雅思写作 三小时浓缩学习顾家北 笔记总结(三)



"Heritage sites threatened by urban development"

"Heritage sites are threatened by urban development."

We should not ignore face-to-face communication.

We cannot ignore face-to-face communication.

Some public services are difficult to balance financially.

"It is difficult for some public services to maintain a balanced budget."

We need to consider the social and economic environment.

High-density planting poses a threat to biodiversity.

Equal education can help address students' poor academic performance.

Exposure to different cultures can promote innovation.

The government should prioritize social welfare services, especially healthcare.

Education may determine a person's job opportunities.

Education may play a crucial role in determining individuals' job opportunities.

The use of fossil resources can cause environmental damage.

Utilizing fossil resources can harm the environment.

building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding 

Constructing residential buildings helps alleviate urban overcrowding issues.

Building residential structures helps address urban overcrowding issues.

"Hard" 是一个多用途的英语词汇,具有多种含义和用法。以下是一些常见的用法和含义:

We need to take measures to address some challenging issues.

we need to take some actions to solve certain hard problems.

"The media attracts audiences by exaggerating the suffering of the victims."

The media attracts audiences by exaggerating the pain of the victims.

Genetic engineering enables people to cultivate new varieties of crops.

"Genetic engineering enables people to cultivate new varieties of crops."






"Heritage sites threatened by urban development"

"Heritage sites are threatened by urban development."

urban development 感觉这个是真的好,城市发展,简单明快,表达清晰



We should not ignore face-to-face communication.

我认为这个 should not 使用地非常好,

有一种强制的should not

Face-to-face communication

We cannot ignore face-to-face communication.


收支平衡就是break even

Some public services are difficult to balance financially.

balance financially

"It is difficult for some public services to maintain a balanced budget."

to maintain 也是一种很好的说法

a balanced budget 

We should take into account the social and economic environment.

We need to consider the social and economic environment.

the social and economic environment

High-density planting poses a threat to biodiversity.

Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio-diversity.

看来pose a threat真的是对于有关威胁的用法很常用的一种方式

pose a threat

biodiversity biodiversity 物种多样性

Equal education can help address students' poor academic performance.

poor academic performance


Exposure to different cultures can promote innovation.

Interacting with different cultures can stimulate innovation.

没有注意复数 cultures 

stimulate 促进

promote 也可以



The government should prioritize social welfare services, especially healthcare.

Governments should pay close attention to welfare services, particularly healthcare.

pay close attention

Education may determine a person's job opportunities.


a person’s job opportunitis

Education may play a crucial role in determining individuals' job opportunities.

The use of fossil resources can cause environmental damage.

Utilizing fossil resources can harm the environment.


还是替换为the use of



building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding 


Constructing residential buildings helps alleviate urban overcrowding issues.

Building residential structures helps address urban overcrowding issues.

downward spiral 


She clearly read the wrong sentence, but it was automatically recognized as the correct sentence

"Due to globalization, people need to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds."

Because of globalization, people need to work with individuals from different backgrounds.

diverse backgrounds 不同背景

"Hard" 是一个多用途的英语词汇,具有多种含义和用法。以下是一些常见的用法和含义:

  1. 坚硬的: "Hard" 可以用来形容物体的质地,表示它是坚硬的。例如,"The rock is very hard"(这块石头非常坚硬)。

  2. 困难的: "Hard" 也可以表示某事困难或具有挑战性。例如,"Studying for this exam is hard"(备考这个考试很困难)。

  3. 强烈的: 在某些情况下,"Hard" 可以表示某种情感或特质的强烈程度。例如,"He works hard"(他工作非常努力)。

  4. 严格的: "Hard" 还可以表示某人对某事持严格态度。例如,"She is a hard teacher"(她是一位严格的老师)。

  5. 强有力的: 在一些语境下,"Hard" 可以表示力量或效果的强大。例如,"The punch hit him hard"(这一拳打得他很重)。

  6. 坚定的: "Hard" 也可以表示某人的决心或意志坚定。例如,"She's a hard worker"(她是一个坚定的工作者)。

  7. 嘈杂的: 在音乐领域,"Hard" 可以指代摇滚、重金属等音乐类型,通常具有高音量和强烈的节奏。

这些只是 "hard" 的一些常见用法和含义。具体的意义通常取决于上下文。

We need to take measures to address some challenging issues.

we need to take some actions to solve certain hard problems.

"The media attracts audiences by exaggerating the suffering of the victims."

The media attracts audiences by exaggerating the pain of the victims.



Genetic engineering enables people to cultivate new varieties of crops.

"Genetic engineering enables people to cultivate new varieties of crops."


  1. Balance: 平衡
  2. Income: 收入
  3. Expense: 支出
  4. Budget: 预算
  5. Financial: 金融的
  6. Revenue: 收益
  7. Expenditure: 开支
  8. Surplus: 盈余
  9. Deficit: 赤字
  10. Profit: 利润
  11. Loss: 损失
  12. Savings: 储蓄
  13. Debt: 债务
  14. Investment: 投资
  15. Cost: 成本
  16. Earnings: 收益
  17. Accounting: 会计
  18. Financial statement: 财务报表
  19. Balance sheet: 资产负债表
  20. Cash flow: 现金流
  21. Net income: 净收入
  22. Operating expenses: 经营开支
  23. Capital expenditure: 资本支出
  24. Break-even: 收支平衡
  25. Fiscal responsibility: 财政责任



  1. 生物学(Biology): 研究生命的科学分支。
  2. 细胞(Cell): 生物的基本结构和功能单位。
  3. 遗传学(Genetics): 研究遗传信息传递和遗传变异的科学。
  4. 进化(Evolution): 生物种群随时间发展和改变的过程。
  5. 生态学(Ecology): 研究生物与其环境之间相互作用的科学。
  6. 种群(Population): 同一物种个体的集合。
  7. 生物多样性(Biodiversity): 描述地球上不同生物种类的丰富程度。
  8. 生态系统(Ecosystem): 包括生物群落和其非生物环境的生态单位。
  9. 生存适应性(Adaptation): 生物为适应特定环境而发展出的特征或行为。
  10. 生态位(Ecological Niche): 生物在生态系统中的特定角色和功能。
  11. 基因组学(Genomics): 研究基因组(一个生物体中的全部基因)的科学。
  12. 生物化学(Biochemistry): 研究生物分子和生物化学过程的科学。
  13. 生物技术(Biotechnology): 利用生物学原理和方法进行应用的科学领域。
  14. 遗传工程(Genetic Engineering): 修改生物体的基因以产生特定特征或功能的技术。
  15. 免疫学(Immunology): 研究免疫系统的科学。
  16. 生物地理学(Biogeography): 研究生物分布和迁移的科学。
  17. 生物学家(Biologist): 专门研究生物学的科学家。
  18. 进化论(Theory of Evolution): 描述生物进化过程的科学理论。












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