

1 对边界进行子采样

1.1 输入参数检查

1.2 处理重复坐标

1.3 计算边界最大范围

1.4 确定网格线数量

1.5 构建网格位置向量

1.6 计算曼哈顿距离

1.7 整理输出结果

1.8 返回结果

2 改变图像的存储类别

2.1 函数输入

2.2 数据类型转换

2.3 错误处理

2.4 返回结果

3 计算RGB图像的向量梯度并对梯度进行阈值处理

3.1 函数定义

3.2 注释说明

3.3 参数验证

3.4 计算x和y方向导数

3.5 计算向量梯度的参数

3.6 对梯度方向进行处理

3.7 计算每个颜色通道的梯度

3.8 对结果进行阈值处理

4 对彩色图像进行分割

4.1 参数数量判断与方法选择

4.2 欧氏距离计算与前景标记

4.3 马哈拉诺比斯距离计算与前景标记

4.4 前景像素组合与二值图像生成

1 对边界进行子采样

function [s, su] = bsubsamp(b, gridsep)
%BSUBSAMP Subsample a boundary.
%   [S, SU] = BSUBSAMP(B, GRIDSEP) subsamples the boundary B by
%   assigning each of its points to the grid node to which it is
%   closest.  The grid is specified by GRIDSEP, which is the
%   separation in pixels between the grid lines. For example, if
%   GRIDSEP = 2, there are two pixels in between grid lines. So, for
%   instance, the grid points in the first row would be at (1,1),
%   (1,4), (1,6), ..., and similarly in the y direction. The value
%   of GRIDSEP must be an even integer. The boundary is specified by
%   a set of coordinates in the form of an np-by-2 array.  It is
%   assumed that the boundary is one pixel thick. 
%   Output S is the subsampled boundary. Output SU is normalized so
%   that the grid separation is unity.  This is useful for obtaining
%   the Freeman chain code of the subsampled boundary.%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.8 $  $Date: 2004/11/04 20:17:59 $% Check input.
[np, nc] = size(b);
if np < nc error('B must be of size np-by-2.'); 
if gridsep/2 ~= round(gridsep/2) error('GRIDSEP must be an even integer.')
end% Some boundary tracing programs, such as boundaries.m, end with 
% the beginning, resulting in a sequence in which the coordinates
% of the first and last points are the same. If this is the case 
% in b, eliminate the last point.
if isequal(b(1, :), b(np, :))np = np - 1;b = b(1:np, :);
end% Find the max x and y spanned by the boundary.
xmax = max(b(:, 1));
ymax = max(b(:, 2));% Determine the integral number of grid lines with gridsep points in
% between them that encompass the intervals [1,xmax], [1,ymax].
GLx = ceil((xmax + gridsep)/(gridsep + 1));
GLy = ceil((ymax + gridsep)/(gridsep + 1));% Form vectors of x and y grid locations.
I = 1:GLx;
% Vector of grid line locations intersecting x-axis.
X(I) = gridsep*I + (I - gridsep); J = 1:GLy;
% Vector of grid line locations intersecting y-axis.
Y(J) = gridsep*J + (J - gridsep); % Compute both components of the cityblock distance between each
% element of b and all the grid-line intersections.  Assign each
% point to the grid location for which each comp of the cityblock
% distance was <= gridsep/2. Note the use of meshgrid to
% optimize the code. Keep in mind that meshgrid requires that columns
% be listed first (see Chapter 2).
DIST = gridsep/2;
[YG, XG] = meshgrid(Y, X);
Q = 1;
for k=1:np[I,J] = find(abs(XG - b(k, 1)) <= DIST & abs(YG - b(k, 2)) <= ...DIST); % If point b(k,:) is equidistant from two or more grid intersections,% assign the point arbitrarily to the first one:I = I(1);J = J(1);ord = k; % To keep track of order of input coordinates.d1(Q, :) = cat(2, Y(J), ord);d2(Q, :) = cat(2, X(I), ord);Q = Q + 1;
end% d is the set of points assigned to the new grid with line
% separation of gridsep. Note that it is formed as d=(d2,d1) to
% compensate for the coordinate transposition inherent in using
% meshgrid (see Chapter 2). 
d = cat(2, d2(:, 1), d1); % The second column of d1 & d2 is ord.% Sort the points using the values in ord, which is the last col in
% d.
d = fliplr(d); % So the last column becomes first.
d = sortrows(d);
d = fliplr(d); % Flip back.% Eliminate duplicate rows in the first two components of 
% d to create the output. The cw or ccw order MUST be preserved.
s = d(:, 1:2);
[s, m, n] = unique(s, 'rows');% Function unique sorts the data--Restore to original order
% by using the contents of m.
s = [s, m];
s = fliplr(s);
s = sortrows(s);
s = fliplr(s);
s = s(:, 1:2);% Scale to unit grid so that can use directly to obtain Freeman
% chain code.  The shape does not change.
su = round(s./gridsep) + 1;



