深入浅出Android dmabuf_dump工具



dmabuf_dump工具介绍(基于Android 14)











以Table[buffer x process]方式呈现dmabuf

Dump整个系统DMA-BUF per-buffer, per-exporter and per-device statistics

DMA_BUF 在内核中的实现












dmabuf_dump -a

dmabuf_dump -b













dmabuf_dump工具介绍(基于Android 14)


安卓源代码目录下主要有下面2个文件,一个 Android.bp ,一个是 dmabuf_dump.cpp


// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.package {default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
}cc_binary {name: "dmabuf_dump",cflags: ["-Wall","-Werror",],srcs: ["dmabuf_dump.cpp"],shared_libs: ["libbase",],static_libs: ["libdmabufinfo",],vendor_available: true,


xref: /mivendor_u_sm8650/system/memory/libmeminfo/libdmabufinfo/tools/dmabuf_dump.cpp (revision unknown)
HomeHistoryAnnotateLine# Scopes# Navigate#Raw Download current directory
/** Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <dmabufinfo/dmabufinfo.h>
#include <dmabufinfo/dmabuf_sysfs_stats.h>using DmaBuffer = ::android::dmabufinfo::DmaBuffer;[[noreturn]] static void usage(int exit_status) {fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-abh] [per-process/per-buffer stats] \n""-a\t show all dma buffers (ion) in big table, [buffer x process] grid \n""-b\t show DMA-BUF per-buffer, per-exporter and per-device statistics \n""-h\t show this help\n""  \t If PID is supplied, the dmabuf information for that process is shown.\n""  \t Per-buffer DMA-BUF stats do not take an argument.\n",getprogname());exit(exit_status);
}static std::string GetProcessComm(const pid_t pid) {std::string pid_path = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/%d/comm", pid);std::ifstream in{pid_path};if (!in) return std::string("N/A");std::string line;std::getline(in, line);if (!in) return std::string("N/A");return line;
}static void PrintDmaBufTable(const std::vector<DmaBuffer>& bufs) {if (bufs.empty()) {printf("dmabuf info not found ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n");return;}// Find all unique pids in the input vector, create a setstd::set<pid_t> pid_set;for (auto& buf : bufs) {pid_set.insert(buf.pids().begin(), buf.pids().end());}// Format the header string spaced and separated with '|'printf("    Dmabuf Inode |            Size |   Fd Ref Counts |  Map Ref Counts |");for (auto pid : pid_set) {printf("%16s:%-5d |", GetProcessComm(pid).c_str(), pid);}printf("\n");// holds per-process dmabuf size in kBstd::map<pid_t, uint64_t> per_pid_size = {};uint64_t dmabuf_total_size = 0;// Iterate through all dmabufs and collect per-process sizes, refsfor (auto& buf : bufs) {printf("%16ju |%13" PRIu64 " kB |%16zu |%16zu |",static_cast<uintmax_t>(buf.inode()), buf.size() / 1024, buf.fdrefs().size(),buf.maprefs().size());// Iterate through each process to find out per-process references for each buffer,// gather total size used by each process etc.for (pid_t pid : pid_set) {int pid_fdrefs = 0, pid_maprefs = 0;if (buf.fdrefs().count(pid) == 1) {// Get the total number of ref counts the process is holding// on this buffer. We don't differentiate between mmap or fd.pid_fdrefs += buf.fdrefs().at(pid);}if (buf.maprefs().count(pid) == 1) {pid_maprefs += buf.maprefs().at(pid);}if (pid_fdrefs || pid_maprefs) {// Add up the per-pid total size. Note that if a buffer is mapped// in 2 different processes, the size will be shown as mapped or opened// in both processes. This is intended for visibility.//// If one wants to get the total *unique* dma buffers, they can simply// sum the size of all dma bufs shown by the toolper_pid_size[pid] += buf.size() / 1024;printf("%9d(%6d) refs |", pid_fdrefs, pid_maprefs);} else {printf("%22s |", "--");}}dmabuf_total_size += buf.size() / 1024;printf("\n");}printf("------------------------------------\n");printf("%-16s  %13" PRIu64 " kB |%16s |%16s |", "TOTALS", dmabuf_total_size, "n/a", "n/a");for (auto pid : pid_set) {printf("%19" PRIu64 " kB |", per_pid_size[pid]);}printf("\n");return;
}static void PrintDmaBufPerProcess(const std::vector<DmaBuffer>& bufs) {if (bufs.empty()) {printf("dmabuf info not found ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n");return;}// Create a reverse map from pid to dmabufsstd::unordered_map<pid_t, std::set<ino_t>> pid_to_inodes = {};uint64_t userspace_size = 0;  // Size of userspace dmabufs in the systemfor (auto& buf : bufs) {for (auto pid : buf.pids()) {pid_to_inodes[pid].insert(buf.inode());}userspace_size += buf.size();}// Create an inode to dmabuf map. We know inodes are unique..std::unordered_map<ino_t, DmaBuffer> inode_to_dmabuf;for (auto buf : bufs) {inode_to_dmabuf[buf.inode()] = buf;}uint64_t total_rss = 0, total_pss = 0;for (auto& [pid, inodes] : pid_to_inodes) {uint64_t pss = 0;uint64_t rss = 0;printf("%16s:%-5d\n", GetProcessComm(pid).c_str(), pid);printf("%22s %16s %16s %16s %16s\n", "Name", "Rss", "Pss", "nr_procs", "Inode");for (auto& inode : inodes) {DmaBuffer& buf = inode_to_dmabuf[inode];printf("%22s %13" PRIu64 " kB %13" PRIu64 " kB %16zu %16" PRIuMAX "\n",buf.name().empty() ? "<unknown>" : buf.name().c_str(), buf.size() / 1024,buf.Pss() / 1024, buf.pids().size(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(buf.inode()));rss += buf.size();pss += buf.Pss();}printf("%22s %13" PRIu64 " kB %13" PRIu64 " kB %16s\n", "PROCESS TOTAL", rss / 1024,pss / 1024, "");printf("----------------------\n");total_rss += rss;total_pss += pss;}uint64_t kernel_rss = 0;  // Total size of dmabufs NOT mapped or opened by a processif (android::dmabufinfo::GetDmabufTotalExportedKb(&kernel_rss)) {kernel_rss *= 1024;  // KiB -> bytesif (kernel_rss >= userspace_size)kernel_rss -= userspace_size;elseprintf("Warning: Total dmabufs < userspace dmabufs\n");} else {printf("Warning: Could not get total exported dmabufs. Kernel size will be 0.\n");}printf("dmabuf total: %" PRIu64 " kB kernel_rss: %" PRIu64 " kB userspace_rss: %" PRIu64" kB userspace_pss: %" PRIu64 " kB\n ",(userspace_size + kernel_rss) / 1024, kernel_rss / 1024, total_rss / 1024,total_pss / 1024);
}static void DumpDmabufSysfsStats() {android::dmabufinfo::DmabufSysfsStats stats;if (!android::dmabufinfo::GetDmabufSysfsStats(&stats)) {printf("Unable to read DMA-BUF sysfs stats from device\n");return;}auto buffer_stats = stats.buffer_stats();auto exporter_stats = stats.exporter_info();printf("\n\n----------------------- DMA-BUF per-buffer stats -----------------------\n");printf("    Dmabuf Inode |     Size(bytes) |             Exporter Name             |\n");for (const auto& buf : buffer_stats) {printf("%16lu |%" PRIu64 " | %16s \n", buf.inode, buf.size, buf.exp_name.c_str());}printf("\n\n----------------------- DMA-BUF exporter stats -----------------------\n");printf("      Exporter Name              | Total Count |     Total Size(bytes)   |\n");for (const auto& it : exporter_stats) {printf("%32s | %12u| %" PRIu64 "\n", it.first.c_str(), it.second.buffer_count,it.second.size);}printf("\n\n----------------------- DMA-BUF total stats --------------------------\n");printf("Total DMA-BUF count: %u, Total DMA-BUF size(bytes): %" PRIu64 "\n", stats.total_count(),stats.total_size());
}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {struct option longopts[] = {{"all", no_argument, nullptr, 'a'},{"per-buffer", no_argument, nullptr, 'b'},{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},{0, 0, nullptr, 0}};int opt;bool show_table = false;bool show_dmabuf_sysfs_stats = false;while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "abh", longopts, nullptr)) != -1) {switch (opt) {case 'a':show_table = true;break;case 'b':show_dmabuf_sysfs_stats = true;break;case 'h':usage(EXIT_SUCCESS);default:usage(EXIT_FAILURE);}}pid_t pid = -1;if (optind < argc) {if (show_table || show_dmabuf_sysfs_stats) {fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments: -a and -b does not need arguments\n");usage(EXIT_FAILURE);}if (optind != (argc - 1)) {fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments - only one [PID] argument is allowed\n");usage(EXIT_FAILURE);}pid = atoi(argv[optind]);if (pid == 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Invalid process id %s\n", argv[optind]);usage(EXIT_FAILURE);}}if (show_dmabuf_sysfs_stats) {DumpDmabufSysfsStats();return 0;}std::vector<DmaBuffer> bufs;if (pid != -1) {if (!ReadDmaBufInfo(pid, &bufs)) {fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read dmabuf info for %d\n", pid);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}} else {if (!ReadProcfsDmaBufs(&bufs)) {fprintf(stderr, "Failed to ReadProcfsDmaBufs, check logcat for info\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}// Show the old dmabuf table, inode x processif (show_table) {PrintDmaBufTable(bufs);return 0;}PrintDmaBufPerProcess(bufs);return 0;



