5758_dev *dev,uint8_t reg_addr,uint16_t *reg_data)
{Stru_dataRegister st_dataRegister;uint8_t buf[4];int32_t ret;uint8_t rd_reg_addr;buf[0] = AD5758_REG_WRITE(AD5758_REG_TWO_STAGE_READBACK_SELECT);buf[1] = 0x00;buf[2] = reg_addr;if (dev->crc_en)buf[3] = ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3);elsebuf[3] = 0x00;ret = no_os_spi_write_and_read( buf, 4);if (ret < 0)goto spi_err;buf[0] = AD5758_REG_WRITE(AD5758_REG_NOP);buf[1] = 0x00;buf[2] = 0x00;if (dev->crc_en)buf[3] = ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3);elsebuf[3] = 0x00;ret = no_os_spi_write_and_read( buf, 4);if (ret < 0)goto spi_err;if ((dev->crc_en) &&(ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3) != buf[3]))goto error;*reg_data = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[2];// parser register addressrd_reg_addr = buf[0]&0x1f;#if DEBUG_LOG_AD5758 // update the data structurest_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.regiterAddress = rd_reg_addr;st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.FaultStatus = (buf[0]&0x20)>>5;st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.reserved = (buf[0]&0xc0)>>6; st_dataRegister.crc_8 = buf[3];printf("[no_os_spi_write_and_read]: \r\n");for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){printf("byte-%d : 0x%02x \r\n",i, buf[i]);}printf("\r\n\r\n");printf("[parser the data register]: \r\n");printf("reserved: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.reserved);printf("reg_addr: 0x%02x \r\n", st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.regiterAddress);printf("FaultStatus: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.FaultStatus);printf("reg_data: 0x%04x \r\n",st_dataRegister.data);printf("crc_8: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.crc_8);printf("\r\n\r\n");
#endif return 0;spi_err:printf("%s: Failed spi comm with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
error:printf("%s: Failed CRC with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
}/*** Write to device.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param reg_addr - The register address.* @param reg_data - The register data.* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_spi_reg_write(struct ad5758_dev *dev,uint8_t reg_addr,uint16_t reg_data)
{uint8_t buf[4];buf[0] = AD5758_REG_WRITE(reg_addr);buf[1] = (reg_data >> 8);buf[2] = (reg_data & 0xFF);buf[3] = ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3);return no_os_spi_write_and_read( buf, 4);
}/*** SPI write to device using a mask.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param reg_addr - The register address.* @param mask - The mask.* @param data - The register data.* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
static int32_t ad5758_spi_write_mask(struct ad5758_dev *dev,uint8_t reg_addr,uint32_t mask,uint16_t data)
{uint16_t reg_data;int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_read(dev, reg_addr, ®_data);if (ret < 0)return -1;reg_data &= ~mask;reg_data |= data;return ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, reg_addr, reg_data);
}/*** Enable/disable SPI CRC function.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param crc_en - CRC status* Accepted values: 0 - disabled* 1 - enabled* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_crc(struct ad5758_dev *dev, uint8_t crc_en)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_CONFIG,AD5758_DIG_DIAG_CONFIG_SPI_CRC_EN_MSK,AD5758_DIG_DIAG_CONFIG_SPI_CRC_EN_MODE(crc_en));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}dev->crc_en = crc_en;return 0;
}/*** Busy wait until CAL_MEM_UNREFRESHED bit in the DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS clears* @param dev - The device structure.* @return 0 in case of success*/
int32_t ad5758_wait_for_refresh_cycle(struct ad5758_dev *dev)
{uint16_t reg_data;/** Wait until the CAL_MEM_UNREFRESHED bit in the DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS* register returns to 0.*/do {ad5758_spi_reg_read(dev, AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS,®_data);} while (reg_data & AD5758_DIG_DIAG_RESULTS_CAL_MEM_UNREFRESHED_MSK);return 0;