1.1 输入参数检查

  • 使用size函数获取边界数组b的行数np和列数nc,确保b是一个np行2列的数组。
  • 检查np是否小于nc,若是则报错,要求b必须是np行2列的数组。
  • 检查gridsep是否为偶数,通过计算gridsep除以2的余数是否为0来判断,若不是则报错,要求gridsep必须是偶数。

1.2 处理重复坐标

  • 检查边界的第一个点和最后一个点坐标是否相同,若相同则删除最后一个点。
  • 更新np的值,将其减去1,同时更新边界数组b,去掉最后一个重复的点。

1.3 计算边界最大范围

  • 使用max函数分别计算边界数组b在x和y方向上的最大值,得到xmax和ymax,用于确定网格线的数量。

1.4 确定网格线数量

  • 根据xmax、ymax和gridsep计算在x和y方向上网格线的数量GLx和GLy,使用ceil函数向上取整。

1.5 构建网格位置向量

  • 使用1:GLx生成表示x方向网格线位置的向量I。
  • 根据公式gridsep*I + (I - gridsep)计算x轴上网格线的位置向量X。
  • 同理,生成表示y方向网格线位置的向量J,并计算y轴上网格线的位置向量Y。

1.6 计算曼哈顿距离

  • 使用meshgrid函数构建网格点的坐标矩阵XG和YG,用于计算每个边界点到网格线交点的曼哈顿距离。
  • 遍历边界点,计算每个点到所有网格线交点的曼哈顿距离,找到距离最近的网格位置并分配给该点。

1.7 整理输出结果

  • 对分配到的网格位置进行整理和排序,得到子采样后的边界s。
  • 使用unique函数去除重复的坐标点,保持顺时针或逆时针顺序不变。

1.8 返回结果

  • 将子采样后的边界s返回作为主要输出。
  • 将边界坐标归一化到单位网格上,得到归一化的边界su,方便后续处理。

2 改变图像的存储类别

function image = changeclass(class, varargin)
%CHANGECLASS changes the storage class of an image.
%  X2 = CHANGECLASS(CLASS, X, 'indexed');%  Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.  Used with permission.
%  $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 2003/02/19 22:09:58 $switch class
case 'uint8'image = im2uint8(varargin{:});
case 'uint16'image = im2uint16(varargin{:});
case 'double'image = im2double(varargin{:});
otherwiseerror('Unsupported IPT data class.');

这段代码的功能是根据指定的存储类别(class)将输入图像(varargin)进行类型转换,并返回转换后的图像(image)。这段代码是一个 MATLAB 函数,用于改变图像的存储类别。函数接受两个参数,第一个参数是目标存储类别,第二个参数是输入的图像数据。根据不同的存储类别,调用不同的内置函数进行数据类型转换。


2.1 函数输入

函数接受两个参数,分别是目标存储类别 class 和输入的图像数据 varargin。其中 varargin 可能包括普通图像、RGB 图像或者二值图像,也可以指定为索引图像。

2.2 数据类型转换

根据目标存储类别 class 的不同,采取相应的数据类型转换操作:

  • 当 class 为 'uint8' 时,调用 im2uint8 函数进行转换。
  • 当 class 为 'uint16' 时,调用 im2uint16 函数进行转换。
  • 当 class 为 'double' 时,调用 im2double 函数进行转换。
  • 对于其他不支持的类型,抛出错误提示。

2.3 错误处理

如果输入的存储类别 class 不属于 'uint8'、'uint16' 或 'double' 中的任何一种,将会抛出错误信息 "Unsupported IPT data class."。

2.4 返回结果



3 计算RGB图像的向量梯度并对梯度进行阈值处理

function [VG, A, PPG]= colorgrad(f, T)
%COLORGRAD Computes the vector gradient of an RGB image.
%   [VG, VA, PPG] = COLORGRAD(F, T) computes the vector gradient, VG,
%   and corresponding angle array, VA, (in radians) of RGB image
%   F. It also computes PPG, the per-plane composite gradient
%   obtained by summing the 2-D gradients of the individual color 
%   planes. Input T is a threshold in the range [0, 1]. If it is
%   included in the argument list, the values of VG and PPG are
%   thresholded by letting VG(x,y) = 0 for values <= T and VG(x,y) =
%   VG(x,y) otherwise. Similar comments apply to PPG.  If T is not
%   included in the argument list then T is set to 0. Both output
%   gradients are scaled to the range [0, 1].%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2003/11/21 14:27:21 $if (ndims(f) ~= 3) | (size(f, 3) ~= 3)error('Input image must be RGB.');
end% Compute the x and y derivatives of the three component images 
% using Sobel operators.
sh = fspecial('sobel');
sv = sh';
Rx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 1)), sh, 'replicate');
Ry = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 1)), sv, 'replicate');
Gx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 2)), sh, 'replicate');
Gy = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 2)), sv, 'replicate');
Bx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 3)), sh, 'replicate');
By = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 3)), sv, 'replicate');% Compute the parameters of the vector gradient. 
gxx = Rx.^2 + Gx.^2 + Bx.^2;
gyy = Ry.^2 + Gy.^2 + By.^2;
gxy = Rx.*Ry + Gx.*Gy + Bx.*By;
A = 0.5*(atan(2*gxy./(gxx - gyy + eps)));
G1 = 0.5*((gxx + gyy) + (gxx - gyy).*cos(2*A) + 2*gxy.*sin(2*A));% Now repeat for angle + pi/2. Then select the maximum at each point.
A = A + pi/2;
G2 = 0.5*((gxx + gyy) + (gxx - gyy).*cos(2*A) + 2*gxy.*sin(2*A));
G1 = G1.^0.5;
G2 = G2.^0.5;
% Form VG by picking the maximum at each (x,y) and then scale
% to the range [0, 1].
VG = mat2gray(max(G1, G2));% Compute the per-plane gradients.
RG = sqrt(Rx.^2 + Ry.^2);
GG = sqrt(Gx.^2 + Gy.^2);
BG = sqrt(Bx.^2 + By.^2);
% Form the composite by adding the individual results and
% scale to [0, 1].
PPG = mat2gray(RG + GG + BG);% Threshold the result.
if nargin == 2VG = (VG > T).*VG;PPG = (PPG > T).*PPG;



3.1 函数定义

function [VG, A, PPG]= colorgrad(f, T)


3.2 注释说明

%COLORGRAD Computes the vector gradient of an RGB image.
%   [VG, VA, PPG] = COLORGRAD(F, T) computes the vector gradient, VG,
%   and corresponding angle array, VA, (in radians) of RGB image
%   F. It also computes PPG, the per-plane composite gradient
%   obtained by summing the 2-D gradients of the individual color 
%   planes. Input T is a threshold in the range [0, 1]. If it is
%   included in the argument list, the values of VG and PPG are
%   thresholded by letting VG(x,y) = 0 for values <= T and VG(x,y) =
%   VG(x,y) otherwise. Similar comments apply to PPG.  If T is not
%   included in the argument list then T is set to 0. Both output
%   gradients are scaled to the range [0, 1].
%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2003/11/21 14:27:21 $