  1. Dump整个系统DMA-BUF per-buffer, per-exporter and per-device statistics(dmabuf_dump -b),在kernel版本>= 5.10上生效。
  2. Dump整个系统的dmabuf info (dmabuf_dump)
  3. Dump某个PID的dmabuf info (dmabuf_dump )
  4. 以Table[buffer x process]方式呈现dmabuf info (dmabuf_dump -a)


  1. Rss的含义:是当前段实际加载到物理内存中的大小。
  2. Pss 指的是:进程按比例分配当前段所占物理内存的大小。
  3. 下面dump整个手机系统在某一时刻的 dmabuf信息,可以看到有 binder进程的dmabuf信息、surfaceflinger进程的dmabuf信息、system_server进程的dmabuf信息等等。
  4. nr_procs是指有多少个进程在使用这块dmabuf。
  5. Name是指dmabuf的名字
  6. Inode是这块 dmabuf的唯一标识,注意Inode是全局唯一的。
  7. PROCESS TOTAL 是统计 Rss 或者 Pss的总和。
  8. dmabuf total 是整个系统dambuf的总和
  9. userspace_rss 是用户空间 rss的总和。
  10. userspace_pss 是用户空间 pss的总和。
  11. kernel_rss 目前初步认为是 内核空间rss的总和,但不特别准确,这个kernel_rss大有来头,后面有时间详细深度剖析。真实的项目过程中,会偶先 kernel_rss占用过大,或泄露的情况,这种问题还特别难分析和解决。


/proc/<pid>/fdinfo/ 下面的所有fd,针对每个fd读取如下信息:

  • count
  • exp_name,有exp_name则表示是 dmabuf 的file。
  • name
  • size
  • ino:inode

以下是camera provider的 fdinfo

wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell ps -e | grep camera
cameraserver  1601     1   14307344 680656 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S vendor.qti.camera.provider-service_64
cameraserver  2785     1    2720288  25620 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S cameraserver
u0_a139      11065  1444    9305388 343752 do_epoll_wait       0 S com.android.camera
wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell
aurora:/ # cd /proc/1601/fdinfo/                                                                                                                                                                                  
aurora:/proc/1601/fdinfo # ls
0   110  1137  117  123  15  19  22  26  3   33   36   383  399  406  43  47  50  54   56  6   63  67   7   73   745  751  79  82  899
1   111  114   118  124  16  2   23  27  30  336  37   384  4    407  44  48  51  55   57  60  64  68   70  731  748  76   8   84  9
10  112  115   121  13   17  20  24  28  31  34   38   386  40   41   45  49  52  557  58  61  65  687  71  74   75   77   80  85
11  113  116   122  14   18  21  25  29  32  35   382  39   400  42   46  5   53  558  59  62  66  69   72  743  750  78   81  86

可以看到 fdinfo 有以下这些:

aurora:/proc/1601/fdinfo # ls
0   110  1137  117  123  15  19  22  26  3   33   36   383  399  406  43  47  50  54   56  6   63  67   7   73   745  751  79  82  899
1   111  114   118  124  16  2   23  27  30  336  37   384  4    407  44  48  51  55   57  60  64  68   70  731  748  76   8   84  9
10  112  115   121  13   17  20  24  28  31  34   38   386  40   41   45  49  52  557  58  61  65  687  71  74   75   77   80  85
11  113  116   122  14   18  21  25  29  32  35   382  39   400  42   46  5   53  558  59  62  66  69   72  743  750  78   81  86


我们知道每一个进程都有一个 fd,用户空间不同进程的 fd,是可以共享内核空间的同一块 dmabuf的,那么怎么样找到进程 fd 和对应 dmabuf的对应关系呢?

那么这个时候 inode 就要出场了,因为 dmabuf的inode是唯一确定的,所以这个时候我们可以把同一时刻的,这个进程的 dmabuf_dump给 dump下来,如下所示。

wj@wj:~$ adb shell ps -e | grep camera
cameraserver  1601     1   14307344 680656 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S vendor.qti.camera.provider-service_64
cameraserver  2785     1    2720288  25620 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S cameraserver
u0_a139      11065  1444    9305388 343752 do_epoll_wait       0 S com.android.camera
wj@wj:~$ adb shell dmabuf_dump 1601vendor.qti.came:1601 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1              134system             4 kB             4 kB                1              135system             4 kB             4 kB                1              723system             4 kB             4 kB                1              724system             4 kB             4 kB                1              725system          4320 kB          4320 kB                1              727system           736 kB           736 kB                1              729system           148 kB           148 kB                1              731system         32768 kB         32768 kB                1              733system             4 kB             4 kB                1              996system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1010system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1011system           736 kB           736 kB                1             1017system           148 kB           148 kB                1             1019system          6848 kB          6848 kB                1             1342system          1024 kB          1024 kB                1             1359system         32768 kB         32768 kB                1             1363system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1367system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1371system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1372PROCESS TOTAL         79540 kB         79540 kB                 
dmabuf total: 298652 kB kernel_rss: 219112 kB userspace_rss: 79540 kB userspace_pss: 79540 kB

然后我们可以用 grep -nr 命令进行查看,如下所示:

aurora:/proc/1601/fdinfo # grep -nr 733                                                                                                                                                                           
./124:4:ino:	733
aurora:/proc/1601/fdinfo # grep -nr 1372                                                                                                                                                                          
./751:4:ino:	1372

 inode为733的dmabuf 所对应的进程为:124



我们可以通过获取 bufferinfo 来获取 dmabuf的详细信息。

adb shell cat /sys/kernel/debug/dma_buf/bufinfo

wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell cat /sys/kernel/debug/dma_buf/bufinfoDma-buf Objects:
size    	flags   	mode    	count   	exp_name	ino     	name
00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002275	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00770048	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002274	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002273	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00770048	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002272	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002271	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00770048	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002270	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002269	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002268	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002267	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002266	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002265	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002264	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00002263	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00002262	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002261	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002260	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002249	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00002248	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00002188	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10444800	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00002187	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002039	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002034	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002033	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached33554432	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002029	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00151552	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002025	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00106496	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00002018	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00753664	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002017	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached07012352	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002008	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002005	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00002004	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001958	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb5
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00001953	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10444800	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00001952	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00001502	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00001501	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00073728	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00001460	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached02506752	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00001459	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001372	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001371	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001367	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached33554432	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001363	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached01048576	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001359	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached07012352	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001342	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00151552	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001019	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00753664	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001017	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00001011	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00001010	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000996	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb4
Total 1 devices attached33554432	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000733	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached00151552	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000731	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached00753664	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000729	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached04423680	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000727	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000725	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000724	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000723	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb3
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000669	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000668	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000665	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000005	qcom,system	00000664	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cbkgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000663	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000662	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cbkgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000343	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00491520	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000342	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000341	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00491520	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000340	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000339	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00491520	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000338	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000337	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00491520	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000336	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000321	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00131072	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00000320	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000319	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00212992	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000318	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000317	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00212992	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000316	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000315	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00212992	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000314	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000313	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00212992	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000312	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000311	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00352256	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000310	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000309	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000308	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000307	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000306	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000305	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000304	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000303	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000302	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000293	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000292	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000291	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000290	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000289	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000288	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000286	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00974848	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000285	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000258	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00352256	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000257	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000220	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00393216	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000219	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000218	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00393216	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000217	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000216	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00393216	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000215	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000214	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00393216	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000213	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0kgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00000172	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cb
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00000171	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cb
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00000170	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cb
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000167	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached14745600	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,system	00000166	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cb
Total 1 devices attached02097152	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000165	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000164	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00012288	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000162	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00262144	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000160	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb1
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000158	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb1
Total 1 devices attached00262144	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000157	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb10
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000156	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000155	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb10
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000154	<none>Attached Devices:soc:spf_core_platform:qcom,msm-audio-ion
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000004	qcom,system	00000153	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached10522624	00000002	00080007	00000005	qcom,system	00000152	qcom,systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,smmu_sde_unsec_cbkgsl-3d0
Total 2 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000135	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000134	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb11
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000079	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000078	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb12
Total 1 devices attached00032768	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000074	qcom,systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00065536	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,system	00000073	qcom,systemAttached Devices:kgsl-3d0
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000072	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000071	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb11
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000057	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	system	00000048	systemAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	system	00000047	systemAttached Devices:soc:qcom,msm_fastrpc:qcom,msm_fastrpc_compute_cb2
Total 1 devices attached00008192	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000046	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00008192	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000045	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached01200128	00000002	00080007	00000001	qcom,system	00000043	<none>Attached Devices:soc:qcom,cam_smmu:msm_cam_smmu_icp
Total 1 devices attached00024576	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000036	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached01048576	00000000	00080005	00000001	qcom,system	00000018	<none>Attached Devices:ab00000.qcom,cvp:cvp_non_secure_cb
Total 1 devices attached03141632	00000000	00080005	00000001	qcom,system	00000017	<none>Attached Devices:ab00000.qcom,cvp:cvp_non_secure_cb
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000002	qcom,qseecom	00000016	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:
Total 0 devices attached00028672	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000013	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000012	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00028672	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000011	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000010	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00516096	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000009	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000008	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000007	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000006	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00020480	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000005	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00028672	00000002	00080007	00000003	qcom,qseecom	00000004	qcom,qseecomAttached Devices:firmware:qcom_smcinvoke
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000000	00080005	00000001	qcom,system	00000003	<none>Attached Devices:aa00000.qcom,vidc:non_secure_cb
Total 1 devices attached00004096	00000000	00080005	00000001	qcom,system	00000002	<none>Attached Devices:aa00000.qcom,vidc:non_secure_cb
Total 1 devices attached03133440	00000000	00080005	00000001	qcom,system	00000001	<none>Attached Devices:aa00000.qcom,vidc:non_secure_cb
Total 1 devices attachedTotal 154 objects, 305819648 bytes

