- 释放 inode-map 中的相应位。
- 释放 sector-map 中的相应位。
- 删除根目录中的目录项。
代码 fs/link.c,do_unlink,这是新建的文件。
/*** Remove a file.* * @note We clear the i-node in inode_array[] although it is not really needed.* We don't clear the data bytes so the file is recoverable.* * @return On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.*/
PUBLIC int do_unlink()
{char pathname[MAX_PATH];/* get parameters from the message */int name_len = fs_msg.NAME_LEN; /* length of filename */int src = fs_msg.source; /* caller proc nr. */assert(name_len < MAX_PATH);phys_copy((void*)va2la(TASK_FS, pathname),(void*)va2la(src, fs_msg.PATHNAME),name_len);pathname[name_len] = 0;if (strcmp(pathname, "/") == 0) {printl("FS:do_unlink():: cannot unlink the root\n");return -1;}int inode_nr = search_file(pathname);if (inode_nr == INVALID_INODE) { /* file not found */printl("FS::do_unlink()::search_file() returns invalid inode: %s\n", pathname);return -1;}char filename[MAX_PATH];struct inode * dir_inode;if (strip_path(filename, pathname, &dir_inode) != 0) {return -1;}struct inode * pin = get_inode(dir_inode->i_dev, inode_nr);if (pin->i_mode != I_REGULAR) { /* can only remove regular files */printl("cannot remove file %s, because it is not a regular file.\n", pathname);return -1;}if (pin->i_cnt > 1) { /* the file was opened */printl("cannot remove file %s, because pin->i_cnt is %d.\n", pathname, pin->i_cnt);return -1;}struct super_block * sb = get_super_block(pin->i_dev);/* free the bit in i-map */int byte_idx = inode_nr / 8;int bit_idx = inode_nr % 8;assert(byte_idx < SECTOR_SIZE); /* we have only one i-map sector *//* read sector 2 (skip bootsect and superblk): */RD_SECT(pin->i_dev, 2);assert(fsbuf[byte_idx % SECTOR_SIZE] & (1 << bit_idx));fsbuf[byte_idx % SECTOR_SIZE] &= ~(1 << bit_idx);WR_SECT(pin->i_dev, 2);/* free the bits in s-map *//** bit_idx: bit idx in the entire i-map* ... ____|____* \ .-- byte_cnt: how many bytes between* \ | the first and last byte* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ V +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+* ... | | | | | |*|*|*|...|*|*|*|*| | | | |* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7* ...__/* byte_idx: byte idx in the entire i-map*/bit_idx = pin->i_start_sect - sb->n_1st_sect + 1;byte_idx = bit_idx / 8;int bits_left = pin->i_nr_sects;int byte_cnt = (bits_left - (8 - (bit_idx % 8))) / 8;/* current sector nr. */int s = 2 /* 2: bootsect + superblk */+ sb->nr_imap_sects + byte_idx / SECTOR_SIZE;RD_SECT(pin->i_dev, s);int i;/* clear the first byte */for (i = bit_idx % 8; (i < 8) && bits_left; i++, bits_left--) {assert((fsbuf[byte_idx % SECTOR_SIZE] >> i & 1) == 1);fsbuf[byte_idx % SECTOR_SIZE] &= ~(1 << i);}/* clear bytes from the second bytes to the second to last */int k;i = (byte_idx % SECTOR_SIZE) + 1; /* the second byte */for (k = 0; k < byte_cnt; k++, i++, bits_left-=8) {if (i == SECTOR_SIZE) {i = 0;WR_SECT(pin->i_dev, s);RD_SECT(pin->i_dev, ++s);}assert(fsbuf[i] == 0xFF);fsbuf[i] = 0;}/* clear the last byte */if (i == SECTOR_SIZE) {i = 0;WR_SECT(pin->i_dev, s);RD_SECT(pin->i_dev, ++s);}unsigned