}/*** Initiate a software reset* @param dev - The device structure.* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_soft_reset(struct ad5758_dev *dev)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_KEY,AD5758_KEY_CODE_RESET_1);if (ret < 0)goto error;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_KEY,AD5758_KEY_CODE_RESET_2);if (ret < 0)goto error;/* Wait 100 us */no_os_udelay(100);return 0;error:printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
}/*** Initiate a calibration memory refresh to the shadow registers* @param dev - The device structure.* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_calib_mem_refresh(struct ad5758_dev *dev)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_KEY,AD5758_KEY_CODE_CALIB_MEM_REFRESH);if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}/* Wait to allow time for the internal calibrations to complete */return ad5758_wait_for_refresh_cycle(dev);
}/*** Configure the dc-to-dc controller mode* @param dev - The device structure.* @param mode - Mode[1:0] bits.* Accepted values: DC_DC_POWER_OFF* DPC_CURRENT_MODE* DPC_VOLTAGE_MODE* PPC_CURRENT_MODE* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_dc_dc_conv_mode(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_dc_dc_mode mode)
{uint16_t reg_data;int32_t ret;/** The ENABLE_PPC_BUFFERS bit must be set prior to enabling PPC current* mode.*/if (mode == PPC_CURRENT_MODE) {ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_PPC_BUF_MSK,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_PPC_BUF_EN(1));if (ret < 0)goto error;}ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG1,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG1_DCDC_MODE_MSK,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG1_DCDC_MODE_MODE(mode));if (ret < 0)goto error;/** Poll the BUSY_3WI bit in the DCDC_CONFIG2 register until it is 0.* This allows the 3-wire interface communication to complete.*/do {ad5758_spi_reg_read(dev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG2, ®_data);} while (reg_data & AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG2_BUSY_3WI_MSK);dev->dc_dc_mode = mode;return 0;error:printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
}/*** Set the dc-to-dc converter current limit.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param ilimit - current limit in mA* Accepted values: ILIMIT_150_mA* ILIMIT_200_mA* ILIMIT_250_mA* ILIMIT_300_mA* ILIMIT_350_mA* ILIMIT_400_mA* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_dc_dc_ilimit(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_dc_dc_ilimt ilimit)
{uint16_t reg_data;int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG2,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG2_ILIMIT_MSK,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG2_ILIMIT_MODE(ilimit));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}/** Poll the BUSY_3WI bit in the DCDC_CONFIG2 register until it is 0.* This allows the 3-wire interface communication to complete.*/do {ad5758_spi_reg_read(dev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG2, ®_data);} while (reg_data & AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG2_BUSY_3WI_MSK);dev->dc_dc_ilimit = ilimit;return 0;
}/*** Enable/disable Enable Internal Buffers.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param enable - enable or disable* Accepted values: 0: disable* 1: enable* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_internal_buffers_en(struct ad5758_dev *dev, uint8_t enable)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_INT_EN_MSK,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_INT_EN_MODE(enable));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}/* Wait to allow time for the internal calibrations to complete */return ad5758_wait_for_refresh_cycle(dev);