可以看到有更多的dmabuf信息输出:size 、 flags、Attached Devices、mode  、count  、exp_name  、ino  、name


wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell
aurora:/ # dmabuf_dumpbinder:3072_2:3072 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom            12 kB            12 kB                1              160PROCESS TOTAL            12 kB            12 kB                 
----------------------mfp-daemon:3041 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom             4 kB             4 kB                1              163qcom,qseecom          2048 kB          2048 kB                1              164PROCESS TOTAL          2052 kB          2052 kB                 
----------------------cdsprpcd:2824 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1              139system           256 kB           256 kB                1              141system           104 kB           104 kB                1             1994PROCESS TOTAL           364 kB           364 kB                 
----------------------binder:1817_2:1817 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom             8 kB             8 kB                1               37PROCESS TOTAL             8 kB             8 kB                 
----------------------.android.camera:8920 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1             1979system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1987system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1988system          6848 kB          6848 kB                1             1990system           736 kB           736 kB                1             1993system           148 kB           148 kB                1             1996system         32768 kB         32768 kB                1             1997system             4 kB             4 kB                1             2000system             4 kB             4 kB                1             2001system             4 kB             4 kB                1             2002qcom,system          2392 kB          2392 kB                1             2415qcom,system            72 kB            72 kB                1             2416qcom,system          2448 kB          2448 kB                1             2636qcom,system            72 kB            72 kB                1             2637PROCESS TOTAL         45508 kB         45508 kB                 
----------------------iui.miwallpaper:4872 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3711qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3712qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3723qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3724PROCESS TOTAL         20616 kB         10308 kB                 
----------------------fidoca:1813 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom            24 kB            24 kB                1               25PROCESS TOTAL            24 kB            24 kB                 
----------------------binder:1808_2:1808 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1               43system             4 kB             4 kB                1               44PROCESS TOTAL             8 kB             8 kB                 
----------------------binder:3079_2:3079 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system         14400 kB         14400 kB                1              165qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              166PROCESS TOTAL         14432 kB         14432 kB                 
----------------------android.hardwar:1607 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom             4 kB             4 kB                1               22PROCESS TOTAL             4 kB             4 kB                 
----------------------surfaceflinger:1929 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system            64 kB            64 kB                1               71qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1               72qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              133qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              134qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              225qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              226qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              227qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              228qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              229qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              230qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              231qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              232qcom,system           344 kB           172 kB                2              247qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              248qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              292qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              293qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              298qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              299qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              302qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              303qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              304qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              305qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              308qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              309qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              310qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              311qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              312qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              313qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              314qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              315qcom,system           344 kB           172 kB                2              323qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              324qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              325qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              326qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              327qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              328qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              329qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              330qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              331qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              332qcom,system           128 kB           128 kB                1              333qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              334qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              349qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              350qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              351qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              352qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              353qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              354qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              355qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              356qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              645qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              646qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              647qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              648qcom,system         10276 kB         10276 kB                1              829qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              830qcom,system         10276 kB         10276 kB                1             2694qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             2695qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3711qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3712qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3723qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3724qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3731qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3732PROCESS TOTAL         96016 kB         58444 kB                 
----------------------mrmd:1809 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom             8 kB             8 kB                1               27PROCESS TOTAL             8 kB             8 kB                 
----------------------binder:1671_2:1671 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              133qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              134qcom,system            20 kB            20 kB                1              169qcom,system            20 kB            20 kB                1              170qcom,system            20 kB            20 kB                1              171qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              645qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              646qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2              647qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              648PROCESS TOTAL         30984 kB         15522 kB                 
----------------------vendor.qti.came:1650 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1              142system             4 kB             4 kB                1              143system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1180system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1194system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1195system           736 kB           736 kB                1             1201system           148 kB           148 kB                1             1203system          6848 kB          6848 kB                1             1601system          1024 kB          1024 kB                1             1620system         32768 kB         32768 kB                1             1621system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1625system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1627system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1628PROCESS TOTAL         41556 kB         41556 kB                 
----------------------adsprpcd:2822 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1              136system             4 kB             4 kB                1              137system           256 kB           256 kB                1              138PROCESS TOTAL           264 kB           264 kB                 
----------------------system_server:2293 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system         10200 kB          5100 kB                2             3693qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3694PROCESS TOTAL         10232 kB          5116 kB                 
----------------------ndroid.systemui:5329 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              292qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              293qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              298qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              299qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              302qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              303qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              304qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              305qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              308qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              309qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              310qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              311qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              312qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              313qcom,system           952 kB           476 kB                2              314qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              315qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              325qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              326qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              327qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              328qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              329qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              330qcom,system           208 kB           104 kB                2              331qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              332qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              349qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              350qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              351qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              352qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              353qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              354qcom,system           480 kB           240 kB                2              355qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              356qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1              463qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              464qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1              465qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              466qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1              467qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1              468qcom,system         10276 kB         10276 kB                1             3725qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3726qcom,system         10276 kB         10276 kB                1             3727qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3728qcom,system         10276 kB         10276 kB                1             3729qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3730qcom,system         10276 kB          5138 kB                2             3731qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3732qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1             3733qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3734qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1             3735qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3736qcom,system           752 kB           752 kB                1             3737qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3738PROCESS TOTAL         56816 kB         46222 kB                 
----------------------sscrpcd:1281 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1               76system             4 kB             4 kB                1               77PROCESS TOTAL             8 kB             8 kB                 
----------------------binder:1589_2:1589 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inode<unknown>            32 kB            32 kB                1              135PROCESS TOTAL            32 kB            32 kB                 
----------------------com.miui.home:5380 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              225qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              226qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              227qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              228qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              229qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              230qcom,system           384 kB           192 kB                2              231qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              232qcom,system           344 kB           172 kB                2              247qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              248qcom,system           344 kB           172 kB                2              323qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2              324qcom,system         10200 kB         10200 kB                1             3665qcom,system            32 kB            32 kB                1             3666qcom,system         10200 kB          5100 kB                2             3693qcom,system            32 kB            16 kB                2             3694PROCESS TOTAL         22880 kB         16556 kB                 
----------------------qseecomd:1079 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom            28 kB            28 kB                1                1qcom,qseecom            20 kB            20 kB                1                2qcom,qseecom            20 kB            20 kB                1                3qcom,qseecom            20 kB            20 kB                1                4qcom,qseecom            20 kB            20 kB                1                5qcom,qseecom           504 kB           504 kB                1                6qcom,qseecom            20 kB            20 kB                1                7qcom,qseecom            28 kB            28 kB                1                8qcom,qseecom             4 kB             4 kB                1                9qcom,qseecom            28 kB            28 kB                1               10PROCESS TOTAL           692 kB           692 kB                 
----------------------tee-supplicant:1525 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodeqcom,qseecom             4 kB             4 kB                1               16PROCESS TOTAL             4 kB             4 kB                 
----------------------audioadsprpcd:490  Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1               79system             4 kB             4 kB                1               80PROCESS TOTAL             8 kB             8 kB                 
dmabuf total: 265484 kB kernel_rss: 8332 kB userspace_rss: 342528 kB userspace_pss: 257152 kB


下面Dump Camera Provider进程的dmabuf使用情况。

wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell ps -e | grep camera
cameraserver  1650     1   14121844 661800 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S vendor.qti.camera.provider-service_64
cameraserver  2691     1    3069520  23404 binder_ioctl_write_read 0 S cameraserver
u0_a139       8920  1478    9591760 333440 do_epoll_wait       0 S com.android.camera
wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell dmabuf_dump 1650vendor.qti.came:1650 Name              Rss              Pss         nr_procs            Inodesystem             4 kB             4 kB                1              142system             4 kB             4 kB                1              143system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1180system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1194system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1195system           736 kB           736 kB                1             1201system           148 kB           148 kB                1             1203system          6848 kB          6848 kB                1             1601system          1024 kB          1024 kB                1             1620system         32768 kB         32768 kB                1             1621system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1625system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1627system             4 kB             4 kB                1             1628PROCESS TOTAL         41556 kB         41556 kB                 
dmabuf total: 265484 kB kernel_rss: 223928 kB userspace_rss: 41556 kB userspace_pss: 41556 kB

