LLM之RAG实战(二十九)| 探索RAG PDF解析











  • 基于规则的方法:根据文档的组织特征确定每个部分的风格和内容。然而,这种方法不是很通用,因为PDF有很多类型和布局,不可能用预定义的规则覆盖所有类型和布局。
  • 基于深度学习模型的方法:例如将目标检测OCR模型相结合的流行解决方案。
  • 基于多模态大模型对复杂结构进行Pasing或提取PDF中的关键信息。

2.1 基于规则的方法


      以下是使用pypdf解析“Attention Is All You Need”[2]论文的第6页。原始页面如图3所示:


import PyPDF2filename = "/Users/Florian/Downloads/1706.03762.pdf"pdf_file = open(filename, 'rb')reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file)page_num = 5page = reader.pages[page_num]text = page.extract_text()print('--------------------------------------------------')print(text)pdf_file.close()


(py) Florian:~ Florian$ pip list | grep pypdfpypdf                    3.17.4pypdfium2                4.26.0(py) Florian:~ Florian$ python /Users/Florian/Downloads/pypdf_test.py--------------------------------------------------Table 1: Maximum path lengths, per-layer complexity and minimum number of sequential operationsfor different layer types. nis the sequence length, dis the representation dimension, kis the kernelsize of convolutions and rthe size of the neighborhood in restricted self-attention.Layer Type Complexity per Layer Sequential Maximum Path LengthOperationsSelf-Attention O(n2·d) O(1) O(1)Recurrent O(n·d2) O(n) O(n)Convolutional O(k·n·d2) O(1) O(logk(n))Self-Attention (restricted) O(r·n·d) O(1) O(n/r)3.5 Positional EncodingSince our model contains no recurrence and no convolution, in order for the model to make use of theorder of the sequence, we must inject some information about the relative or absolute position of thetokens in the sequence. To this end, we add "positional encodings" to the input embeddings at thebottoms of the encoder and decoder stacks. The positional encodings have the same dimension dmodelas the embeddings, so that the two can be summed. There are many choices of positional encodings,learned and fixed [9].In this work, we use sine and cosine functions of different frequencies:PE(pos,2i)=sin(pos/100002i/d model)PE(pos,2i+1)=cos(pos/100002i/d model)where posis the position and iis the dimension. That is, each dimension of the positional encodingcorresponds to a sinusoid. The wavelengths form a geometric progression from 2πto10000 ·2π. Wechose this function because we hypothesized it would allow the model to easily learn to attend byrelative positions, since for any fixed offset k,PEpos+kcan be represented as a linear function ofPEpos..........



2.2 基于深度学习模型的方法




  • Unstructured[3]:它已集成到langchain中[4]。使用hi_res策略设置infer_table_structure=True可以很好的识别表格信息。然而,fast策略因为不使用目标检测模型,在识别图像和表格方面表现较差。
  • Layout-parser[5]:如果需要识别复杂的结构化PDF,建议使用最大的模型以获得更高的精度,尽管它可能会稍微慢一些。此外,Layout解析器的模型[6]在过去两年中似乎没有更新。
  • PP-StructureV2[7]:可以组合各种模型用于文档分析,性能高于平均水平。体系结构如图4所示:





from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdffilename = "/Users/Florian/Downloads/Attention_Is_All_You_Need.pdf"# infer_table_structure=True automatically selects hi_res strategyelements = partition_pdf(filename=filename, infer_table_structure=True)tables = [el for el in elements if el.category == "Table"]print(tables[0].text)print('--------------------------------------------------')print(tables[0].metadata.text_as_html)



Layer Type Self-Attention Recurrent Convolutional Self-Attention (restricted) Complexity per Layer O(n2 · d) O(n · d2) O(k · n · d2) O(r · n · d) Sequential Maximum Path Length Operations O(1) O(n) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(n) O(logk(n)) O(n/r)--------------------------------------------------<table><thead><th>Layer Type</th><th>Complexity per Layer</th><th>Sequential Operations</th><th>Maximum Path Length</th></thead><tr><td>Self-Attention</td><td>O(n? - d)</td><td>O(1)</td><td>O(1)</td></tr><tr><td>Recurrent</td><td>O(n- d?)</td><td>O(n)</td><td>O(n)</td></tr><tr><td>Convolutional</td><td>O(k-n-d?)</td><td>O(1)</td><td>O(logy(n))</td></tr><tr><td>Self-Attention (restricted)</td><td>O(r-n-d)</td><td>ol)</td><td>O(n/r)</td></tr></table>