}/*** Select Output Range.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param range - output range* Accepted values: RANGE_0V_5V* RANGE_0V_10V* RANGE_M5V_5V* RANGE_M10V_10V* RANGE_0mA_20mA* RANGE_0mA_24mA* RANGE_4mA_24mA* RANGE_M20mA_20mA* RANGE_M24mA_24mA* RANGE_M1mA_22mA* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_out_range(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_output_range range)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_RANGE_MSK,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_RANGE_MODE(range));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}dev->output_range = range;/* Modifying the RANGE bits in the DAC_CONFIG register also initiates* a calibration memory refresh and, therefore, a subsequent SPI write* must not be performed until the CAL_MEM_UNREFRESHED bit in the* DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS register returns to 0.*/return ad5758_wait_for_refresh_cycle(dev);
}/*** Configure the slew rate by setting the clock and enable/disable the control* @param dev - The device structure.* @param clk - Slew rate clock.* Accepted values: SR_CLOCK_240_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_200_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_150_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_128_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_64_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_32_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_16_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_8_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_4_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_2_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_1_KHZ* SR_CLOCK_512_HZ* SR_CLOCK_256_HZ* SR_CLOCK_128_HZ* SR_CLOCK_64_HZ* SR_CLOCK_16_HZ* @param enable - enable or disable the sr coontrol* Accepted values: 0: disable* 1: enable* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_slew_rate_config(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_slew_rate_clk clk,uint8_t enable)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_SR_EN_MSK,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_SR_EN_MODE(enable));if(ret)goto error;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_SR_CLOCK_MSK,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_SR_CLOCK_MODE(clk));if (ret < 0)goto error;dev->slew_rate_clk = clk;/* Wait to allow time for the internal calibrations to complete */return ad5758_wait_for_refresh_cycle(dev);error:printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
}/*** Write DAC data to the input register* @param dev - The device structure.* @param code - DAC input data of 16 bits* Accepted values: 0x00 to 0xFFFF* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_dac_input_write(struct ad5758_dev *dev, uint16_t code)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_INPUT, code);if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}return 0;
}/*** Enable/disable VIOUT.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param enable - enable or disable VIOUT output* Accepted values: 0: disable* 1: enable* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_dac_output_en(struct ad5758_dev *dev, uint8_t enable)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_OUT_EN_MSK,AD5758_DAC_CONFIG_OUT_EN_MODE(enable));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}no_os_mdelay(1);return 0;
}/*** Clear the error flags for the on-chip digital diagnostic features* @param dev - The device structure.* @param flag - which flag to clear* Accepted values: DIAG_SPI_CRC_ERR* DIAG_SLIPBIT_ERR* DIAG_SCLK_COUNT_ERR* DIAG_INVALID_SPI_ACCESS_ERR* DIAG_CAL_MEM_CRC_ERR* DIAG_INVERSE_DAC_CHECK_ERR* DIAG_DAC_LATCH_MON_ERR* DIAG_THREE_WI_RC_ERR* DIAG_WDT_ERR* DIAG_ERR_3WI* DIAG_RESET_OCCURRED* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_clear_dig_diag_flag(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_dig_diag_flags flag)
{int32_t ret;/** Flags require a 1 to be written to them to update them to their* current value*/ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS,NO_OS_BIT(flag), NO_OS_BIT(flag));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}return 0;