以Table[buffer x process]方式呈现dmabuf


wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell
aurora:/ # dmabuf_dump -aDmabuf Inode |            Size |   Fd Ref Counts |  Map Ref Counts |   audioadsprpcd:499   |        qseecomd:1012  |         sscrpcd:1254  |  tee-supplicant:1491  |   binder:1548_2:1548  | android.hardwar:1568  | vendor.qti.came:1601  |   binder:1611_2:1611  |   binder:1734_2:1734  |            mrmd:1735  |          fidoca:1743  |   binder:1750_2:1750  |  surfaceflinger:1846  |        adsprpcd:2891  |        cdsprpcd:2895  |      mfp-daemon:3096  |   binder:3104_2:3104  |   binder:3118_2:3118  | iui.miwallpaper:4832  | ndroid.systemui:5265  |   com.miui.home:5302  |78 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |79 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |4 |           28 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |5 |           20 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |6 |           20 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |7 |           20 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |8 |           20 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |9 |          504 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |10 |           20 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |11 |           28 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |12 |            4 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |13 |           28 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |71 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |72 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |16 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |154 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |57 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |134 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |135 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |170 |           20 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |171 |           20 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |172 |           20 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |152 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        2(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |153 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |47 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |48 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |46 |            8 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |36 |           24 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |45 |            8 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |62 |        18500 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |63 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |64 |        18500 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |65 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |73 |           64 kB |               1 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |74 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |320 |          128 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |215 |          384 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |213 |          384 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |214 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |216 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |217 |          384 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |218 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |219 |          384 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |220 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |257 |          344 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |258 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |285 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |286 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |302 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |303 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |321 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |310 |          344 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |311 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |292 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |293 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |308 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |309 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |318 |          208 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |319 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |328 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |329 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |342 |          480 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |343 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |326 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |327 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |348 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |349 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |316 |          208 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |317 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |340 |          480 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |341 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |324 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |325 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |314 |          208 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |315 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |322 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |323 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |338 |          480 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |339 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |312 |          208 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |313 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |332 |          752 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |333 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |330 |          752 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |331 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |336 |          480 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |334 |          752 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |335 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |337 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |288 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |289 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |290 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |291 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |306 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |307 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |433 |        10276 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |434 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |304 |          952 kB |               2 |               0 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     0) refs |                    -- |305 |           32 kB |               2 |               2 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |155 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |156 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |157 |          256 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |158 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |159 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |160 |          256 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |164 |            4 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |165 |         2048 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |162 |           12 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |166 |        14400 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |167 |           32 kB |               1 |               1 |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |        1(     1) refs |                    -- |                    -- |                    -- |
TOTALS                   143012 kB |             n/a |             n/a |                  8 kB |                692 kB |                  8 kB |                  4 kB |                 32 kB |                  4 kB |                  8 kB |              10368 kB |                  8 kB |                  8 kB |                 24 kB |                  8 kB |             125124 kB |                264 kB |                264 kB |               2052 kB |                 12 kB |              14432 kB |              20616 kB |              54464 kB |               2416 kB |


  • Fd Ref Counts :表示该FD有多少个进程在引用
  • Map Ref Counts:表示该FD当前有多少个进程已经做过Map
  • FD( Map) refs : 该进程持有该Buffer的参考计数的总数量以及Map的总次数

Dump整个系统DMA-BUF per-buffer, per-exporter and per-device statistics

在kernel版本>= 5.10上生效。

执行:dmabuf_dump -b

会从sysfs(/sys/kernel/dmabuf/buffers)中dump dmabuf统计信息,显示如下内容:

wj@wj:~/Downloads$ adb shell
aurora:/ # dmabuf_dump -b----------------------- DMA-BUF per-buffer stats -----------------------Dmabuf Inode |     Size(bytes) |             Exporter Name             |2262 |10522624 |      qcom,system 2017 |753664 |           system 1372 |4096 |           system 315 |32768 |      qcom,system 17 |3141632 |      qcom,system 343 |32768 |      qcom,system 220 |32768 |      qcom,system 164 |4096 |     qcom,qseecom 45 |8192 |     qcom,qseecom 305 |32768 |      qcom,system 73 |65536 |      qcom,system 154 |32768 |           system 663 |32768 |      qcom,system 7 |20480 |     qcom,qseecom 2270 |770048 |      qcom,system 2025 |151552 |           system 1342 |7012352 |           system 2260 |10522624 |      qcom,system 172 |20480 |      qcom,system 313 |32768 |      qcom,system 257 |352256 |      qcom,system 134 |4096 |           system 341 |32768 |      qcom,system 285 |974848 |      qcom,system 219 |393216 |      qcom,system 162 |12288 |     qcom,qseecom 2005 |4096 |           system 43 |1200128 |      qcom,system 303 |32768 |      qcom,system 2033 |4096 |           system 1501 |10522624 |      qcom,system 71 |4096 |           system 152 |10522624 |      qcom,system 5 |20480 |     qcom,qseecom 2269 |32768 |      qcom,system 321 |32768 |      qcom,system 1010 |4096 |           system 293 |32768 |      qcom,system 170 |20480 |      qcom,system 311 |32768 |      qcom,system 13 |28672 |     qcom,qseecom 217 |393216 |      qcom,system 2249 |32768 |      qcom,system 160 |262144 |           system 1359 |1048576 |           system 1952 |10444800 |      qcom,system 1019 |151552 |           system 3 |4096 |      qcom,system 2267 |32768 |      qcom,system 291 |32768 |      qcom,system 1367 |4096 |           system 78 |4096 |           system 11 |28672 |     qcom,qseecom 338 |491520 |      qcom,system 215 |393216 |      qcom,system 2247 |32768 |      qcom,system 724 |4096 |           system 668 |10522624 |      qcom,system 2275 |32768 |      qcom,system 1017 |753664 |           system 1 |3133440 |      qcom,system 2265 |32768 |      qcom,system 318 |212992 |      qcom,system 167 |32768 |      qcom,system 48 |4096 |           system 308 |974848 |      qcom,system 336 |491520 |      qcom,system 213 |393216 |      qcom,system 157 |262144 |           system 996 |4096 |           system 2273 |32768 |      qcom,system 2263 |32768 |      qcom,system 2018 |106496 |           system 316 |212992 |      qcom,system 18 |1048576 |      qcom,system 288 |974848 |      qcom,system 165 |2097152 |     qcom,qseecom 2008 |7012352 |           system 46 |8192 |     qcom,qseecom 1363 |33554432 |           system 306 |974848 |      qcom,system 74 |32768 |      qcom,system 155 |4096 |           system 2187 |10444800 |      qcom,system 664 |10522624 |      qcom,system 36 |24576 |     qcom,qseecom 8 |20480 |     qcom,qseecom 2271 |32768 |      qcom,system 2261 |32768 |      qcom,system 1371 |4096 |           system 314 |212992 |      qcom,system 258 |32768 |      qcom,system 135 |4096 |           system 16 |4096 |     qcom,qseecom 342 |491520 |      qcom,system 286 |32768 |      qcom,system 729 |753664 |           system 304 |974848 |      qcom,system 2034 |4096 |           system 1502 |32768 |      qcom,system 72 |4096 |           system 153 |32768 |      qcom,system 662 |10522624 |      qcom,system 6 |20480 |     qcom,qseecom 1011 |4096 |           system 171 |20480 |      qcom,system 312 |212992 |      qcom,system 340 |491520 |      qcom,system 218 |32768 |      qcom,system 727 |4423680 |           system 2004 |4096 |           system 302 |974848 |      qcom,system 1953 |32768 |      qcom,system 4 |28672 |     qcom,qseecom 2268 |10522624 |      qcom,system 320 |131072 |      qcom,system 292 |974848 |      qcom,system 310 |352256 |      qcom,system 79 |4096 |           system 12 |4096 |     qcom,qseecom 339 |32768 |      qcom,system 216 |32768 |      qcom,system 2248 |10522624 |      qcom,system 725 |4096 |           system 669 |32768 |      qcom,system 2 |4096 |      qcom,system 2266 |10522624 |      qcom,system 319 |32768 |      qcom,system 1460 |73728 |      qcom,system 290 |974848 |      qcom,system 733 |33554432 |           system 309 |32768 |      qcom,system 2039 |4096 |           system 10 |20480 |     qcom,qseecom 337 |32768 |      qcom,system 214 |32768 |      qcom,system 2246 |10444800 |      qcom,system 158 |4096 |           system 723 |4096 |           system 2274 |770048 |      qcom,system 2029 |33554432 |           system 2264 |10522624 |      qcom,system 57 |4096 |     qcom,qseecom 317 |32768 |      qcom,system 1459 |2506752 |      qcom,system 289 |32768 |      qcom,system 166 |14745600 |      qcom,system 731 |151552 |           system 47 |4096 |           system 307 |32768 |      qcom,system 1958 |4096 |           system 156 |4096 |           system 2188 |32768 |      qcom,system 665 |32768 |      qcom,system 9 |516096 |     qcom,qseecom 2272 |770048 |      qcom,system ----------------------- DMA-BUF exporter stats -----------------------Exporter Name              | Total Count |     Total Size(bytes)   |qcom,system |           95| 189779968system |           43| 123645952qcom,qseecom |           18| 2871296----------------------- DMA-BUF total stats --------------------------
Total DMA-BUF count: 156, Total DMA-BUF size(bytes): 316297216