       在处理双列PDF时,让我们以论文“BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding”[8]为例,读取顺序由红色箭头所示:



[LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=851.1539916992188, y1=181.15073777777613, x2=1467.844970703125, y2=587.8204599999975), text='These approaches have been generalized to coarser granularities, such as sentence embed- dings (Kiros et al., 2015; Logeswaran and Lee, 2018) or paragraph embeddings (Le and Mikolov, 2014). To train sentence representations, prior work has used objectives to rank candidate next sentences (Jernite et al., 2017; Logeswaran and Lee, 2018), left-to-right generation of next sen- tence words given a representation of the previous sentence (Kiros et al., 2015), or denoising auto- encoder derived objectives (Hill et al., 2016). ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.9519357085227966, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=196.5296173095703, y1=181.1507377777777, x2=815.468994140625, y2=512.548237777777), text='word based only on its context. Unlike left-to- right language model pre-training, the MLM ob- jective enables the representation to fuse the left and the right context, which allows us to pre- In addi- train a deep bidirectional Transformer. tion to the masked language model, we also use a “next sentence prediction” task that jointly pre- trains text-pair representations. The contributions of our paper are as follows: ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.9517233967781067, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=200.22352600097656, y1=539.1451822222216, x2=825.0242919921875, y2=870.542682222221), text='• We demonstrate the importance of bidirectional pre-training for language representations. Un- like Radford et al. (2018), which uses unidirec- tional language models for pre-training, BERT uses masked language models to enable pre- trained deep bidirectional representations. This is also in contrast to Peters et al. (2018a), which uses a shallow concatenation of independently trained left-to-right and right-to-left LMs. ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='List-item', prob=0.9414362907409668, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=851.8727416992188, y1=599.8257377777753, x2=1468.0499267578125, y2=1420.4982377777742), text='ELMo and its predecessor (Peters et al., 2017, 2018a) generalize traditional word embedding re- search along a different dimension. They extract context-sensitive features from a left-to-right and a right-to-left language model. The contextual rep- resentation of each token is the concatenation of the left-to-right and right-to-left representations. When integrating contextual word embeddings with existing task-specific architectures, ELMo advances the state of the art for several major NLP benchmarks (Peters et al., 2018a) including ques- tion answering (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), sentiment analysis (Socher et al., 2013), and named entity recognition (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003). Melamud et al. (2016) proposed learning contextual representations through a task to pre- dict a single word from both left and right context using LSTMs. Similar to ELMo, their model is feature-based and not deeply bidirectional. Fedus et al. (2018) shows that the cloze task can be used to improve the robustness of text generation mod- els. ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.938507616519928, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=199.3734130859375, y1=900.5257377777765, x2=824.69873046875, y2=1156.648237777776), text='• We show that pre-trained representations reduce the need for many heavily-engineered task- specific architectures. BERT is the first fine- tuning based representation model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on a large suite of sentence-level and token-level tasks, outper- forming many task-specific architectures. ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='List-item', prob=0.9461237788200378, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=195.5695343017578, y1=1185.526123046875, x2=815.9393920898438, y2=1330.3272705078125), text='• BERT advances the state of the art for eleven NLP tasks. The code and pre-trained mod- els are available at https://github.com/ google-research/bert. ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='List-item', prob=0.9213815927505493, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=195.33956909179688, y1=1360.7886962890625, x2=447.47264000000007, y2=1397.038330078125), text='2 Related Work ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Section-header', prob=0.8663332462310791, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=197.7477264404297, y1=1419.3353271484375, x2=817.3308715820312, y2=1527.54443359375), text='There is a long history of pre-training general lan- guage representations, and we briefly review the most widely-used approaches in this section. ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.928022563457489, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=851.0028686523438, y1=1468.341394166663, x2=1420.4693603515625, y2=1498.6444497222187), text='2.2 Unsupervised Fine-tuning Approaches ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Section-header', prob=0.8346447348594666, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=853.5444444444446, y1=1526.3701822222185, x2=1470.989990234375, y2=1669.5843488888852), text='As with the feature-based approaches, the first works in this direction only pre-trained word em- (Col- bedding parameters from unlabeled text lobert and Weston, 2008). ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.9344717860221863, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=200.00000000000009, y1=1556.2037353515625, x2=799.1743774414062, y2=1588.031982421875), text='2.1 Unsupervised Feature-based Approaches ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Section-header', prob=0.8317819237709045, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=198.64227294921875, y1=1606.3146266666645, x2=815.2886352539062, y2=2125.895459999998), text='Learning widely applicable representations of words has been an active area of research for decades, including non-neural (Brown et al., 1992; Ando and Zhang, 2005; Blitzer et al., 2006) and neural (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., 2014) methods. Pre-trained word embeddings are an integral part of modern NLP systems, of- fering significant improvements over embeddings learned from scratch (Turian et al., 2010). To pre- train word embedding vectors, left-to-right lan- guage modeling objectives have been used (Mnih and Hinton, 2009), as well as objectives to dis- criminate correct from incorrect words in left and right context (Mikolov et al., 2013). ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.9450697302818298, image_path=None, parent=None), LayoutElement(bbox=Rectangle(x1=853.4905395507812, y1=1681.5868488888855, x2=1467.8729248046875, y2=2125.8954599999965), text='More recently, sentence or document encoders which produce contextual token representations have been pre-trained from unlabeled text and fine-tuned for a supervised downstream task (Dai and Le, 2015; Howard and Ruder, 2018; Radford et al., 2018). The advantage of these approaches is that few parameters need to be learned from scratch. At least partly due to this advantage, OpenAI GPT (Radford et al., 2018) achieved pre- viously state-of-the-art results on many sentence- level tasks from the GLUE benchmark (Wang language model- Left-to-right et al., 2018a). ', source=<Source.YOLOX: 'yolox'>, type='Text', prob=0.9476840496063232, image_path=None, parent=None)]