}/*** Configure CLKOUT by setting the frequency and enabling/disabling the option* @param dev - The device structure.* @param config - Enable or disable* Accepted values: CLKOUT_DISABLE* CLKOUT_ENABLE* @param freq - configure the frequency of CLKOUT.* Accepted values: CLKOUT_FREQ_416_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_435_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_454_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_476_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_500_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_526_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_555_KHZ* CLKOUT_FREQ_588_KHZ* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_clkout_config(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_clkout_config config,enum ad5758_clkout_freq freq)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_GP_CONFIG1,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_FREQ_MSK,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_FREQ_MODE(freq));if(ret < 0)goto error;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_GP_CONFIG1,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_CONFIG_MSK,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_CONFIG_MODE(config));if(ret < 0)goto error;dev->clkout_config = config;dev->clkout_freq = freq;return 0;error:printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;
}/*** Select which node to multiplex to the ADC.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param adc_ip_sel - diagnostic select* Accepted values: ADC_IP_MAIN_DIE_TEMP* ADC_IP_DCDC_DIE_TEMP* ADC_IP_REFIN* ADC_IP_REF2* ADC_IP_VSENSE* ADC_IP_MVSENSE* ADC_IP_INT_AVCC* ADC_IP_REGOUT* ADC_IP_VLOGIC* ADC_IP_INT_CURR_MON_VOUT* ADC_IP_REFGND* ADC_IP_AGND* ADC_IP_DGND* ADC_IP_VDPC* ADC_IP_AVDD2* ADC_IP_AVSS* ADC_IP_DCDC_DIE_NODE* ADC_IP_REFOUT* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_select_adc_ip(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_adc_ip adc_ip_sel)
{int32_t ret;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(dev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_ADC_IP_SELECT_MSK,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_ADC_IP_SELECT_MODE(adc_ip_sel));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}return 0;
}/*** Set depth of the sequencer.* @param dev - The device structure.* @param num_of_channels - depth of the sequencer 1 to 8 channels* Accepted values: 1 channel, 2 channels ... 8 channels* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_select_adc_depth(struct ad5758_dev *dev,uint8_t num_of_channels)
{int32_t ret = -1;if ((num_of_channels == 0) || (num_of_channels > 8)) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return ret;}num_of_channels -= 1;ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_SEQUENCE_DATA_MODE(num_of_channels));if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return ret;}return 0;
}/*** Load the desired channel into the sequencer with the adc input* @param dev - The device structure.* @param channel - Desired channel* Accepted values: 0 = channel 1, 1 = channel 2... 7 = channel 8* @param adc_ip_sel - diagnostic select* Accepted values: ADC_IP_MAIN_DIE_TEMP* ADC_IP_DCDC_DIE_TEMP* ADC_IP_REFIN* ADC_IP_REF2* ADC_IP_VSENSE* ADC_IP_MVSENSE* ADC_IP_INT_AVCC* ADC_IP_REGOUT* ADC_IP_VLOGIC* ADC_IP_INT_CURR_MON_VOUT* ADC_IP_REFGND* ADC_IP_AGND* ADC_IP_DGND* ADC_IP_VDPC* ADC_IP_AVDD2* ADC_IP_AVSS* ADC_IP_DCDC_DIE_NODE* ADC_IP_REFOUT* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_adc_channel_input(struct ad5758_dev *dev,uint8_t channel,enum ad5758_adc_ip adc_ip_sel)
{uint16_t cmd;int32_t ret;cmd = (AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_SEQUENCE_COMMAND_MODE(0x01) |AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_SEQUENCE_DATA_MODE(channel) |AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_ADC_IP_SELECT_MODE(adc_ip_sel));ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG, cmd);if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}return 0;
}/*** Configure the ADC into one of four modes of operation* @param dev - The device structure.* @param adc_mode - ADC mode of operation* Accepted values: ADC_MODE_KEY_SEQ* ADC_MODE_AUTO_SEQ* ADC_MODE_SINGLE_CONV* ADC_MODE_SINGLE_KEY_CONV* @param enable - enable or disable the selected mode* Accepted values: 0: disable* 1: enable* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_adc_mode(struct ad5758_dev *dev,enum ad5758_adc_mode adc_mode,uint8_t enable)
