LLM(十)| Tiny-Vicuna-1B:Tiny Models轻量化系列Top One


       然而,nano Models(比如新诞生的GeminiNano)、Tiny Models(就像TinyLlama家族)和Microsoft Phi1和2等另辟蹊径,希望一些较小的大模型也可以部署到生产环境中,给更多的企业和个人带来福音。


      Tiny Vicuna是一个Llama模型(Vicuna是使用从ShareGPT收集的用户共享对话进行微调Llama的大模型)。这个小模型是TinyLlama项目的一部分,该项目旨在通过适当的优化,在3万亿tokens上预训练的1.1B Llama模型,但由于Tiny Vicuna 1B是用WizardVicuna数据集微调的TinyLLama 1.1B,因此被称为Tiny Vicuna!运行Tiny Vicuna 1B量化版本,只需要不超过700 Mb的RAM!


       我们将使用Huggingface上Jiayi-Pan的Tiny-Vicuna-1B的量化GGUF模型文件。因为即使它是一个只有11亿个参数的模型,在CPU上全精度运行也需要将近10 GB的RAM。


mkdir TinyVicunacd TinyVicunapython3.10 -m venv venv #I am using python 3.10python -m venv venv  #if you are on Windows#to activate the Virtual Environmentsource venv/bin/activate  #for macvenv\Scripts\activate     #for windows users


pip install llama-cpp-pythonpip install gradiopip install psutilpip install plotly




from llama_cpp import Llamamodelfile = "./tiny-vicuna-1b.q5_k_m.gguf"contextlength=2048stoptoken = '<s>'################ LOADING THE MODELS  ################################ Set gpu_layers to the number of layers to offload to GPU. # Set to 0 if no GPU acceleration is available on your system.####################################################################llm = Llama(  model_path=modelfile,  # Download the model file first  n_ctx=contextlength,  # The max sequence length to use - note that longer sequence lengths require much more resources  #n_threads=2,            # The number of CPU threads to use, tailor to your system and the resulting performance)######### INFERENCE #######################response = llm(prompt,                 max_tokens=max_new_tokens,                 stop=['Q:', stoptoken],                 temperature = temperature,                repeat_penalty = repeat_penalty,                top_p = top_p,                echo=False)print(response)


注意1:如果在Windows上运行,modelfile不需要./,它应该简化为modelfile = “tiny-vicuna-1b.q5_k_m.gguf”





       我们搜索Vicuna 1.5版本,因为原始模型表明该模型是WizardVicuna数据集上TinyLlama的微调版本。它应该与Vicuna-v1.5系列完全兼容。



A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: {prompt} ASSISTANT:


prompt = f"USER: What is Science? ASSISTANT:"



  • 通用问题;
  • 从上下文中提取信息(RAG);
  • 格式化输出。

3.1 通用问题





 Morning Routine: - Wake up at around 6am, shower and get dressed.- Have breakfast (breakfast can be anything from eggs, bacon or pancakes) and coffee/tea.- Check emails and work on important tasks for the day.- Take a quick walk outside to clear his mind before starting work.- Start working on his daily routine:    - Opening email and answering any urgent messages.   - Creating to-do lists for the day's activities.   - Checking social media accounts for updates or breaking news.   - Reviewing important documents/files.   - Making phone calls if necessary.   - Attending meetings or appointments as needed.   - Taking breaks and stretching to avoid burnout.- Lunch:    - Eating a light lunch, such as sandwiches or salads with hummus or guacamole.   - Drinking water or tea/coffee.- Afternoon Routine:    - Working on any important tasks from the morning's work.   - Checking emails and answering urgent messages.   - Taking breaks to stretch, walk around, or do some light exercise.   - Spending time with family/friends if possible.- Evening Routine:    - Watching TV or Netflix before going to bed.   - Reading a book or watching an episode of his favorite show.   - Taking a warm bath or reading a book while relaxing in bed.- Bedtime Routine:    - Winding down by taking a hot bath, reading a book, and listening to soothing music.   - Going back to sleep with the lights off.

