

1. 首先你要有个Skywalking
没条件就本地玩玩吧:SkyWalking 本地启动以及闪退问题-CSDN博客

打开后有一些默认的规则,这些规则的作用看这个:Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
rules:service_resp_time_rule:expression: sum(service_resp_time > 1000) >= 3period: 10silence-period: 5message: Response time of service {name} is more than 1000ms in 3 minutes of last 10 minutes.service_sla_rule:expression: sum(service_sla < 8000) >= 2period: 10silence-period: 3message: Successful rate of service {name} is lower than 80% in 2 minutes of last 10 minutesservice_resp_time_percentile_rule:expression: sum(service_percentile{_='0,1,2,3,4'} > 1000) >= 3period: 10silence-period: 5message: Percentile response time of service {name} alarm in 3 minutes of last 10 minutes, due to more than one condition of p50 > 1000, p75 > 1000, p90 > 1000, p95 > 1000, p99 > 1000service_instance_resp_time_rule:expression: sum(service_instance_resp_time > 1000) >= 2period: 10silence-period: 5message: Response time of service instance {name} is more than 1000ms in 2 minutes of last 10 minutesdatabase_access_resp_time_rule:expression: sum(database_access_resp_time > 1000) >= 2period: 10message: Response time of database access {name} is more than 1000ms in 2 minutes of last 10 minutesendpoint_relation_resp_time_rule:expression: sum(endpoint_relation_resp_time > 1000) >= 2period: 10message: Response time of endpoint relation {name} is more than 1000ms in 2 minutes of last 10 minutes
2. 告警规则参数
Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
Rule name:规则名称。需要保证唯一,必须以 _rule
Include names:告警规则生效包含的实体名列表。在 Skywalking中,实例有多种类型 Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
实体名称这里要注意一下,我们在集成 Agent 的时候,一般都会设置 Namespace 和 Service group。举个栗子:
当我这样定义时,service name 应该写成dev::example-name|dev|
,参考:Table of Agent Configuration Properties | Apache SkyWalking
Exclude names:告警规则不生效包含的实体名列表
Include names regex:和 Include names 一样。只不过是正则表达式字符串
Exclude names regex:和 Exclude names 一样。只不过是正则表达式字符串
Tags:自定义的 k-v 对
Silence Period:推送最低间隔时间。例如我有一个规则,1分钟会触发一次,当我把Silence Period配置为 3 时。那就是每3分钟发送一次请求到 hook
Hooks:向外界发送通知的方式 ,本质上都是 WebHook。
3. 表达式解析
service_sla_custom_rule:# service_sla 是一个在 `alarm-config.yaml` 中默认定义的指标,当然可以覆盖它。# sum((service_sla / 100) < 90) 就是字面意思,服务SLA低于90% 的次数# >= 4 是关键,表达式每分钟算一次(这是我看了文档后猜的,应该没问题), 那这里就表示最近4分钟服务SLA都低于90%expression: sum((service_sla / 100) < 90) >= 4# 字符串匹配写法include-names:- 'dev::example|dev|'# 正则写法:所有dev组的include-names-regex: '^dev::.*' # 表达式计算结果缓存时长,表达式每一分钟计算一次,我表达式中设置了>=4# 所以period 应该设置一个大于4的值,这样能避免重复计算period: 10# 通知静默时长,如果服务有10分钟SLA是低于90的,那么m4的时候会提醒。# 下一次本来是m5提醒的,我设置了2,所以等到m6再次计算表达式的时候才会在提醒silence-period: 2# 自定义 tags,key-value形式tags:level: ERROR# 提醒文本,可以通过格式化插入参数message: '服务 SLA 低于 90%'# 使用的通知方式,如果不填则选择默认hookshooks:- '{hookType}.{hookName}'
4. 表达式定义实例
4.1 所有服务SLA在最近3分钟内小于100
service_success_rule:expression: sum((service_success / 100) < 100) >= 3period: 5silence-period: 5message: '服务 SLA 低于 100%'
4.2 单接口SLA在最近3分钟内小于100
endpoint_sla_rule:expression: sum((endpoint_sla / 100) < 100) >= 3include-names: - 'GET:/test/custom1 in dev::example|dev|'period: 5message: '此接口 SLA 低于 100%'
4.3 所有DB SLA 最近1分钟内小于100
database_access_sla_rule:expression: sum((database_access_sla / 100) < 100) >= 1period: 3message: 'DB SLA 低于 100%'
5. 定义配置 Hooks
5.1 Webhook
Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
public class AlertingController { // 我用的是lark,用飞书得改下hostprivate final static String WEBHOOK_URL = "https://open.larksuite.com/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/<token>"; @Resource private RestTemplate restTemplate; @PostMapping("skywalking") public void alert(@RequestBody List<AlarmMessage> alarmMessageList) { alarmMessageList.parallelStream().forEach(alarmMessage -> { String text = "Apache SkyWalking Alarm:\n\n" + alarmMessage.getScope() + ": " + alarmMessage.getName() + "\n\n" + alarmMessage.getAlarmMessage(); ImmutableMap<String, Object> body = ImmutableMap.of( "msg_type", "text", "content", ImmutableMap.of("text", text) ); restTemplate.postForEntity(WEBHOOK_URL, body, String.class); }); } // https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/master/oap-server/server-core/src/main/java/org/apache/skywalking/oap/server/core/alarm/AlarmMessage.java @Getter @Setter @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.LowerCaseStrategy.class) public static class AlarmMessage { private int scopeId; private String scope; private String name; private String id0; private String id1; @JsonAlias("ruleName") private String ruleName; @JsonAlias("alarmMessage") private String alarmMessage; private List<Tag> tags; @JsonAlias("startTime") private long startTime; private transient int period; } @Getter @Setter public static class Tag { private String key; private String value; }
在 alarm-config.yaml
hooks:webhook:default:# 定义这是默认的hookis-default: trueurls:- http://localhost:8080/alerting/skywalking
5.2 飞书
Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
自定义机器人使用指南 - 开发指南 - 开发文档 - Lark 开放平台 (larksuite.com)
hooks:feishu:default:text-template: |-{"msg_type": "text","content": {"text": "Apache SkyWalking Alarm: \n\n%s"}}webhooks:- url: https://open.larksuite.com/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/<token>- secret: <secret>
Alerting | Apache SkyWalking
Analysis Native Streaming Traces and Service Mesh Traffic | Apache SkyWalking
skywalking/docs/en/setup/backend/backend-alarm.md at master · apache/skywalking (github.com)
skywalking/docs/en/api/metrics-query-expression.md at master · apache/skywalking (github.com)
自定义机器人使用指南 - 开发指南 - 开发文档 - Lark 开放平台 (larksuite.com)
Table of Agent Configuration Properties | Apache SkyWalking