IIOT|QCA9882 vs MT7915: What‘s the difference?

IIOT|QCA9882 vs MT7915: What's the difference?

How to choose?

Choosing QCA9882 or MT7915 depends on your specifc needs. lf you need a stable, widely compatible WiFi wireless cardthe QCA9882 is a good choice. lf you need wifi6 solution with DBDC 2.4Ghz 5Ghz feature, then the MT7915 wil be abetter option.

No matter which WiFi wireless card you choose, it represents a high-guality wireless connectivity solution that will help you achievehigh-speed, stable and secure network connections. To connect to the future, start by choosing the right WiFi wireless card.

Wallys|QCA9880 QCA9882 802.11ac 80MHz 5GHz Module

In the realm of wireless networking, the choice of wifi card plays a crucial role in determining the performance and capabilities of networking devices. Wallys, offers network card intergrated with the QCA9880 and QCA9882 chipsets, which are known for their advanced features and exceptional performance. Let's delve into the key characteristics of these chipsets and understand how they contribute to the evolution of wireless networking.

QCA9880: Powering High-Speed Connectivity

The QCA9880 chipset, developed by Qualcomm-Atheros, is designed to deliver fast and reliable wireless connectivity. This chipset supports the IEEE 802.11ac standard, which provides significant improvements in speed, capacity, and overall network performance. With its advanced features, such as multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) technology and beamforming, the QCA9880 chipset enhances signal strength, range, and overall network efficiency. It enables devices to achieve data rates of up to 1.3Gbps, making it ideal for bandwidth-intensive applications, such as video streaming and online gaming. Additionally, the QCA9880 chipset ensures backward compatibility with previous Wi-Fi standards, allowing seamless integration with existing networks.

QCA9882: Enabling Enhanced Wireless Capabilities

The QCA9882 chipset, also developed by Qualcomm-Atheros, is designed to provide enhanced wireless capabilities for a wide range of applications. This chipset supports both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands, enabling dual-band operation for improved network flexibility and reduced interference. With its support for 802.11ac technology, the QCA9882 chipset offers higher data transfer rates and improved network efficiency compared to previous Wi-Fi standards. It incorporates advanced features like spatial multiplexing, low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, and maximal ratio combining (MRC), enabling robust and reliable wireless connections. The QCA9882 chipset also supports dynamic frequency selection (DFS), which helps optimize channel selection and minimize interference from other wireless devices.

Here's a breakdown of the key features of each card:

DR882 (QCA9882):

Product Overview

The DR882, powered by the Qualcomm Atheros QCA9882 radio chip, features 2×2 WiFi 5 technology, offering improved throughput performance, reliability, and extended range. It's tailored to meet the demanding performance criteria of critical embedded applications.

With the DR882, overall throughput can soar up to 867Mbps. Leveraging cutting-edge WiFi 5 technology, the DR882 establishes a new standard for throughput and range, making it an excellent choice for consumer and enterprise applications such as point of sale systems, gaming machines, and medical equipment.

Suitable Applications

Industrial PCs

In-Vehicle PCs

In-Vehicle Routers

Outdoor IPTV

Vehicle-Mounted Front/Rear Terminals

UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)


Intelligent Gateways

PRODUCTS_Wallys Communications (Suzhou ) Co., LTD

Chipset: Atheros QCA9882

2x2 5G high-power radio card

Frequency range: 4.940GHz to 5.825GHz

2x 5G MMCX connectors

Bandwidth: 20MHz/40MHz/80MHz

Supports 802.11ac/an standards

RoHS compliant

DR600VX (QCA9880):

Chipset: Qualcomm-Atheros QCA9880

Output power: 2.4GHz max 24dBm, 5GHz max 23dBm

IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n compliant and backward compatible

2x2 MIMO technology, up to 867Mbps

Mini PCI Express edge connector

Frequency support: 4920MHz~4980MHz

RoHS compliant

Supports various technologies and IEEE standards (e.g., spatial multiplexing, LDPC codes, MRC, STBC, DFS)

FCC, CE certification

DR900VX (QCA9880):

Chipset: Qualcomm-Atheros QCA9880

Output power: 2.4GHz max 26dBm, 5GHz max 25dBm

IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac compliant and backward compatible

3x3 MIMO technology, up to 1.3Gbps

Mini PCI Express edge connector

RoHS compliant

Supports various technologies and IEEE standards (e.g., spatial multiplexing, LDPC codes, MRC, STBC, DFS)

FCC, CE, and IC certification

These cards are designed for wireless networking applications and provide different specifications in terms of output power, MIMO technology, data rates, and frequency ranges. The certifications (FCC, CE, IC) indicate that the cards meet the regulatory requirements for electromagnetic compatibility and safety standards in the United States (FCC), European Union (CE), and Canada (IC).

Wallys|MT7915 802.11ax 2.4G 5G DBDC Module

DR 7915 based on MT7915 + MT7975 Chipset is an enterprise wireless module integrated with 2x2 2.4G high power Radio module and 2x2 5G high power Radio module designed

specifically to provide users with mobile access to high-bandwidth video streaming, voice, and data transmission for office and challenging RF environment infactories, warehousese stablishment.

MT7915+MT7975 Chipset

2.4GHz max 23dBm & 5GHz max 20dBm output power 

IEEE 802.11ac / ax compliant & backward compatible with 802.11ax/ac/a/b/g/n 

2×2 2.4G & 2×2 5G  MIMO Technology, up to 1.8Gbps Mini PCI Express edge connector 



RoHS compliance ensure a high level protection of human health and the environment from risks that can be posed by chemicals  

Supports Spatial Multiplexing,Cyclic-Delay Diversity (CDD), Low-Density Parity Check  (LDPC) Codes,Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC), Space Time Block Code (STBC)

Supports IEEE 802.11d, e, h, i, k, r, v time stamp, and w standards 

Supports Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) 

PRODUCTS_Wallys Communications (Suzhou ) Co., LTD

For inquiries or to discuss your specific requirements, please contact our dedicated sales team at sales1@wallystech.com.

Wallys - Empowering Connectivity, Driving Innovation.




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