{uint16_t cmd;int32_t ret;cmd = (AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_SEQUENCE_COMMAND_MODE(adc_mode) |AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_SEQUENCE_DATA_MODE(enable));ret = ad5758_spi_reg_write(dev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG, cmd);if (ret < 0) {printf("%s: Failed with code: %"PRIi32".\n", __func__, ret);return -1;}return 0;
}/*** Configure the dc-to-dc controller mode* @param dev - The device structure.* @param mode - Mode[1:0] bits.* Accepted values: DC_DC_POWER_OFF* DPC_CURRENT_MODE* DPC_VOLTAGE_MODE* PPC_CURRENT_MODE* @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise.*/
int32_t ad5758_set_dc_dc_conv_mode_ext(struct ad5758_dev *pdev, enum ad5758_dc_dc_mode mode)
{uint16_t reg_data;int32_t ret;#if DEBUG_LOG_AD5758printf("ad5758_set_dc_dc_conv_mode_ext: \r\n\r\n\r\n");
#endif/** The ENABLE_PPC_BUFFERS bit must be set prior to enabling PPC current* mode.*/if (mode == PPC_CURRENT_MODE) {ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(pdev, AD5758_REG_ADC_CONFIG,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_PPC_BUF_MSK,AD5758_ADC_CONFIG_PPC_BUF_EN(1));if (ret < 0)goto error;}ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask(pdev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG1,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG1_DCDC_MODE_MSK,AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG1_DCDC_MODE_MODE(mode));if (ret < 0)goto error;/** Poll the BUSY_3WI bit in the DCDC_CONFIG2 register until it is 0.* This allows the 3-wire interface communication to complete.*/do {ad5758_spi_reg_read(pdev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG2, ®_data);} while (reg_data & AD5758_DCDC_CONFIG2_BUSY_3WI_MSK);return 0;error:printf("Failed with code: %d\n",ret);return -1;
}int32_t ad5758_set_clkout_config_ext( struct ad5758_dev *pdev, enum ad5758_clkout_config config,enum ad5758_clkout_freq freq)
{int32_t ret;#if DEBUG_LOG_AD5758printf("ad5758_set_clkout_config_ext: \r\n\r\n\r\n");
#endifret = ad5758_spi_write_mask( pdev, AD5758_REG_GP_CONFIG1,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_FREQ_MSK,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_FREQ_MODE(freq));if(ret < 0)goto error;ret = ad5758_spi_write_mask( pdev, AD5758_REG_GP_CONFIG1,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_CONFIG_MSK,AD5758_GP_CONFIG1_CLKOUT_CONFIG_MODE(config));if(ret < 0)goto error;return 0;error:printf("Failed with code: %d\n",ret);return -1;
}int32_t ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode(struct ad5758_dev *pdev,uint8_t reg_addr,uint16_t *reg_data)
{uint8_t buf[4];uint8_t _read_buff[4];int32_t ret;uint8_t cal_crc = 0;uint8_t r_reg_addr = 0;uint8_t reserved = 0;Stru_dataRegister st_dataRegister;do{ buf[0] = AD5758_REG_WRITE(AD5758_REG_TWO_STAGE_READBACK_SELECT);buf[1] = 0x00;buf[2] = reg_addr;buf[3] = ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3);ret = no_os_spi_write_and_read(buf, 4);buf[0] = AD5758_REG_WRITE(AD5758_REG_NOP);buf[1] = 0x00;buf[2] = 0x00;buf[3] = ad5758_compute_crc8(buf, 3);ret = no_os_spi_write_and_read( buf, 4);// handle the result herecal_crc = ad5758_compute_crc8(_read_buff, 3);// parser register addressr_reg_addr = _read_buff[0]&0x1f;// reserved falgreserved = (_read_buff[0]&0xc0)>>6;#if DEBUG_LOG_AD5758 printf("[read register bytes]: \r\n");for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){printf("byte-%d : 0x%02x \r\n",i, _read_buff[i]);}
#endif // update the data structurest_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.regiterAddress = r_reg_addr;st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.FaultStatus = (_read_buff[0]&0x20)>>5;st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.reserved = reserved;*reg_data = (_read_buff[1] << 8) | _read_buff[2];st_dataRegister.data = *reg_data;st_dataRegister.crc_8 = _read_buff[3];#if DEBUG_LOG_AD5758 printf("\r\n\r\n");printf("[parser the data register]: \r\n");printf("reserved: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.reserved);printf("reg_addr: 0x%02x \r\n", st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.regiterAddress);printf("FaultStatus: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.AddressStatus_bit.FaultStatus);printf("reg_data: 0x%04x \r\n",st_dataRegister.data);printf("crc_8: 0x%02x \r\n",st_dataRegister.crc_8);printf("\r\n\r\n");