DMA_BUF 在内核中的实现








struct DmaBuffer {public:DmaBuffer(ino_t inode, uint64_t size, uint64_t count, const std::string& exporter,const std::string& name): inode_(inode), size_(size), count_(count), exporter_(exporter), name_(name) {total_refs_ = 0;}DmaBuffer() = default;~DmaBuffer() = default;// Adds one file descriptor reference for the given pidvoid AddFdRef(pid_t pid) {AddRefToPidMap(pid, &fdrefs_);total_refs_++;}// Adds one map reference for the given pidvoid AddMapRef(pid_t pid) {AddRefToPidMap(pid, &maprefs_);total_refs_++;}// Getters for each propertyuint64_t size() const { return size_; }const std::unordered_map<pid_t, int>& fdrefs() const { return fdrefs_; }const std::unordered_map<pid_t, int>& maprefs() const { return maprefs_; }ino_t inode() const { return inode_; }uint64_t total_refs() const { return total_refs_; }uint64_t count() const { return count_; };const std::set<pid_t>& pids() const { return pids_; }const std::string& name() const { return name_; }const std::string& exporter() const { return exporter_; }void SetName(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }void SetExporter(const std::string& exporter) { exporter_ = exporter; }void SetCount(uint64_t count) { count_ = count; }uint64_t Pss() const { return size_ / pids_.size(); }bool operator==(const DmaBuffer& rhs) {return (inode_ == rhs.inode()) && (size_ == rhs.size()) && (name_ == rhs.name()) &&(exporter_ == rhs.exporter());}private:ino_t inode_;uint64_t size_;uint64_t count_;uint64_t total_refs_;std::set<pid_t> pids_;std::string exporter_;std::string name_;std::unordered_map<pid_t, int> fdrefs_;std::unordered_map<pid_t, int> maprefs_;void AddRefToPidMap(pid_t pid, std::unordered_map<pid_t, int>* map) {// The first time we find a ref, we set the ref count to 1// otherwise, increment the existing ref countauto [it, inserted] = map->insert(std::make_pair(pid, 1));if (!inserted) it->second++;pids_.insert(pid);}


  • name_ : 该dmabuf的name,如果读不到name,默认为 ‘<unknown>’

  • pids_: 有dup或map该dmabuf的pid 集合

  • count_: fdinfo里面的count,目前看dambuf_dump并没有用。

  • size_: 该dmabuf占用的内存大小,单位是byte。

  • inode_: 该dmabuf的inode。

  • exporter_: 申请该dmabuf的name,如果读不到name,默认为'<unknown>’。

  • total_refs_: fdrefs 个数 + maprefs 个数,目前看dambuf_dump并没有用。

  • fdrefs_: 有open或dup该dmabuf的pid集合。注:一个pid对同一个dmabuf(inode)可能有多个reference。

  • maprefs_: 有map该dmabuf的pid集合。注:一个pid对同一个dmabuf(inode)可能有多个reference。


为了实现buffer的共享,在内核中将DMA-BUF将buffer与file关联起来,一个Buffer对应唯一一个File,一个File对应唯一一个 inode,将这个file的fd返回给应用层,通过binder实现进程之间的fd传递(dup),进而拿到唯一的File 和 Buffer。


直接执行dmabuf_dump会dump 整个系统的dmabuf 信息,代码执行流程如下:


// Public methods
bool ReadDmaBufFdRefs(int pid, std::vector<DmaBuffer>* dmabufs,const std::string& procfs_path) {constexpr char permission_err_msg[] ="Failed to read fdinfo - requires either PTRACE_MODE_READ or root depending on ""the device kernel";static bool logged_permission_err = false;std::string fdinfo_dir_path =::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%d/fdinfo", procfs_path.c_str(), pid);std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> dir(opendir(fdinfo_dir_path.c_str()), &closedir);if (!dir) {// Don't log permission errors to reduce log spam on devices where fdinfo// of other processes can only be read by root.if (errno != EACCES) {PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << fdinfo_dir_path << " directory";} else if (!logged_permission_err) {LOG(ERROR) << permission_err_msg;logged_permission_err = true;}return false;}struct dirent* dent;while ((dent = readdir(dir.get()))) {int fd;if (!::android::base::ParseInt(dent->d_name, &fd)) {continue;}// Set defaults in case the kernel doesn't give us the information// we need in fdinfostd::string name = "<unknown>";std::string exporter = "<unknown>";uint64_t count = 0;uint64_t size = 0;uint64_t inode = -1;bool is_dmabuf_file = false;auto fdinfo_result = ReadDmaBufFdInfo(pid, fd, &name, &exporter, &count, &size, &inode,&is_dmabuf_file, procfs_path);if (fdinfo_result != OK) {if (fdinfo_result == NOT_FOUND) {continue;}// Don't log permission errors to reduce log spam when the process doesn't// have the PTRACE_MODE_READ permission.if (errno != EACCES) {LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read fd info for pid: " << pid << ", fd: " << fd;} else if (!logged_permission_err) {LOG(ERROR) << permission_err_msg;logged_permission_err = true;}return false;}if (!is_dmabuf_file) {continue;}if (inode == static_cast<uint64_t>(-1)) {// Fallback to stat() on the fd path to get inode numberstd::string fd_path =::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%d/fd/%d", procfs_path.c_str(), pid, fd);struct stat sb;if (stat(fd_path.c_str(), &sb) < 0) {if (errno == ENOENT) {continue;}PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stat: " << fd_path;return false;}inode = sb.st_ino;// If root, calculate size from the allocated blocks.size = sb.st_blocks * 512;}auto buf = std::find_if(dmabufs->begin(), dmabufs->end(),[&inode](const DmaBuffer& dbuf) { return dbuf.inode() == inode; });if (buf != dmabufs->end()) {if (buf->name() == "" || buf->name() == "<unknown>") buf->SetName(name);if (buf->exporter() == "" || buf->exporter() == "<unknown>") buf->SetExporter(exporter);if (buf->count() == 0) buf->SetCount(count);buf->AddFdRef(pid);continue;}DmaBuffer& db = dmabufs->emplace_back(inode, size, count, exporter, name);db.AddFdRef(pid);}return true;

读取 /proc/<pid>/fdinfo/ 下面的所有fd,针对每个fd读取如下信息

  • count
  • exp_name,有exp_name则表示是 dmabuf 的file。
  • name
  • size
  • ino:inode

如果是dmabuf file,但没有读到inode,则:

读取 /proc/<pid>/fdinfo/fd的stat,从里面去读取size和inode

        if (inode == static_cast<uint64_t>(-1)) {// Fallback to stat() on the fd path to get inode numberstd::string fd_path =::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%d/fd/%d", procfs_path.c_str(), pid, fd);struct stat sb;if (stat(fd_path.c_str(), &sb) < 0) {if (errno == ENOENT) {continue;}PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stat: " << fd_path;return false;}inode = sb.st_ino;// If root, calculate size from the allocated blocks.size = sb.st_blocks * 512;}

最后,调用DmaBuffer的AddFdRef,添加到fdrefs_ map里面去。

    // Adds one file descriptor reference for the given pidvoid AddFdRef(pid_t pid) {AddRefToPidMap(pid, &fdrefs_);total_refs_++;}


bool ReadDmaBufMapRefs(pid_t pid, std::vector<DmaBuffer>* dmabufs,const std::string& procfs_path,const std::string& dmabuf_sysfs_path) {std::string mapspath = ::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%d/maps", procfs_path.c_str(), pid);std::ifstream fp(mapspath);if (!fp) {LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << mapspath << " for pid: " << pid;return false;}// Process the map if it is dmabuf. Add map reference to existing object in 'dmabufs'// if it was already found. If it wasn't create a new one and append it to 'dmabufs'auto account_dmabuf = [&](const android::procinfo::MapInfo& mapinfo) {// no need to look into this mapping if it is not dmabufif (!FileIsDmaBuf(mapinfo.name)) {return;}auto buf = std::find_if(dmabufs->begin(), dmabufs->end(),[&mapinfo](const DmaBuffer& dbuf) { return dbuf.inode() == mapinfo.inode; });if (buf != dmabufs->end()) {buf->AddMapRef(pid);return;}// We have a new buffer, but unknown count and name and exporter name// Try to lookup exporter name in sysfsstd::string exporter;bool sysfs_stats = ReadBufferExporter(mapinfo.inode, &exporter, dmabuf_sysfs_path);if (!sysfs_stats) {exporter = "<unknown>";}// Using the VMA range as the size of the buffer can be misleading,// due to partially mapped buffers or VMAs that extend beyond the// buffer size.//// Attempt to retrieve the real buffer size from sysfs.uint64_t size = 0;if (!sysfs_stats || !ReadBufferSize(mapinfo.inode, &size, dmabuf_sysfs_path)) {size = mapinfo.end - mapinfo.start;}DmaBuffer& dbuf = dmabufs->emplace_back(mapinfo.inode, size, 0, exporter, "<unknown>");dbuf.AddMapRef(pid);};for (std::string line; getline(fp, line);) {if (!::android::procinfo::ReadMapFileContent(line.data(), account_dmabuf)) {LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse " << mapspath << " for pid: " << pid;return false;}}return true;

读取/proc/<pid>/maps下面的信息,只处理name以 /dmabuf 开头的map(也就是dmabuf的map)

注:如果从maps里面读到的inode不在fdrefs_ 里面,则会尝试到 /sys/kernel/dmabuf/buffers 里面去读该dmabuf的size,name,exp_name。 

然后调用DmaBuffer的AddMapRef,添加到maprefs_ map里面去。

    // Adds one map reference for the given pidvoid AddMapRef(pid_t pid) {AddRefToPidMap(pid, &maprefs_);total_refs_++;}

dmabuf_dump <pid>

流程跟dump 整個系统的dmabuf info类似,只是这里只dump指定pid的dmabuf info。

dmabuf_dump -a

以Table[buffer x process]方式呈现dmabuf info。


dmabuf_dump -b

Dmabuf Sysfs Stats统计,有三个相关类:



Dmabuf sysfs 统计信息每一块Dmabuf信息exporter信息总Dmabuf信息


统计一块Dmabuf 信息,包括inode、exporter name、size







项目中具体泄漏场景:sat模式拍照退出相机 dma-buf heaps出现内存泄漏。关闭相机后查看dmabuf内存占用,当为0情况是没有出现内存泄漏,非0我们认为有内存泄漏。

adb shell dmabuf_dump 30618vendor.qti.came:30618Name Rss Pss nr_procs Inode<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 348915<unknown> 144 kB 144 kB 1 348916<unknown> 32768 kB 32768 kB 1 348948<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 349013<unknown> 148 kB 148 kB 1 349091<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 349092<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 349093<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 349094<unknown> 32768 kB 32768 kB 1 357177<unknown> 148 kB 148 kB 1 358102点<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 358103<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 358104<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 358105<unknown> 1024 kB 1024 kB 1 359590<unknown> 4 kB 4 kB 1 361040<unknown> 532 kB 532 kB 1 361101<unknown> 5308 kB 5308 kB 1 362040<unknown> 568 kB 568 kB 1 362057PROCESS TOTAL 73444 kB 73444 kB 
dmabuf total: 73444 kB kernel_rss: 0 kB userspace_rss: 73444 kB userspace_pss: 73444 kB

可以看到一次操作泄漏73444 kB。





Using the Linux Kernel Tracepoints — The Linux Kernel documentation



// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/** Framework for userspace DMA-BUF allocations** Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc.* Copyright (C) 2019 Linaro Ltd.*/
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/debugfs.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/xarray.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/syscalls.h>
#include <linux/dma-heap.h>
#include <uapi/linux/dma-heap.h>
#include <trace/events/dma_buf.h>
#define DEVNAME "dma_heap"
#define NUM_HEAP_MINORS 128
/*** struct dma_heap - represents a dmabuf heap in the system* @name:		used for debugging/device-node name* @ops:		ops struct for this heap* @heap_devt		heap device node* @list		list head connecting to list of heaps* @heap_cdev		heap char device* @heap_dev		heap device struct** Represents a heap of memory from which buffers can be made.*/
struct dma_heap {const char *name;const struct dma_heap_ops *ops;void *priv;dev_t heap_devt;struct list_head list;struct cdev heap_cdev;struct kref refcount;struct device *heap_dev;
static LIST_HEAD(heap_list);
static DEFINE_MUTEX(heap_list_lock);
static dev_t dma_heap_devt;
static struct class *dma_heap_class;
static DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC(dma_heap_minors);
struct dma_heap *dma_heap_find(const char *name)
{struct dma_heap *h;mutex_lock(&heap_list_lock);list_for_each_entry(h, &heap_list, list) {if (!strcmp(h->name, name)) {kref_get(&h->refcount);mutex_unlock(&heap_list_lock);return h;}}mutex_unlock(&heap_list_lock);return NULL;
void dma_heap_buffer_free(struct dma_buf *dmabuf)
struct dma_buf *dma_heap_buffer_alloc(struct dma_heap *heap, size_t len,unsigned int fd_flags,unsigned int heap_flags)
{struct dma_buf *dmabuf = NULL;if (fd_flags & ~DMA_HEAP_VALID_FD_FLAGS)return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);if (heap_flags & ~DMA_HEAP_VALID_HEAP_FLAGS)return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);/** Allocations from all heaps have to begin* and end on page boundaries.*/len = PAGE_ALIGN(len);if (!len)return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);dmabuf = heap->ops->allocate(heap, len, fd_flags, heap_flags);trace_dmabuf_alloc(dmabuf->exp_name, heap->name, len, file_inode(dmabuf->file)->i_ino);return dmabuf;
int dma_heap_bufferfd_alloc(struct dma_heap *heap, size_t len,unsigned int fd_flags,unsigned int heap_flags)
{struct dma_buf *dmabuf;int fd;dmabuf = dma_heap_buffer_alloc(heap, len, fd_flags, heap_flags);if (IS_ERR(dmabuf))return PTR_ERR(dmabuf);fd = dma_buf_fd(dmabuf, fd_flags);if (fd < 0) {dma_buf_put(dmabuf);/* just return, as put will call release and that will free */}return fd;
static int dma_heap_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
{struct dma_heap *heap;heap = xa_load(&dma_heap_minors, iminor(inode));if (!heap) {pr_err("dma_heap: minor %d unknown.\n", iminor(inode));return -ENODEV;}/* instance data as context */file->private_data = heap;nonseekable_open(inode, file);return 0;
static long dma_heap_ioctl_allocate(struct file *file, void *data)
{struct dma_heap_allocation_data *heap_allocation = data;struct dma_heap *heap = file->private_data;int fd;if (heap_allocation->fd)return -EINVAL;fd = dma_heap_bufferfd_alloc(heap, heap_allocation->len,heap_allocation->fd_flags,heap_allocation->heap_flags);if (fd < 0)return fd;heap_allocation->fd = fd;return 0;
static unsigned int dma_heap_ioctl_cmds[] = {DMA_HEAP_IOCTL_ALLOC,
static long dma_heap_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int ucmd,unsigned long arg)
{char stack_kdata[128];char *kdata = stack_kdata;unsigned int kcmd;unsigned int in_size, out_size, drv_size, ksize;int nr = _IOC_NR(ucmd);int ret = 0;if (nr >= ARRAY_SIZE(dma_heap_ioctl_cmds))return -EINVAL;/* Get the kernel ioctl cmd that matches */kcmd = dma_heap_ioctl_cmds[nr];/* Figure out the delta between user cmd size and kernel cmd size */drv_size = _IOC_SIZE(kcmd);out_size = _IOC_SIZE(ucmd);in_size = out_size;if ((ucmd & kcmd & IOC_IN) == 0)in_size = 0;if ((ucmd & kcmd & IOC_OUT) == 0)out_size = 0;ksize = max(max(in_size, out_size), drv_size);/* If necessary, allocate buffer for ioctl argument */if (ksize > sizeof(stack_kdata)) {kdata = kmalloc(ksize, GFP_KERNEL);if (!kdata)return -ENOMEM;}if (copy_from_user(kdata, (void __user *)arg, in_size) != 0) {ret = -EFAULT;goto err;}/* zero out any difference between the kernel/user structure size */if (ksize > in_size)memset(kdata + in_size, 0, ksize - in_size);switch (kcmd) {case DMA_HEAP_IOCTL_ALLOC:ret = dma_heap_ioctl_allocate(file, kdata);break;default:ret = -ENOTTY;goto err;}if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, kdata, out_size) != 0)ret = -EFAULT;
err:if (kdata != stack_kdata)kfree(kdata);return ret;
static const struct file_operations dma_heap_fops = {.owner          = THIS_MODULE,.open		= dma_heap_open,.unlocked_ioctl = dma_heap_ioctl,
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT.compat_ioctl	= dma_heap_ioctl,
/*** dma_heap_get_drvdata() - get per-subdriver data for the heap* @heap: DMA-Heap to retrieve private data for** Returns:* The per-subdriver data for the heap.*/
void *dma_heap_get_drvdata(struct dma_heap *heap)
{return heap->priv;
static void dma_heap_release(struct kref *ref)
{struct dma_heap *heap = container_of(ref, struct dma_heap, refcount);int minor = MINOR(heap->heap_devt);/* Note, we already holding the heap_list_lock here */list_del(&heap->list);device_destroy(dma_heap_class, heap->heap_devt);cdev_del(&heap->heap_cdev);xa_erase(&dma_heap_minors, minor);kfree(heap);
void dma_heap_put(struct dma_heap *h)
{/** Take the heap_list_lock now to avoid racing with code* scanning the list and then taking a kref.*/mutex_lock(&heap_list_lock);kref_put(&h->refcount, dma_heap_release);mutex_unlock(&heap_list_lock);
/*** dma_heap_get_dev() - get device struct for the heap* @heap: DMA-Heap to retrieve device struct from** Returns:* The device struct for the heap.*/
struct device *dma_heap_get_dev(struct dma_heap *heap)
{return heap->heap_dev;
/*** dma_heap_get_name() - get heap name* @heap: DMA-Heap to retrieve private data for** Returns:* The char* for the heap name.*/
const char *dma_heap_get_name(struct dma_heap *heap)
{return heap->name;
struct dma_heap *dma_heap_add(const struct dma_heap_export_info *exp_info)
{struct dma_heap *heap, *err_ret;unsigned int minor;int ret;if (!exp_info->name || !strcmp(exp_info->name, "")) {pr_err("dma_heap: Cannot add heap without a name\n");return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);}if (!exp_info->ops || !exp_info->ops->allocate) {pr_err("dma_heap: Cannot add heap with invalid ops struct\n");return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);}/* check the name is unique */heap = dma_heap_find(exp_info->name);if (heap) {pr_err("dma_heap: Already registered heap named %s\n",exp_info->name);dma_heap_put(heap);return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);}heap = kzalloc(sizeof(*heap), GFP_KERNEL);if (!heap)return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);kref_init(&heap->refcount);heap->name = exp_info->name;heap->ops = exp_info->ops;heap->priv = exp_info->priv;/* Find unused minor number */ret = xa_alloc(&dma_heap_minors, &minor, heap,XA_LIMIT(0, NUM_HEAP_MINORS - 1), GFP_KERNEL);if (ret < 0) {pr_err("dma_heap: Unable to get minor number for heap\n");err_ret = ERR_PTR(ret);goto err0;}/* Create device */heap->heap_devt = MKDEV(MAJOR(dma_heap_devt), minor);cdev_init(&heap->heap_cdev, &dma_heap_fops);ret = cdev_add(&heap->heap_cdev, heap->heap_devt, 1);if (ret < 0) {pr_err("dma_heap: Unable to add char device\n");err_ret = ERR_PTR(ret);goto err1;}heap->heap_dev = device_create(dma_heap_class,NULL,heap->heap_devt,NULL,heap->name);if (IS_ERR(heap->heap_dev)) {pr_err("dma_heap: Unable to create device\n");err_ret = ERR_CAST(heap->heap_dev);goto err2;}/* Make sure it doesn't disappear on us */heap->heap_dev = get_device(heap->heap_dev);/* Add heap to the list */mutex_lock(&heap_list_lock);list_add(&heap->list, &heap_list);mutex_unlock(&heap_list_lock);return heap;
err1:xa_erase(&dma_heap_minors, minor);
err0:kfree(heap);return err_ret;
static char *dma_heap_devnode(struct device *dev, umode_t *mode)
{return kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "dma_heap/%s", dev_name(dev));
static ssize_t total_pools_kb_show(struct kobject *kobj,struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf)
{struct dma_heap *heap;u64 total_pool_size = 0;mutex_lock(&heap_list_lock);list_for_each_entry(heap, &heap_list, list) {if (heap->ops->get_pool_size)total_pool_size += heap->ops->get_pool_size(heap);}mutex_unlock(&heap_list_lock);return sysfs_emit(buf, "%llu\n", total_pool_size / 1024);
static struct kobj_attribute total_pools_kb_attr =__ATTR_RO(total_pools_kb);
static struct attribute *dma_heap_sysfs_attrs[] = {&total_pools_kb_attr.attr,NULL,
static struct kobject *dma_heap_kobject;
static int dma_heap_sysfs_setup(void)
{int ret;dma_heap_kobject = kobject_create_and_add("dma_heap", kernel_kobj);if (!dma_heap_kobject)return -ENOMEM;ret = sysfs_create_groups(dma_heap_kobject, dma_heap_sysfs_groups);if (ret) {kobject_put(dma_heap_kobject);return ret;}return 0;
static void dma_heap_sysfs_teardown(void)
static int dma_heap_init(void)
{int ret;ret = dma_heap_sysfs_setup();if (ret)return ret;ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&dma_heap_devt, 0, NUM_HEAP_MINORS, DEVNAME);if (ret)goto err_chrdev;dma_heap_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DEVNAME);if (IS_ERR(dma_heap_class)) {ret = PTR_ERR(dma_heap_class);goto err_class;}dma_heap_class->devnode = dma_heap_devnode;return 0;
err_class:unregister_chrdev_region(dma_heap_devt, NUM_HEAP_MINORS);
err_chrdev:dma_heap_sysfs_teardown();return ret;