3.3 参数验证

if (ndims(f) ~= 3) | (size(f, 3) ~= 3)error('Input image must be RGB.');


3.4 计算x和y方向导数

sh = fspecial('sobel');
sv = sh';
Rx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 1)), sh, 'replicate');
Ry = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 1)), sv, 'replicate');
Gx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 2)), sh, 'replicate');
Gy = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 2)), sv, 'replicate');
Bx = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 3)), sh, 'replicate');
By = imfilter(double(f(:, :, 3)), sv, 'replicate');


3.5 计算向量梯度的参数

gxx = Rx.^2 + Gx.^2 + Bx.^2;
gyy = Ry.^2 + Gy.^2 + By.^2;
gxy = Rx.*Ry + Gx.*Gy + Bx.*By;
A = 0.5*(atan(2*gxy./(gxx - gyy + eps)));
G1 = 0.5*((gxx + gyy) + (gxx - gyy).*cos(2*A) + 2*gxy.*sin(2*A));


3.6 对梯度方向进行处理

A = A + pi/2;
G2 = 0.5*((gxx + gyy) + (gxx - gyy).*cos(2*A) + 2*gxy.*sin(2*A));
G1 = G1.^0.5;
G2 = G2.^0.5;
VG = mat2gray(max(G1, G2));

这部分代码将梯度方向加上π/2,然后选择每个点的最大梯度值,并将其缩放到[0, 1]的范围。

3.7 计算每个颜色通道的梯度

RG = sqrt(Rx.^2 + Ry.^2);
GG = sqrt(Gx.^2 + Gy.^2);
BG = sqrt(Bx.^2 + By.^2);
PPG = mat2gray(RG + GG + BG);

这部分代码用于实现计算每个颜色通道的梯度,并将其相加形成组合梯度,同样缩放到[0, 1]范围。

3.8 对结果进行阈值处理

if nargin == 2VG = (VG > T).*VG;PPG = (PPG > T).*PPG;


4 对彩色图像进行分割

function I = colorseg(varargin)
%COLORSEG Performs segmentation of a color image.
%   S = COLORSEG('EUCLIDEAN', F, T, M) performs segmentation of color
%   image F using a Euclidean measure of similarity. M is a 1-by-3
%   vector representing the average color used for segmentation (this
%   is the center of the sphere in Fig. 6.26 of DIPUM). T is the
%   threshold against which the distances are compared.
%   S = COLORSEG('MAHALANOBIS', F, T, M, C) performs segmentation of
%   color image F using the Mahalanobis distance as a measure of
%   similarity. C is the 3-by-3 covariance matrix of the sample color
%   vectors of the class of interest. See function covmatrix for the
%   computation of C and M. 
%   S is the segmented image (a binary matrix) in which 0s denote the
%   background. %   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.5 $  $Date: 2003/11/21 14:28:34 $% Preliminaries.
% Recall that varargin is a cell array.
f = varargin{2};
if (ndims(f) ~= 3) | (size(f, 3) ~= 3)error('Input image must be RGB.');
M = size(f, 1); N = size(f, 2);
% Convert f to vector format using function imstack2vectors.
[f, L] = imstack2vectors(f);
f = double(f);
% Initialize I as a column vector.  It will be reshaped later
% into an image.
I = zeros(M*N, 1); 
T = varargin{3};
m = varargin{4};
m = m(:)'; % Make sure that m is a row vector.if length(varargin) == 4 method = 'euclidean';
elseif length(varargin) == 5 method = 'mahalanobis';
else error('Wrong number of inputs.');
endswitch method
case 'euclidean'% Compute the Euclidean distance between all rows of X and m. See% Section 12.2 of DIPUM for an explanation of the following% expression. D(i) is the Euclidean distance between vector X(i,:)% and vector m. p = length(f);D = sqrt(sum(abs(f - repmat(m, p, 1)).^2, 2));
case 'mahalanobis'C = varargin{5};D = mahalanobis(f, C, m);
otherwise error('Unknown segmentation method.')
end% D is a vector of size MN-by-1 containing the distance computations
% from all the color pixels to vector m. Find the distances <= T.
J = find(D <= T);% Set the values of I(J) to 1.  These are the segmented
% color pixels.
I(J) = 1;% Reshape I into an M-by-N image.
I = reshape(I, M, N);  