#endif }while(reserved != AD5758_RESERVED);return 0;spi_err:printf("- Failed spi comm with code\n");return -1;
error:printf("- Failed CRC with code: %d \n",ret);return -1;
3 AD5758应用程序
3.1 编写测试程序
3.1.1 配置参数结构
代码第7行: 配置电压模式输出
代码第11行:电压输出范围为:0 ~ 10V
3.1.2 配置参数函数
该函数主要实现初始化参数功能,配置方法严格遵守AD5758 data sheet 上给出的流程
int32_t ad5758_init( struct ad5758_init_param *init_param )
{uint16_t reg_data_list[] = {0, 0x7FFF,0x6FFF, 0x5FFF,0x4FFF,0x3FFF,0x2FFF, 0x1FFF};struct ad5758_dev *dev = &stru_dev;int32_t ret;// select the chip select_ad5758_chip(0);printf("debug_ad5758_init: \r\n\r\n");/* Get the DAC out of reset */reset_chip_HIGH();/* Tie the LDAC pin low */ldac_chip_LOW();dev->crc_en = true;/* Perform a software reset */ret = ad5758_soft_reset(dev);if(ret)goto err;/* Perform a calibration memory refresh */ret = ad5758_calib_mem_refresh(dev);if(ret)goto err;/* Clear the RESET_OCCURRED flag */ret = ad5758_clear_dig_diag_flag(dev, DIAG_RESET_OCCURRED);if(ret)goto err;/* Configure CLKOUT before enabling the dc-to-dc converter */ret = ad5758_set_clkout_config(dev, init_param->clkout_config,init_param->clkout_freq);if(ret)goto err;/* Set the dc-to-dc current limit */ret = ad5758_set_dc_dc_ilimit(dev, init_param->dc_dc_ilimit);if(ret)goto err;/* Set up the dc-to-dc converter mode */ret = ad5758_set_dc_dc_conv_mode(dev, init_param->dc_dc_mode);if(ret)goto err;/* Power up the DAC and internal (INT) amplifiers */ret = ad5758_internal_buffers_en(dev, 1);if(ret)goto err;/* Configure the output range */ret = ad5758_set_out_range(dev, init_param->output_range);if(ret)goto err;/* Enable Slew Rate Control and set the slew rate clock */ret = ad5758_slew_rate_config(dev, init_param->slew_rate_clk, 1);if(ret)goto err;ad5758_dac_input_write( dev ,reg_data_list[0]); /* Enable VIOUT */ret = ad5758_dac_output_en(dev, 1);if(ret)goto err;printf("ad5758 successfully initialized\n");no_os_mdelay(1000);return 0;err:printf("initialized ad5758 error \n");return -1;
3.1.3 读取参数函数
int32_t debug_ad5758_readconfig( void )
{int32_t ret;uint16_t reg_data;struct ad5758_dev *dev = &stru_dev;printf("debug_ad5758_config: \r\n\r\n"); // select the chip select_ad5758_chip(0);printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG1 \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_DCDC_CONFIG1, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;/* read AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS */printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;/* read AD5758_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_RESULTS */printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_ANALOG_DIAG_RESULTS \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_ANALOG_DIAG_RESULTS, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;/* read AD5758_REG_FREQ_MONITOR */printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_FREQ_MONITOR \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_FREQ_MONITOR, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;/* read AD5758_REG_DAC_OUTPUT */printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_DAC_OUTPUT \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_OUTPUT, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;/* read AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG */printf("debug_ad5758_config: AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG \r\n\r\n"); ret = ad5758_reg_AutostatusReadbackMode( dev, AD5758_REG_DAC_CONFIG, ®_data);if (ret < 0)goto err;printf("read config parameter: pass \r\n\r\n");return ret;err:printf(" debug_ad5758_config: fail \r\n\r\n");return 0;
}void appA5758_Init( void )
{ad5758_init( &init_param );debug_ad5758_readconfig();
3.2 接口调用
void appA5758_Init( void )
{ad5758_init( &init_param );debug_ad5758_readconfig();
4 测试代码
1)运行ad5758_init() 函数中的断点