3.2 从上下文中提取信息(RAG)



Reply to the question only using the provided context.[context]WHAT IS HIERARCHY 4.0? whether you own build manage maintain or operate an oil plant inevitably issues arise that require immediate action and resolution. With big data flowing in constantly from all sectors making sense of everything while troubleshootingissues without wasting time can be a huge challenge.  So what's the solution?introducing hierarchy 4.0 and Innovative software solution for control Safety Systems . Hierarchy 4.0 presents an interactive diagram of the entire plant revealing cause and effect Behavior with readings provided in a hierarchical view allowing for a deep understanding of the system's strategyAll data is collected from multiple sources visualized as a diagram and optimized through a customized dashboard allowing users to run a logic simulation from live data or pick a moment from their history.  Your simulation is based on actual safety Logics not just on a math modelNow every users can prepare an RCA report 90 percent faster in just a few minutes. Hierarchy can be used for any project phase starting from engineering to commissioning and up to operation and maintenance while supporting hazop Hazard analysis by reducing human error and avoiding incorrect documentation. Hierarchy 4.0 supports plant operators in decision making taking into account both the safety and the operability of their assets.  Hierarchy 4.0 Embraces a block log approach: it automatically calculates all Logics affected by anoverride and gives a full understanding of constraints.  Not convinced let's look at the data!During its first project hierarchy 4.0 prevented a revenue loss of 45 million dollars.  Plants that utilize hierarchy 4.0 save up to 95 of their time and deliver a return on investment up to five times in value from day one and experience a Personnel utilization and plant efficiency increase by 20 percent per year.Try our demo and make the move to hierarchy 4.0 today[end of context]Question: what is Hierarchy 4.0?


Answer:Hierarchy 4.0是一种用于控制安全系统的创新软件解决方案,通过交互式图表和优化的仪表板,可以深入了解系统的策略。它允许用户从实时数据中运行逻辑模拟,或从历史记录中选择一个时刻,从而减少人为错误并避免错误的文档。RCA报告可以使用层次结构4.0的块日志方法在几分钟内准备好。这支持工厂运营商在考虑其资产的安全性和可操作性的情况下进行决策。

3.3 格式化输出



[text]... insert here your text...... the move to hierarchy 4.0 today[end of text]- SUMMARY:



Write the main points of the following text.[text]WHAT IS HIERARCHY 4.0? whether you ... the move to hierarchy 4.0 today[end of text]format the output as a markdown list.


- Hierarchy 4.0 is an innovative software solution for control safety systems that provides a deep understanding of the system's strategy through interactive diagrams, optimized with a customized dashboard and supported by RCA reports.- All data is collected from multiple sources visualized as a hierarchical view allowing users to run a logic simulation from live data or pick a moment from their history.- Your simulation is based on actual safety logics not just on a math model, making it faster and more accurate for any project phase starting from engineering to commissioning and up to operation and maintenance.- Hierarchy can be used for any project phase starting from engineering to commissioning and up to operation and maintenance while supporting hazop Hazard analysis by reducing human error and avoiding incorrect documentation.- Hierarchy 4.0 supports plant operators in decision making taking into account both the safety and the operability of their assets, with a block log approach that calculates all Logics affected by an override automatically.- Not convinced let's look at the data! During its first project hierarchy 4.0 prevented a revenue loss of 45 million dollars, saving up to 95 of their time and delivering a return on investment up to five times in value from day one and experiencing a Personnel utilization and plant efficiency increase by 20 percent per year.- Try our demo and make the move to hierarchy 4.0 today!




  • 准备虚拟环境并将其激活(可选);
  • 根据上面第二小节的Step2,安装依赖项;
  • 下载q5 GGUF模型文件;
  • 下载python文件;
  • 在第39行代码中指定模型文件
#only "tiny-vicuna-1b.q5_k_m.gguf" if you are on Windows39|  modelfile = "./tiny-vicuna-1b.q5_k_m.gguf"  


python 40-vicuna1B_PG_MEM.py



  • 关闭“浏览器”选项卡;
  • 在“终端”窗口上键入^C


[1] https://blog.stackademic.com/tiny-vicuna-1b-is-the-lightweight-champion-of-the-tiny-models-f05e459b8018

[2] https://github.com/fabiomatricardi/KingOfTheTiny





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