create table split_string_test(id integer primary key,test_string varchar2(500)
insert into split_string_test values(1, '10,11,12,13,14,22');
insert into split_string_test values(2, '22,23,24');
insert into split_string_test values(3, '6,7,8,9');
WITH cntr AS
( SELECT LEVEL AS lvlFROM dualCONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1 + (SELECT MAX ( length(a.test_string) - length(replace(a.test_string, ',')) + 1) FROM split_string_test a)
SELECT b.id, b.test_string , lvl, REGEXP_SUBSTR( b.test_string, '([^,]+)', 1, lvl) AS split_str
FROM split_string_test b , cntr
where (lvl <= length(b.test_string) - length(replace(b.test_string, ',')) + 1)
and (REGEXP_SUBSTR ( b.test_string, '([^,]+)', 1, lvl) IS NOT NULL
OR b.test_string IS NULL )
ORDER BY b.id, lvl;
SELECT MAX ( length(a.test_string) - length(replace(a.test_string, ',')) + 1) FROM split_string_test a
SELECT b.id,b.test_string,lvl,REGEXP_SUBSTR(b.test_string, '([^,]+)', 1, lvl) AS split_strFROM split_string_test b,(SELECT LEVEL AS lvlFROM dualCONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1 + (SELECT MAX(length(a.test_string) -length(replace(a.test_string, ',')) + 1)FROM split_string_test a))where (lvl <=length(b.test_string) - length(replace(b.test_string, ',')) + 1)and (REGEXP_SUBSTR(b.test_string, '([^,]+)', 1, lvl) IS NOT NULL ORb.test_string IS NULL)ORDER BY b.id, lvl;