char mask = ~((unsigned char)(~0) << bits_left);assert((fsbuf[i] & mask) == mask);fsbuf[i] &= (~0) << bits_left;WR_SECT(pin->i_dev, s);/* clear the i-node itself */pin->i_mode = 0;pin->i_size = 0;pin->i_start_sect = 0;pin->i_nr_sects = 0;sync_inode(pin);/* release slot in inode_table[] */put_inode(pin);/* set the inode-nr to 0 in the directory entry */int dir_blk0_nr = dir_inode->i_start_sect;int nr_dir_blks = (dir_inode->i_size + SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE;int nr_dir_entries = dir_inode->i_size / DIR_ENTRY_SIZE; /* including unused slots (the file has been deleted but the slot is still there) */int m = 0;struct dir_entry * pde = 0;int flg = 0;int dir_size = 0;for (i = 0; i < nr_dir_blks; i++) {RD_SECT(dir_inode->i_dev, dir_blk0_nr + i);pde = (struct dir_entry *)fsbuf;int j;for (j = 0; j < SECTOR_SIZE / DIR_ENTRY_SIZE; j++, pde++) {if (++m > nr_dir_entries) {break;}if (pde->inode_nr == inode_nr) {memset(pde, 0, DIR_ENTRY_SIZE);WR_SECT(dir_inode->i_dev, dir_blk0_nr + i);flg = 1;break;}if (pde->inode_nr != INVALID_INODE) {dir_size += DIR_ENTRY_SIZE;}}if (m > nr_dir_entries || /* all entries have been iterated OR */flg) { /* file is found */break;}}assert(flg);if (m == nr_dir_entries) { /* the file is the last one in the dir */dir_inode->i_size = dir_size;sync_inode(dir_inode);}return 0;
- 释放 inode-map 中的相应位;
- 释放 sector-map 中的相应位;
- 将 inode_array 中的 i-node 清零;
- 删除根目录中的目录项。
第46行我们对pin->i_cnt进行了判断,只有当i_cnt等于1时我们才能继续下去。也就是说,此时的i-node应该只被引用了一次。只要i_cnt大于1,函数就直接返回代表不成功的-1,因为此时一定还有别的文件描述符(file descriptor)引用了i-node。这时文件还在使用中,我们当然不能就这样删除它。
代码 fs/main.c,task_fs。
/*** <Ring 1> The main loop of TASK FS.*/
PUBLIC void task_fs()
...switch (fs_msg.type) {case OPEN:fs_msg.FD = do_open();break;case CLOSE:fs_msg.RETVAL = do_close();break;case READ:case WRITE:fs_msg.CNT = do_rdwt();break;case UNLINK:fs_msg.RETVAL = do_unlink();break;default:dump_msg("FS::unknown message:", &fs_msg);assert(0);break;}
代码 lib/unlink.c,unlink(),这是新建的文件。
/*** Delete a file.* * @param pathname The full path of the file to delete.* * @return Zero if successful, otherwise -1.*/
PUBLIC int unlink(const char * pathname)
{MESSAGE msg;msg.type = UNLINK;msg.PATHNAME = (void*)pathname;msg.NAME_LEN = strlen(pathname);send_recv(BOTH, TASK_FS, &msg);return msg.RETVAL;
代码 kernel/main.c,删除文件。
void TestA()
...char * filenames[] = {"/foo", "/bar", "/baz"};int i;/* create files */for (i = 0; i < sizeof(filenames) / sizeof(filenames[0]); i++) {fd = open(filenames[i], O_CREAT | O_RDWR);assert(fd != -1);printf("File create: %s (fd %d)\n", filenames[i], fd);close(fd);}char * rfilenames[] = {"/foo", "/bar", "/baz", "/dev_tty0"};/* remove files */for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rfilenames) / sizeof(rfilenames[0]); i++) {if (unlink(rfilenames[i]) == 0) {printf("File removed: %s\n", rfilenames[i]);} else {printf("Failed to remove file: %s\n", rfilenames[i]);}}spin("TestA");
- 定义一种消息,比如MM(可参照 include/const.h 中 UNLINK 的定义方法)。
- 写一个函数来处理MM消息(可参照 fs/link.c 中 do_unlink() 的代码)。
- 修改task_fs(),增加对消息MM的处理。
- 写一个用户接口函数xxx()(可参照 lib/unlink.c 中 unlink() 的代码)。