struct bufferevent *bufferevent_socket_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, int options);
BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE --释放bufferevent自动关闭底层接口(当bufferevent被释放之后,文件描述符也被close);
Create a new socket bufferevent over an existing socket.@param base the event base to associate with the new bufferevent.
@param fd the file descriptor from which data is read and written to.
This file descriptor is not allowed to be a pipe(2).
It is safe to set the fd to -1, so long as you later
set it with bufferevent_setfd or bufferevent_socket_connect().
@param options Zero or more BEV_OPT_* flags
@return a pointer to a newly allocated bufferevent struct, or NULL if an
error occurred
@see bufferevent_free()
int bufferevent_socket_connect(struct bufferevent *, struct sockaddr *, int);
Launch a connect() attempt with a socket-based bufferevent.When the connect succeeds, the eventcb will be invoked with
BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED set.If the bufferevent does not already have a socket set, we allocate a new
socket here and make it nonblocking before we begin.If no address is provided, we assume that the socket is already connecting,
and configure the bufferevent so that a BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED event will be
yielded when it is done connecting.@param bufev an existing bufferevent allocated with
@param addr the address we should connect to
@param socklen The length of the address
@return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
void bufferevent_free(struct bufferevent *bufev);
Deallocate the storage associated with a bufferevent structure.@param bufev the bufferevent structure to be freed.
void bufferevent_setcb(struct bufferevent *bufev,
bufferevent_data_cb readcb, bufferevent_data_cb writecb,
bufferevent_event_cb eventcb, void *cbarg);
Changes the callbacks for a bufferevent.@param bufev the bufferevent object for which to change callbacks
@param readcb callback to invoke when there is data to be read, or NULL if
no callback is desired
@param writecb callback to invoke when the file descriptor is ready for
writing, or NULL if no callback is desired
@param eventcb callback to invoke when there is an event on the file
@param cbarg an argument that will be supplied to each of the callbacks
(readcb, writecb, and errorcb)
@see bufferevent_new()
typedef void (*bufferevent_data_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, void *ctx);
typedef void (*bufferevent_event_cb)(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *ctx);
int bufferevent_write(struct bufferevent *bufev,
const void *data, size_t size);
Write data to a bufferevent buffer.The bufferevent_write() function can be used to write data to the file
descriptor. The data is appended to the output buffer and written to the
descriptor automatically as it becomes available for writing.@param bufev the bufferevent to be written to
@param data a pointer to the data to be written
@param size the length of the data, in bytes
@return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
@see bufferevent_write_buffer()
size_t bufferevent_read(struct bufferevent *bufev, void *data, size_t size);
Read data from a bufferevent buffer.The bufferevent_read() function is used to read data from the input buffer.
@param bufev the bufferevent to be read from
@param data pointer to a buffer that will store the data
@param size the size of the data buffer, in bytes
@return the amount of data read, in bytes.