一个处理Range List的面试题解法


  • 题目
  • 解法
    • Range
      • add
      • remove
    • Tools
    • RangeList
      • add
      • remove
  • 代码



// Task: Implement a class named 'RangeList'
// A pair of integers define a range, for example: [1, 5). This range includes integers: 1, 2, 3, and 4.
// A range list is an aggregate of these ranges: [1, 5), [10, 11), [100, 201)
** NOTE: Feel free to add any extra member variables/functions you like.
class RangeList {/**** Adds a range to the list* @param {Array<number>} range - Array of two integers that specify beginning andend of range.*/add(range) {// TODO: implement this}/**** Removes a range from the list* @param {Array<number>} range - Array of two integers that specify beginning andend of range.*/remove(range) {// TODO: implement this}/**** Convert the list of ranges in the range list to a string* @returns A string representation of the range list*/toString() {// TODO: implement this}
// Example run
const rl = new RangeList();
rl.toString(); // Should be ""
rl.add([1, 5]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 5)"
rl.add([10, 20]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 5) [10, 20)"
rl.add([20, 20]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 5) [10, 20)"
rl.add([20, 21]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 5) [10, 21)"
rl.add([2, 4]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 5) [10, 21)"
rl.add([3, 8]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 8) [10, 21)"
rl.remove([10, 10]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 8) [10, 21)"
rl.remove([10, 11]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 8) [11, 21)"
rl.remove([15, 17]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 8) [11, 15) [17, 21)"
rl.remove([3, 19]);
rl.toString(); // Should be: "[1, 3) [19, 21)

这题大体的意思是:设计一个RangeList类,它保存了一批左闭右开的区间。它支持add操作,可以新增一个包含区间,但是可能会影响之前的区间,比如之前的区间是:[3,5) [7,9),新增区间[5,7)之后,区间就变成[3,9);它还支持remove操作,可以删除一个区间,也可能影响之前的区间,比如之前的区间是[3,9),删除[5,7)之后,变成[3,5) [7,9)。







    # add the other range to this range.For example, [1, 5) add [5, 7) is [1, 7).# @param other - the other range to add to this range# @return - the new range after adding# @throws TypeError if other is not a Range object or a list of integers# @throws ValueError if other is not a list of 2 integers# @throws TypeError if other range is not overlap with this rangedef add(self, other) -> object:other = self.conv(other)if self.end < other.start or self.start > other.end:raise ValueError("other range must be overlap with this range")if self.start >= other.start and self.end <= other.end:return Range(other.start, other.end)if self.start >= other.start and self.end > other.end:return Range(other.start, self.end)if self.start < other.start and self.end <= other.end:return Range(self.start, other.end)if self.start < other.start and self.end > other.end:return Range(self.start, self.end)



    # remove the other range from this range.For example, [1, 5) remove [2, 3) is [1, 2) [3, 5).# @param other - the other range to remove from this range.the other range must be a Range object or a list of 2 integers# @return - a list of Range objects that are the result of removing other from this range# @throws TypeError if other is not a Range object or a list of integers# @throws ValueError if other is not a list of 2 integersdef remove(self, other) -> list:other = self.conv(other)if self.end < other.start or self.start > other.end:return [self]if self.start >= other.start and self.end <= other.end:return []if self.start >= other.start and self.end > other.end:return [Range(other.end, self.end)]if self.start < other.start and self.end <= other.end:return [Range(self.start, other.start)]if self.start < other.start and self.end > other.end:return [Range(self.start, other.start), Range(other.end, self.end)]



  • 被修正的区间有哪些
  • 需要调整位置的区间有哪些
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# ======================================================================================================================
# Copyrigth (C) 2024 fangliang <304646673@qq.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# ======================================================================================================================from rangelist.range import Rangeclass Tools(object):          # search the index of the range which contains the value.First value is the index of the range where to compare with the value, # second value is True if the range contains the value, False otherwise.  # @param ranges - the list of ranges# @param value - the value to search# @param start_index - the start index of the ranges to search# @return the index of the range where to compare with the value, True if the range contains the value, False otherwise@staticmethoddef search(ranges, value, start_index = 0):if start_index < 0:start_index = 0end_index = len(ranges) - 1while start_index <= end_index:mid = (start_index + end_index) // 2if ranges[mid].start <= value and ranges[mid].end >= value:return (mid, True)elif ranges[mid].end < value:start_index = mid + 1else:end_index = mid - 1return (end_index, False)# search the index of the ranges which overlap with the search range.# First value is the index of the range where to compare with the value, second value is True if the range contains the value,# False otherwise.# @param ranges - the list of ranges# @param search_range - the range to search# @return a list of (index, overlap) of the ranges which overlap with the search range@staticmethoddef search_overlap(ranges, search_range):if search_range.start == search_range.end:return []start = Tools.search(ranges, search_range.start)end = Tools.search(ranges, search_range.end, start[0])index_list = [start]for i in range(start[0]+1, end[0]+1):index_list.append((i, True))return index_list


[(-1, False), (0, True), (1, True)]





    # add a range to the list.For example, [[1, 5)] add [2, 3) is [[1, 5)].[[1, 5)] add [6, 8) is [[1, 5) [6, 8)].# @param other - the other range to compare with# @return True if the other range is overlap with this range, False otherwise# @throws TypeError if other is not a Range object or a list of integers# @throws ValueError if other is not a list of 2 integersdef add(self, other):other = Range.conv(other)indexes = Tools.search_overlap(self.ranges, other)del_start_index = -1for i in indexes:if i[1]:other = self.ranges[i[0]].add(other)if -1 == del_start_index:del_start_index = i[0]if -1 != del_start_index:del self.ranges[del_start_index : indexes[-1][0]+1]self.ranges.insert(del_start_index, other)elif len(indexes) > 0:self.ranges.insert(indexes[0][0]+1, other)return self



# remove the other range from this range.For example, [[1, 5) [10, 14)]] remove [2, 3) is [[1, 2) [3, 5) [10, 14)]].# @param other - the other range to remove from this range# @return - the new range after removing# @throws TypeError if other is not a Range object or a list of integers# @throws ValueError if other is not a list of 2 integersdef remove(self, other):other = Range.conv(other)indexes = Tools.search_overlap(self.ranges, other)del_start_index = -1range_list_from_remove_all = []for i in indexes:if i[1]:range_list_from_remove = self.ranges[i[0]].remove(other)if range_list_from_remove != None:range_list_from_remove_all.extend(range_list_from_remove)if -1 == del_start_index:del_start_index = i[0]if -1 != del_start_index:del self.ranges[del_start_index : indexes[-1][0]+1]self.ranges[del_start_index:del_start_index] = range_list_from_remove_allreturn self

remove方法则是让Range List中Range不停remove待删除Range,最后把切割的Range重新插入到Range List中。






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