





Dear John Smith,

Thanks for sending through the new requirements / amendments on the project – we’re definitely happy to amend the current contract to reflect these changes. I’ve outlined the changes you've proposed below:

[List changes]

Just to let you know, these new amendments actually require us to draw up a new contract, which will take us a few days to finalise. The price will also change. Since this is the fifth contract we've drawn up for this project, we ask that you please make sure you’re satisfied with the new scope and requirements for this project before I create another contract. 

We would hate for your project to run behind schedule because it was caught up in the contract stage! Let me know if you’re happy with these new requirements, and if you’re happy for me to proceed with the contract.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John,

Thanks for the new order.

The quantity you listed in the PO will be loaded by one 20 feet container, is it possible for you to increase the quantity to be one 40 feet container?

The prices we quoted for you are based on the quantity of at least one 40 feet container. For the quantity of one 20 feet container, the unit inland logistic cost will be higher, and the unit shipping cost will increase as well, comparing with the quantity 40 feet container.

Please consider and let me know your thoughts.





Dear John,

Good morning.

Based on our years' experience, China government will restrict factory production from November to next March, due to the strict environmental protection policy here in China. Meanwhile, the Traditional Chinese New Year will be started in February, all the factories in China will stop production for 15-30 days, which means most of the factories are unable to make normal production for almost two months during this period. That will result in a sharp rise in raw material prices and the short of stock.

In order to keep the lower price and shorter delivery time for our regular customers, we are going to stock some raw materials and produce some regular models in our stock before November. Could you please let me know your purchase plan for the second semester of 2020 for our reference? These information will be quite helpful for us to schedule the production.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Best regards,




Dear John Smith,

Thanks for sending through the new requirements / amendments on the project, we're definitely happy to make these amendments in addition to the brochure design.

But please note that this additional amendments work is not covered by our original quotation, and the price will be a little bit higher with this new requirements. The revised quote is attached, please take a view of it.

Please let me know if this is acceptable for you, and then we can proceed.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

On 5 July I sent you an invoice for the orders rendered. The invoice number was INV-2020 and the total amount was $28,650.00.

I am still yet to receive payment for these invoices, nor a reply to my previous email. According to the payment terms on our Sales Confirmation, a late payment penalty now applies, making the new total: $29,450.00.

Please send payment ASAP, or contact us if you are having difficulties and we will happily work on a solution together. We'll contact you to follow up if we haven't received payment by 20 July.

Your immediate response will be appreciated.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding [Product name].

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide the product you inquiried at this time. The product you requested doesn’t quite fit with the type of product we usually supply, and we don’t accept order quantity less than 100 units.

Thank you for thinking of our company, and we wish you the best of luck with your endeavours!

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

I am very sorry about the difficulty you encountered recently before receiving your last order from us. I understand that those products were required for urgent purposes.

Despite our effort to deliver your order on time using DHL Express Delivery Service, it’s quite unfortunate that we didn’t meet up with the time allotted for the delivery of those products.

We are very sorry for truncating your plans for these products, and we will do our best to ensure this never happens again. Already, we are discussing with other express courier services to ensure our customers get their orders in time.

We promise to impress you when you make your next order. If you have any other question or need further assistance from me, please feel free to let me know at any time.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

Please allow me to express my deepest regrets for the lack of proper communication with regards to your request. As I understood from you, no one from our team called you back to follow up with you.

I am really sorry to hear that and apologize for the fact that you couldn't get your request fulfilled earlier.

In response to this, I have alerted the concerned staff and gave clear instructions to address your request by tomorrow. I will be calling you tomorrow afternoon to make sure that you got what you wanted as you wanted.

Please inform me if there is anything else I can do for you.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

Thanks for your new inquiry. This looks like a fantastic order and a great fit for our company.

Unfortunately, we’re absolutely swamped with orders right now, and aren’t currently taking on any new orders. We want to be able to give 100% to all of our clients, and so, we’ll have to pass at this time.

We anticipate coming up for air around October, so if you’re still looking for an supplier then, we'd be happy to talk more about your requirements. Otherwise, we wish you good luck in your search, and trust you’ll find the suitable supplier for your project.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

We would like to express our deepest regret for the delay in shipping your order. The delay has been caused by factors not under our control; however, we take full responsibility for the delay. This incident has been noted and the necessary measures have been taken so that such incidents will not occur in the future.

We value your business and we would like to retain you as a customer. Please accept our apologies. Thank you for your understanding in this unfortunate matter.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

I would like to express my deepest regrets for the intentional mistake that you recently encountered. It’s not our habit to make such errors, but nothing is perfect after all. We acknowledge that the error is from our side and kindly ask you accept our apology.

As per our policies, you are entitled for a [refund, replacement, etc…]. I hope this resolution will compensate for the lost time and effort. We are doing everything we can to avoid such unfortunate situations. We are continuously learning from our mistakes to provide the best level of service to our clients.

If there is anything else that I can do for you in this matter, please inform me. We are always interested in listening to our clients and knowing their opinions. I am confident that your next feedback will be a positive one. We value your business and wish to have you in our long list of satisfied clients. 

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your order of three containers of [Product name]. Your goods will be ready in 15 working days and will be shipped in 20 working days from now.

Before then, we would like to know if you want us to include our souvenirs for your customers as well as sample products from other units. You may choose the sample products you will like to receive from the catalog we sent earlier.

Our sample products [Product name] is made to offer best results at very low cost. We are sure your customers will be very happy with this product.

Thanks again for your order. We look forward to receiving your firm instruction to include our souvenirs and other sample products.

Best regards,

Lily Lee



Dear John,

How are you?

We have tried our best to finish your order at an earlier time, and planned to ship it before the Chinese New year holiday.

But unfortunately our plan has failed because of the inland transportation problem. The Chinese new year holiday is coming this week, this is the most important holiday here in China, all the truck drivers from the port have been off from work since last week, we have tried every means to find one truck to load the goods in our factory since the early of last week, but all failed.

Right now I am afriad we have to load the goods and make the delivery at the beginning of Feburary when all the working staff get back from the holiday, we feel really sorry for this situation, and hope could get your understanding on this.










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