        (x_1, y_1) --------            |             |            |             |            |             |            ---------- (x_2, y_2)



layout.sort(key=lambda z: (z.bbox.x1, z.bbox.y1, z.bbox.x2, z.bbox.y2))



  • 首先,对左上角的所有x坐标x1进行排序,我们可以得到x1_min
  • 然后,对所有右下角的x坐标x2进行排序,我们可以得到x2_max
  • 接下来,将页面中心线的x坐标确定为:
x1_min = min([el.bbox.x1 for el in layout])x2_max = max([el.bbox.x2 for el in layout])mid_line_x_coordinate = (x2_max + x1_min) /  2



left_column = []right_column = []for el in layout:    if el.bbox.x1 < mid_line_x_coordinate:        left_column.append(el)    else:        right_column.append(el)left_column.sort(key = lambda z: z.bbox.y1)right_column.sort(key = lambda z: z.bbox.y1)sorted_layout = left_column + right_column






2.3 基于多模态大模型解析复杂结构的PDF


  • 检索相关图像(PDF页面)并将其发送到GPT4-V以响应查询。
  • 将每个PDF页面视为一个图像,让GPT4-V对每个页面进行图像推理,为图像推理构建文本矢量存储索引,根据图像推理矢量存储查询答案。
  • 使用Table Transformer从检索到的图像中裁剪表信息,然后将这些裁剪的图像发送到GPT4-V以进行查询响应。
  • 对裁剪的表图像应用OCR,并将数据发送到GPT4/GGP-3.5以回答查询。








[1] https://github.com/py-pdf/pypdf

[2] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03762.pdf

[3] http://unstructured-io.github.io/unstructured/

[4] https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain/blob/master/libs/langchain/langchain/document_loaders/pdf.py

[5] http://github.com/Layout-Parser/layout-parser

[6] https://layout-parser.github.io/platform/

[7] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.05391.pdf

[8] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.04805.pdf

[9] https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/examples/multi_modal/multi_modal_pdf_tables.html





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