

  • 一、概述
  • 二、安装
    • 2.1、源码编译安装
    • 2.2、命令行安装
    • 2.3、安装确认
  • 三、重要参数详解
    • 3.1、查询支持的参数
    • 3.2、参数说明
  • 四、实例
    • 4.1、全面扫描
    • 4.2、破坏性写入并修复
    • 4.3、非破坏性写入测试
  • 五、实现原理
  • 六、注意事项

  团队博客: 汽车电子社区






// 用web浏览器打开如下链接进行下载:


tar zxvf e2fsprogs-1.47.0.tar.gz


// 编译之前配置命令
./configure --host=arm-hisiv400-linux// 编译
make// 安装
sudo make install




sudo apt-get  install badblocks




badblocks -version





badblocks -help
BADBLOCKS(8)                                                                            System Manager's Manual                                                                           BADBLOCKS(8)NAMEbadblocks - search a device for bad blocksSYNOPSISbadblocks [ -svwnfBX ] [ -b block_size ] [ -c blocks_at_once ] [ -d read_delay_factor ] [ -e max_bad_blocks ] [ -i input_file ] [ -o output_file ] [ -p num_passes ] [ -t test_pattern ] device[ last_block ] [ first_block ]DESCRIPTIONbadblocks is used to search for bad blocks on a device (usually a disk partition).  device is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/hdc1).  last_block is the last block to bechecked;  if  it is not specified, the last block on the device is used as a default.  first_block is an optional parameter specifying the starting block number for the test, which allows thetesting to start in the middle of the disk.  If it is not specified the first block on the disk is used as a default.Important note: If the output of badblocks is going to be fed to the e2fsck or mke2fs programs, it is important that the block size is properly specified, since the block  numbers  which  aregenerated  are  very dependent on the block size in use by the file system.  For this reason, it is strongly recommended that users not run badblocks directly, but rather use the -c option ofthe e2fsck and mke2fs programs.OPTIONS-b block_sizeSpecify the size of blocks in bytes.  The default is 1024.-c number of blocksis the number of blocks which are tested at a time.  The default is 64.-d read delay factorThis parameter, if passed and non-zero, will cause bad blocks to sleep between reads if there were no errors encountered in the read operation; the delay will be calculated as  a  per‐centage  of the time it took for the read operation to be performed. In other words, a value of 100 will cause each read to be delayed by the amount the previous read took, and a valueof 200 by twice the amount.-e max bad block countSpecify a maximum number of bad blocks before aborting the test.  The default is 0, meaning the test will continue until the end of the test range is reached.-f     Normally, badblocks will refuse to do a read/write or a non-destructive test on a device which is mounted, since either can cause the system to potentially crash and/or damage the filesystem  even  if  it  is  mounted  read-only.  This can be overridden using the -f flag, but should almost never be used --- if you think you're smarter than the badblocks program, youalmost certainly aren't.  The only time when this option might be safe to use is if the /etc/mtab file is incorrect, and the device really isn't mounted.-i input_fileRead a list of already existing known bad blocks.  Badblocks will skip testing these blocks since they are known to be bad.  If input_file is specified as "-", the list  will  be  readfrom  the  standard  input.   Blocks  listed  in  this  list  will  be  omitted from the list of new bad blocks produced on the standard output or in the output file.  The -b option ofdumpe2fs(8) can be used to retrieve the list of blocks currently marked bad on an existing file system, in a format suitable for use with this option.-n     Use non-destructive read-write mode.  By default only a non-destructive read-only test is done.  This option must not be combined with the -w option, as they are mutually exclusive.-o output_fileWrite the list of bad blocks to the specified file.  Without this option, badblocks displays the list on its standard output.  The format of this file is suitable for  use  by  the  -l


	-s:输出扫描的进度。-v:输出详细信息。-w:使用写模式检查坏块。-n:使用非破坏性的读写测试来识别坏块。这个选项只在Linux Ext2fs和Linux Ext3fs上有效。-f:强制扫描即使在磁盘可能有故障的情况下。-B:指定块大小,默认值是4096。-c:指定每批次测试块数。-e:指定最大坏块数。-o:指定输出文件。-p:指定扫描的次数。-t:指定测试模式,可选值为l、o、s、a、p、0,默认值为l。




sudo badblocks /dev/loop9 -v




sudo badblocks -w /dev/loop7 -v




sudo badblocks -n /dev/loop7 -v










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