/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
#define TRACE_SYSTEM dma_buf
#if !defined(_TRACE_DMA_BUF_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
#define _TRACE_DMA_BUF_H
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
TRACE_EVENT(dmabuf_alloc,TP_PROTO(const char *string1, const char *string2,uint64_t val1, uint64_t val2),TP_ARGS(string1, string2, val1, val2),TP_STRUCT__entry(__string(string1, string1)__string(string2, string2)__field(uint64_t, val1)__field(uint64_t, val2)),TP_fast_assign(__assign_str(string1, string1);__assign_str(string2, string2);__entry->val1 = val1;__entry->val2 = val2;),TP_printk("%s: %s Len=%llu Inode=%llu",__get_str(string1), __get_str(string2),__entry->val1, __entry->val2)
#endif /* _TRACE_DMA_BUF_H */
/* This part must be outside protection */
#include <trace/define_trace.h>



#!/bin/bashadb root; adb remountlocal_path=$(date +%F_%H%M%S)
#pid=$(adb shell ps | grep camera.provider | awk '{print $2}')
pid_app=$(adb shell ps | grep com.android.camera | awk '{print $2}')
pid_server=$(adb shell ps | grep -Eia "cameraserver$" | awk '{print $2}')
pid_provider=$(adb shell ps | grep camera.provider | awk '{print $2}')pid_allocate=$(adb shell ps | grep vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator-service | awk '{print $2}')
pid_hidl=$(adb shell ps | grep android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service | awk '{print $2}')mkdir $local_pathecho "Begin to catch perf data..."
if [ ! -n "$1" ] ;thenadb shell "simpleperf record -e camera:cam_log_event,dma_buf:dmabuf_alloc -p $pid_app,$pid_server,$pid_provider,$pid_allocate,$pid_hidl --call-graph dwarf --duration 20 -o /data/local/tmp/perf.data"
elseadb shell "simpleperf record -e camera:cam_log_event,dma_buf:dmabuf_alloc -p $pid,$pid_server,$pid_provider,$pid_allocate,$pid_hidl --call-graph dwarf --duration $1 -o /data/local/tmp/perf.data"
echo "Complete"adb shell "simpleperf report -i /data/local/tmp/perf.data" > $local_path/perf.txt
adb shell "simpleperf report -i /data/local/tmp/perf.data -g --full-callgraph" > $local_path/perf_callgraph.txtadb pull /data/local/tmp/perf.data $local_pathpython3 scripts/report_sample.py  $local_path/perf.data  --show_tracing_data > $local_path/perf_trace_report.txt





搜索inode “348915”找到:

HwBinder:30618_ 31356 [006] 1876.000000: 1 dma_buf:dmabuf_alloc:

ffffffe8c67a714c dma_heap_buffer_alloc ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c67a714a dma_heap_buffer_alloc ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c67a798a dma_heap_ioctl ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c5f88dda __arm64_sys_ioctl ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c5a8a4d6 el0_svc_common ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c725e272 el0_svc ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c725e1e6 el0_sync_handler ([kernel.kallsyms])

ffffffe8c5a120be el0_sync ([kernel.kallsyms])

7c7fe1dc0c __ioctl (/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so)

7c7fdd784c ioctl (/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so)

796f39b020 BufferAllocator::DmabufAlloc(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long) (/apex/com.android.vndk.v31/lib64/libdmabufhe

796f39b26c BufferAllocator::Alloc(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned long) (/apex/com.android.vnd

796f39e1bc DmabufHeapAlloc (/apex/com.android.vndk.v31/lib64/libdmabufheap.so)

796b8ce17c rpcmem_alloc_internal (/vendor/lib64/libcdsprpc.so)

796b8cc628 apps_mem_request_map64 (/vendor/lib64/libcdsprpc.so)

796b8cce9c apps_mem_skel_invoke.cfi (/vendor/lib64/libcdsprpc.so)

796b8c46c0 listener_start_thread.cfi (/vendor/lib64/libcdsprpc.so)

7c7fe329a4 __pthread_start(void*) (/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so)

tracing data:

common_type : 693

common_flags : 0

common_preempt_count : 1

common_pid : 31356

string1 : system

string2 : system

val1 : 4096

val2 : 348915



Android 中 gralloc buffer和image buffer底层都是基于 dma_buf来实现的。





// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
cc_library {srcs: ["BufferAllocator.cpp","BufferAllocatorWrapper.cpp",],name: "libdmabufheap",vendor_available: true,vndk: {enabled: true,support_system_process: true,},// Added because codec2 is double_loadable.// See b/147147883, b/147147992double_loadable:true,apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform","//apex_available:anyapex",],min_sdk_version: "29",cflags: ["-Wall","-Werror",],local_include_dirs: ["include",],export_include_dirs: ["include",],static_libs: ["libbase","libion","libutils",],shared_libs: ["libcutils","liblog",],export_static_lib_headers: ["libbase","libion",],


/** Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/
#include <BufferAllocator/BufferAllocator.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ion/ion.h>
#include <linux/dma-buf.h>
#include <linux/dma-heap.h>
#include <linux/ion_4.12.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <cutils/trace.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
static constexpr char kDmaHeapRoot[] = "/dev/dma_heap/";
static constexpr char kIonDevice[] = "/dev/ion";
static constexpr char kIonSystemHeapName[] = "ion_system_heap";
void BufferAllocator::LogInterface(const std::string& interface) {if (!logged_interface_) {LOG(INFO) << "Using : " << interface;logged_interface_ = true;}
int BufferAllocator::OpenDmabufHeap(const std::string& heap_name) {std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> slock(dmabuf_heap_fd_mutex_);/* Check if heap has already been opened. */auto it = dmabuf_heap_fds_.find(heap_name);if (it != dmabuf_heap_fds_.end())return it->second;slock.unlock();/** Heap device needs to be opened, use a unique_lock since dmabuf_heap_fd_* needs to be modified.*/std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> ulock(dmabuf_heap_fd_mutex_);/** Check if we already opened this heap again to prevent racing threads from* opening the heap device multiple times.*/it = dmabuf_heap_fds_.find(heap_name);if (it != dmabuf_heap_fds_.end()) return it->second;std::string heap_path = kDmaHeapRoot + heap_name;int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(heap_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));if (fd < 0) return -errno;LOG(INFO) << "Using DMA-BUF heap named: " << heap_name;auto ret = dmabuf_heap_fds_.insert({heap_name, android::base::unique_fd(fd)});CHECK(ret.second);return fd;
void BufferAllocator::QueryIonHeaps() {uses_legacy_ion_iface_ = ion_is_legacy(ion_fd_);if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) {LogInterface("Legacy ion heaps");MapNameToIonMask(kDmabufSystemHeapName, ION_HEAP_SYSTEM_MASK, ION_FLAG_CACHED);MapNameToIonMask(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, ION_HEAP_SYSTEM_MASK);return;}int heap_count;int ret = ion_query_heap_cnt(ion_fd_, &heap_count);if (ret == 0) {ion_heap_info_.resize(heap_count, {});ret = ion_query_get_heaps(ion_fd_, heap_count, ion_heap_info_.data());}// Abort if heap query failsCHECK(ret == 0)<< "Non-legacy ION implementation must support heap information queries";LogInterface("Non-legacy ION heaps");/** No error checking here, it is possible that devices may have used another name for* the ion system heap.*/MapNameToIonName(kDmabufSystemHeapName, kIonSystemHeapName, ION_FLAG_CACHED);MapNameToIonName(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, kIonSystemHeapName);
BufferAllocator::BufferAllocator() {ion_fd_.reset(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(kIonDevice, O_RDONLY| O_CLOEXEC)));if (ion_fd_ >= 0)QueryIonHeaps();
int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonMask(const std::string& heap_name, unsigned int ion_heap_mask,unsigned int ion_heap_flags) {if (!ion_heap_mask)return -EINVAL;IonHeapConfig heap_config = { ion_heap_mask, ion_heap_flags };std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_);heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config;return 0;
int BufferAllocator::GetIonHeapIdByName(const std::string& heap_name, unsigned int* heap_id) {for (auto& it : ion_heap_info_) {if (heap_name == it.name) {*heap_id = it.heap_id;return 0;}}LOG(ERROR) << "No ion heap of name " << heap_name << " exists";return -EINVAL;
int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonName(const std::string& heap_name,const std::string& ion_heap_name,unsigned int ion_heap_flags) {unsigned int ion_heap_id = 0;auto ret = GetIonHeapIdByName(ion_heap_name, &ion_heap_id);if (ret < 0)return ret;unsigned int ion_heap_mask = 1 << ion_heap_id;IonHeapConfig heap_config = { ion_heap_mask, ion_heap_flags };std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_);heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config;return 0;
int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonHeap(const std::string& heap_name,const std::string& ion_heap_name,unsigned int ion_heap_flags,unsigned int legacy_ion_heap_mask,unsigned int legacy_ion_heap_flags) {/* if the DMA-BUF Heap exists, we can ignore ion mappings */int ret = OpenDmabufHeap(heap_name);if (ret >= 0)return 0;/* If ION support is not detected, ignore the mappings */if (ion_fd_ < 0) return 0;if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_ || ion_heap_name == "") {ret = MapNameToIonMask(heap_name, legacy_ion_heap_mask, legacy_ion_heap_flags);} else if (!ion_heap_name.empty()) {ret = MapNameToIonName(heap_name, ion_heap_name, ion_heap_flags);}return ret;
int BufferAllocator::GetIonConfig(const std::string& heap_name, IonHeapConfig& heap_config) {int ret = 0;std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> slock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_);auto it = heap_name_to_config_.find(heap_name);if (it != heap_name_to_config_.end()) {heap_config = it->second;return ret;}slock.unlock();if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) {ret = -EINVAL;} else {unsigned int heap_id;ret = GetIonHeapIdByName(heap_name, &heap_id);if (ret == 0) {heap_config.mask = 1 << heap_id;heap_config.flags = 0;/* save it so that this lookup does not need to happen again */std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_);heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config;}}if (ret)LOG(ERROR) << "No ion heap of name " << heap_name << " exists";return ret;
int BufferAllocator::DmabufAlloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len) {int fd = OpenDmabufHeap(heap_name);if (fd < 0) return fd;struct dma_heap_allocation_data heap_data{.len = len,  // length of data to be allocated in bytes.fd_flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC,  // permissions for the memory to be allocated};auto ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(fd, DMA_HEAP_IOCTL_ALLOC, &heap_data));if (ret < 0) {PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate from DMA-BUF heap: " << heap_name;return ret;}return heap_data.fd;
int BufferAllocator::IonAlloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len,unsigned int heap_flags, size_t legacy_align) {IonHeapConfig heap_config;auto ret = GetIonConfig(heap_name, heap_config);if (ret)return ret;int alloc_fd = -1;unsigned int flags = heap_config.flags | heap_flags;ret = ion_alloc_fd(ion_fd_, len, legacy_align, heap_config.mask, flags, &alloc_fd);if (ret) {PLOG(ERROR) << "allocation fails for ion heap with mask: " << heap_config.mask<< " and flags: " << flags;return ret;}return alloc_fd;
#define TRACE_MARKER_PATH "/sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker"
void trace_kernel_buffer(const char *fmt, ...)
{char buf[PAGE_SIZE];va_list ap;static int fd = -1;ssize_t len, ret;if (fd < 0) {fd = open(TRACE_MARKER_PATH, O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC);if (fd < 0) {return;}}va_start(ap, fmt);vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);va_end(ap);len = strlen(buf);ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, buf, len));if (ret < 0) {if (errno != EBADF) {close(fd);fd = -1;}return;}
int BufferAllocator::Alloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len,unsigned int heap_flags, size_t legacy_align) {int fd = DmabufAlloc(heap_name, len);if (fd < 0)fd = IonAlloc(heap_name, len, heap_flags, legacy_align);struct stat statbuf;char trace_name[128];fstat(fd, &statbuf);sprintf(trace_name,"BufferAllocator inode:%llu", statbuf.st_ino);
//    ATRACE_INT("BufferAllocator", statbuf.st_ino);ATRACE_BEGIN(trace_name);ATRACE_END();//trace_kernel_buffer(trace_name);return fd;
int BufferAllocator::AllocSystem(bool cpu_access_needed, size_t len, unsigned int heap_flags,size_t legacy_align) {if (!cpu_access_needed) {/** CPU does not need to access allocated buffer so we try to allocate in* the 'system-uncached' heap after querying for its existence.*/static bool uncached_dmabuf_system_heap_support = [this]() -> bool {auto dmabuf_heap_list = this->GetDmabufHeapList();return (dmabuf_heap_list.find(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName) != dmabuf_heap_list.end());}();if (uncached_dmabuf_system_heap_support)return DmabufAlloc(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, len);static bool uncached_ion_system_heap_support = [this]() -> bool {IonHeapConfig heap_config;auto ret = this->GetIonConfig(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, heap_config);return (ret == 0);}();if (uncached_ion_system_heap_support)return IonAlloc(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, len, heap_flags, legacy_align);}/** Either 1) CPU needs to access allocated buffer OR 2) CPU does not need to* access allocated buffer but the "system-uncached" heap is unsupported.*/return Alloc(kDmabufSystemHeapName, len, heap_flags, legacy_align);
int BufferAllocator::LegacyIonCpuSync(unsigned int dmabuf_fd,const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,void *legacy_ion_custom_data) {if (!legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom)return ion_sync_fd(ion_fd_, dmabuf_fd);// dup ion_fd_ so that we retain its ownership.int new_ion_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup(ion_fd_.get()));if (new_ion_fd < 0) {PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dup ion fd. error: " << new_ion_fd;return new_ion_fd;}int ret = legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom(new_ion_fd, dmabuf_fd, legacy_ion_custom_data);close(new_ion_fd);return ret;
int BufferAllocator::DoSync(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, bool start, SyncType sync_type,const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,void *legacy_ion_custom_data) {if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) {return LegacyIonCpuSync(dmabuf_fd, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,legacy_ion_custom_data);}struct dma_buf_sync sync = {.flags = (start ? DMA_BUF_SYNC_START : DMA_BUF_SYNC_END) |static_cast<uint64_t>(sync_type),};return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(dmabuf_fd, DMA_BUF_IOCTL_SYNC, &sync));
int BufferAllocator::CpuSyncStart(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, SyncType sync_type,const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,void *legacy_ion_custom_data) {int ret = DoSync(dmabuf_fd, true /* start */, sync_type, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,legacy_ion_custom_data);if (ret) PLOG(ERROR) << "CpuSyncStart() failure";return ret;
int BufferAllocator::CpuSyncEnd(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, SyncType sync_type,const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,void* legacy_ion_custom_data) {int ret = DoSync(dmabuf_fd, false /* start */, sync_type, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom,legacy_ion_custom_data);if (ret) PLOG(ERROR) << "CpuSyncEnd() failure";return ret;
std::unordered_set<std::string> BufferAllocator::GetDmabufHeapList() {std::unordered_set<std::string> heap_list;std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> dir(opendir(kDmaHeapRoot), closedir);if (dir) {struct dirent* dent;while ((dent = readdir(dir.get()))) {if (!strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dent->d_name, "..")) continue;heap_list.insert(dent->d_name);}}return heap_list;
bool BufferAllocator::CheckIonSupport() {static bool ion_support = (access(kIonDevice, R_OK) == 0);return ion_support;


adb wait-for-device
adb root
adb shell setenforce 0
adb shell "echo 0 > sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on"
adb shell setprop vendor.camera.sensor.logsystem 0
#adb shell perfetto --out /sdcard/camera_perf.perfetto-trace --app com.android.camera --buffer 300mb --time 5s sched freq idle ss am wm pm gfx view binder_driver hal dalvik camera video audio input res memory bionic
#adb shell perfetto --out /sdcard/camera_perf.perfetto-trace --buffer 100mb --time 5s sched freq idle ss am wm pm gfx view binder_driver hal dalvik camera input res memory bionic
cat perfetto_config.pbtx | adb shell "perfetto \-c - --txt \-o /sdcard/camera_perf.perfetto-trace"adb pull sdcard/camera_perf.perfetto-trace





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