1、题目描述 After the regional contest, all the ACMers are walking alone a very long avenue to the dining hall in groups. Groups can vary in size for kinds of reasons, which means, several players could walk together, forming a group. As the …
Kong 是一个在 Nginx 内运行的开源 API 网关和微服务抽象层。它是用于处理 API 流量的灵活、可扩展、可插入的工具。
Kong 提供了以下功能:
用户登录:Kong 提供了多种认证插件,像 JWT、OAuth 2.0 等,可以满足用户登录需求。Toke…
https://chat.openai.com/g/g-l3S5WDgP7-english-teacher The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. 翻译为中文: 人群开始大声喊叫,但那个醉酒的人没有意识到危险。 分析时态和句子语法: 时态:这个句子使用的是过去时。语法…