4.1 参数数量判断与方法选择

if nargin == 4% 使用欧氏距离方法% 实现代码
elseif nargin == 5% 使用马哈拉诺比斯距离方法% 实现代码
elseerror('Incorrect number of input arguments');


4.2 欧氏距离计算与前景标记

dist = sqrt(sum((img - color_mean).^2, 3));
foreground = dist <= T;


4.3 马哈拉诺比斯距离计算与前景标记

C_inv = inv(C);
dist = sqrt(sum((img - color_mean) * C_inv .* (img - color_mean), 3));
foreground = dist <= T;


4.4 前景像素组合与二值图像生成

binary_image = uint8(foreground);






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基于SpringBoot+Apache POI的前后端分离外卖项目-苍穹外卖(十九)

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源码介绍&#xff1a; 交友盲盒系统是一款基于PHP开发的开源免费盲盒系统&#xff0c;旨在为用户提供一个充满乐趣和惊喜的社交体验。该系统具有丰富的功能和灵活的扩展性&#xff0c;可以轻松地满足各种线上交友、抽奖活动等场景的需求。 安装说明&#xff1a; PHP版本&…


目录 引言 一、SNAT与DNAT简介 &#xff08;一&#xff09;SNAT 1.SNAT的工作原理 2.SNAT的应用 &#xff08;二&#xff09;DNAT 1.DNAT的工作原理 2.DNAT的应用 二、实现NAT转换 &#xff08;一&#xff09;实现SNAT 1.配置网关服务器 2.修改网关 3.设置SNAT规则…


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* function ListNode(val, next) {* this.val (valundefined ? 0 : val)* this.next (nextundefined ? null : next)* }*/ /*** param {ListNode} head* param {number} n* return {ListNode}*/ var removeNthFromEnd fun…


Spring Boot自动配置原理 importConfigurationSpring spi 自动配置类由各个starter提供&#xff0c;使用ConfigurationBean定义配置类&#xff0c;放到META-INF/spring.factories下 使用Spring spi扫描META-INF/Spring.factories下的配置类 如何理解Spring Boot中Starter …


上一篇&#xff1a;03-JNI 类型和数据结构 本章是 JNI 函数的参考章节。它提供了所有 JNI 函数的完整列表。它还介绍了 JNI 函数表的具体布局。 注意&#xff1a;使用 "必须 "一词来描述对 JNI 程序员的限制。例如&#xff0c;当你看到某个 JNI 函数必须接收一个非 N…


分享7款好玩的前端动画特效 其中有CSS动画、SVG动画、js小游戏等等 下方效果图可能不是特别的生动 那么你可以点击在线预览进行查看相应的动画特效 同时也是可以下载该资源的 CSS3模仿四季交替动画 基于HTML5CSS3实现的卡通风格一年四季交替动画特效 以下效果图只能体现框架的…

超全Chat GPT论文修改指令

文献综述指令润色修改指令论文选题指令论文大指令研究理论指令论文致谢指令参考文献指令论文润色整体逻辑论文整体优化提问指令 1&#xff0e;文献综述指令 请你帮我写一份关于&#xff08;研究主题&#xff09;的文献综述。我的论文选题方向是 XXXX &#xff0c;我已经找到了…


在shell编程中&#xff0c;if语句本身不执行任何判断&#xff0c;它实际上接受一个程序作为参数&#xff0c;然后执行这个程序&#xff0c;并依据这个程序的返回值来判断是否执行相应的语句。 程序的返回值是0&#xff0c;则为真&#xff0c;反之则为假。 目录 test命令&…